This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 264 Import Tax

Chapter 264 Import Tax

"Is this... disconnected?"

Tie Jun took off his helmet, still a little dazed, what happened in the cave.

Just as he was wondering, the phone rang, and the caller ID made him quickly check that the doors and windows of the computer room were closed, and that the mischievous son hadn't barged in.

The phone is connected.

He didn't say his identity on the other end of the phone, but just asked him to prepare. Someone would pick it up in an hour, and asked him to find an excuse to report to his family. The time of this 'business trip' is uncertain.

'Business trip' is a hidden way of going on a mission. Both parents and wife understand it, and they began to tidy up and salute silently for him, but the three or four-year-old son was a little fussy.

Tie Jun cruelly left his warm little home and ran towards everyone in his ideal and mission.

A dusty red flag car picked him up. The driver didn't say a word the whole time, and Tie Jun didn't ask any more questions, so he went straight to the outskirts of the city.

"This is Base Zero!"

"You...are Professor Xue?"

"Well, it's me!"

One day later, in an old forest deep in the mountains, Tie Jun met Professor Xue, the team leader in the game, and other unknown white coats.

After a very cumbersome physical and psychological examination, and a strict 'sterilization and disinfection' procedure, they entered this hidden and heavily guarded base.

"Do you remember what happened next?"

"I don't remember... I don't have any memory at all."

"Do you remember those murals?"


Tie Jun tried his best to think back, and finally nodded blankly.

Professor Xue and the white coats whispered to each other, looking very disappointed.

What is a mural?
By the way, where did they end up?
Scientific expedition team, who are the scientific expedition team?

Tie Jun was horrified to discover that as time went by, his memory of that action became more and more blurred. This kind of blurring is very 'natural', as if the distance is too long, and the brain automatically remembers these unnecessary things. The memory was erased.

"Don't be afraid, if you can't remember it, you can't remember it. Most people are in the same situation as you."


"You're a veteran and you're being drafted, is there a problem?"

"no problem."

"Are there any difficulties at home?"

"No, I obey the arrangement"

"Very well, now I officially inform you that you are now a security officer in 'Project Zero', a special secret unit, you are a veteran, discipline does not need me to emphasize."


"Now let me take you to understand what Project Zero is."

This is a huge, secret base, and it is still being expanded. I don't know how big it is, or how many floors it has.

This is a secret base only seen in sci-fi movies. It uses a lot of advanced technology and equipment, many of which are unheard of by the outside world.

Tens of thousands of scientific researchers are conducting unknown research here. As for what to study, it is not very clear given the authority and position of the Iron Army.

There are all kinds of facilities here, factories, power plants, water plants, shops, shopping malls, movie theaters, sports venues, etc., are simply built as a doomsday base.

When the base is not necessary, there will be no contact or contact with the outside world. Even the air will only be discharged after strict quarantine and purification.

And all of this is just for a small building surrounded by the base.

When Tie Jun saw this building, it had been more than a week since he joined the building. It was his turn to be on duty after he went offline. Wearing a helmet mask and a silver jumpsuit, he took a transparent elevator and went down to the base In front of a completely transparent glass wall.

Behind the wall is a natural canyon with dense vegetation and an underground river running through it. The small building is located on a protruding stone foundation by the river. Many people live in the small building. Under the inspection of countless people, countless equipment and instruments, it is like the world of Truman in the movie.

"It creates a special environment inside."

In the intercom, someone explained to Tiejun.

"Some very special and confidential experiments are being carried out. Your duty is..."

While Tie Jun listened carefully, he saw a person coming out of a small building.

This person looks familiar, why does he look so much like a mage in the game?
What this person did next caught Tie Jun's attention.

With a wave of his hand, he waved out a large area of ​​colorful light spots. The light spots fell on the ground, and an inconspicuous grass began to grow visible to the naked eye. Within a few breaths, it grew into a flower. The small tree withered and withered in the next few seconds.

"This special environment is a magical environment, which is the magic power in the game."


"Remember that scientific expedition in the game?"

"……Can not remember."

"Who did you go with, and where did you go and don't remember?"


