This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 276 Service Suspension Announcement

Chapter 276 Service Suspension Announcement
Donate 2000 billion!
Canaan Company would rather "be" donated 2000 billion yuan to stop certain criticisms and censures than give in. It seems that this file deletion is imperative.

Most people interpret it this way. The already panicked situation was hit hard again for a while, and the exchange rate that had just stabilized plunged again. It was still a high-level dive. It was still 1:5 in the morning, 1:4 in the afternoon, and 1:3 in the evening. It's 1 to 1, in the early morning, well, it's [-] to [-] directly.

From the highest point of 1 to 12.67, it has shrunk by nearly 13 times. Do you think this has bottomed out?

As soon as the market opened the next morning, it fell below the very, very important psychological threshold of 1:1. Regardless of the cost of selling, it can be sold at any price. and many more.

It's like drowning, desperately wanting to grab a life-saving straw.

From the point of view of rationality and actual value, even if the files were to be deleted, the copper coins should not have fallen like this, but now there is not much rationality left in the market, and everything is full of panic and trample.

The bullish factors created by some people were defeated under such scrambling, especially after the Internet information department dug out the real identities and employment relationships of these people, they were torn off the "hypocrisy" and "sensibility" The mask exposed the ugly face of capitalists who climbed ashore by stepping on the corpses of ordinary people, and was reviled and crusaded by the whole network.

But these are just episodes.

If you want to ask what is worse than the exchange rate market, it is not the equipment and props of the players, but the real estate and shops held by institutions.

The biggest investments are usually made in this way.

There's just a problem here...

Yu Qingdong didn't understand that the record of the last call had been handed in long ago. Why was there no approval letter from above? Such a big benefit, if it is released earlier, it will also calm the panicked market sentiment earlier, and save many, many people who are in major difficulties. Metaverse Enterprise.

"Don't guess, the higher-ups are not considering the present, let alone domestic."

"What do you mean?"

"Let me ask you, who will be the happiest when this good news is released?"

"of course……"

Yu Qingdong opened his mouth and froze, suddenly understood something.

"Isn't this the end of the story? Who is the most unacceptable?"

"Naturally...the player group!!"

"Which group has the largest number?"

"Nonsense... But those are all our own companies..."

"Our own? Part of it? Let's say that the Hongshan organization that has found many problems this time is registered in the Kepler Islands and has a variety of shareholders. But after careful investigation, they are all inextricably linked to Wall Street. Don't move them, you have to take into account the international influence, now it's just..."

"You mean..."

"Old Yu, your sense of smell is still a little dull in some aspects. Your Canaan game has long been infiltrated into a sieve. Of course, you must save it, but you must talk about the method and method. It is really valuable to Gen Hongmiao. Enterprises with technological content naturally need to be rescued, and you don’t need to worry about this. But for those entities that are just hype, sensationalism, deception, complex composition, ambiguous positions and motives, or even the tentacles of hostile entities, should you still save them? We must first figure out who is our own."

"I...understand!", Yu Qingdong said with a wry smile.

"Delete the file, just delete the file, and travel lightly. Although it has caused some impact and loss, it is just a labor pain. In your position, you need to consider not only the present, but also the future... Let me ask you, what is this internationalization like?" How to do it?"

"This... Zero didn't elaborate."

"Look, this is the big thing you should be concerned about."

After receiving some "education", Yu Qingdong expressed that he had been taught, but his "strategic determination" was still too lacking, and he was easily influenced and kidnapped by public opinion. After that, he hardened his mind, and anyone who asked was just a word , no comment, love what.

Another scene in the game.

No one has practiced the level, no one has done the task, and some players who accepted the reality began to 'carpe diem', squandering their deposits, but instead of getting drunk, they gained experience that they hadn't gained before.

The dungeon of the dark night camp that was previously feared of losing experience has become much more lively.

Speaking of this dungeon, I had it during the second test. I thought someone would pass the level soon, but who knew it was almost the fifth test. Even the boss of the last level, the level 5 night priest Joey, has not been seen. .

The difficulty of the first level is not too big, there are endless night priests, prowlers, rogues, and rogue leaders. The boss is the 22-year-old paladin Zoro Ferrs.

