Chapter 270
Hearing thunder in a silent place is the most frightening.

Overnight, the Canaan Company underwent a major shake-up. Many old acquaintances and faces disappeared, and there were plausible reasons on the surface. Either they were on business trips, or they had better development. Leak related.

Canaan Company This is nothing.

I don't know how many people were implicated from top to bottom. It's hard to say whether it's a loss or a gain just for a little technical blueprint that is infinite in quality and not necessarily useful.

The society is indeed calm, there is not even a little bit of wind, the songs are sung, the dances are danced, and the earth will continue to revolve without anyone.

Only the foreign media got wind of it and hyped it for a while, but they used to look at everything in Huaguo with a colored filter, and no matter how loud they shouted, it wouldn't affect anything.

Yu Qingdong's beautiful secretary was naturally on the disappearing list, and he was still sad for a long time because of this.

There is a strange atmosphere in the company, and gossip is spreading everywhere, but the situation is similar to the corruption case that came out during the third test, and most of the gossip points to this aspect.

In addition, it was not the departments led by Yu Qingdong who were most affected by the disaster, but those "mother-in-laws" with state-owned backgrounds. The company's daily operations were not significantly affected.

Yu Qingdong strictly followed the instructions and tried his best to keep the town quiet. No matter who came to inquire, he told them not to think about it, it was just a normal flow of people.

This time he was really scared. Thinking about it afterwards, although he was not directly involved in the case, the people around him were infiltrated. The most terrifying thing was the head teacher of his daughter's primary school. Silly woman... Maybe some secrets are leaked here.

It was a blessing that he was able to walk out unharmed, and he was not punished at all afterwards. Why should he continue to stay in the position of CEO?
Naturally, with the voice of the chairman-Xiao Yu!
Does this count as self-respect?

"Mr. Yu, that lawsuit can't be delayed any longer. The public relations department really can't settle it. We must show a clear attitude."

The CFO who opened the door and came in was his old brother from Warwick Company. Yu Qingdong was very glad that he was not affected this time, so he looked at him with a look that the other party couldn't understand, and didn't speak.

"what happened?"

The CFO also thought there was something wrong with his attire.

"Then take a clear attitude."


"This lawsuit is a farce. All actions of players in the game should not be equated with reality. The ownership of virtual wealth should be determined by the rules in the game, and should not be mechanically applied to the corresponding scenes in reality. Our company supports all normal behaviors of players in the game... Uh, that's all, you go down and find someone to polish it and make an announcement."

"...I'm the Chief Financial Officer!"

"Isn't the person in charge of the public relations department resigned? Please inform Lao Xia from the human resources department..."

"Lao Xia is gone too."

"Then inform his deputy!"

"His deputy is gone, otherwise I wouldn't be the one looking for you..."

The human resources and public relations department seems to be the hardest-hit area this time. Most of the people who dragged their connections and came in through the back door were concentrated in these glamorous posts...

Yu Qingdong scratched his scalp in distress, and habitually wanted to ask the secretary to send in the personnel files, but he raised his hand only to realize that the beautiful woman was also in trouble.

Oh, what is this all about.

After finding the right person and releasing the announcement, half an hour later, the CFO didn't leave. He was just looking for an excuse to come over and talk.

"Don't inquire about what you shouldn't, the more you know, the worse it will be for you!" Yu Qingdong warned the old brother sincerely.

"Is it because of...", the CFO counted money.

With a straight face, Yu Qingdong changed the subject and asked, "Your finance department has performed very well this time, and the company will reward you. This year's year-end award will give you a big red envelope."

Seeing that he couldn't get anything out of his mouth, the CFO could only give up and get down to business.

"...There is such a large amount of money in the account, it's a pity to do nothing, I think I should spend it and make some investments..."

"Money, what money?"

"Last quarter's profit was more than [-] billion..."

"Isn't that dividends for shareholders?"

"It's a dividend, but no one has ever received it. You know, the money from the Chinese Academy of Sciences can't last overnight, and the rest..."

When Yu Qingdong heard it, the hairs all over his body stood on end.

"Is that the chairman's dividend?"

"Yes, yes, our chairman seems to have forgotten that there is such a thing."

