This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 275 Crisis is also an opportunity

Chapter 275 Crisis is also an opportunity
In the boundless jungle, there are many towering trees that can only be embraced by more than a dozen people holding hands. Under the trees are continuous bushes. There is really no place to stay. Every step forward needs to fight with these ghosts, all the time No longer consuming energy.

There are a lot of taboos to pay attention to when spawning monsters in this environment, the most important of which is the ubiquitous bugs, which will bring various inexplicable negative states to the players.

Poisoning is still the most common. There is a small thing called "Sound Bug", which is almost invisible to the naked eye. A single bite can make players enter a "petrified" state. If you are unlucky, you may not encounter one or two It's a group, congratulations, you can enjoy a scene of "muppet show", you can see the unlucky players step by step, step by step, and be manipulated by these little things like a puppet until they run out Blood volume and physical strength fell.

So in this environment to spawn monsters, potions are secondary, and various insect repellent powders are a necessity.

Fortunately, this kind of medicinal powder has a formula, and pharmacists can make it. The threshold for making it is very low, and it is a must-have skill for novices. Many players who are just practicing life professional skills can increase their proficiency and recover a little cost by relying on this.

There are insect repellents, and naturally there are insect attractors. This [sound worm] itself is a valuable material. It can be used as a 'catalyst' in forging, and it can be used in enchanting to add a 'petrochemical' special effect to the probability of equipment. Used on red and blue potions, many tourists are hired to catch this bug.

At the same time, it can also be used as a "spicy" condiment, which is poisonous in itself, but after being killed at high temperature, dried and ground, it becomes pure and non-toxic. This secret was discovered by Aunt Xue by chance.

The jungle is too unfriendly to tourists like Aunt Xue, because it is close to the Fairy Forest. In addition to the monsters that spawn from time to time, you must also be careful of wild beasts and monsters running out of the forest.

Insect repellent powder is of course necessary. The whole body is wrapped tightly, and all the way straight to the direction where the sound bugs are infested. The players encountered along the way are very curious. It's free, and if you get disconnected or die in the red zone, you may even lose your tourist qualifications.

Wielding a machete with no attributes, Aunt Xue gritted her teeth and fought against the ubiquitous bushes. She accidentally stepped on the ground and fell into a "magic hamster" burrow.

Fortunately, the monster inside has just been cleared by the player, and it hasn't been refreshed yet. Even so, she was injured.

Tourists do not have the right to wait for 'system repair', nor can they use the player's red and blue potions, or the herbal medicine that NPCs only use, to simply bandage the wound, climb out of the burrow with difficulty, and continue on their way.

It is too expensive to buy sound bugs from players, so expensive that she, a 'pancake Xi Shi', can't afford it, so she can only catch them by herself.

Fortunately, it is not too difficult to catch this little bug, the difficulty is on the road.

Ahead is the low-lying and humid area where 'sound worms' appear. The reason why the sound worms carry the word 'sound' is because when they fly, the frequency of flapping their wings will make a clank sound similar to that of a guzheng playing, with different tones. Different, it sounds very pleasant, some boring casual players collect sound bugs with different tones, and make a [sound box] with various simple melodies, which is especially popular with some female players, and there are also those made into sachets , allowing players to bring special sound effects with them, just like the BGM that appeared on the stage.

Aunt Xue didn't have this kind of "petty bourgeoisie" sentiment, nor did she have such capital, so she was desperate for the ideal seasoning.

"I said, the system is going to delete files, what are you doing?"

"That's a rumor, it's impossible to delete the file, Canaan Company dare not."

"Shit, why don't you dare, what can you do with him?"

"Lao Tzu... Lao Tzu..."

"Stop swiping and go to Punk City."

"What are you doing in Punk City?"

"What? Protest and show those dogs how strong we are in solidarity."

"Is there something wrong?"

"going or not?"

"Go, go, there are no supplies anyway."

The place where the players spawned monsters was easy to identify, the bushes had been cleared, and just as Aunt Xue walked into the empty monster spawning spot, she came across this team of cursed players.

"Ah, there are tourists in this place?"

"Hey, what are you doing here? Are you courting death?"

