Chapter 274
"Delete the file? How is it possible to delete the file? Unless Canaan Company is crazy, delete the file? Can he afford it? The majority of players haven't demolished his broken company?"

"It's impossible to delete files, everyone, don't believe in such rumors, anyone with a little common sense knows, is that a file deletion? Is it a blatant embezzlement of the private property of the majority of players, or a huge, very huge amount of private property , he is not afraid of causing any mass incidents, how many heads does Yu Dazui have, dare to do this?"

"Yes, yes, don't worry, everyone will not delete files. This kind of news must be that those big institutions want to take advantage of the opportunity to harvest chips and deliberately suppress the exchange rate and prices. Don't be fooled."

"However, many people are selling and selling assets in the game at a low price. They are all good things that are sold and gone. Shops, residences, can these things be sold and returned?"

"As long as you have money and can't buy anything, this person must be the dealer's navy."

"I'm not a sailor, I'm just an ordinary player..."

"Anyway, listen to me, it's impossible to delete files. If we delete files, we'll get up and make trouble at Canaan Company. I hang myself at the gate of his company. I'll see who dares!"

"Damn, count me as one"

"And me, and me!"

"Everyone, watch CCTV's financial channel. There are experts explaining this file deletion incident."

"What kind of expert, never doing human affairs, must be dispelling rumors again."

"No, people say that even if Canaan Company deletes files, it is in accordance with legal procedures. Come and watch it, the address of the live broadcast room:..."

Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao quickly clicked on the teleportation portal, logged into the virtual space of the CCTV news broadcast room, found a seat in a virtual studio, and watched nervously.

"...The Canaan game is in the testing stage. I won't say what everyone knows about the testing. You didn't notice that when you received the game helmet, you signed and agreed to an electronic agreement. Although this agreement is It is a template routine, but it also clearly stipulates what should be done in this situation. Therefore, from a legal point of view, Canaan Company can delete files."

"But Professor Liu, Canaan is not an ordinary game. Many people and many business entities have already invested huge sums of money in this metaverse world..."

"I know what you want to say. The country actually has a policy on virtual wealth. If you look at the banning of the copper coin stock market, foreign exchange market and futures market, it can explain the problem. The value of virtual wealth is basically hyped up. You said He is worth [-] million, but in fact he is a set of data, this set of data can be modified and copied infinitely, this source is in the hands of the game official..."

"But the law is nothing more than human feelings. Canaan Company is too unreasonable to do this... Director Liu, you are a middle-level cadre stationed by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Canaan Company. What do you think about this matter? Delete files?"

"At present, we can only say that it is possible. As far as I know, the fifth test will be a very important adjustment. Carrying the data of the previous few tests is equivalent to moving forward with a heavy load. Many adjustments are facing great difficulties. This difficulty is technical. Yes, I am not very clear, but the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Canaan Company are already studying the feasibility of the plan."

"That is to say, whether to delete the file or not to delete the file has not been determined yet, has it?"


"Can Canaan Company come forward to clarify the rumors, you know, it has caused a huge panic in the market..."

"This... Let me try to report it to the company."

"Okay, thank you, audience friends, the news that Canaan's fifth test may delete files continues to ferment. It can be said that one stone has stirred up a thousand waves and caused great controversy online and offline. Everyone is very concerned about it. As far as this station knows, Hua Academy of Sciences, the producer of the technology, and Canaan Company, the operator, are still meeting overnight to discuss... Please don’t believe or spread rumors!”

After the hot topic live broadcast ended, Xia Miaomiao's heart was not only not appeased, but even more flustered.

"Xiao Yu, will you delete the file or not!?"

"I don't know. I haven't heard people say that Canaan Company hasn't decided yet?"

"Is that possible? What should I do? I spent so much money laundering my equipment. Isn't this an obvious robbery?"

"People are already testing, and testing may delete files..."

"He dares, I'll go to their company to splash paint!"

"Don't be stubborn, let's think about what to do!"

"Let's talk offline."

The two went offline in a panic, and as soon as they walked out of the game room, the call came.

