This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 272 Exceptions

Chapter 272 Exceptions
People are not sages, who can truly be impartial?
You can't just watch your sister-in-law's family jump into the fire pit, can you?
Even if he could do it, but his yellow-faced woman was encouraged by her own sister to invest her own savings and throw it into this pit of fire, he couldn't just sit back and watch, right?
That would be selflessness, but hypocrisy!

"Risk, what risk, brother-in-law, are you saying that the system will be flooded?"

"What I said, what I said, I just remind you to pay attention to the risks inside, what you think has nothing to do with me"

"Brother-in-law, just give me an accurate answer. Is there any outsider here?"

"I'm too lazy to care about you."

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, don't leave, alas, why is this business risky?"

"Since your brother-in-law said so, you can discuss it with your family when you go back. I think the pie in the sky is very mysterious."

After the sister-in-law returned home, she told her husband about Yu Qingdong's warning.

My husband also can't figure out what risks are involved here. What are the risks in a business like Bai Jian?

The couple wrestled their fingers and thought about it for a long time. They didn't sleep until late at night. After thinking about it, the biggest risk is losing money, and if you want to lose money at this price, unless...unless the system needs to release water.

Depreciation of prices, plunging exchange rates, or... the fifth test?

Thinking of this, her husband was startled, "Could it be want to delete files?"

Although the sister-in-law is not a player, she is also a game master. Hearing this, she was startled: "Deleting files is impossible!"

"How is it impossible? That's what Yu Dazui said..."

"My brother-in-law didn't even say to delete files!"

"Can he explain this kind of thing clearly, wait a minute, I'll find someone to inquire about it..."

In the middle of the night, the people who were disturbed by him didn't bother with him. The relationship here, the favor there, the identity of Yu Qingdong's brother-in-law is quite easy to use. If he doesn't ask, people who have already heard the news will naturally not take the initiative to tell him. Asked, naturally regarded him as 'one of my own'.

"Let me tell you, it's absolutely true. During the meeting today, Mr. Yu patted the table and said that it cannot be changed!"

"Delete, delete, delete..."

"Shh, don't say it out loud, Mr. Yu gave you your gaming helmet, right? Hurry up, every minute and every second is precious now..."

The brother-in-law put down the phone, was stunned for a while, and then said to his wife, "I am really convinced this time."

"What's going on, you want to kill me!?"

"Our brother-in-law is really courageous. If he dares to do such a thing, he won't be afraid of being drowned by saliva?"

"Really delete files!?"

"It seems so."

"... Then this business really can't be done. I said, how could it be so cheap? It's like picking up for nothing. I thought people were looking at the relationship between me and my brother-in-law. What kind of relationship do I want? You want to trick me... no, I need to find out about that bastard, I usually take care of her like that..."

"Okay, my aunt, is this the time to care about these things? I'm going to be drowned, why don't you hurry up and go ashore!"

"Ah, yes, yes, log in to the game quickly, sell everything, and exchange all the game coins..."

After the shock, the brother-in-law thought of something else.

Before the fifth test, Canaan must be bearish. With the current high exchange rate and prices, there is a lot of room for manipulation.

It was hard for my family to get accurate information from that unreasonable brother-in-law, and I couldn't let it go anyway.

Who said you can’t make money by being bearish? Although there is no futures in Canaan, there is indeed a black market. You don’t need to be too sophisticated, just simply short the exchange rate, and you can make money... Ah, every minute and every second is money now. .

The sister-in-law was still chattering about whether or not to inform the friends she knew. If others didn’t say anything, she just said that a few relatives got the game helmets from Yu Qingdong. It was really unreasonable not to notify.

The brother-in-law quickly stopped this idea, the excuse was not to cause trouble for the brother-in-law, but in fact he was afraid that the news would leak and delay his family's fortune.

I turned on the computer and saw that the exchange rate of the copper coins had gone out of a small negative line, and the start time coincided with the meeting time of the Canaan Company.

The brother-in-law was trembling with excitement, and he didn't dare to tell his sister-in-law. He contacted several institutions as quickly as possible and started the business of shorting the exchange rate of copper coins.

To put it simply, it is to lend game currency, pay high interest, and return it with game currency within the deadline.

Straightforward, brutal, and a fool knows how to do it.

How much are the assets in the game worth?