"You can't move, I warn you, don't think about this money, otherwise no one will be able to save you."

"Do you think I want to embezzle, am I that kind of person? I mean, it seems that the chairman will not need to use this money for a while. It is better to make some conservative investments. Wherever the money is placed, it will depreciate. You go Let's communicate with this chairman who is so unpredictable..."

"Stop, this is not something you need to worry about, Old Liang, your idea is very dangerous, are you asking for something? After so many years, brother, I can only remind you that this is the end."

"What, how dare I..."

Maybe thinking about it too much.

Looking at the back of the old brother leaving, Yu Qingdong reflected on whether he was too sensitive, a little bit like a bird of prey?

However, that huge amount of money has been kept in the account without any disposal, which is a bit inappropriate, and it has been suspicious for a long time.

Shit, the next test will delete the files. I haven't figured out how to deal with the bombing. I have to worry about this kind of thing?

I have no choice but to report.

"Uh... You should contact him and see what he means."

"No need for approval, go through the procedure or something?"

"No, just record and file after the event."

what does this mean?
Putting down the phone, he was a little confused.

So cautious yesterday, so casual today?

Yu Qingdong suddenly felt that the office had become unsafe, as if there were many eyes staring at him.

Canaan, Bei Gaoyang had just settled the Mind Flayer and the Fallen Angel of Light, lying alone on the leather sofa on the first floor of the Mage Tower, stretched comfortably, and sighed: "It's still comfortable at home!"

Xiao Ai is analyzing and processing the materials and experimental data he brought back, splitting a part of the thread to condense a cartoon rabbit image on the opposite sofa, "Do you really need to delete the file for the fifth test?"

"It won't work if you don't delete files!" Bei Gaoyang also said with a headache, "In view of the environment of the abyss and the cruelty of the bloody battle, most of the system resources must be used to fight against the erosion of the abyss consciousness and protect the player's soul. Undead disasters that can be resurrected infinitely within a certain range, so some less important game functions must be cut off and some simplifications must be done.”

The cartoon rabbit nodded, and said, "Equipment and props have always been the bulk of the expenditure. Even if there is no bloody battle in the abyss, I still have to suggest to you to make some necessary adjustments."

"Are you saying that there are too many special effects and special effects?"

"Yes, some high-end players now have more special effects and stunts than their own professional skills, so that there are melee-style mages, long-range barbarians, and control-style shooters... This is not only vague about the characteristics of the profession, but also greatly affects The balance of the game is a design mistake."

Bei Gaoyang rubbed the center of his brows, and said helplessly: "I didn't consider it so thoroughly at the beginning, and using the doctrine will naturally cause such and such problems in the middle and later stages. Your main job now is to design a set of simple, clear, The equipment and props system with high playability and plasticity comes out, and this design defect is corrected by deleting files during this test.”

"Okay, let players rely more on their personal strength and awareness, rather than equipping props..."

"But it can't be too much. Equipping props is the main theme of the game."

"No, my lord."

"You come out with the first draft first."

Xiao Ai agreed, and then asked: "What about other aspects?"

"Levels, occupations, props and equipment, backpacks, and warehouses cannot be kept, and others can be inherited."

"Family residence, life occupation level and so on?"

"Life and occupation also need to be adjusted, let's delete files!"

A single light word wiped out the hard work and dedication of countless people day and night, as well as the massive investment...

Both Bei Gaoyang and Xiao Ai didn't realize this, or they realized it and didn't care much.

In some small matters, he doesn't mind showing a 'fatherly' tolerance to the players, but in such a major matter that concerns their own interests, what do the players want?what is that?It was the affairs of Canaan Company, so it was naturally left to Xiao Yu to take care of and deal with it.

While chatting casually with Xiao Ai about the five tests, he called up the background data and looked at the big and small things that happened during the absence.

Xiao Ai's system life has recorded everything in detail. When he saw a record, Bei Gaoyang smiled and said, "Did you catch Nicholas' tail?"

"Yes, a horcrux, maybe it's something he's planning to use to lure the forces of the earth, or maybe it's something he wants to smuggle to the earth?"

"Haha, smuggling, this word is used wonderfully!"

"Aren't you worried?"

