This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 269 It's All Conspiracy

Chapter 269 It's All Conspiracy
Yu Qingdong was joking with the beautiful secretary outside when the confidential phone rang, informing him that there was a meeting he needed to attend.

This meeting, that meeting all day long, doesn't let people stop... He complained while putting on his coat. Before leaving the company, the beautiful secretary reminded him that the second trial of that lawsuit had begun.

This is another problem!

Speaking of it, Yu Qingdong is full of lawsuits, public opinion is becoming more and more biased towards the plaintiff, and the voice for monitoring the game behavior of players is getting louder and louder. The company is under great pressure in this regard and has been asking them to come up with a clear statement. The attitude, whether it is on the side of the plaintiff or the side of the defendant, can no longer be fooled by such ambiguity.


Have you supervised it?

Except that the helmet can be manipulated, all the behaviors of the players in the game are not controlled offline. It is impossible to even ban a certain player from logging in or restrict certain people's game behavior. How can we talk about supervision! ?

In addition to this lawsuit, some taboo content in Canaan's game content and functions is also one of the driving forces.

"Pornography" is easy to understand. This "poison" is to attack the Canaan game itself. It is said that it is like a drug, which makes people addicted to the virtual world. Most of the time in reality is like a corpse, which cannot create any value. It cannot make any substantial contribution to the society, cannot produce anything, but is constantly consuming social resources.

Such criticism is not unreasonable. The problem is that the Canaan game is not as simple as it is advertised on the surface.

The precision equipment processing factory of Canaan Company is as heavily guarded as ever, and it has become a holy place. It is no secret that the only product—the game helmet, so many cloud players from home and abroad come to make a pilgrimage. Like true pilgrims.

Naturally, these people couldn't enter the factory, so they gathered in large numbers around it, as if they were close enough to the factory to bring them good luck, and the chances of drawing lots next time would be even higher.

Several surrounding villages developed and became a tourist attraction. When Yu Qingdong passed by one of them, he saw that the village under construction had transformed into a bustling small town, and he could smell a strong smell of sandalwood from a long distance away. , I also saw that people like Taoist monks are very popular, even many foreigners believe in this way, fortune-telling and praying for blessings and the like, just for a psychological comfort.

"If it makes a mess, no one will take care of it?"

Yu Qingdong complained, such a scene aggravated the pressure on him even more.

Thousands of people point at it, and die without a disease!

The fifth test, the fifth test... This meeting will most likely be the subject of discussion.


"Xiao Yu, when you contacted Number Zero last time, did he specify the time for the fifth test?"

"He didn't even mention that. He just said that he was going on a long trip, and when he came back, he would start preparations for the fifth test."

"A long trip? You asked him why he went there?"

"How dare I, every word I say must be recorded and filed..."

"Hehe, don't be nervous, then you have contacted him recently, has he come back?"

Yu Qingdong was a little baffled, not only were the strangers who attended and presided over the meeting, but also this kind-looking old man in front of him also gave him a different feeling, "Every time I contact him, I have to report for approval. Yes, there is a script for every sentence that is said beforehand, even if it is an emergency and a temporary performance, it must be explained afterwards, and a detailed minutes will be handed in."

"Uh... You are very defensive, relax, relax, just treat it as a small talk."

Looking at the strange faces sitting on both sides of the conference table, Yu Qingdong not only did not relax, but became even more nervous.

What happened?
What about Professor Xue's gang?
Only then did he realize that since he left Canaan Company, he has been under house arrest in fact, and has never had any contact with the outside world. He was 'locked' in the car the whole time, and went all the way to this place without meeting anyone along the way.

"I'm not nervous, I'm not nervous..."

"You have always been in touch with No. [-] through WeChat, so you haven't considered switching to a safer method?"

"I've considered it, but... Number Zero has a special identity, and his perception is the most important. After several evaluations, he was rejected."

"Uh... the perception of number zero is indeed very important. As long as he finds it convenient, we can trouble him a little..."

"That's how it was considered."

"For the fifth test, apart from the information that has been made public, is there anything that has not been disclosed to the outside world?"