Many players have seen this Zoro Firth. One of his most famous skills is group-wide damage control [Extremely Dark Area]. Unable to dodge, only hard resistance.

Most players will be "lost five senses" for 2 seconds in front of this big move, and the boss will follow with a [very dark ray], killing the long-range output crispy skin in seconds, so it is almost impossible to solve, only the whole body resistance equipment or special effects, it is possible Resist the past, but such special effects equipment is unattainable, so very few players have cleared the level so far.

But that was under the circumstances that the players were terrified of their lives.

Players don't hesitate to die, even a giant dragon can be killed by piles of heads.

After hanging up more than a dozen times and losing the first level, Zhang Miao and the others finally killed the boss of the first level by "luck". They all collapsed from exhaustion, lying in a pool of blood in the center of the altar, only gasping for breath.

The boss exploded things all over the floor, but no one got up to pick them up.

The 22nd-level paladin is a giant in human form, lying there like a hill, the blood flowing out is black, and the system does not give a mosaic, the scene is quite magical and spectacular.

The battlefield is full of big holes made by the boss. His big hammer, which can only be described in tons in reality, also burst out. It was shrunk down by the system and turned into a light ball that can be picked up, floating on the Beside Zhang Miao.

"If this is the second level, I don't think there are many people who can win the gold medal. It's too perverted. It's only the first level."

"Didn't we pass this?"

"Fart, at that time, you are willing to die more than a dozen times, even if you want to, you have to ask the system if you are willing?"

"Then what to do, no one has won the gold medal?"

"There are still people who can pass it. The kind with a particularly perverted operational awareness, we probably hang up."

"You said that before, what happened in the end, didn't you win the gold medal?"

"The first turn can't be compared with now. The kobold mine in the first turn is actually not difficult. The difficulty is that everyone was not familiar with the game at that time, and there was a speed to get started..."

"Come on, according to what you said, the streets are full of gold medals, but it turns out that there are still very few gold medals."

"That's because they are too stupid."

"Maybe when the sixth test, the seventh test and the third turn, you will still talk about the second turn. In a word, those who meet it are not difficult, but those who are not."

"Fucking test? Pull it down, I'm going to die after deleting files, come back?"

Hearing this, Zhang Miao laughed, sat up and said, "It's hard work that most of our transactions were in RMB, otherwise, this meeting will cry to death."

"There's a lot of gold coins too!", not an ordinary tank yelled.

"Forget it, we are lucky enough, the guy who bought our stuff is going to cry, 8000 million, hehe!"

Hearing what Brother Ruoran said, he was happy that he was not an ordinary tank, "That's right, happiness is really a comparison, haha"

"Do you still want to fight?" the professional dad asked.

"Forget it, I'm exhausted, let's talk about it next time."

These two days of game time were all spent on this first level dungeon, and I didn’t take the teleportation when I went back. The five of them went through the way to clear the level, and the monster’s corpse was naturally refreshed. How did you clear the level everywhere? What’s the danger? If there is something that needs special attention, reviewing it again can be regarded as strengthening the memory.

Wait for the next test, these are all experiences.

Many sensible players have shouted the slogan 'experience is the most valuable'.

There's no way, it's all over this matter, Canaan Company is still so stubborn, everyone has thin arms and legs, how can they compete with others?
Even those big organizations are not immune!
They are the ones who suffered the heaviest losses. Bankruptcy, bankruptcy, hanging, jumping off buildings... People say that natural disasters and man-made disasters cannot be avoided, and man-made disasters can always be held accountable. What's the trouble, why is the public opinion boiling, what's the matter... the relevant departments just don't take action, and Canaan Company, holding a panacea answer, doesn't say whether to delete files or not, but only talks about technical difficulties, realistic conditions, and long-established contract terms, etc. Wait.

The subtext of this is that it must be deleted?

Tsk tsk, this is the first time I have seen such a strong company.

Is it really an umbrella?
The troubles outside the dungeon have not yet gone away, and there are still some weak people blocking the entrance of the dungeon, and they don't say "unity" and "let Canaan company see the power of players" nonsense when they see people. It's useless, most of them Players seem to have accepted the reality, and few people pay attention to them.

"Come here, take a look, the blue dress is the best, and it's a big sale..."

