This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 266 Strange Research

Chapter 266 Strange Research
An extremely obese worm, crawling in and out of corpses everywhere, flesh and soul are the worm's favorite food, the worse the death, the more painful and unwilling the death, the better the "taste" The more conducive to their growth and development.

Not long after, the worm began to shed its skin, shedding a layer of gluey, sticky, disgusting stuff, and crawled out a fat, pink, almost transparent worm.

Its size is bigger and it looks very 'cute', and the worms around it are several times smaller than it, just like the tadpole larvae of a bullfrog swimming among a group of ordinary frog larvae.

It can be seen that the small worms are extremely afraid of it, and it also shows the side of a predator. The energy on the corpse can no longer satisfy its appetite, and it begins to put the main source of 'nutrition' on these similar bodies.

Abyss worms are all transformed from the fallen soul.

It was like maggots born from a rotting corpse, densely packed everywhere.

They are responsible for cleaning the abyss, and the corpse of a behemoth behemoth will be eaten by them before long, leaving only a pair of pale giant bones.

This is the unique reincarnation method of the abyss, and it is also a completely closed and effective ecological evolution chain.

Fat worms seem to be slow, but in fact they are extremely fast. Few of the same kind that it targets can escape its hunting. With such constant devouring and devouring, one day, the skin of this worm begins to dry up. And fission, from the powdery almost transparent texture to the kind of cracking and dry hard like old pine bark.

Its movements also became extremely slow, and it took a long time to see it move.

Soon after, it found a crevice in a giant skeleton as a nest, where it began to molt for the last time.

Take off the hard, cracked skin, and what crawls out is not a worm, but a dwarf with complete arms and legs.

This dwarf is an imp.

Newborn imps are actually cute to look at, which means when they close their eyes and stand still, but when they open their scarlet eyes and crack a mouth full of dagger-like teeth, the eyes reveal pure evil and evil. Bloodthirsty, spitting out snake letters with split ends, it's not cute at all.

Kind of like a ghost baby Hanako.

Bei Gaoyang observed the 'experimental field', and a total of hundreds of little devils were born.

He made detailed records, and the little devil he observed went through the ignorance at birth, and the instinct of survival drove it to escape from the place where it was born, found a deep crack in the earth, went into the depths full of sulfurous smoke, and disappeared not see.

"What are you documenting, what do these ugly bugs have to document?"

"Uh, you're awake, how did you sleep last night?"

"……You're really gross!"

"I've prepared breakfast for you, go and enjoy it while it's still quiet"

"What on earth are you going to do?"

"I won't be able to tell for a while, good boy, go quickly."

Bei Gaoyang's eyes lingered on the graceful waist of the Angel of Fallen Light for a while, then turned his eyes back and continued with the previous work.

In another 'experimental field', a little devil in the crack was howling in pain. His body was swollen and his skin began to fester and pus. He roared loudly and finally fell into a puddle of pus.

Gudonggudong, his body melted and turned into a viscous puddle with large bubbles and large bubbles. A bit of flocculent substance grew and developed in it, gradually developing into a cocoon.

After the meat cocoon absorbed all the nutrients in the sewage pit, the sewage pit became dry, and a huge meat cocoon hung in the criss-crossing meat membrane. The meat cocoon began to pulsate like a heart.

Bei Gaoyang accelerated the passage of time in the closed environment, and his eyes became mirrors, reflecting the transformation and evolution process of the little devil.

The pulsation of the cocoon is getting faster and faster, and the movement inside is becoming more and more obvious, just like the belly of a pregnant woman, with a fist mark protruding from the surface, a strange face, a sole of a foot and so on.

At Bei Gaoyang's level, he still 'can't see' whether the consciousness of the abyss is playing a role in it. The spell up to level 5 [real scene translation] is turning everything that happened into 'data' that only he can understand. The pen under his hand is like the engraving needle on the hard disk, under high-speed operation, only a blurred afterimage is left in the field of vision.

Soon, cracks appeared on the surface of the cocoon, and bright red blood flowed out from these cracks. A black and hard claw pierced through the cracks, and then another.

