This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 267 Dean of the Secret Academy

Chapter 267 Dean of the Secret Academy
"Meet you again, my most talented student!"

"...Are you Dean Howard?"

"it's me."

"you are still alive?"

"To live is to die!"

"You transformed into a lich?"

"I can't think of any other way to perpetuate thought and existence."

"I thought it would be Nicholas waiting at the teleportation array."

"It was originally his, but I temporarily changed the teleportation location..."

Little Moyuan, Bei Gaoyang who left the abyss did not appear at the transfer station, but a dark and closed space. A tall humanoid shadow stood on the high steps, and within a few words, he floated to the teleportation array. On the pedestal, the hood was lifted from a distance of five meters, revealing a familiar face.

The dean of the secret academy, His Excellency the great magician Howard.

But to be able to change Xiaomoyuan's teleportation array, open up additional passages for specific passengers, and invite Bei Gaoyang here must be someone who has a lot of authority in Xiaomoyuan, maybe it is those few mage towers. One of the masters.

"You are the master of Xiaomoyuan?"

"Little Moyuan has no master, only the executive director of the Mage Union, and I am indeed one of them."

"You... advanced to the 8th ring?"

"Yes, not so long ago."

Bei Gaoyang fell silent, and after a while he said, "Where's my companion?"

"The mind flayer and the fallen angel? Don't worry, he's fine... It seems that this trip to the abyss has yielded a lot. You're on the side of the order camp. Have you ever thought about the consequences of failure?"

"Are you on the side of the chaotic camp?"

Dean Howard, the 8th Ring Archmage, one of the executive directors of the Little Demon Abyss Mage Association smiled wryly, "I'm confused, we have no choice."

"Yeah, it's not that I want to stand there, but the other side is completely unable to communicate." Bei Gaoyang said helplessly.

"It seems that you are prepared for all kinds of accidents. Nicholas is indeed old. He has been eroded by the abyss too badly, and it has seriously affected basic judgments and choices?"

"Are you talking about possible sniping? Since I dared to set foot in the Little Demon Abyss, I was sure to deal with him, but I didn't expect to meet you here, Dean Howard? How did you escape from the hands of Rockefeller IV? "

"The demigod pope of the Holy See of Light? That's an old fool. It's not difficult to deceive him."

No wonder!
Bei Gaoyang didn't believe such nonsense.

When the secret academy was destroyed, the Holy See of Light did not let go of even a cat in order to clear the relationship. In order to avoid being blamed by other Holy See at the evening meeting, it took the opportunity to intervene in its own internal affairs. The secret courtyard will be uprooted.

At that time, Bei Gaoyang had already fallen out with the secret academy, and he had never heard of anyone who escaped from that big manhunt, including his tutor.

Pope Rockefeller IV of the Holy See of Light is not an old fool, but a big man who has ruled over a dozen human kingdoms and principalities for centuries. As a demigod, he has the greatest authority and authority of the God of Light in the material world. Yes, whoever he is eyeing is almost equivalent to pronouncing the end of this person.

The only correct point is that this demigod pope is indeed too old. Even if his divine ability forced his life to stay in the material world, he has aged into something like a mummy or a mummy. It is said that his greatness Must sleep part of the time, maybe this is why Howard was able to escape the big manhunt.

Even if Rockefeller has no attributes, the Holy See of Light still has a large number of top-level combat forces that cannot be confronted head-on, and the Divine Kingdom of the God of Light can support it at any time. How can a secret academy be able to compete.

"Do I still remember the question you asked when I first gave you an introduction to spell formation?"

"Really, I don't even remember."

"Your question is, can you integrate the magic configuration? I asked you what integration is. You said that it is to shrink the magic configuration by tens of thousands of times, and then design a compound formation to combine different A series of unique and miniaturized spell configurations, each spell configuration achieves a logical closure, and a large number of logical closures constitute a special language, using this language to express and realize some things that cannot be achieved by conventional spells. Implement complex functions, such as calculations?"