"Does anyone want the shop, does anyone want the shop?"

"Punk City's long-term booth, those who have paid rent, will be sold at a [-]% discount!"

"Do you want gold coins? There are two gold coins, only 5000 yuan."

"Green Food Braised Pork Steak, 10 silver each, the last three!"

"Five test appointments, facial pinching on behalf of others, fair price, what you see is what you get, professional facial pinching agency, original stream of consciousness pinching technology, success rate over 98%, failure guarantee refund, is there anyone, has anyone signed up? "

"Fifth test to find a good teammate, upgrade the efficiency of the team, burst into anger, leave a message if you want to, and need to be assessed."

Something that people didn't expect beforehand, in the past few days, the safe zone has become lively again, even more lively than before.

Tears are the most popular, such stalls are everywhere, and they are all good things that were rare in the past, and the cheap ones are like picking up for nothing.

Seeing Brother Ruoran walking towards one of the stalls, Zhang Miao asked him, "What are you doing?"

"The armor is running out of durability. I'll go and have a look. If there is a suitable one, I can buy one."

"Are you still buying equipment at this time?" Not an ordinary tank shouted at his back.

Brother Ruoran: "Wait for me for a while."

"What's wrong!", not an ordinary tank turned back, "Where do we go next?"

"Go to the Bone Wetland in the Fairy Forest. On that new map, I heard that there are many high-level monster camps, and some people have found treasures. Let's go and have a look."

"Is there anything to see, maybe it will be changed during the 5th test"

"What if it doesn't change, have you made the process of spawning monsters and tasks from level 1 to level 20? There are many places that need to be seen in person to know what they are doing."

"Okay then, I'll fix the equipment, how about you?"

"Too lazy to fix it, it should be available until the end of the test."

"I'm going to buy some supplies... Hey, why is the stall selling green barbecue steak gone?"

"Sold out? Tsk tsk, 10 pieces of silver, how dare you take a piece of gold?"

"Now it's money at best."

Several people made an appointment for a gathering time, and then dispersed.

The safe area of ​​the night camp is the largest. It is located on the mountainside. It is the afternoon of the game. The sun is slanting to the west and the light begins to weaken. Therefore, it becomes hazy and soft. Looking around, you can have a panoramic view of the endless game map. Higher pixel and higher resolution than the most exquisite CG picture!
I am used to seeing the beautiful scenery in the game, and I don't think it is unusual. At the moment when the fourth test is coming to an end, there are so many disturbances, joys and sorrows, Zhang Miao inexplicably recalls the feeling of being in such a world for the first time during the first test.

The feeling at that time should have long been forgotten, but now it is clearly in my mind, the new wine has become old wine, and it is really lingering to taste again.

Delete the file, delete the file!

I have been lucky enough.

The most important thing for a person is contentment and contentment. Compared with most people, he is already standing on the starting line. Besides, deleting files also has the benefits of deleting files. You can pinch your face, you can choose a career again, and you can make up for the past Mistakes and regrets, you can...

There are too many things that can be done. Thinking about it this way, deleting files is not all bad.

Thinking, thinking, he became excited, a kind of complacent bid farewell to the old server and ready to work hard in the new server.

A person left the safety zone, and saw that the illegal buildings outside were very depressed, and the bustling construction and production scenes in the past were rare, replaced by plaques for sale and fire sale one by one.

Tourists are the most detached group, they work when they have a job, and wander around when they don’t have a job, especially those old men and aunts, who have already made enough money, and they are all like elementary school students on vacation at this time, without homework. , They all had a good time taking pictures in various beautiful places.

Zhang Miao was a little envious of them, maybe they were really "playing" the game, and they were just "played" by the game.

At the moment when he was full of emotions, Brother Ruoran came out cursing, "Damn, you are so poor and crazy, what time is it and you only accept RMB transactions, it's not you guys who delete files and delete files!"

Zhang Miao was overjoyed, but didn't answer. She lay down and grabbed a dry grass and put it in her mouth. With her hands on the back of her head, she squinted at the sunset in the game, feeling her body and mind calmed down.

At this time, the system announcement came.

【Dear players, the fourth test is expected to end in 10 days (game time)...】

(End of this chapter)

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