The newborn big devil struggled to tear apart the cocoon, which was as strong as an alloy, and stepped tremblingly on the scarlet ground. The newly born pink and tender skin quickly dried and hardened in the sulfurous air, and formed into pieces. The armor-like thing made a 'squeak' sound, and the meat bag on the back bulged to spread out the thin skin, and spread out a pair of iconic demon wings.

The big devil has the height of an adult, and looks like a mature little devil. In addition to the iconic horns and wings, their trunk and limbs have also become as solid and powerful as a bodybuilder.

Some great demons that have undergone a 'genetic mutation' will also produce bone spurs, but this one obviously does not. Starting from the great demon, some magic-like abilities will be awakened, and what this great demon awakens is flames.

His nostrils were open, and after a few short coughs, he sneezed violently, and with a bang, a dark red flame sprayed out from his nose and mouth.

After this, his skin became dark red, the air around him twisted slightly, and a constant spell effect [Fire Barrier] would accompany his life during the great demon period.

Bei Gaoyang has observed and recorded the birth of no less than a hundred demons, big and small, and recorded two gigabytes of data, all written in binary codes of 0 and 1.

This is an important invention of his research on how to break the boundary of 'Kemo'. Without moving the Book of Canaan, he invented a [real on-site translation] up to 5 rings. He does not understand binary codes and The person who reads the data storage method is absolutely unable to decipher.

In Canaan, he may be the only one who can invent such seemingly 'useless' spells. He is always so whimsical and not doing his job properly. The two companions don't understand why he spends a lot of time and energy on these useless affairs.

Today's routine work is over, and His Excellency the Archmage, who has gained a lot of intuition, stood up and stretched, walked out of the huge marching tent, and came to the 'bedroom' outside.

The earth style is to go there and follow him to spread there. Angel of Fallen Light dismissed it at first, but after getting used to the convenience and cleanliness of the ceramic flush toilet, he fell in love with it. thing.

The luxurious double bed is simply a decoration. He seems to have some obsessive-compulsive disorder in this regard, even if he doesn't need it, he still has to put it on.

The real resting place is a coffin for two people. Due to the rush of production, the surface is still a bit rough. It was taken from the leg bone of some kind of giant beast and there are some bony spurs on the surface. The fallen angel of light was broken last night. delicate skin...

The outermost is the living room and dining room.

The Angel of Fallen Light is wearing silk pajamas, half of the black and half of white wings are naturally gathered on the thin shoulders, like a luxurious cloak, Bei Gaoyang walked over and picked her up by the waist, and put her on his lap Sitting up and down, one hand was naturally placed on her amazing thighs, the other hand picked up a spoon, dug out a spoonful of eight-treasure lotus seed soup from the earth, and fed it to her swollen red lips .

"Be more respectful!"

"I respect you a lot"

"I'm Angelina's godmother"

"Enjoy, my godmother!"


What is the pinnacle of temptation?
It's not obedient, it's also naked, and it's not always open to comers, but this kind of mixture of angels and devils, the unity of holiness and coquettishness and debauchery.

It's been a long time since Bei Gaoyang has experienced such things between men and women. Since he had the opportunity, he would naturally not be polite.

Canaan is also known for its chaos. There is no such thing as reproductive isolation. Humans and elves, humans and orcs, humans and dragons that have turned into humans, humans and... anyway, there is no one who cannot match, and there is no one who has more mixed blood. It can be distinguished that some great nobles are proud of their bloodlines passed down from certain monsters, and they often awaken the magic-like abilities brought about by their bloodlines. Such people are called warlocks.

Even some gods are not very disciplined in this regard...

So what is a self-proclaimed godmother? In order to maintain the 'purity' of blood, some nobles have strictly implemented intermarriage among the heirs. All kinds of things that are unimaginable on earth are as common as eating and drinking.

"Hey, that monster octopus will be back later."

The Angel of Fallen Light opened her red lips helplessly, and ate a spoonful awkwardly. Bei Gaoyang intentionally played tricks and left some on her lips, forcing her to stick out her pink tongue and lick it.

It's a rare time to relax. Next is the chin, neck, and chest... But when the mind flayer Ross came in, the two of them were already well-dressed and separated on both sides of the table, wiping their lips with a white napkin as if nothing had happened.

"Hey, good morning huh!?"

Bei Gaoyang nodded, "I knew it wasn't to your taste, so I didn't prepare it for you."