"Very well, let's get to work."

Tie Jun's mind was in a mess, and he couldn't distinguish the boundary between reality and the game. After work, he returned to his dormitory and waited blankly for the time to go online.

Now it is no longer a matter for him to log in to the game alone. There is a special working group to cooperate with him. He first went to the special computer room to conduct various inspections and records, and then he lay down in the game cabin and fell asleep under the eyes of everyone.

Appearing at the place where he went offline last time, his teammates had already arrived and were chatting together.

"Have you heard that the fourth test is almost over?"


"Is the file deleted for the fifth test? Canaan Company didn't even give a confirmation letter, and the offline discussions went crazy."

"It shouldn't be deleted."

"Certainly not. Do you know how huge the current level, equipment, experience, and money are? Erase them all at once, and the Canaan Company will not be drowned by saliva?"

"Not only the saliva, but also the heart to kill it."


"But I want to change my profession, you cheating warrior, I want to play a magician"

"Should it be possible to change the race occupation?"

"How to change without deleting files?"

"I don't know that."

"The old iron is here, work, work."

These are ordinary players, and they are not high-level players. Their operations and equipment are very common. Among them, Tie Jun is already considered a master, and they are hugged by them as their thighs.

Smiled and chatted with teammates, and then plunged into the tense and boring monster killing and leveling.

The higher the level, the fewer monsters.

This is a common problem in the game. There are not many suitable spots for spawning monsters above level 20. Every time you find one, it will attract a large number of players. This place is refreshed with a level 23 demonized dryad. There were no people yesterday, but today there are practice monsters everywhere. level squad.

Guarding a refresh point, a demonized dryad rumbled out of the mud pit where it was refreshed. Tie Jun took the lead to meet it, resisting the monster's damage, and waited for his teammates to find a suitable output position.

This brush is 5 hours.

In 5 hours, I only gained one-tenth of the experience of level 22, and I didn't lose a single hair. During the break, a teammate worried that he didn't have enough money to buy potions and repair equipment.

"Fuck, the rich are really rich, and the poor are poor. When I first went online, I saw people selling a complete set of green clothes on the World Channel. A complete set of green clothes. Damn, they are all playing games. Why do we play more and more? poorer?


"It must be a system bug! Or there is an internal relationship"

"Yes, a complete set of green clothes, how come?"

"I heard it was done."

"Fuck, there must be a ghost, I have never seen a suit and can make it as a set."

"I don't know how much I can sell it for..."

"I don't want a complete set, just give me an ordinary green outfit. After selling it, I can buy potions to repair equipment. If this continues, there will be nothing left."

"Hey, let's go digging"

"I said nothing should be absent from work, and I have never been so tired in reality."

Amidst the complaints from teammates, the team returned to the safe area for supplies. As soon as they walked out of the teleportation array, they saw many people gathered in front of a shop, full of voices.

"Liar, liar, get out of here quickly, and pay back my hard-earned money!"

"It's a lot of experience for someone to cheat with a suit."

"Scary, no matter how the equipment is cheated, it has attributes."

"The attributes of the suit need to be unlocked. I didn't pay attention to it when I traded. I only found out when I was equipped. It said that I needed to pay taxes..."


"What's the 'import tax'?"

"What do you mean by import tax?"

"That is to say, this suit was 'smuggled' in from outside..."

"Fuck, can this be?"

Tie Jun and the others went to watch, and saw a player who looked like a businessman hiding in an NPC shop and dared not come out. Outside, a player who was said to be cheated was blocking the door with someone, yelling at him.

"It turned out to be a liar. I said it. Why is the green suit so bad." The teammate who was still envious just now said happily, "I was still wondering. Fortunately, I don't have any money with me, or I would have been cheated."

"What do you mean by smuggling?" another teammate asked.

"Do you know the vulnerability that was fixed some time ago?"

"You mean, buy goods at low prices from the neutral camp and sell them at high prices?"

"Well, someone bought a batch of high-grade materials from the neutral camp at a low price, and made them into equipment..."

"Who, who is this, such a genius, why didn't I think of it?"

