This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 271 Crisis Public Relations

Chapter 271 Crisis Public Relations
On June 6, the small conference room on the 17th floor of Canaan Company.

Chen Liu, the newly recruited HR director, knew that today's meeting would be difficult. As a high-level executive who was ordered to parachute to Canaan Company at a critical moment, he knew some internal secrets.

Seems to be something about the fifth test.

He has been studying and working overseas for a long time, so his identity has naturally been strictly checked and screened. As a member of the special front, he can be regarded as "retired". Canaan Company is considered a place for him to "retire", and the working environment has become stable. Unexpectedly, the responsibility he shouldered has not been reduced at all. He read a briefing last night and felt very heavy.

There were three men and two women sitting sparsely in the conference room. Seeing him come in, he just nodded. Chen Liu found his seat and sat down, opened his notebook and started to daze.

They are not in the mood to talk, and they have heard a little bit of rumors. This test seems to be very difficult?
The new head of the public relations department sat across from her, seeing her delicate eyebrows furrowed, she must know more.

Chen Liu knew that the company had just undergone a big change, and almost all the people present here were newcomers like him, including the director of the public relations department.

The public relations department is also responsible for handling the company's public opinion and public affairs crisis, and is responsible for the maintenance and publicity of the company's image. It used to be just a soy sauce department, and it was the last among the senior executives, with little sense of existence. , but now its role has never been more prominent.

Combining such clues, Chen Liu had a vague guess about the big trouble of the five tests.

After waiting for a few minutes, there was a sound of hurried footsteps, the door of the meeting room was pushed open vigorously, and the company's CEO Yu Qingdong rushed in with three or four high-level executives holding documents.

"Do you all know each other?"

"Well, today's agenda is tense, so I won't do too much shivering. The theme of this meeting is the fifth test. It's not because of any technical problems that you executives are called, to do this time Crisis PR."


Chen Liu thought to himself, and hurriedly opened his notebook to take notes.

"To put it simply, this test is different from the past. The game needs to be greatly changed, involving the previous game functions and content, so... this test is to delete files."

Chen Liu, who came back from abroad, didn't feel deeply, and was not touched much by hearing the words. The others were indeed in an uproar. The beautiful woman in charge of the public relations department, Wang Li, stood up excitedly and said in shock: "Mr. Yu, I Did you hear me right? Delete files, how to delete them?"

Yu Qingdong waved her to sit down, and rapped on the table with a frown, "You heard me right, this test is a file deletion test, almost no game data will be retained, and everything will be reinvented."

"How is this possible!" A senior executive shouted, "Not to mention the data of the players, but the institutions and consortiums that have invested heavily in Canaan..."

"Don't care about them!" Yu Qingdong waved his hand impatiently, "I'm in charge of one-third of an acre of land. Since they start their business in Canaan, they have to bear such risks."

Everyone was still shocked, and they were shocked when they thought of the astronomical amount of money involved.

"After all, we are a private company, and we don't have the authority of a state entity...", some people still want to persuade.

"Deleting files is already a fact, and it cannot be changed, so I won't discuss it here." Yu Qingdong irritatedly changed it to filming, and glared dissatisfiedly at the executive who was still entangled in this point.

"Okay..." The man shrank his head and fell silent.

"What did the Ministry of Justice say, is there any legal risk?" The enthusiasm for the discussion was not high, and President Yu simply asked him by name what he was most concerned about.

"It was originally there." The executive of the legal department pushed his glasses, glanced at the faces of the new and old colleagues without a trace, and said calmly: "But recently, the high-level executives have issued a Is it Xiang Hong's first document, about that lawsuit?"

"Say it straight, don't be tricky!"

"That red-headed document is tantamount to setting a goddamn game for such things. Reality belongs to reality. Virtual property protection refers more to offline versus online protection. Canaan's affairs should be according to Canaan. Canaan’s rules of the game can be resolved, whoever decides the rules of Canaan, isn’t it us, so there is no risk.”

As soon as this remark came out, the executives were talking again.

A private company has become a rule maker in this way?
This is not a child's play house, you play the father, I am the mother, it is the Canaan world with huge influence, which can be called the second world of human beings and the home of the soul.

As soon as this document came out, I don’t know how many glasses were shocked. The instigator, the lawsuit over the ownership of the huge virtual property, no one paid attention to it. They all focused their energy and saliva on this newly issued document. South Company.

