This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 265 Huge Transaction

Chapter 265 Huge Transaction
Going online at night, Brother Ruoran smiled and told what happened today.

Hu Xinmin: "Can you still do this? Why are you so supportive of you?"

Brother Ruoran: "Of course, there are not many players in total. Besides, I donated hundreds of thousands, that's hundreds of thousands!"

Zhang Miao: "It shouldn't be the reason. Officials only care about promotion. If you can get him promoted, he can confess you. An inexplicable court summons is nothing, and some are just excuses."

Hu Xinmin: "How can Lao Nie get them promoted?"

Zhang Miao: "It's fine if it's possible. I heard that there were many things more extreme than this in the early investment promotion meeting, and they are not wanted."

Hu Xinmin: "Oh, so a small place also has its advantages. We can't do it anymore. We can only go to the court to report honestly."

Brother Ruoran: "Are you really going?"

Hu Xinmin: "Well, when we got off the plane in Province K, we encountered hailstones. It's really bad luck to still have hailstones in June."

Zhang Miao: "Stop it, stop it, daddy and Tank are here. "

Before anyone arrived, a wild laughter came in first.

"Dangdangdang~~Tiezi, long time no see!"

It wasn't an ordinary tank that kicked open the door, strode in and hugged Zhang Miao, slapped him on the back twice, and almost didn't seriously injure the 21st-level mage.

Brother Ruoran pushed away the barbarian in heavy armor who rushed over, and said with a sinister face: "It's been a long time, are you silly with joy!?"

"Haha...don't care about these details, isn't there a saying that a day is like three autumns?" He said and opened his arms to Hu Xinmin.

"Stop messing around, we have business today!"

The body of the archer is not much thicker than that of the mage, Hu Xinmin slid away and stood behind the table and shouted.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about business, let's talk about business!", the not-so-normal tank rubbed his hands excitedly and sat down.

The last one to come in was one person and one wolf, so the professional baby daddy decided a lot, nodded to Zhang Miao and the three, and found a seat to sit down.

The five people got together again, chatted and laughed a few words, Zhang Miao coughed, and said: "Today, a big boss introduced by an acquaintance, the kind that is not short of money, if you are interested, you should be able to give a suitable price. "

"Soldier?", not your average tank asked.

"A fighter at level 23, the first test player." Zhang Miao replied.

Not half of the tanks whistled, "Haha, the first testers", and then said: "There are only about a hundred first testers. I heard that they are all dicks, and they have the strength to eat our things?"

"Who are you talking about, who are you talking about, don't you deserve a beating?" Brother Ruoran yelled.

"Slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue!" Not half of the tanks raised their hands in a gesture of surrender, "I forgot that there are only three players sitting here for the first test, haha... Seriously, do they have this strength? Our products are not ordinary top-quality products, but complete sets Yes, there is no such thing on the market.”

Brother Ruoran said with a sour tone: "It should be no problem, she has made a fortune, and I heard that she even dated a wealthy lady with a net worth of tens of billions, from Xiangjiang."

Not an ordinary tank: "Xiangjiang's ten billion rich lady? She must not look good, or she will be forty or fifty years old."

Brother Ruoran: "She is as beautiful as a movie star. She was on the financial news last year. She is the number one heir and ranks 87th on the list of China's richest women. Are you 26 or 27?" Asking with Zhang Miao's eyes.

Zhang Miao coughed, "Why gossip like this? If you have this strength, you can get it."

It's not an ordinary tank: "Fuck, why can't I come across such a good thing? Ah... no, isn't this a soft meal?"

"What are you talking about, what are you talking about?" The professional dad who had been silent all this time winked wildly.

"What's the matter, isn't this eating soft rice... Hey, who are you, how did you come in?"

Only then did the three of Zhang Miao realize that someone was coming, and hurriedly got up to look. It was the big boss and the agency who were suspected of being soft food.

"Haha... Xiao Er, Lao Biao, Ruoran brother, you guys are famous, and now all the players know you, how is it, has the trouble been solved?"

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, the big boss kept his face dark and silent, the intermediary stood up to liven up the atmosphere.

The three of Zhang Miao wished to beat this undisguised barbarian to death, and hurriedly followed the agent's words and laughed a few times, and politely invited the big boss to come in and take a seat.