"It's too late now, and the loopholes have been plugged long ago. Even if it was repaired before, the 'import tax' will be finished once it comes out."

"Then they still sell it?"

"Many people don't know it yet, and it's sold so cheaply, so it's a big loss to be greedy for petty gains."

Nothing to do with himself, Tie Jun watched the excitement for a while, then left.

But that's not the case on the other side.

"Xiaoyu, that guy threatened me again, what should I do!"

Xia Miaomiao was about to cry, and accidentally became a "smuggling" criminal, the source of a series of "suit fraud incidents", and the sky-high "tax payment" made the huge profits gained before risked to be vomited out. If you don't do it well, you will lose money.

"The tailor? Wang Daoyi?"

"Who else could it be? The equipment has a creator's ID. That guy's shop has been blocked, threatening to confess us if I don't show up."

Du Shiyu calmed down a lot, "We didn't lie to them, let's just forget about the ones sold before the import tax came out. The relationship between small bridges and flowing water is not bad for money. It is very easy to communicate. We will refund them as much as the tax is paid. It's over."

"Yes, but we also sold a lot to other people."

"But when it was sold, it was already stated that there would be a tax payment. They were the ones who took things and bluffed, and they didn't care about our business."

"That's right, that's what I told that bastard, but he can't do business, so he wants to drag us into the water!"

"Whatever he wants, anyway, we didn't lie to anyone."

"Then... ignore him?"

"Otherwise what else can we do?"

While talking, Fan Chaoyue also went online.

As soon as I went online, I asked the two of them what to do anxiously. A famous paparazzi in the offline world somehow found out about this and threatened her to reveal that she was a liar in the game...

Compared with the two of them, Fan Chaoyue was even more anxious, saying, why don't we refund the money.

"Money back!" Xia Miaomiao frowned at the mention of this, "What money will you get back? We didn't cheat you, so what money will you get back? No money, not a dime."

"But I can't get involved with this kind of thing!" Fan Chaoyue was about to cry.

Du Shiyu couldn't figure it out, how did the real paparazzi know that Fan Chaoyue was also involved in this matter, so he asked her if she had told anyone else?
Only then did Fan Chaoyue confess with a sad face that he had told a friend in reality, but he didn't expect her to have such a big mouth, which made me miserable.

"You can't recognize it in the game, and you can't afford it even if you have money. In have to figure out a way for yourself, you're just a paparazzi." Xia Miaomiao said firmly.

"You can't recognize it in reality!" Du Shiyu recalled the famous virtual property ownership lawsuit that was still going on, and told the two of her worries, "If those players who are deceived are like the one in Province K I don’t know, what should we do if we are sued?”

Having said that, Xia Miaomiao was frightened, not to mention Fan Chaoyue, this was what she was most worried about.

"I can't admit it, I must never admit it, whoever is cheating will go to him, Miao Miao, you should explain it to that Wang Daoyi tailor, be more confident, and we are not cheating, this matter has nothing to do with us No!"

Xia Miaomiao nodded desperately, as long as she didn't lose money, everything would be fine.

"It's more troublesome to surpass you. I wonder if you can quietly smooth this matter through your agent or your family relationship? The paparazzi threatened you for money, right? That's not extortion? "

"That bastard wouldn't make such a low-level mistake. Things are very complicated here. Xue Wu, can you guarantee that nothing will happen in the game? If it's smooth in the game, I'll figure out a way in reality."

"it should be OK"

"Okay..." Fan Chaoyue calmed down a bit, "I regret Xue Wu, I shouldn't have mixed in at the beginning."

Du Shiyu wanted to say that she also regretted it, her best friend was as unreliable as ever, and all the good things she said would have an unexpected appearance, and this time was no exception.

The last time I was throwing money in Xinshou Village, there was a big storm, and I was fleshed out once. If it is exposed again this time, it will not be so easy to pass the test.

Just look at the lawsuit that is still being fought now. It is true that the public is right and the mother is right. On TV, the legal experts and the senior lawyers debate all day long. Now many players are beginning to feel that the killing equipment is not standing. Live it.

What is this called.

(End of this chapter)

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