Chapter 268
In a blink of an eye, it was the day of the trial.

These days, the public opinion is quite unfavorable to Zhang Miao and the others. When they go out, they want to wrap up their whole body tightly. Baseball caps, big masks, dark sunglasses, familiar people can't recognize who is who at a glance. .

Even so, as soon as I walked out of the hotel gate, I was startled by the oncoming flashing lights and the sound of shutters. Outside the hotel's blockade, a large number of reporters and media gathered, and some protesters who came to the scene to support local players held Bearing the sign that you are thieves and robbers, when you see them coming out, you rush forward emotionally.

The reporter's cameras and microphones tried their best to yell at them regardless of the security guard's obstruction. Some of them were blond and blue-eyed. I don't care if it's crowded.

This lawsuit not only attracts domestic attention, but also has a high degree of enthusiasm internationally.

Zhang Miao and the others have long been used to it. Anyway, the "thieves' stolen goods" have already been handed over, so it's impossible for them to spit it out!
No matter what the court decides, they have made up their mind anyway, if they want something or not, they can't lock themselves up for civil disputes, right?

It depends on whether Canaan Company can withstand the pressure.

The official is naturally on their side, but their attitude is suspicious and their posture is very ambiguous. So far, they have not clearly found any satisfactory views on this lawsuit. Cooperate with such high-sounding words, which made many people puzzled, and also made this lawsuit confusing and full of variables.

After finally squeezing into the car from the crowded cameras and microphones, I drove out of the hotel at a slow speed, followed by live broadcast cars with various TV logos, and the long motorcade went straight up the elevated road, where the entrance was often congested, and there were traffic police The scene is directing traffic.

At this time, I don’t know how many TV screens are watching the live broadcast, and there are huge crowds of people outside the court. There is a clear distinction between those who support the plaintiff and the defendant. The scene is extremely noisy, just like watching a significant football match. The hooligans' posture, mocking and abusing each other, each of them is very serious, as if they are the plaintiff and the defendant, full of sense of substitution.

The arrival of the convoy caused a commotion on the scene. Both supporters and opponents rushed to see the subject of this "hundreds of millions of virtual property" ownership case. Some were envious and jealous, some regarded them as idols, and some hated and spit Among other things... coupled with the largest number of people eating melons, I don't know if they thought it was a carnival event in the Metaverse.

Just like the recent successful event held in Wudu, which attracted the gathering of UNESCO and diplomats from various countries.

In this case, the plaintiff and defendant met face to face.

Li Yang stood behind the lawyer with some embarrassment, watching Zhang Miao and his party ascend the steps, but soon he felt at ease and felt angry for being late.

——So it was you bastards who pissed me off! ?
Zhang Miao also saw Li Yang at a glance, it was so easy to recognize, this guy just squeezed his face according to the reality, after a moment of stunned, contempt rose.

He and Hu Xinmin are fine—it’s not an ordinary tank. A 17-year-old boy named Ma Kui who just arrived at the confluence last night, a pimple-faced [-]-year-old boy who is still a sophomore in high school, raised his middle finger at him and shouted: "You idiot who can't afford it!"

Li Yang became angry, "Who are you scolding?"

"Why are you scolding you!?"

"Little kid with no hair yet playing games?"

"Your hair is long enough, but you just can't afford it!"


If it weren't for the people on the left and right, the two of them could have a full martial arts on such a solemn and sacred occasion. Such an explosive scene would naturally kill a lot of scenes and the saliva of the live anchor. At this time, the beautiful anchor of the largest Chinese TV station in Lijiapo An Qi and the special guests invited by the ghosts watched the pictures sent back by the reporters on the scene with great interest, and started the topic with a smile, "The two players are very hot-tempered, aren't they?"

"The quality of Huaguo players has always been widely criticized..." One of the guests of the ghosts took the opportunity to discredit the mainland and opened the map cannon.

"After all, it's a fictitious wealth involving tens of millions of dollars..." The guest of Ghost II seemed neutral.

"Therefore, it is imperative to introduce foreign players..." The third guest of the fake ghost's banana man took the opportunity to promote the internationalization of Canaan.

The only guest from China said a few fair words, but unfortunately the director did not show the camera.

