Chapter 273

Xia Miaomiao's assigned house can only accommodate a bed and a locker that can serve as a system warehouse.

Although the place is small, it has great functions. With this bed, there will be a safe and private transfer station for going online and offline in the future. You can record birth and resurrection points here, and you can also open a link to the marked point for free. Not to mention the transmission, the locker, the convenience is not a bright spot.

Besides, this 'home' is of great significance, a private space in the game that truly belongs to oneself and cannot be entered by outsiders without your own permission. In terms of emotion and experience, there is a big difference between having and not having it.

Of course, the real function of this bed is not to allow the player to sleep, but it can quickly restore the fatigue of the soul and make the player's state full.

Xia Miaomiao rolled on her own bed, looking at the ceiling close at hand, she didn't feel that the pigeon cage was cramped and oppressive at all, she just said: "If one day I can sleep for several days in the game, I will admit that it is a pigeon cage. Second world."

The family channel is very lively. The members assigned to the house are all excitedly talking about their feelings. Some people are still asking if they can bring their 'girlfriend' back. Men scream and women despise. A river of spring water just said no. , I saw Xia Miaomiao sighing, and said: "It will definitely work. There will be no difference between games and reality in the future?"

"That would be great, I don't even want to go offline... Hey, do you think there will be a 'birth' function in the future?" Huaguoshan Saint Warrior asked with a smirk.

"Bringing... a child?" Xia Miaomiao really hadn't thought about this question. Just as she was surprised, the family channel started to explode again, "I don't want it, you stinky men want to think about these things, it's disgusting!"

He said so in his mouth, but he didn't think so in his heart. If giving birth in the game doesn't hurt... yes, yes, then what... think about it?

But who will you have sex with... Do you want to do that kind of embarrassing thing beforehand, hehe! !

First of all, orcs have to be ruled out, and dwarves are not good. Handsome elves can be considered. It is better to be a human. He must be handsome in reality and in the game, high-skilled, gentle and considerate, and good-natured. You can only love me...

Just as she was being nympho, Du Shiyu knocked on the door outside, Xia Miaomiao quickly wiped the corners of her mouth and got up, letting her in.

"Let's go, go"

"go there?"

"Look elsewhere."

"Oh, wait for me, I haven't done the certification yet."

After authenticating her room with the system, activating the corresponding functions, and seeing the system prompting her to confirm the fact that she also has a nest in the game.

There is still a big difference between having this nest and not having this nest. First of all, psychologically, I feel that I have roots, have belonging, and have a place that can shelter from wind and rain...

Consciously becoming a wealthy family, Xia Miaomiao's spirits were high, the more she looked at this pigeon cage, the more she enjoyed it, and she didn't want to leave.

Going out with your buddies, the long corridors are full of identical pigeon cages on both sides. In order to maximize the use of space, the ceiling is extremely low. Some particularly tall orcs and elves have to stoop their waists when entering, and only dwarves The player is the most convenient, and the advantage of being short is reflected in this aspect, which no one thought of.

The family members went out one after another, and within a few steps of the long corridor, they came to the exit of the first floor due to the "space compression". The stairwell was just a decoration, and the different floors up and down still needed to be teleported.

Teleport to the exit on the first floor, and you will be in the lobby of the apse. The family member management NPC is smiling behind the counter similar to a hotel.

A river of spring water welcomes everyone to the left side hall through the entrance. The same regulations and styles make people feel monotonous after a long time. There are no pigeon cages here, but family functional units reserved one by one.

The family workshop is divided into more than a dozen independent units, including pharmacy workshops, forging workshops, enchanting workshops, tailoring workshops, food workshops, etc., which are still blank at present, but the infrastructure is already in place, just waiting for the corresponding tools and materials to be replenished. can be opened.

Family members can rent these workshops for production. The cost is much cheaper than renting outside. The things they make can also be donated to the family in exchange for contributions. The corresponding tools and materials are very valuable. A magic forge is an astronomical forge. As far as the figures are concerned, the former owner who bought the residence has done everything well. As far as these necessities are not in place, it can be seen that the investment is not ordinary.