"It's Spring Water!"

Xia Miaomiao quickly connected the phone, and the peace and calm of the past were lost in a river of spring water, and she asked her if she had any news that others didn't know.

"I'm just a little teacher, ordinary people..."

Before he finished speaking, Yijiang Chunshuiliu hung up the phone.

Xia Miaomiao was stunned for a while holding the phone, and said to her best friend, "Spring is in a hurry."

That's right, I don't know how much I spent on the station I just bought, but I must have spent everything, and maybe I have borrowed a lot. If I want to delete files all of a sudden, I don't want to kill people. I don't want to play like this other people's.

There are countless rivers of spring water in Canaan. These people are desperate, and maybe they can go to Canaan Company to hang themselves.

That's all money, a lot of money!

Thinking about it this way, I also felt that it was impossible to delete files. It was impossible for Canaan Company to be so powerful. Do you really think of yourself as an umbrella company?

Just as Xia Miaomiao hung up, Du Shiyu's call also came.

Also inquire about the news.

Since then, the phone has been ringing non-stop, and the most exaggerated relatives, friends and old classmates in my hometown, even if they are not players, are looking for them impatiently.

"They're speculating in stocks!"

Du Shiyu put down the hot phone and told his best friend.

"The people on my side are too, they are so annoying, they all ask me, and some shout, as if I want to delete files, crazy!"

If the player base is still small, then there are many "shareholders".

Do the math, in this short period of less than a year, which stock market is as hot as Canaan's "stock market"?

there is none left!
That's really doubled up, and if you don't fall, the money is like picking up for nothing. As long as there is a way, who can resist it, then you have to throw money into it?

This is how the high exchange rate and prices come about.

With 10 players, there may be 100 million "shareholders", and there are so many companies, institutions, unicorns, and stars of that era.

By the way, there is also the thriving metaverse economy, how many industries will be affected, how much loss will be caused, and how much GDP will be lost?

Thinking about it this way, I feel that it is impossible for the small Canaan company to do this, and it will not be able to do it.

After discussing and analyzing, the two of them collected all aspects of the situation and came up with such a result.

Xia Miaomiao's heart calmed down a little, and other aspects of her mind came alive, "Xiaoyu, do you think we the bottom?"

"What did you say, you say it again?"

"Hehe, I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding, I'm getting impatient."

"Warning, I'm not kidding you!"

"How dare I, dare not, dare not!"

While talking, the five grievances from the school came, needless to say, they must have come for the same thing.

It feels like the whole world is panicking over this.

Canaan Company's small conference room.

"What, stockholders, what stockholders? Do we still have stockholders in Canaan?"

"Stop pretending, my Mr. Yu, many people are going to jump off the building now, you don't want someone jumping off the company building, come up with a way out."

"There is no stock market in Canaan, only a black market. Since it is a black market, it is none of our business. What can we do?"

"Don't you just watch... Mr. Yu, how many people and families are pointing at an announcement."

"We can't release this announcement. Whether to delete files or not to delete files is more restricted by technical and hardware conditions. Instead of wasting your time with me, you might as well go to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which is more effective than us."

"You can't be so irresponsible, our organization has invested hundreds of billions of funds in Canaan..."

"There are also our special authorization, brand licensing, and game peripherals, and how many supporting industries, how many places' financial and economic development point to this, your Canaan company really considers itself an umbrella company. ?”

"Threat me? Then go through legal procedures..."

"You, Yu Dazui, are you so stubborn? You're not afraid..."

"I'm afraid of a fart. Canaan is already testing. Testing means immaturity. Naturally, anything can happen if you are immature. Maybe the Canaan game will be closed tomorrow!"

"What, close the door, don't you..."

"If you continue to make trouble like this, you may be banned by the country that day. Are you satisfied now?"

"Don't, don't, don't, Mr. Yu, please give me an accurate word, whether to delete the file or not?"

"I can't say this. It doesn't count if I say it. It has to be determined by the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

"Could it be that it is going international, and the private sector is going to be transformed into a state-owned one..."