After all the guests expressed their opinions, the anchor Angie began to list the various highlights of the lawsuit, the views of the pros and cons, the position of Canaan Company, and the familiar "insider story" that steered the topic without a trace. "Ah", "opacity", "persecution", etc., the guests also started to play, and gradually deviated from the lawsuit itself.

Back to the courtroom.

Naturally, media reporters couldn't get in. The plaintiff and the defendant met outside the courtroom, and each led a group of people inside, full of gunpowder. An hour later, the trial began.

The defense lawyers of both parties fought back and forth, citing classics. The defendant’s lawyers closely followed the legal provisions and responded to the plaintiff’s lawyer’s attack by claiming that there were no relevant laws and regulations. Draw an equal sign to win support and sympathy from the perspective of human morality, public opinion and empathy.

The defendant's lawyer then counterattacked. The plaintiff's client owns these huge amounts of virtual wealth as a "red name", and the origin is doubtful. The plaintiff's lawyer quickly protested, claiming that this has nothing to do with the lawsuit...

"The red name is naturally killing people, and the purpose of killing is naturally to explode equipment. How did the plaintiff get his virtual wealth? This is too different from the plaintiff's identity, educational background, and social relationship history. We have reason to suspect that he is exactly The huge wealth accumulated through the method of 'killing explosive equipment', so..."

"Protest, this is entirely speculation by the defense, without any evidence!"

"I request the court to require the plaintiffs to provide the lawful source of these enormous fictitious wealth..."

The judges, chief prosecutors, and recorders on the trial bench looked stunned, feeling that it was a special drama. What kind of murder was killed, what kind of explosive equipment, is this a topic of discussion on this occasion?

But... it really is.

Both the plaintiff and the defendant are extremely serious, and they have invested a hundred thousand points, and no one finds it unexpected. This is the ownership case of hundreds of millions of RMB.

The plaintiff's lawyer bit Li Yang's ear, under the attention of the audience, fine sweat dripped from Li Yang's forehead.

legal source?

The legal source of farts is all the grandfather in the ring... Ah, wait, there is a great secret involved here, I am afraid of it, but someone is even more afraid!
After receiving the approval letter, the plaintiff's lawyer became confident, "No problem, but the cooperation of the game official is needed."

The only third party at the scene was the representative of Canaan Company who was present with a confused look on his face. Did this burn himself?
Facing the presiding judge's inquiry, he quickly called the company's headquarters to communicate, and the trial also entered a half-hour adjournment.

Half an hour later, the representative of Canaan Company coughed and said, "Sorry, the relevant data involves state secrets, and our company has no right to provide it."

This is a dead end.

The presiding judge is one head and two big. This inexplicable lawsuit cannot be treated as an ordinary civil property dispute, but no one gave a reminder on how to judge it. The pressure is all on myself and my colleagues.

There is no other way but to procrastinate.

The first court session just ended hastily without any results.

Li Yang was very disappointed. He once thought that the court would rule him in favor soon.

At the beginning, he didn't have this kind of thought. After the public opinion fermented, the situation became better and better for him. According to the lawyer's analysis, he and this lawsuit may be just a pretext, and the real goal of some people may be Canaan Company. Or is there a consensus brewing for the so-called virtual world laws?
The lawyer didn't know that Canaan was related to an extremely astonishing truth, he knew it, and thought a little deeper than the lawyer.

If Canaan is a real alien world, the so-called technological breakthroughs and the products produced by the Chinese Academy of Sciences are of course out of the question. It can only be aliens and alien black technology.

The aliens may have reached an agreement with Huaguo, and the product of this agreement is the Canaan Company.

And Canaan Company is just a place to sell dog meat, and actually doesn't have much rights. Could it be because of this that they are playing some kind of game with aliens?
I have to say that Li Yang is still a little clever.

He didn't know that this speculation was not far from the truth, and it was because of this that he had extravagant thoughts that he didn't have before, and hoped that this lawsuit would recover the loss.

But today's court trial poured cold water on him. He thought it was just a formality, but it was far from that simple. The Canaan company's excuses and the court's attitude made him waver in his guess, wondering if it was his own wishful thinking?
When they walked out of the court, the gathered media and reporters would naturally not let them go. Li Yang was not in the mood to deal with this, while Zhang Miao and the others on the other side seemed to be in a good mood to show off.