"Doing a life career here has the bonus of family luck!" Yijiang Chunshuiliu is very excited today. What is a real career?That's it, it's even happier than he sold the house and bought the land in reality, because this residence was funded by him alone, and there were no other founding members besides him. Strictly speaking, it belonged to him personally.

Of course, he won't say anything. How can anyone not be excited to have such a foundation?
This is what he worked hard from scratch.

Tasting the joy of success, Yijiang Chunliushui tried its best to create an atmosphere of 'the family belongs to all'. "In the future, the family will upgrade, and the family's luck will become higher and higher."

"What about the family store? Didn't the system say that it will refresh some good things that are not sold outside?" Xia Miaomiao asked.

"The family store is over there..." Yijiang Chunshui led everyone to the right, one door after another, flashing teleportation one by one, one of them stood with a functional NPC, and a dialogue with it opened up an interface.

Level 1 families currently only refresh red and blue potions, and the price is cheaper than that of black shops outside, but the price is limited, not as competitive as those sold at player booths.

"If the family is upgraded, the discount can continue, and the second-level family will randomly refresh some rare items..."

"Uh, not bad!"

After watching the first floor, it was sent to the second floor. It was really empty here, and even the infrastructure was not done well.

"What are you going to do here?"

"It can be used as a training ground for the family, for martial arts competitions, or as a place for family members to gather and hold activities..."

"Imagine it's pretty good!"

"Ha ha……"

"What about the third floor?"

"The third floor is a free market. When there are more people in the future, set up a stall to sell food and so on."

"Wow, although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs?"

The last is the right hall.

Some functions such as family breeding, animal husbandry, and task space are provided here, but it is currently blank and there is nothing to see.

In this way, the entrance is the main hall, the main family is upgraded, the function is expanded, members join and exit, war, diplomacy and other functions are related. The side hall is mainly concerned with the production of raw materials, breeding, animal husbandry, tasks, etc.

There is also a family garden, which is located in the middle of the 'siheyuan', and now it has not even been teleported, so naturally there is no need to see it.

To put it simply, the function of the family residence is not generally powerful. It can be seen that the system is intended to be a small community. In this community, family members live and grow together, and can basically be self-sufficient. The purpose is to strengthen social interaction. attributes, increase user stickiness, enrich gameplay and experience...

Families can also form alliances to form gangs, and gangs can build cities, and after the city is built, they can also fight in the city, guard and seize the city built by the player.

Cities can form countries, and countries can also wage national wars...

But that will have to wait until the middle and later stages. Wutest doesn’t know if the cities built by players can be realized. Since the establishment of families is too expensive, there are almost no gangs formed by alliance families at this stage, but there are already precedents of family vendettas.

"You said, how many players will there be in the fifth test? There are gossip that it will exceed one million people online?"


"Online at the same time? Impossible? Now there are more than [-] players, and at most [-] to [-] are online at the same time, right?"

"Just the total amount."

"If there is a base of millions of players... then... that is really unimaginable. You must know that this is a population of one million. In ancient times, a million people was already a big country? Then all walks of life will have it, and the opportunities will be greater. There are many, countless ways to play, and correspondingly, the competition will be even greater!"

"What's so good about a million players? It's not surprising that there are so many people. Will we still receive such preferential treatment? I can't wait to keep testing like this. The fourth test is very good. There is no need for the fifth, sixth or even public beta. "

"It's a good idea, dare to promise that Canaan is just for the sake of you group of people?"

"Haha... I also know it's impossible, isn't this just a dream!"

"It's impossible to dream..."

There was a lot of discussion on the home channel, and everyone was very satisfied with this resident. At this time, a member who was offline midway came online, bringing a very unusual news.

"What, the exchange rate of copper coins has plummeted!?"

"Yes, it has fallen by 9% since this morning."

"Should it be a normal fluctuation?"

"It must be a big organization shipping..."

"Wait a minute, I'm short on money and just in time to collect some copper coins."

"Me too"

"Then let's go?"

Yijiang Chunshuiliu announced that the family's inauguration ceremony will be two days later, and everyone will be online as much as possible.