Canaan Company, as the most watched star enterprise, was already on the cusp of the storm, and now it is even more serious.

Many people muttered why the top management gave such a private company such a huge authority and trust, and at the same time they didn't know why they gave Canaan the nickname-umbrella.

Umbrella Corporation!
It's the man behind the scenes in Resident Evil, the umbrella that secretly controls everything.

This is simply murderous!

But only those who don’t understand the inside story at all, and treat Canaan Company as an ordinary private company will think this way. Those who really know a little bit about the inside story, for example, all the executives here know who Canaan Company listens to, not this Yu Dazui, who was blowing his beard and staring, was not them, but those mother-in-laws with the Chinese prefix.

Behind the mother-in-law is the great-grandmother, and behind the great-grandmother are the ancestors, and it is their turn to set the rules of the game for these small characters on the table.

The problem is that the vast majority of people who eat melons belong to the first category, which gives a lot of room for those who "don't know the inside story" and "know a little inside information and pretend they don't know" to make trouble.

"It's good that there are no legal issues, the rest is how to appease the players!"

Yu Qingdong acted resolutely, and simply decided the fate of those organizations, and set his sights on the new head of the public relations department.

The beauty manager seemed to know a little bit about the inside story, so he didn't speak at this time, and just stared back.

The two of them stared at each other for more than ten seconds, while the others watched and ignored it.

In the end, Yu Qingdong was defeated, leaned back weakly, and said, "Let's talk about it, what should we do if the players get into trouble."

Yes, looking at it this way, institutions and business entities are still the best solution.

"There will definitely be trouble!", the beauty supervisor said a little excitedly, "It's useless to do anything..."

"What are you doing..." Yu Qingdong became angry again.

"This job can't be done!"

"Letting you come solves the problem!"

"I don't understand why the file must be deleted. From the player's point of view, it's too unreasonable!"

"Canaan is still in internal testing, is it difficult to understand deleting files?"

"Is Canaan an ordinary game?"

"You... still think it's irrelevant? If you don't want to do it, it's early..."

Seeing that something was wrong, Chen Liu hurriedly stood up with others to persuade him to make peace.

Half an hour later, the meeting ended unhappily, and there was no reason to discuss it in the end. Before leaving, Yu Qingdong warned that the content of today's discussion must be kept absolutely confidential, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk.

Some people listened to it, but some chose to take the risk.

"Dad, it's me, listen to me, quickly ask my aunt to clear out those few stocks...Hey, don't ask so many questions, let Xiaohao also sell all the equipment in the game, the station, and everything that can be sold Come on, hurry up, I guess the wind will leak out soon, so don’t worry if it’s too late.”

Can Yu Qingdong guard against this move?

At the same time, he was sitting in a confidential computer room, monitoring more than a dozen similar calls, his face so gloomy that he could drip water.

The beautiful head of the public relations department was also there, and she was watching her plan come true with a smile on her face, very proud.

"This is the only way we can think of. The cruise ship is about to capsize and everyone will drown. If there is no lifeboat, the tourists and crew may do something in despair. But with the lifeboat, it will be different. They would be scrambling to get onto the lifeboats, rather than hold the captain accountable."

"But the vast majority of people still have to drown!", Chen Liuzai retorted with a complicated expression, only now knowing the real 'crisis public relations plan'.

"At least we can stay out of it."

"Is it really possible?" Chen Liu was still skeptical, "Those with connections and contacts knew the news that the ship was going to sink in advance, and naturally seized all the lifeboats. What about the vast majority of the crew? anger!"

"That's why we have to carry out the second step of the plan, to expose the sudden popularity of the 'lifeboat' and to expose the various strange behaviors of certain people, to add fuel to the fire secretly, and lead most people to guess the truth..."

"In this way, everyone will go to grab this lifeboat, and I'm afraid that others will know the truth, so..." Chen Liu's eyes became more complicated. This woman is really sinister, and he should stay away from her in the future.

"That's why they keep it secret. Keeping it a secret with a layer of window paper, the truth becomes the emperor's new clothes!"

"and then?"

"The pressure we face will be greatly reduced. With this period of buffer, when a layer of window paper is pierced, the acceptance is much better than letting it out all at once-this is called 'painful delay therapy'."