There is such a brother-in-law who is 'unselfish and unreasonable'. He is just an upper-middle-level ordinary player, and because he is old and mainly lives and relaxes, how much money is there in the game?
But with his 'credit', it is impossible for those institutions to lend him too much game currency. How can this work, so he thought of finding a partner.

Yu Qingdong never expected how big a wound would be torn out by a small cut, let alone expected that some people would do anything under the blindness of greed.

In the morning, Du Shiyu logged into the game as usual, and as soon as she walked out of the teleportation point, she received the good news that the family resident had solved the problem.

"Wow, we finally have a land? How much did it cost?" Xia Miaomiao was more excited than a river of spring water.

Yijiang Chunshuiliu said in the family channel: "It didn't cost much, luck, a friend introduced him, something happened to that person in reality, and he needed money urgently."

"Where is the station, where is it?"

"I'll send you a map, come here quickly, the place is nice, everything is built, just pack your bags and move in!"

"Chunshui is so awesome, he took care of the station by himself!"

"Hehe, congratulations, congratulations, I gritted my teeth and gave up everything."

After closing the chat channel, Xia Miaomiao said excitedly: "Xiao Yu, let's go to the station quickly, all the good places have been selected."

"Really?" Du Shiyu was not very motivated.

"Why don't you go?"

"If you choose someone else's house, you will be with him. Are you sure?"

"Oh, just follow me, who is not following, Chunshui is a very good person."

"Well, you can just think it through clearly, but you can't be like before, you have a conflict with this one today, and you have to leave when you have a quarrel with that one tomorrow?"

"No, it's different this time, they are all acquaintances."

"That's not what you said that time"

"Are you annoying, let's go!"

The two traveled to the Alpha plane by teleportation. On the way, they suddenly saw someone selling horse cards on the World Channel. Xia Miaomiao, who had just made a fortune, was already planning to buy a mount, so she chatted with the seller in private.

"200 million? Someone in Xiaoyu is selling horse cards, only 200 million!"


"Horse card, mount!"

"Ah? It's not a liar, is it? Why is it RMB and not gold coins?"

"He said there was a special situation... What about Xiaoyu, the opportunity is rare, and someone snatched it away when it was too late."

"Is he there?"

"The town of Chenxi Town... Ah, he just sent a message saying that there are guarantees from institutions and banks, so you can give the horse card first"

"Then it's not a liar... Wow, there is such a good thing?"

"Go, go, don't be in a hurry if you're late."

"You talk to Chunshui first."

"He said, he told me to go quickly."

"Then go!"

So, the two of them turned around halfway and hurried to the main town of Chenxi Town.

When I got to the place, my heart felt cold. I saw that the third floor and the outer three floors of the place selling horse cards were full of people. It was a very remote corner, and I couldn't squeeze in.

People from banks and institutions are also there, providing qualification and credit guarantees, and you can get the mount on the spot as long as you sign.

Someone has already made a successful transaction, and they couldn't wait to summon the mount, and rode on it happily.

"What should Xiao Yu do, what should I do!"

Du Shiyu was also very anxious, but there was nothing she could do if she couldn't squeeze in, so she asked Xia Miaomiao to try again with that person just in case.

Unexpectedly, so many people have not sold out! ?
Du Shiyu was startled and said, "Where does this person have so many horse cards?"

Xia Miaomiao's mind turned faster, "Could it be the same as us, and found some loopholes?"

Du Shiyu: "Is this possible?"

"The price of the horse card is going to wait, I'll check!"

I don't know if I don't check it, I'm shocked when I check it.

Why are there so many good things hanging on the auction, that piece of equipment that blinds people's eyes, that piece of powerful prop that is rarely seen on weekdays, that piece of secret recipe blueprint, and there are even sale shops, resident...

The price is also very close to the people!
"What's going on here?" Du Shiyu smelled something different, and Xia Miaomiao became excited before she could think about it, "Wow, now we can put together a blue outfit without training. Light rain!"

"I think something is wrong..."

"What's wrong... Ah, the man replied, the horse card is gone, but there are second-hand ones for sale"

"Second-hand, that is, one that has already been summoned to recognize the Lord?"

"Yes, yes, the price is cheaper, only 180 million."

"Or only RMB?"


"The situation is not right, Miao Miao."

"What's wrong, after passing this village, there will be no such store, only 180, even if the price drops in the future, I will accept it."

Du Shiyu was right when she thought about it, the mount is a 'just needed', even if the price falls, where can it go, can't everyone have one?
So I endured my doubts and stopped persuading.