"...Did I say that?"

"The atmosphere in the classroom was very active at that time. Most of the students laughed because of your whimsy, but almost no one took it seriously, except me."

Bei Gaoyang became a little impatient, he was an old acquaintance, and he talked about ancient times, why do these old guys like this set? Could it be that they like reminiscing because of the loss?

"Later, I seriously experimented with your whimsical idea, and found that it may be more difficult than my advanced level 9 to realize it. The premise of miniaturization of spell configuration is precision, which requires careful control of magic power. It requires my hands not to tremble in the slightest like lifeless puppets... But I still did it, to a certain extent, I reduced the spell configuration of the fireball technique and made a A magic cannon that is 10 times more powerful, but I found it meaningless, because the time and cost I wasted on this magic cannon were out of proportion to what I got..."

"...That's a pity!"

"At the time, I just thought of it as a fun little experiment and put it away...until recently."

"how have you been?"

"I knew you had obtained the Book of Canaan a long time ago. Before Nicholas, I was not optimistic about your future fate. When I was still thinking in my heart, what a pity, the first genius who proposed the integration of spell formation The student, the youngest Master of the Seven Rings in history, was blinded by power and hatred in this way, chasing after external forces that did not belong to him and could not be controlled by him... You should know the reason why I think this way , the Book of Canaan, the Book of Damnation, the Whisper of the Blasphemer, every owner who obtains it will end up miserable, but I didn’t expect you to be an exception.”

"Because everyone who got it tried to use it to break through their spell level?"

"Yes, the barriers set up by the gods are so easy to break?"

"Didn't you just break it, Your Excellency the Archmage of the 8th ring?"

"I... I didn't either, I just made some kind of deal and paid a very high price... Don't say this, Ramsviel, my student, please believe that I have no intentions about the Book of Canaan Heart, I invite you here this time without any malice, I just don’t want to see you and Nicholas have a conflict, and I want to try, is there any possibility for the two of you to compromise?”

"Compromise, how to compromise?"

"He probably wants to retain some sanity under the erosion of the abyss. You know, how miserable the fate of us people is. He has a lot of things that he can't let go of, and he doesn't want to forget. This is not difficult for you, isn't it? ?"

"Use the Book of Canaan?"

"It won't exceed your spell level. Let him temporarily resist the erosion of the abyss. It's good for you, isn't it? It's not easy to find such a valuable test object."

"But he has already turned the table and announced my secret."

"Secret? Haha, are you talking about the web-like 'spell configuration integration technology' you are working on? You are indeed a genius, and you have done things that I can't do, but your understanding of the essence of mystery is still too deep. It’s shallow, it’s not a secret, my student, there is no secret to mystery, those things you do, everyone who should know knows, it’s not because of Nicholas’ propaganda.”

"...Okay, let me think about it."

"As soon as possible, the time Nicholas can last is running out, and I'm not sure what he can do at the last moment. You know the destructive power of an archmage who is reckless? You have so many enemies, there is no need for this."

"One Nicholas is easy to talk about, but I'm afraid of more Nicholas!"

"I can assure you on this point, the Mage Union will never stand against you because of the Book of Canaan, we are full of expectations for what you are doing, and hope to see you succeed! "

"That's it?"

"That's it. No matter what your final decision is, Xiao Moyuan will strictly abide by his neutrality. Please believe in this point."

The teleportation array lit up again, and Bei Gaoyang disappeared into the dark and closed indoor space, and appeared in the waiting hall of Xiaomoyuan.

It felt like a long time had passed, but it was only a moment, and the mind flayers and fallen angels were unaware of his departure.

Ross: "Aha, you're back so soon, Xiao Moyuan... Ms., is this the first time you've come to this place?"

Josephine ignored him at all, and looked at the waiting hall with a cold face and curiosity.

Rows of seats, ticket gates, plane travelers waiting to be teleported.