"Look, even the tourists are going all out, so it can be seen that the file deletion is real."

Aunt Xue smiled at them and continued on her way without saying a word.

The comments from these players reminded her of what happened yesterday. Aunt Wang, the old neighbor in the past, was the one with a particularly sloppy mouth. She might be jealous of the fact that their family became prosperous as a tourist. I got a ticket that can enter the copper coin exchange rate market. Before this call, I even called her to show off, saying what price to buy, and how much it has increased now. The implication is, look, even if my mother is not Tourists, even if they can't enter the game, can still make a fortune from the game, which is much more than if you buy a pancake in the game.

It's all right now, I called and cried and asked her if she had any connections and what to do. She sold the house, even invested in her daughter's tuition, and borrowed a lot of money. If Canaan really deletes the file , the whole family had to jump off the building.


Okay, why bother?

In the past few days, both online and offline have exploded. I heard that many people are connecting together, saying that they are going to Canaan Company to make trouble. On the Internet, a group of senior executives of Canaan Company have become street rats. Shouting and scolding, everyone shouting to kill, it can be said that the people are full of grievances.

Careful analysis of the sources of these voices reveals that most of the most joyful dancers are those organizations that have suffered heavy losses. The sailors they employ, the media that they master and influence, are desperately keeping the rhythm.

With Aunt Xue's identity and position, she didn't know about this at first. Who made the Internet Information Department act vigorously this time, and Canaan Company hadn't acted yet, but they took action decisively, arrested a group, and fined a group. The ins and outs and the detailed list were announced, so that even people like her know that whoever takes the rhythm at such a juncture will not end well.

Excluding these rhythmic and provocative ones, there are indeed many people who have suffered heavy losses due to the rumors of 'deleting files'. There are many people like Aunt Wang, but compared to the huge population base, they are still number one. Criticizing people who eat crabs earns a lot and loses a lot, and speaking out will not win the sympathy of public opinion.

Aunt Xue can't feel it, but there is indeed an invisible hand controlling and influencing the fermentation of public opinion. The hot spot that is most concerned at present is whether to delete files for this test. Naturally, there are overwhelming opponents, and those who support it can't say No, Canaan Company just refused to give a letter of approval, only saying that because of technical problems, it is still doing all-out research with the technology producer.

Aunt Xue doesn't care whether to delete files or not. These tourists don't have any level, equipment, experience, or props, and they only suffer a little loss in terms of money. What counts?
There is trouble both offline and online, and I don’t care about games anymore. Aunt Xue still only cares about her own affairs. Taking advantage of the sharp drop in prices and most people don’t care about games, it’s better to accumulate a little more.

These principles were taught to her by her elf daughter.

Anyway, the formula and experience will not be lost, and her tourist status will not be cancelled, it doesn't matter whether she deletes the file or not.

By the time she arrived at the canyon infested with sound bugs, she had already spent more than 2 hours of game time, and she still gritted her teeth and teleported here.

A kind of special cage, put some bait that the sound insect likes in it, and the rest is to hide and wait for a while to harvest.

Aunt Xue was lucky this time. When she crawled out of the cave where she was hiding, the cage was already full of flying and bumping sound bugs. These small bugs were smaller than rice grains and could hardly be seen by the naked eye. The wings are like steel needles, which cannot be touched directly, and a petrochemical toxin will be injected into them if touched. If a tourist's body is stung twice, he may die.

She hugged the cage with a thick cloth, and she had no backpack, so she had to carry it behind her back. Facing the dimming light, Aunt Xue smiled contentedly and set foot on her way home.

It was easier to go back than when we came, and it took more than an hour to rush back to the nearest safe zone.

There are almost no people in the bustling and bustling safe zone on weekdays. The system NPC smiled boredly at seeing tourists like her, and still took the teleportation to rush to Punk City. The safe zone passed by along the way was similar.

In the past, she was reluctant to take teleportation. Isn't this going to delete the file? The money was kept for nothing, so she simply used it.

Things are very different in Ponke City.

Almost all the players who are online and can come back are concentrated here, and the inside and outside of the city are crowded to the brim.