Finally, when there were fewer people, he connected with the player who sold the horse cards, and the other party threw over a confirmation letter without even looking at it. There was no need to go offline, just sign online.

Strictly speaking, such a confirmation letter has no legal protection, but both the institution and the bank agree that the transaction procedures for the two second-hand horses have been completed very simply and neatly.

When two "humpbacked horses" without variegation, one red and one black, were summoned and completed the identification process, Xia Miaomiao cheered and couldn't wait to ride on them. The town square is in motion.

"Haha, it's enjoyable, even more enjoyable than driving a Ferrari!"

"180 million, you can buy one."

"How can this be compared? This is the mount in the game...Xiao Yu, let's compete."

"Don't make trouble!"

"That's it, I'll take a step first, drive!"

There is a mount in the game that is much more eye-catching than a luxury car in real life. Xia Miaomiao's envious and jealous eyes along the way made Xia Miaomiao very satisfied. After being excited with her best friend for a while, the excitement in her heart eased a little.

Du Shiyu also couldn't put it down for her mount, and the vigilance just now was long forgotten.

In the end, she reluctantly put away her mount and turned it into a horse badge and put it in her backpack. Xia Miaomiao said, "My name is Xiaohong, and yours is Xiaohei."

"Such a name is so stupid!", Du Shiyu complained.

"It's enough to be simple and easy to remember. Even if there are better mounts in the future, we must treat them well and give them retirement."

"Please, it's just a bunch of game data."

"I think they're alive, don't you?"


"Stop talking, let's go and find Chunshui's house."

After spending 180 million yuan, the one who spent was satisfied and effortless. The two of them sat on the teleportation and continued to rush to the Alpha plane. When they arrived at the place, the place they saw was far beyond expectations.

This resident is actually in the bustling downtown area of ​​[Farm Back Station].

Two little lions were squatting at the gate of the residence. The plaque on the door had been replaced with the family name of [Brothers and Sisters and a Family], and an NPC with the same name of [Brothers and Sisters and a Family Manager] was standing in front of the main hall. On the steps, he smiled and said to the two, "Welcome family members Xuewu Feiyu and a little sapling back, this is our common home..."

Teleported into the main hall, more than twenty family members have all arrived.

Huaguoshan Saint Warrior was spitting and talking about something, when he saw the two people coming in, he laughed and said, "The two beauties are here, you guys are welcome!"

Family members who knew each other and didn't know each other burst into laughter, and two chairs were vacated in a very enthusiastic atmosphere for the two to sit down.

"What were you talking about just now?" In front of outsiders, Xia Miaomiao was still very quiet, asking Brother Chun who was sitting beside her softly.

Brother Chun laughed and said, "We're arranging the seats. The first master and the second master. You came late, so you can only be the 22nd master and the 23rd master."

"What the hell!"

"Don't listen to his nonsense." Yijiang Chunshui flowed red, sitting in the position of the patriarch and explained: "They said that the location of the garrison is very good, and an illegal building or something can be built at the entrance to do some business."

"That's a good idea!" Xia Miaomiao agreed very much, but she didn't care about these things the most, "It's all done like this, the system has been demolished and then demolished, and there is no loss anyway... By the way, the house is divided? "

"Haha, I just said, I just said that you must be the first to ask about this when you come here." Brother Chun jumped up with a smile, "Everyone is here, let's start to divide the room, the master?"

"Okay, share the room!" Yijiang Chunshuiliu waved his hand, "Don't worry, everyone has it, and it's still a single room!"

"Long live!!"

Someone is already cheering.

"Wait, wait a minute!" Xia Miaomiao suddenly stopped, "There is still someone who hasn't arrived yet."


"Fan leaf knows autumn!"

Hearing this, Du Shiyu quickly pinched his best friend.

Fan Chaoyue hasn't joined the family yet, so there's nothing on the list, but after this kind of good thing passes through this village, there won't be this shop anymore, not to mention, even though the two of them get angry when they meet, Xia Miaomiao can still think about each other at critical moments , is really rare.

"Chunshui, you promise to make it through."

Yijiang Chunshuiliu pondered for a while, he knew Fan Chaoyue's identity in reality, so he nodded, "Then help her choose one!"

"Long live!" Xia Miaomiao then cheered.

For a while, everyone was satisfied and happy, but I don't know how long this happiness can last.

(End of this chapter)

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