If people can eat such a soft meal, others can’t. Although the appearance of the game can’t be taken seriously, there is no difference between online and offline temperament and self-cultivation. Some people sit no matter where they are dressed. The beggar costume also gives people a different and extraordinary look. Even if some people are born to be savages, they have changed the superficial appearance of dicks and nouveau riche.

It is needless to say who the two refer to.

Continuing with the previous conversation.

It's not an ordinary tank: "I'm afraid, what can the court do to me? Is it possible to enter the game and confiscate the equipment, or let Canaan Company modify the game data? If Canaan Company dares to do it, then he will not The door is open, what the hell are you playing, come back and roast sweet potatoes, and then you will see if the majority of players will agree?"

"You're serious, you're guilty, aren't you?" the big boss answered in a cool tone.

"Guilty, I have a guilty conscience? Ha, I..." He looked eager to do something to prove that he was not guilty.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, who are these?" Zhang Miao quickly stepped in to smooth things over.

The intermediary quickly said, this is so-and-so from a certain accounting firm in Xiangjiang, this is the account manager of a certain bank, and this is a specially hired appraiser of a certain institution.

"Let's start?", Ruanfan Wang...ah, no, the big boss got a little impatient, and urged to get to the point.

"Okay, okay..." Brother Ruoran repeatedly agreed, and before he knew it, he felt that he was a little shorter than the other party. It was all due to this damn barbarian, so he shouldn't be called, "Xiao Er?"

"Uh, wait a minute!"

Zhang Miao entered the state of setting up a stall, and set a price of 999999, an impossible transaction, for pieces of equipment and props that could blind people's eyes, so that the big boss and the people he brought could look at them casually.

Hat, armor top, armor bottom, wristband, shoes, left hand ring, right hand ring, necklace, amulet, one-handed shield, one-handed sword, a total of 11 pieces of equipment, 10 pieces are blue, that is, the basic attribute 3+ 2. The ultimate product with double special effects and special effects. The special effects and special effects are not duplicated. They are all very good things for you, whether it is PK or spawning monsters.

The shield is purple, with a score of 4100, not to mention the special effects and special effects. At that time, Tarzan the Ape used this shield to force the five people to attack in turn. It also had two purple rare attribute entries. ], equipment load -80%, originally up to 38 points of load, with this attribute, it becomes as light as nothing. No need to fix it.

The first rare entry allows a fragile body like a mage to pick it up and use it normally, not to mention how abnormal the effect is, the second rare entry extends the life of this equipment, level 20 equipment, There is nothing wrong with using it at level 30, even after the second turn, it is impossible for the equipment to exceed its basic attributes casually, so it can be used at level 40?
11 pieces of equipment, the only pity is not the set...

But if such a perverted thing is still a set, it will really destroy the balance of the game. I don’t know how that guy Tarzan got it. I haven’t heard that the player can make a blue suit. Boss drops?I've never heard of it... Is it really taking advantage of system loopholes, like the 'import tax' that has been making a lot of noise recently?
"Have you heard that there will be major changes in the fifth test, especially in terms of equipment."

Looking at these top-level equipment at this stage, the guest room was silent for a while, and the appraiser brought by the big boss suddenly started talking.

"Equipment changes, what changes?" Barbarian asked, not just an ordinary tank.

"I heard that special effects and special effects will be cancelled..."

"Bullshit!", the barbarian sneered, "Just bargain the price, why spread rumors? If we are stupid, cancel the special effects, what is left of the current equipment?"

The appraiser smiled slightly and ignored him, but said to his employer, "My suggestion is that there is a risk of five tests ahead, and it is not recommended to buy these powerful game items at this time."

"Fuck, are you done yet?"

"Tank, don't say a few words!", Zhang Miao didn't care what the appraiser said, the price was lowered, whoever believed it was a fool, anyway, things were so easy to sell. Appears to be passive.

The big boss is hesitating.

Things are good things, but...

"Is this shield sold alone?" Finally, the boss pointed to the best purple shield and asked.

"It's not just for sale! It was agreed at the beginning!" Manzi snapped back rudely.

"I'll pay a high price!", the big boss still didn't give up.

"The sky-high price is useless, sell it as a set!"

The big boss still wanted to say something, but the accountant who brought him touched his shoulder and whispered something to him.

"How about it, 8 million will be packed and taken away, do you want to give me a good word." Manzi was anxious.

The big boss didn't say a word, but the appraiser said, "We can offer up to 4800 million. For a single shield, 2000 million!"