"Mr. Yu, are you really doing this?"

Yu Qingdong was still listening to the call records, and his thoughts had long been on the matter. He was wondering if his own call records were also lying somewhere, recorded and analyzed word by word by someone who didn't know?
This kind of thought made him feel cold all over, because he didn't know when he said what. From this aspect, it was a miracle that he could stay in this position well.

Thinking about the so-called 'umbrella company' again, he really had the idea of ​​retreating bravely. The water here is too deep and muddy, and his small body is really not enough to look at.

"President Yu!?"

"Uh, ah... tell me, I'm listening!"

Seeing that he was obviously out of shape, Chen Liu suddenly didn't want to say anything.

"The two of you are your own people, and you are in danger. You know the complexity and danger of the current situation. The fifth test is about to go international. How to go, how to go, to be honest, I, the CEO, are at a loss. The meaning of the above is, Everything is based on that person's perception. As long as it does not involve major principles, major interests and concerns, we must follow his will. At the same time, we must always tighten a string, what string, how do you go? Got this job? How did your predecessor get in? You don’t need me to talk nonsense, you can understand.”

Chen Liu quickly assured: "Understood, Mr. Yu!"

Director of the beauty public relations department: "Resolutely defend the interests of the country and the people!"

"What Xiao Wang said is very good. Our work is special, and sometimes we have to adopt some methods that are not so aboveboard, but our principle and original intention remain the same, that is, the interests of the country and the people come first!"

Chen Liu, who came back from abroad, didn't quite get used to Yu Qingdong's tone and context, and his reaction was a bit slow, but the head of the beauty's public relations department really puffed up her chest, and said, "Mr. Yu, the current players are actually lucky enough. The fame and fortune they have gained has far surpassed ordinary people. Even if the file is deleted, they still have the qualifications for the game, and the experience and lessons learned from the previous tests. They are already much luckier than most people, so I don’t think so. They are too used to them, they value their feelings too much, and they should be grateful to know who brought all this."

Yu Qingdong smiled wryly when he heard the words, grateful?

If the Canaan game is really researched by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, if that person is really a Chinese, a genius scientist, if... But there are not so many ifs, that person is not controlled, and can't be controlled, and no one knows his truth Ideas can only be guessed, analyzed, tried and contacted!

Who knows what unknown views and plans he has for the player group, who knows where the Canaan game will go in the future, no one knows.

The reality is so complicated, I can't explain clearly in a few words, and I can't tell them with the secret level of these two colleagues, even though they can guess a little.

Forget it, forget it, let's do it!
"Then... what about these people?" Chen Liu asked, pointing to the call recording in Yu Qingdong's hand.

"Prosecute, go through legal procedures!", Yu Qingdong put down the disk containing the recording viciously, stood up and said.

There are a few of his people here. How did they get the news? Naturally, they 'inquired' from their surroundings. They knew the seriousness of this matter, but they still did this, but they didn't release him or the company. In my heart, I have my own interests in mind.

This kind of person, this kind of behavior is betrayal, which is more hated than those who were caught.

Neither Chen Liu nor the beauty director had any objections, so the matter was settled.

The steps of crisis public relations have been established, and the major event of the heart has finally been settled. No matter how it develops in the future, at least there are tricks to deal with it.

He was really exhausted these days, and he didn't come home until late at night.

Because of the matter of his daughter's elementary school class teacher, he lost his temper a lot. There is no way to explain this kind of thing clearly, and his wife is still kept in the dark.

I thought the house was deserted, but who knew it was quite lively.

"Brother-in-law is back, just in time, you give us a reference..."

The sister-in-law was also there, sitting in the living room with her yellow-faced woman and her son and daughter, studying something with a game map.

"What are you referring to? Didn't I give you all the game helmets? Let me tell you first. If you ask for any inside information, please don't speak up."

Yu Qingdong didn't want to continue the cold war, so he took off his coat, came over to save face, and sat down on the sofa.

"It's not to make you violate the principle, it's because someone sold the store in the game at a low price, and my family and I are going to sell the pot and sell it, so you can refer to it!"

Yu Qingdong was stunned when he heard the words, and didn't respond for a while.

Suddenly, the multiple-choice question of whether to be a traitor or to be a selfless person appeared in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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