"Worried, what are you worried about? I can't wait to ask for it... So, is there a way to make this happen and make this annoying old guy's wish come true?"


"Forget it, it's better not to add extra problems, we need to consider the perception of Xiao Moyuan...everything has been caught up, so it doesn't make people is the centaur?"

"Hurry up, the first wave of centaur tribes defeated from the front line will soon spread to the game area."

"The centaur is really defeated!"

"Yeah, the defeat was complete."

"The centaur pantheon can't be kept, does this mean that the gods and the church have freed up?"


"We are having a hard time!"

"……time is tight!"

Bei Gaoyang gave a wry smile. If you have too many debts, you won't worry, if you have too many lice, you won't itch. Anyway, if you can't avoid it, let's fight it head-on, whoever is afraid of others.

"What's up with this record, suit?"

"The loopholes caused by the economic imbalance inside and outside the system were caught by players, and I have made up for it."

"What compensation, what the hell is the import tax?"

"You can't encourage this kind of behavior that exploits loopholes, can you?"

"Since there are loopholes that are our responsibility, why can't players exploit them? Why can't they exploit them?"

Xiao Ai was confused by his attitude. She was merciless just now, and used the big weapon of file deletion to wipe out all the hard work and hard work of all players in one fell swoop. Now why...

"Looking for loopholes, looking for bugs, is originally a kind of game fun, a kind of game experience that people talk about, if there are loopholes, let them drill them, let the players dedicate themselves, use all their energy and effort Isn’t it the goal we have been pursuing in the experience of the game? This is of great benefit to the faith value, and you seem petty with import taxes, are you guilty of fighting wits and courage with players like this?”


"Forget it, forget it, the files are going to be deleted anyway, it doesn't matter, next time, pay attention, if there is such a thing, you have to look at it from the perspective of the overall situation, don't be like a miser, staring at some insignificant details Gain and loss, care about the players."

"... yes, my lord."

After criticizing Xiao Ai, I continued to browse the system log, and soon found the content I was interested in.

"So, this demon player with a hidden profession is doing pretty well?"

"Yes, he has secretly mastered a kobold tribe of more than one hundred people, not only developing the leader into his own 'customer', but also disguising himself as the master 'Tu Wang' who can satisfy all wishes of people , performed several sacrifices, the abyss consciousness has noticed him, and gave a certain response..."

"Notice him? It should be the Magic Internet Cafe?"


"This model is feasible? As the agent of the demon players, the feedback of the abyss consciousness is given to the magic net. What has the magic net obtained?"

"A brand new kind of energy, other than soul power and belief value, dark energy that cannot be named, a bit like the dark matter of the earth, which cannot be analyzed or used by the magic net."

"It will be used soon. I know this... dark energy. It is the 'dark side' rule of the crystal wall system. It is something similar to Gaia's consciousness. It's a good thing!" Bei Gaoyang was excited at this time Get up, rub your hands and stand up excitedly, "You did a good job, let's use dark energy to define this new energy!"


"Five Tests vigorously promote the demon race... Uh, there is no need to hide it, let's make it an official professional race!"

"Will it be too aggressive? In terms of professional balance, gameplay, and..."

"Uh... indeed, you let me think about it."

Bei Gaoyang let his feverish mind cool down, and discovered that the dark energy is of great significance, and it is even more significant for the bloody battle in the abyss that he will participate in. It turned out that he was still worried about whether the five-layer magic net could resist the erosion of the abyss consciousness. Players Whether it can withstand the intensity of the bloody battle, with dark energy, there will be a solution and confidence to solve all this.

However, it is too risky to vigorously promote the demon race profession. He doesn't want the magic net to suddenly give birth to his own consciousness one day, and he doesn't want the magic net and all players to "degenerate" and become captives of the abyss consciousness.

"Let's use dark energy to make another system demon god... let's talk about other aspects!"

Bei Gaoyang turned off the system, sat back on the sofa, and took stock of each item with Xiao Ai.

Combat system.

Arena mode.

Class redesign and balance.

Invasion of the game area by the centaur rout.

Mount and magic pet system.

The lack of high-level monsters and the second-turn level and test difficulty.

and so on, many, many,

(End of this chapter)

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