The human lady who works as a waiter, the undead servant who works as a cleaner, the little devil peddler who sells all kinds of small commodities, and the apprentice staff at the station... all kinds of races, different professional identities, naturally and "harmoniously" in the same place In the room, everyone seemed polite.

The invisible order penetrates every inch of the air here, and everything appears to be in order. Compared with the abyss of turmoil and cruelty, this place is simply a paradise.

"I like this place, I like it very much, it is simply an ideal example!", the strange trio walked out along the exit passage, the mind flayer talked more than ever, and the tentacles waved excitedly, "Republic, great unity, harmonious coexistence, mages have come to the forefront in this regard, but it is a pity that they have not refined this concept and put forward a clear program, Ramsfeld, my friend, what do you think of me? Sample?"

"What?" Bei Gaoyang was still thinking about the meeting just now, somewhat carelessly.

"Write a theoretical work on republic, world unity, and harmonious coexistence?"

"Nice idea!"

"You think so too, don't you?"

"Well, it's worth a try!"

"Haha, thank you, my friend, you are my life confidant...and you, ma'am, what do you think of this idea?"

"Boring, childish!"


Walking out of the station, the streets of Xiaomoyuan remained unchanged from before leaving.

The teleportation array returning to the material world is located at another station, which is like the difference between a high-speed rail station and a long-distance bus station.

This time, I found a lot of soul stones from Bayero, so I can take the opportunity to purchase some.

"Where are we going next? Shopping? Okay, please allow me to leave for a while, you know my friend, these days in the abyss have starved me to death..."

"Go ahead and have a good appetite."

"See you later, then, and you, ma'am."

"Go away!"

He stopped a skeleton carriage driven by an ogre, sat in with Shi Shiran, an angel of fallen light in his arms, and threw a soul stone fare to the driver.

In the not-so-spacious carriage, Bei Gaoyang leaned on the fallen angel's thigh, squinted his eyes and thought for a while.

The head of the secret academy is actually still alive... No, I can't be sure that person is him, although I know the soul wave.

What's more, Xiao Moyuan's attitude on the Book of Canaan, such a treasure is a dream artifact for any spellcaster, they can resist it?

Is there any deeper calculation behind this?

All the preparations I made by myself were useless.

"The danger didn't happen, right?" the fallen angel resisted the urge to push him away, frowning and asked.

"It has already happened."

"Uh... Master Bayero made a move?"


"Master Ballero..."

"Bajero, Ballero... I've always been curious, how did he conquer you?"

In the humiliation and memories that flashed across the fallen angel's face, with a bizarre and pathological flush, he shouted angrily: "This is none of your business!"

"I still remember how you looked when I first met you. You were noble, holy, and dust-free. You looked down from above, as if looking at me was...dirty!" Bei Gaoyang turned over and slowly moved the fallen angel Pressed under him, "What about now? It's like two different people!"

"...I am Angelina's godmother, I..."

"Angelina told me that you and her have some...uh, private things that are not easy to talk about..."

"What are you talking about, nonsense, Angelina won't..."

"She will. For a while, we talked about everything, especially this kind of... private matter, which has a different... sentiment!"

The fallen angel stopped talking, and stared at the face that was close at hand with both eyes, breathing his breath, feeling the scorching body temperature, that huge sense of oppression and irresistible majesty made her despair, but also excited her... …

"I probably understand!"

Bei Gaoyang suddenly lost interest, got up from her, straightened the mage's robe, and the carriage just arrived at the stop.

"What do you understand, you don't understand anything!", the fallen angel shouted from behind.

Bei Gaoyang stepped on the ogre's back and got out of the carriage, standing at the door of a large shop.

The rest is time for big purchases.

"Welcome to 'Corbitt's Bulk Commodity Wholesale Market', distinguished guest, do you need any special service?"

A dark elf drow who was acting as a welcome lady greeted her, sniffed it with her straight nose, and smiled ambiguously.

(End of this chapter)

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