The limelight of the trouble has passed, the system has no response, even a system announcement can't be done, the city guard NPC is watching the end, and some players who are about to take the opportunity to start the "zero yuan purchase" business are all caught up in prison and taught by the system to be human.

After a few days in a row, not responding is the biggest response, and it is also the strongest response. Players are also vain in their hearts, saying that they can bring down the emperor if they are willing to cut themselves. People who have nothing are often the most violent and have no limit. , but players don't have nothing, even if they really delete files, on the contrary, they have too much, too many, and there are countless. Even if the game data is cleared, everyone starts from scratch, which is far more than the world. the vast majority of people.

Do they dare to go all out and make a fuss?

dare not!

Can they give up this game for their current levels, equipment, and money?


So, what's the point of making trouble online? Apart from letting NPCs watch the fun, the biggest function is to complain together like now, to keep warm with luck, to fish in troubled waters with ulterior motives, to ask around at a loss... …

Aunt Xue walked through such a group of players, finally squeezed into the city gate, and found that all kinds of shops were crowded with people, many of which were usually reluctant to spend, and there was no need to try. I haven't bottomed out yet, even if I exchange it for money, I can't get much back, so I just spoil it myself and experience it for a while.

As a result, the prices of some consumer goods, luxury goods, and non-attributed props have started to rise. In this situation where everything is falling, and green and blue clothes are less popular, it is really a strange thing.

Aunt Xue didn't have much game time, and she couldn't handle so many sound bugs by herself, so she found a pharmacy opened by a player, and planned to exchange live bugs for some finished materials.

The pharmacy point, which is the most annoying on weekdays, is deserted. The mid-level pharmacist sitting behind the counter is frowning and whispering something to a colleague. It is nothing more than whether to delete files in life and occupation. Recover the loss...

After listening to a few words, Aunt Xue felt that it was completely a "happiness trouble". If she was a player, if she had the experience of becoming an intermediate pharmacist, she wouldn't worry about the loss of proficiency, and wouldn't be distressed about the progress of advanced promotion. She will be very happy, there is a chance to start from scratch, how many detours can be avoided, and she can use the huge first-mover advantage among more and larger groups of players and tourists to accumulate achievements far beyond the current one.

Of course, these are not her own feelings, but those of her ghostly daughter.

With a daughter as a dog-headed military advisor, Aunt Xue accepted all this calmly without panic, not only did not regard it as a blow, but instead regarded it as a very important opportunity.

Like now.

The middle-level pharmacist, who is usually haggling over every detail, was so rare and generous this time, he gave her a very good price, and the materials in exchange were three times as much as before.

Aunt Xue went out with three times the materials, and went straight to the rented kitchen happily.

Using the air-dried powder of the sound bug as the spicy seasoning of the food, the food made has a special flavor, even better than the real one.

She also made her first green food because of this.

"Secret spicy barbecue, quality: green, complete, excellent flavor, safe and non-toxic, eating increases hunger value by 10-15, strength +15 within 2 minutes, petrochemical resistance +5 within 5 minutes, producer..."

Hard work pays off!
Aunt Xue smiled from the bottom of her heart. The recipe was in her heart, and she couldn’t delete the file after deleting it. In the fifth test, she could only do better than now.

It was game time, and she went offline contentedly, waiting for her daughter to come back and tell her the good news.

"Green? Not enough, not enough, mom, what a great opportunity now, you have to hurry up and make blue or even purple recipes." The old lady was brainwashed, "It's too slow to catch the sound bug by myself, why don't you exchange some game currency to buy it, now the game currency is as cheap as Chinese cabbage, you just said that the miser is generous? Maybe you can get it from him without money. Then get the materials, why not keep and delete the files?"

"It's not certain whether to delete the file or not..."

"It will definitely be deleted. My intuition tells me that it will definitely be deleted. Mom, opportunities are only reserved for those who are prepared. You must listen to me this time."

While talking, the news broadcast on TV suddenly mentioned news related to Canaan.

"...This station has learned that Canaan Company is going to donate 500 billion RMB to the Hope Project and 1000 billion RMB to the national personal pension account..."

"Look, look, look!", Xie Xiaomeng pointed at the TV and jumped up, "What is this, this file must be deleted!"

(End of this chapter)

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