"Don't guess, check the water meter carefully and I'll tell you."

Like Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao, Yu Qingdong didn't do anything all day, he just dealt with these people.

What institutions, what local representatives, what guild leaders, what unicorn enterprises, what government and enterprise celebrities, what old colleagues, old relationships, old superiors, all came here in a swarm.

Some made it clear that they should be held accountable, some threatened by slapping the table, and some even asked for inside information in a roundabout way...

It's really all kinds of beings, and I watched them all in one day.

I don’t know if I don’t see it, but I’m startled when I saw it. Since Canaan has penetrated so deeply into social economic production and life, it can be said that it affects the whole body. Deleting files is not a matter of Canaan, but concerns all aspects of the country. A thing with layers.

A big event, a black swan-like event.

No one expected to delete files in advance, including Canaan Company and him, the CEO, but, yes, but that person is, he can't fucking say it, as soon as he touches his lips, he says a fluffy word, and then he doesn't care , I have to fight the rest!

What is this called.

The crisis public relations strategy had been set long ago, and the higher-ups had already acquiesced, but Yu Qingdong and his superiors still underestimated the damage and impact this incident could cause.

It's just the beginning, I'm jumping a little bit, I can't support it anymore, is it the end of the world?
Just after dealing with a wave of people, before taking a breath, the Chinese Academy of Sciences came to Xingshi to question the crime.

"How can you put all the responsibility on us? Yu Dazui, you are still playing tricks at this time, and you are impatient?"

The person who came was an old acquaintance, and he was joking half-truthfully. Yu Qingdong knew that he was wrong, so he smiled apologetically all the way, "Isn't there no other way, the brand of Canaan Company is not strong enough, so I borrowed your tiger skin to support it?" For a while."

"Who did you discuss with, huh? You have made us very passive. Many of our experts have been harassed, and our work has been greatly affected."

"Understand, understand long live, for the tens of billions you just took away?"

"Are you talking about money? Are you talking about money? That's the dividend we deserve, and that's the scientific research funding allocated to us by the state."

"Come on, if you come to me, you still use an official accent. I said that if you have anything to do with Lao Xie, you can just tell me."

"It's really because of this incident. Don't believe me, we can't stand it anymore. The pressure... Sigh, we also want reputation!"

"Then what do you say?"

"The superior asked me to ask you, this file deletion must be deleted, is there a less radical way?"

Yu Qingdong became vigilant all of a sudden. When it comes to the big and small matters of No. [-], unless there is special authorization, even if the person in charge of No. [-] base comes to him, he still needs to see the relevant approval documents.

"This is..."

"Know the procedure, here, here you are!"

The visitor carefully took out the documents from the safe and gave Yu Qingdong the so-called 'approval'.

"Wait a minute!"

Yu Qingdong hurried into the inner room of the office with his hands, and opened the safe through multiple secret doors of identity verification. He obtained the dynamically updated key from the safe, and used the key and the code on the file to log in to an account that only he knew. Encrypted lines, got the real approval content.

So, more than an hour later, Bei Gaoyang, who was working on the outline of the fifth-layer magic net, received a call request from the earth.

"Uh...Xiao Yu?"

"Hello, Chairman, are you busy?"

"Tell me what's going on."

"It's still about the deletion of files in the fifth test. I want to ask, what is the method of deleting files? Is it not keeping all the data, starting from the beginning, or..."

"Well, the player's data will not be retained, and the residence, shop, and personal territory can be inherited."


"Didn't I tell you last time?"

"This... doesn't seem to be there."

"Haha, I was so busy that I forgot. Deleting player data is mainly based on the major improvement of game functions. Otherwise, it won't work. Stations, shops, territories, etc. will not be affected."

Yu Qingdong is really powerless to complain, your old man's forgetfulness is really... well, I can't say it.

"That is to say, except that the player data will definitely be deleted, the others are..."

"Not necessarily, I'm designing, and I'll give you a confirmation letter when I have a clue... That's it?"

"Okay, okay, chairman, please be busy, excuse me."

(End of this chapter)

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