The mind flayer sat down carelessly, his eyes turned around the flushed cheeks of the Fallen Light Angel and Bei Gaoyang's face, waved his tentacles, and said with a smile, "Shall we go there today?"

"I'm not going anywhere, I've seen everything I should see, and I can't see what I shouldn't see for many days. It's time to return."

"Wow, wow, those of yours...", Ross made a handwriting motion, "Have you finished all the strange research?"

"Yes, the data collected this time is very detailed and useful."

"What a strange spell study... Well, you seem to have forgotten something, my friend."

"Is it an invitation? If you don't mind, I invite you, my friend, the mind flayer Lord Ross, to visit my mage tower."

"It's a great honor... I can't wait. By the way, those little inventions of yours are very interesting, aren't they? What's the name of that high-level demon that came yesterday..."


"Oh, yes, Barn, this guy almost got on his knees and begged you to save him."

"The legion led by Bahn suffered heavy losses on the front line. To defend the fort right now is equivalent to a de facto Jedi. I have promised to help him."

"Are you going to fight?"


"I think it's all thanks to this beautiful lady?"

The words that the mind flayer pointed at made the Fallen Light Angel turn cold, dropped the spoon, and walked away.

The mind flayer waited for him to leave, and blew a whistle that all men could understand. Bei Gaoyang thought you were blowing a fart, do you have the ability to do this?
In terms of reproductive isolation, there are only dwarves and mind flayers. The genes are so strong that no matter what creature they mate with, the result will never be a hybrid, but only their purebred.

The mind flayer's mating method is very strange and cruel. They are hermaphrodites. The larvae are brain tadpoles. They drill into the brain of some intelligent creature and eat the brain. The brain tadpole develops to replace the brain. A brand new mind flayer Thus was born.

Therefore, the "mating partner" of the mind flayer can be any intelligent race, and some gender characteristics are retained after becoming a mind flayer, but these will degenerate in a short period of time. No matter what it is, their physical characteristics are very will soon become the same.

There may also be some individual nuances, such as height, skin color, and so on.

In the abyss of extreme daylight, the most accurate timekeeping is the biological clock. Bei Gaoyang estimates that it has been a month since he came out this trip. He has also experienced the reality and cruelty of bloody battles. He has also collected all the data that should be collected for the experiments that should be done. For the next step, How to participate in the bloody battle in the abyss also has a rough outline, and it's time to set off to go back.

It is not enough for the 5-layer magic net to participate in the bloody battle. It is necessary to make a specially optimized design for the bloody battle environment. The most important thing in this design is to protect the player's soul.

It is estimated that soul protection will occupy most of the resources for the design of the fifth-layer magic net, and the soul power is not enough. The fifth-layer magic net also only has a spell level of 5, which is not enough at all.

Faith value will play the biggest and most important role. Use faith value to maintain a small-scale bloody battle scene, low-intensity war situation, fully emphasize and give full play to the attribute of "undead natural disaster", and truly achieve it, allowing players to resurrect infinitely.

Therefore, in addition to soul protection, it is estimated that the second largest design use and expenditure will be used in the resurrection mechanism.

This also required a large-scale modification of the first four layers of magic nets to adapt to the special environment of the abyss and the cruelty of the bloody battle.

Many times, Bei Gaoyang asked himself if he was too impatient?

However, the extremely changing situation of the bloody battle, the lack of high-level monsters in the game area, the lack of realistic environment and conditions for players to sharpen their growth, and the helpless reality that if they don't participate in the bloody battle, they will have to face the hard steel of the Church, all combined to make him make this determination.

As the "special reporter" of the demon lord Bayero, on the battlefield, the trio can come and go freely. The three of them were eaten raw and stripped alive.

At this time, a squad of power demons and dread demons commanded by a high-level demon suddenly landed on the fortress, and the high-level demons were harvesting wildly on the city wall. Watch as this high demon of chaotic alignment spreads destruction, fear, and death.

Bei Gaoyang asked Bei Gaoyang to take action several times but was rejected, and now he has to use precious teleportation to leave...

"Shameful deserter!!"

"Go away, go away, you cowardly cowards."

Those who didn't know thought it was the scene of saving Private Ryan.

(End of this chapter)

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