When passing by, I vaguely heard the second-year boy who was yelling at me saying something like "absurd", "impossible to lose", "things have been sold", "[-] million...", the media and reporters Extremely excited, Li Yang's heart sank when he heard this.

"They seem to have sold my stuff, what should I do!?"

The lawyer is also very troublesome. Under normal circumstances, it is natural to apply for a temporary freeze of this kind of transaction, but... this case also confused him, so I can only assure Li Yang that he must grasp this point in the next court session. Blame the accused.

Blame it!

Li Yang was extremely depressed. On the way back, he didn't even bother to respond to the care and encouragement of his parents and relatives. He returned to the hotel in a daze, opened the door of the guest room and found that someone was already waiting inside.

"You are……"

"...This is our certificate. We are here to tell you that any secrets about that thing cannot be revealed to the outside world, will be held accountable."

"Why, I will give the things to you as soon as I come back, and you should help me this time!"

"We can't do illegal things..."

"If the trial continues, I can't guarantee that I can keep any secrets!"

"Don't forget, the origin of the things you lost, strictly speaking, is a system loophole, and Canaan Company can solve it with a statement."

"You... nonsense!"

"Suffice it to say, we'll keep an eye on you!"

The last hope was shattered, Li Yang was locked in the guest room alone for a long time and did not come out.

It's time to accept this result.

The only way to find the 'old man' again is to try again, otherwise when can we recover this loss?
As the saying goes, it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal. Li Yang is really unable to pass the hurdle in his heart as an ordinary player who is used to being a high-end player and has nothing to do when he returns home and needs to fight for everything.

I can't even care about getting involved with this kind of shocking secret anymore. Who would let those people take their own things and not help?

"Haha, big cousin Hu Xinmin and his gang..."

In front of the TV, Xia Miaomiao, who was happily eating melons, smiled and pointed to the frozen picture on the screen. Hu Xinmin stood behind the pimple-faced middle school two boy, dodging a microphone that slapped his face helplessly.

"You are still interested in laughing at others, have your own troubles been solved?"

In the bathroom, Du Shiyu yelled into the living room angrily while wiping her wet hair.

"Our troubles, what troubles, why don't I know?"

"You just pretend, wait for trouble to come to your door, and see how you pretend."

"Bah, bah, Crow's Mouth, Wang Daoyi didn't hold back, didn't he confess us?"

"What if he can't stand it that day?"

"I can't stand it anymore and don't care about our business... Sigh, Xiao Yu, are you okay? We have made an appointment with the bank."

Du Shiyu came out, and said with some hesitation: "Really? I'm a little bit uncertain."

"There are so many long nights and dreams!" Xia Miaomiao jumped up and pushed her best friend into the room, "Hurry up and change your clothes, I'll give you five minutes!"

Half an hour later, the two went out and went straight to Hongshan Agency's office in Wudu, and then led a large group of people straight to CCB's largest business office in Hankou.

The president of the branch was waiting again. Xia Miaomiao signed the documents with the Hongshan institution responsible for the exchange, and a huge amount of money was transferred to the account shared by the two of them, which stunned the bank girl who handled the exchange. up.

Outside, Xia Miaomiao suppressed her excitement and pretended to be calm to deal with the president's compliments. Before leaving, the other party kindly reminded her not to forget to declare and pay taxes.

"We have a tax exemption policy."

"The amount exceeding the tax-free limit still needs to be declared and taxed."


The good mood was discounted, Xia Miaomiao and Du Shiyu bid farewell to the Hongshan agency and the people in the bank, and asked someone to find out that they really need to pay taxes, and the tax amount is still very scary.

"You have to hand in half of your love!?"

"You told me earlier that if you follow the operation I taught you, you won't have to pay such a high tax rate..."

"It doesn't matter, paying taxes according to regulations is the duty of citizens!"

At this point, Xia Miaomiao could only endure the pain and say this.

"Xiaoyu, I understand why there are so many tax evaders, I feel so distressed..."

"I think you're acting like a good boy when you get cheap, so go!"

"go there?"

"Declaration, pay taxes!"

"That's fine, if you pay taxes, you'll have legal income... I want to buy a house, a car, a villa and a yacht..."

"Crazy, keep your voice down."

"People are happy!"

(End of this chapter)

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