Everyone agreed one after another, and went back to the house and went offline one by one anxiously, experiencing the feeling of a family with a house.

Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao were going to go to the mission to clear monsters, but they were also a little bit excited when they saw this.

Don't look like you made a fortune, but you really don't have many copper coins on you, so you might as well eat some now.

"Xiaoyu, how much should we change?"

"Uh... 100 gold?"

"Wow, opening your mouth is 100 gold? It feels so good to be a rich woman, hehe..."

"Shh, be quiet."

"What are you afraid of? This is our house, and no one can hear it."

The two happily went offline without leaving the real game warehouse, entered the virtual space, logged on to the official website, and came to the lobby where the copper coin exchange was located.

Strictly speaking, this hall belongs to a sub-section of the official forum. Since the Canaan stock market, foreign exchange market, and futures market were banned, it has spontaneously formed a collection and distribution center for virtual and real currency transactions and transactions. What we see in reality is long-term refinement , The essence of the post on the top, what you see in the virtual is a separate small room.

Most of the hosts are agents of major organizations stationed in the forum for a long time, and there are also players and tourists who have been engaged in exchange rate trading for a long time, so it is very lively. If you choose to listen to all channels, then those meaningless watering posts in reality will also be used as background sound. Appeared in chaos.

However, most people who have this access to the virtual space will block out this chaotic voice and only focus on their own affairs.

The so-called copper coin exchange rate was generated in these small rooms.

Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao had a manager they were familiar with. When they entered the manager's room, they saw a large screen similar to the stock market constantly on the wall, and the K-line chart was dark green.

"Fall, fall again!"

"It just rose a little and then fell again?"

"Strange, what's going on today, it feels like it's all being shipped?"

"The trading volume is amazing...ah, there is another big sell order, 1 to 11.7?"

"How about it, do you want to eat or not?"

"Full bin, no bullets."

"What's going on, it's too weird!"

"I don't believe it can fall back to 1:10, Lao Luo continues to increase his position by 1000 million!"

"Eat it all?"

"Nonsense, I'm studded!"

"I advise you to be more cautious..."

"Stop talking nonsense, I don't believe how much I can lose without adding much leverage."

Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao seldom come to such occasions. The bustle in the small virtual room is no different from the real stock exchange. Many "stockholders" who specialize in exchange rate speculation stare at the volatility K-line charts, nervous deaf ears, some gnashing their teeth, some dancing, and some depressed like gamblers who have lost all their chips...

"Light rain?"

"Something's wrong!" Du Shiyu thought of the strange things he encountered in the game today. If it happened by chance, it would be too concentrated.

Is it because of what?

Why do so many people start selling assets in the game at a low price?
"Then shall we buy it or not?"

That windfall was able to be settled so quickly because the two of them accepted RMB transactions. If copper coins are used, no one except some large institutions may not be able to come up with such a large sum of money. It is a good idea to exchange some copper coins. Yes, the sharp drop in the exchange rate should be a good thing, but seeing the atmosphere in this exchange, even Xia Miaomiao felt something was wrong and hesitated.

"Look again, look again!"

The two of them were not in a hurry to buy, and were going to have a look before talking.

From this point of view, we can witness how the epic avalanche in the exchange rate market happened.

When I first came in, it still fell by one thousandth, two thousandths, fell for a while, and rose by a little bit. When it was almost noon, a huge sell order detonated a wave of selling, and it became a thing of the past. It was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao stared at the K-line chart in astonishment, and the entire exchange was silent and in a state of sluggishness.

"Canaan, Canaan, is Canaan yellow?"


"Then, then, what's going on?"

"How the hell do I know? There must be dealers who want to cut leeks and want to be beautiful. Canaan is beyond their control, and the source of the currency is not in their hands."

"That, that..."

"Keep eating!"


When I was terrified and didn't know why, news suddenly broke out from the forum next door, like a detonated nuclear bomb, bombing everyone's hearts.

"This five-test, it seems that files will be deleted!"

All fantasies and luck were shattered, and the sales order flowed down like a flood that opened the floodgates. Any attempt to stop it would become a mantis' arm, and it would be washed away without a trace in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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