"What are you doing, wasting my time!" Manzi stood up and bared his teeth at Zhang Miao, "Is this what you say you have strength? Cut!"

Zhang Miao didn't bother to talk to him, and said to the big boss, "8000 million is the base price we negotiated. There is really no way to lower it. This price is not too expensive. We ask for 6000 million yuan to trade, and the remaining 2000 million is in gold coins. According to the current exchange rate, it is 185 gold... If you can’t make it, don’t force it, and if you can’t make a deal, it’s benevolent, why don’t you go back and think about it?”

"Yes, you go back and think about it, oh, yes, Xiao Er, the Youdao family's Dubu Tianxia just fell in love with me, it seems that he is interested in eating..."

Zhang Miao seemed to jump up and cover this guy's mouth.

This is 6000 million plus 185 gold. Except for institutions and the really rich, who can easily take it out, even if they have a net worth of billions or tens of billions, if you ask him to immediately take out nearly [-] million in cash, it has to be divided into various situations, right?

Things are good things, but they have a price but no market. There is no precedent, so there is no convincing valuation. Is it possible for anyone to get involved?

Moreover, it is not good for you to mention anyone, but you are the only one in the world. That guy used to be a white-collar worker. Even if he is well-off, he is not the master who can eat these 11 pieces of equipment!

Besides, the guy Taishan the Ape used to belong to the Youdao family, maybe there is something wrong with it, why are we so anxious to sell it, isn't it because of the lawsuit offline?

Sure enough, the person on the other side relaxed a lot when he heard the crappy words. The big boss was hesitant, but he became more certain after hearing what he said, "8000 million is indeed too much. It's not that the things are not worth the price, but all understand that there are legal risks..."

"It's because of such troubles that we sell it at a low price!" Zhang Miao snapped back without any politeness.

"We're thinking about it, thinking about it!" The chicken thief's appraiser pulled the boss up, as if he was about to leave.

Manzi was extremely disappointed when he saw this, and he wanted to say something, but the professional nanny pinched him secretly and stopped him from talking.

"Then think about it, but we can't just wait, please understand."

The big boss hesitated at Zhang Miao's words, as if reluctant to leave.

The 11 pieces of dazzling equipment on the booth are very attractive, especially for such top fighter players.

This is still the case when the warrior profession is becoming more and more unpopular. If it is changed to a thief, a mage, or a barbarian or a bard, it really won't be his turn.

"Up to 6000 million!" The big boss finally said with gritted teeth.

Zhang Miao was very disappointed, this guy is indeed a softie, he lacks confidence, it seems that he really found the wrong person this time.

He glanced at the intermediary secretly reproachfully, and said politely: "Then let's think about it!"

This is already a tactful refusal, and the two sides save face so that they can meet each other later.

But there was someone with extremely low EQ, "Think about it, 8000 million less will not work." Manzi jumped up and yelled regardless of the obstruction, which made both parties very embarrassed.

In the end, these people were sent away, and when they came back, the barbarian was still yelling, saying that the little boy who eats soft food is unreliable, saying that he can find a big boss who is really not bad for money, etc.

"I'm serious, Dubu Tianxia really fucked me. I fucked several times. He said that he didn't buy it, but a big boss he knew..."

The professional dad who had been silent all this time became angry, jumped up and pointed at his nose and cursed: "Are you really stupid or fake? That is the Youdao family, the one where Tarzan the Ape stayed before."

"What's the matter?" Manzi still couldn't find the status.

The professional dad put his hand on his forehead, looking defeated.

"Aren't you afraid of him playing Immortal Dance and colluding with Tarzan the Ape? Even if you're not afraid in the game, what about offline? Do you think our troubles are not big enough?" Hu Xinmin said simply.

"Is that so..." Manzi scratched his head for a moment, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Wait a minute!" Zhang Miao suddenly called out to everyone, "He missed me, agreed, 8000 million!"

Not Your Ordinary Tank: "Who, Who?"

"Who else!" Hu Xinmin jumped up excitedly, "Are you sure?"

Zhang Miao smiled brightly, "Well, it seems that I went to the rich woman for advice."

"Fuck, 8, 8, 8000 million?" The professional dad couldn't believe it.

Only Manzi was not on the same channel as the others, and said in a sour tone, "Fuck, this rich woman is really rich..."

(End of this chapter)

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