"Yes, the game qualification for this test is expected to be 10 times that of the current one, breaking through a million scale."

"Good guy, a million people..."

"Also, this time we may not be able to stop the internationalization of Canaan. Zero is very firm in this regard."

"In other words, the fifth test will be international?"

"Yes, we can at most strive for more game qualifications and equipment... and that bidding, the artificial intelligence program should also be delivered."

"Speaking of that tender, what did you think?"

"I... have no idea."

"Comrade Xiaoyu, you must have noticed that our conversation now is extremely serious. I hope you will not hide anything... As far as we know, you have complained a lot in private, saying that laymen guide professionals, saying Some people want to be crazy about political achievements, saying that number zero will not dance with someone's there?"

"Yes, yes."

"Then you said you didn't have any ideas?"

Sweat dripped from Yu Qingdong's forehead, thinking desperately what happened, it felt extraordinary.

But he asked himself, he walked upright, stood up straight, except for some insignificant details, he never did anything that crossed the line on the surface.

"At that time, No. [-] found a back door in the artificial intelligence program we delivered, and this back door had not undergone any evaluation and approval. It belonged to some people who parachuted into the No. [-] project. We were extremely passive, so we made some complaints..."

"Well, someone parachuted into Project Zero? Good, and what do you think of that hot lawsuit lately?"

"Officer, lawsuit?" Yu Qingdong didn't turn his head for a moment.

"It's the one that Province K is trying."


Yu Qingdong was stunned at first, and then a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared, and then his mind went "hum!", and he was numb.

Do you say, do you say...

"What's the matter, Xiao Yu?"

"Ah, no, it's nothing. At the beginning, I thought this lawsuit was very strange. Given the nature of Canaan and the status and influence of our company, it shouldn't have caused such a huge social impact. Later, I guessed, would it be? It's the superior who wants to take the opportunity..."

"Don't make wild guesses, I can tell you, no, at least I have not received any such instructions from the highest level."


"Now tell me what you think about this lawsuit."

"...Conspiracy, there is definitely a conspiracy in it."

"What conspiracy, tell me."

"It's the same nature as the last backdoor incident. Some people, some forces, are trying to create a rift between us and number zero!"

"Well, this point of view is very good. Then tell me, who are the people who have such energy that even you, the CEO of Canaan Company, do not consciously act according to their baton?"

This 'unconsciousness' relieved Yu Qingdong's psychological pressure a little. He didn't dare to neglect anything, and followed the hint in the other party's words and said, "It should be within us, from the top to the executive level, from Yanjing to the local government. They were all infiltrated by an organization, taking advantage of Canaan's confidentiality level to cause poor information, stirring up wind and rain in the dark..."

"Very well, now you understand the purpose of today's conversation?"

"Yes, it is."

"Without this conversation, what are you going to do next at someone's baton?"

"I will use the excuse of this lawsuit and various problems arising from Canaan to communicate with 'Number Zero' to try to open up the situation and obtain his concession so that we can obtain part of the game data and influence some Game behavior and content, so as to achieve the purpose of understanding deeper truth and technology.”

"You just said that the perception of number zero is the most important."


"Now, isn't it contradictory?"

"This is the purpose of creating a rift. It coincides with the sensitive period of the fifth test. If the zero has a bad impression on us, or feels threatened by us, it may increase, and may even fall to an overseas organization. and power."

After speaking, Yu Qingdong's underwear was soaked with sweat.

The meeting room was silent, except for the seemingly amiable old man, all the participants were sullen and expressionless throughout the process.

Or listen in without saying a word, or bury your head in recording something, or stare at him with piercing eyes, not letting go of any micro-expression changes.

At this time, a middle-aged man with a military temperament sitting opposite said, "I think it's okay."

The 'kind' old man then took out a thick document from under the conference table and handed it over, "The situation is very serious, you should take a look first."

Yu Qingdong took it with trembling fingers, opened it for a glance, and his mind buzzed again.

