This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 26 It's Not Scientific

Chapter 26 It's Not Scientific
Speaking of the surname Osterdiman, there is a long story. Let me summarize it in brief language. The core of this story is that in the last battle of gods more than [-] years ago, "Wei Shu "Wu" is a tripartite confrontation. At that time, the alliance of human gods was not as strong as it is now. Although the dwarf gods are not any of the three legs of "Wei, Shu and Wu", they have a pivotal position and strength.

There was a human adventurer named Oster Diman, who somehow won the favor of the dwarf god. Through him, the Alliance of Human Gods successfully won the dwarf forces to their own camp, and then united with the "Wu Kingdom", that is, the elf royal court. In one fell swoop, he wiped out and exiled the [White Ghost] who had "tortured the earth and the living beings for thousands of years".

This adventurer named Osterdiman will be the future Osterdiman the Great. The empire he built is the Osterdiman Empire. In his empire, dwarves, elves, and humans coexist harmoniously. The Great God system formed the first three Holy Sees, unifying the order of Canaan that had been chaotic for tens of thousands of years.

Now the Osterdiman Empire, which symbolizes the coexistence of the three races, has collapsed, and the last highland dwarf principality, Oran, has survived in name only. ], the three major holy sees have changed their appearance, and all of them have been replaced by human gods.

"So you are Rentu with Thousand Faces (translation) Ramsviel!"

Yaris Osterdiman sighed after knowing Bei Gaoyang's name.

"What kind of massacre, slander, all slander!"

Bei Gaoyang refuted it righteously. He just often dissects the human body, but it's all for "science", for research. What's hateful is that the church and those foolish people don't realize the greatness and significance of this undertaking at all. What is so precious, it is abominable to give him such a code name.

Now that there is such a thing as "The Book of Canaan", I still don't know how to organize myself.

Yaris Osterdiman smiled, raised his head and poured the tenth bag of instant noodles into his stomach, and burped, his complexion improved a lot as far as the naked eye could see.

"Are they your newly invented undead race?"

Yaris Osterdiman wiped his mouth, looked at the players wandering around like locusts, and said thoughtfully.

This guy can really eat.

Bei Gaoyang felt sorry for the last bit of material left, followed his line of sight, and said with a look of relief and complacency: "How about it, isn't it good?"

"It's okay...I mean their intelligence."

"They? Haha, the sparrow knows the great ambitions, let's wait and see, you will be surprised soon."

"I am looking forward."

[System Announcement: The system will undergo maintenance and update in 1 hour, please return to the birth point and log off safely and orderly]

[System announcement: This offline update patch 2, the update content is: 1, the refresh point of the undead skeleton soldiers (level 1-3) is added. 2. New refresh point for corrupted zombies (level 3-6), 3. New monster elites in Xinshou Village: Skeleton Swordsman and Zombie General. 4. Newly added stores for daily and professional supplies. 5. Add another main thread NPC, Yaris Osterdiman.This update is expected 24 hours. 】

[The first test is halfway through, and more game content and functions will be released in subsequent versions. Thank you for your support, understanding and cooperation. 】

Earth, Yanjing.

The conference room of the Institute of Brain Science under the Academy of Sciences.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Ke Changsheng pushed open the door of the conference room, and the choking smoke blowing in his face made him cough.

This authority in the field of brain science and AI mechatronics is in poor health, and has not appeared in public for a long time. His health doctor stopped him from entering, and made everyone stare at the game helmet on the conference table, like The young and middle-aged big cows who wanted to stare at a flower woke up like a dream, and put out their cigarette butts one after another, asking the secretary of the meeting to open the window for ventilation.

It took a long time for the smoky meeting room to recover.

"Sit down, sit down!"

Ke Changsheng waved his hands from side to side kindly, and sat down in front of the round conference table.

"Is Xiao Lu here?"

Ke Lao asked into the microphone.

"Come on, here!"

A middle-aged man with thick glasses and a military look raised his hand and replied.

"Okay, let's get started."

Ke Lao didn't care about the helmet placed in the center of the conference table. The window was closed and the big screen was lit up, showing a picture of a laboratory.

In the picture, a young man is timidly fixed on an ergonomic engineering chair. Some researchers in white coats are "patching" various parts of his body, especially on his head. The poor young man has all his hair shaved. With a bald gourd, he looks like a small quail.

"This young man is a first-year student in the Department of Computer Science and Technology of China University of Science and Technology. He was pulled into an official game exchange group called "Canaan Online" seven days ago. He spent 98 yuan to order a game helmet, and logged in to this one four days ago. It is the game of the same name that claims to be "VR Holographic Virtual Reality".

There was a slight commotion in the conference room.

After the preparatory work on the screen was completed, the young man was covered with various sensor patches, and the game helmet appeared on the stage. The scientific research staff carefully took out the silver box like a bomb, and then put it on the young man.

The researcher said something, the young man tilted his head and performed a quick sleep.

The laboratory was suddenly busy, debugging various instruments, summarizing various values, all kinds of doubts and incomprehensible arguments... I woke up the young man several times in the middle, from the second of sleep to the second of waking up, the young man behaved like It's so smooth and natural when you open your eyes and close your eyes.

This may not be so novel in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of these scientists, it seems to have seen a miracle.

The current VR equipment, usually referred to as VR glasses, is not a simulation of visual signals, but the optical signals seen by the human eye are made into a pair of very bulky glasses. The real VR is replaced by electrical signals. Various nerve impulse signals of the human body, so as to realize the simulation of vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell on the level of "brain-computer interaction".

Only by simulating the five senses at the level of the brain can a virtual reality that exists in the brain and consciousness be created, which is also the origin of virtual reality (VR).

The current metaverse is based on this theory, but the concept is still being hyped, and it is far from being practical.

The results of the experiment were distributed to the masters, and there was a sound of paper flipping.

Ke already knew all the data of the experiment. He closed his eyes and rested his mind, quietly waiting for the conference room to quiet down.

" not scientific!" A bald Changjiang scholar said in disbelief, "The civil science is so powerful, what do we need?"

"Who said it's civil science?" Another young scholar, Dr. Hai Turtle, pushed his glasses and said.

"What else could it be? It can't be everyone here, right?"

The top talents in the field of brain-computer interaction in China are here.

There was silence for a while.

Ke Lao opened his eyes this time and said: "The existence is reasonable. Now we don't have to worry about how it is realized. Our task is to study it and come up with a responsible report."

As soon as the words fell, the big screen changed again, and suddenly it was the young man writing on the ground in the game.

I saw him write: "I am sober and feel very good, not much different from reality, or even better."

(End of this chapter)

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