This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 25 1 special NPC

Chapter 25 A Special NPC
Bei Gaoyang scanned the nightmare swamp filled with "demon energy", and sighed slightly.

The swamp is not big, just like a rotten abscess on the ground, with a large number of black bubbles on the surface, every bubble burst, it will emit a light black, sulfur smell, rich in the abyss magic.

This kind of magic power is harmful to normal creatures, unless he turns into a lich, Bei Gaoyang can't stay in this kind of place for too long.

What is more deadly than the "magic energy" is the ubiquitous spiritual pollution. There are faint rustling sounds in the air. If you listen carefully, you can hear someone talking in your ear, someone Laughing and joking, if your mind is moved by such voices, then you will hear your enemies, lovers, or relatives... In short, it is the person you can't let go of that is calling, talking, cursing, and provoking.

Those with weak minds will be captured by this "magic sound", and become irritable, sensitive, and irritable. After a long time, the "magic energy" will take advantage of the void and assimilate people into a part of the nightmare swamp.

And this is just the beginning.

The nightmare swamp is connected to the abyss. The abyss is the cemetery after the fall of the ancient gods. Under special conditions, the soul after death can be transformed into ghosts, ghosts, zombies, etc. The corpse after the fall of the gods will eventually turn into a huge reef .

The divinity is immortal. Although the will of the ancient gods disappears, the nostalgia and unwillingness to life that erupted when they fell, as well as the curse and hatred for the enemy, will be preserved in the immortal divinity.

In the end, the [Endless Abyss] formed by relying on each reef was formed in this way. For hundreds of millions of years, a hazy [Abyss Consciousness] that integrated the fallen consciousness and divinity of the ancient gods was born in ignorance.

The abyss is the cancer of the gods!
Magic comes from the abyss, and magicians are a subconscious act of [Abyss Consciousness] infiltrating sand into the gods, so the gods and the Holy See are wary of and suppressing magicians for a reason.

The formation of the abandoned wasteland is due to the influence of the aftermath of the war of gods. The spatial structure here is relatively fragile. The residual consciousness after the fall of the ancient gods has formed spiritual pollution and space gaps together with the abyss. The external performance is like this, like pustules. It is precisely because of this characteristic that the glory of the gods will not shine here, and it has become a famous place where filth is hidden.

For tens of thousands of years, countless "vicious" people have integrated into this nightmare swamp. In theory, this is also the ultimate home of magicians.

Originating from the abyss and returning to the abyss, it is like a kind of reincarnation.

If there is no Book of Canaan, Bei Gaoyang will also immerse himself in the swamp before he dies, transform himself into a lich with arcane magic (biological magic is a resistance to this belonging), and find a way to stay before his humanity and mind disappear. One's own "treasure", to lure future generations to "treasure hunt", to gain an extremely slim chance of resurrection.

Now he doesn't need it anymore, he seems to have found a way out of this cycle of belonging.

After thinking for a while with complicated emotions, he landed in front of a [Undead Lizard] whose flesh and blood had already rotted, and tapped its pale skull with his fingers.

[Undead Lizard] The rotten four-legged feet are walking on the swamp. The more you go in, the more serious the mental pollution is. In the trembling sounds like tinnitus and screaming, there are mixed sounds like crying, low sobbing, but indistinct. Unclear, like an unconscious murmur.

"This damn place..."

The great magician frowned, feeling a little overwhelmed.

With his mental resistance so high and so high, it's hard to imagine that there are still people who can persevere in such an environment.

"Little boy, Xiao Erlang, carry that schoolbag to school, not afraid of the sun or wind and rain..."

Bei Gaoyang's method of resistance is the memory and knowledge from another crystal wall system, which is beyond the reach of [Abyss Consciousness] and belongs to his soul alone.

I kept humming like this in my heart, and it really felt a lot better.

In this way, they searched in the black mist on the swamp, and finally found the 'island' in the swamp after half an hour.

[Undead Lizard] Climbed to the shore, and a bone frame stood up from the mud. Bei Gaoyang saluted it as a mage, and said, "I'm here to see Archmage Bayero."

The skeleton turned a deaf ear, adhering to the desire for life and flesh and blood, it launched an attack.

Bei Gaoyang frowned slightly and scattered it, and more densely packed skeletons crawled up from the mud.

A 【Shock Undead】, the ripples of magic power spread out like ripples, and the bones splashed all over the ground.

"Didn't hold on?"

Sighing in his heart, he rode [Undead Lizard] to a small wooden house in the center of the island.

"Squeak" pushed open the wooden door, and saw a skeleton sitting cross-legged in a huge and cumbersome magic circle. The mage robe on his body had decayed, and a large number of precious magic materials were corroded into balls and pieces by the magic energy. Burnt black stains.

"It's still too late!"

Out of respect for his predecessors, Bei Gaoyang saluted the skeleton, and then looked at the room where the [Space Maze Technique] was constantly used.

"It's a good place, and it can last for a long time."

Bei Gaoyang murmured to himself, and dispersed the bones of the senior Lich into powder with a wave of his hand.

It took two days to crack the [Space Maze Technique], and took this place for his own use.

It's a pity that this lich named Bayero didn't leave his "treasure", only found some materials that haven't been completely corroded.

Using these materials, a magic circle was set up, which would regularly send the skeletons on the island to the coordinates he specified.

Level 1-3 skeleton soldiers should be able to stand up to the end of the first test.

They clapped their hands, and finally paid tribute to the final belonging of a senior mage, and left this place.

Just when he was about to leave, he accidentally found a figure staggering in the devilish energy.

Uh, there are still people alive! ?
"Hey, wake up, wake up!"

This man was unshaven, and he was wearing an unprofessional night clothes with an unknown noble emblem on it. He was almost skinny. He stared blankly at the sky with a pair of big dull eyes, completely ignoring his savior.

"You're chasing power? The power of revenge!?"

Seeing this noble emblem, Bei Gaoyang had already figured out his origin.

There are too many such fools, thinking that they can get the power of the abyss from the swamp.

"I can understand that there is no way out, right? The bone-destroying hatred makes you give up everything, even if your soul falls into the eternal abyss?"

This person still didn't speak, as if he had no love in his life, as if he was already stupid.

"I think you can persist for so long in a place with such strong demonic energy. You must have good strength. Do you think this will work? Sell your soul to me, and I will promise you a request?"

"Who are you!?", the man said.

lingua franca?
Uh, the accent is a bit weird...

"It's not important!" Bei Gaoyang would not tell him his identity before signing the soul contract, "Do you have other choices?"

The man looked at the sky silently, and after a while he said, "Whatever request?"

Bei Gaoyang nodded with a smile.

Anyway, to him, the whole world is already an enemy, and besides, he wrote the contract, so there are many things he can do, so he won't be bound by a single request.

"Okay, I promise!"

A few minutes later, Bei Gaoyang signed the soul contract with him with a strange expression, and obtained his fourth NPC.

Hmm...a special NPC, a high-ranking paladin.

His name was Yaris Osterdimann.

That's right, the Osterdiman of the Osterdiman Empire.

(End of this chapter)

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