"This is a piece of information with a huge price, which was sent back by our overseas intelligence personnel risking their lives. Our 'infinite quality', our formula, array map and processing technology of special materials, and the blueprint of our simulated special environment , unexpectedly appeared majestically in the briefcase that the CIA was about to submit to the White House... This intelligence officer has already died..."

Yu Qingdong couldn't hear the rest of the words clearly. After reading the first page, the content of the second page was even more shocking.

Including him, everyone related to Project Zero and Canaanite-level units has been affected.

He himself naturally has no problems, but his family, his friends, his colleagues, and even the new head teacher of his daughter who is in elementary school have all been infiltrated.

And his beautiful secretary, who has had a good career and love recently, besides being his boss and lover, he also fell in love with a fitness trainer who is more handsome than Daniel Wu...

"Well, what do you think?"


"First of all, I would like to congratulate you, Comrade Xiaoyu, not everyone can withstand the inspection of a magnifying glass. You passed the test, so you can sit here today."


"Don't be nervous. The purpose of today is to let you know the seriousness of the situation. There will be many changes in the future. As the person who controls the overall situation on the stage, you must not be chaotic, but be calm."

"Yes, yes, I will definitely do my job well," Yu Qingdong promised while wiping away his sweat.

"What should I do, what should I do..."


"No. Zero's contact cannot be interrupted!"

"Ah... originally scheduled for today..."

"Contact Zero?"


"Then let's get started!" The old man was already prepared. A middle-aged woman wearing black-rimmed glasses stood up. The monitor and keyboard rose from the conference table, and the large screen on the wall also lit up.

"You communicate with number zero as this comrade said."

The old man pointed to the middle-aged woman with black-rimmed glasses and said.

Yu Qingdong smiled at the man, and touched the keyboard with wet fingers.

Click on the WeChat interface, and there is a contact person on it.

"I told you to send it!" said the black-rimmed glasses.

"Okay, okay."

"Hello, Chairman, are you there!?"

Yu Qingdong typed according to her tone, and was about to send it out but was stopped.

The black-framed glasses touched his chin and pondered for a while, and ordered: "Remove the exclamation mark, and add a smiling emoji to finish."

Yu Qingdong followed her orders honestly.

"Hello, chairman, are you there?" (smile)

All that's left is the agonizing wait.

The conference room was silent, only the click of the clock's minute and second hands moving forward...

Fortunately, it didn't take long.

"Hehe... just came back."

The moment Yu Qingdong saw the reply, he felt more comfortable than eating ginseng fruit. For a moment, he was... ecstatic, his body and mind were dizzy, and he waited for the black-rimmed glasses behind him to be pushed before pushing him away. Waking up from this complex and unspeakable excitement.

"I'm about to contact you. I can prepare for the fifth test. There will be a lot of changes in this test. Your task is very heavy, Xiao Yu!"

Yu Qingdong looked back blankly and at a loss, and his expression was a little excited in the black-rimmed glasses, but his eyes were surprisingly bright.

"Resolutely serve the chairman, you give the order... pat your chest!"

Yu Qingdong quickly replied according to the instructions.

"That's what you said, don't complain to me then."

"Guaranteed to complete the mission (salute)"

"The fifth test will delete files!"

What, delete files! ?
It was not for such an occasion, it was not for this emotional state, otherwise Yu Qingdong would definitely jump up.

Delete files, how to delete, you must know that what you delete is not simple game data, but a huge amount of money, energy, relationships and interests.

Who can delete, who dares to delete! ?

Everyone dare not, but, but, this man is the fucking exception!
What is he afraid of, he is not afraid of anything, but it is Lao Tzu who has come forward to take the blame, Lao Tzu!
"Chairman, don't scare me!"

"Why do you want to go back on your word? You just made the promise just now, but there are chat records."

"Chairman, please do me a favor, Xiao Yu wants to live for two more years."

These two sentences did not come from the instructions of the black-rimmed glasses, but Yu Qingdong typed them subconsciously, but the people behind him surprisingly did not stop them.

Maybe she didn't know how to respond properly.

(End of this chapter)

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