This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 277 The Remaining Deleted Files of Heavenly Slaughter

Chapter 277 The Remaining Deleted Files of Heavenly Slaughter
"Chairman, when the game will stop serving, I, the CEO, didn't know beforehand..."

"Haha, sorry, I forgot when I got busy."

"Are you sure the game will stop after 10 days?"

"Well, you can announce it to the outside world."

"Can't announce it, delete the file..."

"I won't discuss this. The fifth test is a file deletion test. Territories, residences, and shops can be inherited, and the system will introduce an inheritance item."

"Residences are generally owned by families, some families are jointly funded and established, and some offline entities have complicated property rights..."

"This system only recognizes the founder and the owner, you guys go to coordinate in private!"

Yu Qingdong on the other side of the earth saw this reply and was really powerless to complain. What a troublesome thing this is. You old man can solve it if you are more thoughtful in the game. You insist on finding trouble for me. Isn't there enough trouble? People on the Internet have shouted the slogan of "Heaven kills Yu Shuan, thank the people of the country", and he has another nickname for Yu Zui besides Yu Dazui and Yu Mouse.

Alas, I am really tired.

"Chairman, can you postpone the announcement for a day or two?"

"Uh, why?"

"We're not ready yet. The higher-ups are going to take advantage of this file deletion to clean up some Shuoshu..."

"Hehe, is this necessary? This test will allow them to come in openly, and then they will not be Shuoshu."

"I know, but they have sought too many illegitimate interests at the expense of most players, tourists and normal business entities, and have used these illegitimate interests to establish a competitive advantage in the game. We are going to Use this information gap to clear some of them out..."

"Oh, there's no need to tell me these things."

"Hehe, isn't this open and honest, Xiao Yu knows everything and says everything!"

In Canaan's mage's tower, Bei Gaoyang smiled slightly, and seemed to have a sense of crisis.

An internationalization solves a lot of troubles.

It doesn't matter to him which group the players come from, but in terms of culture and ethnic identity, he still prefers players from Huaguo. Canaan's atmosphere and influence are incomparable to other places, but it is still beneficial to beat and beat. Although those small actions are harmless, they can prevent the passing of time. In order to prevent greater ambitions, small punishments and big warnings are beneficial to both parties.

"By the way, how should the internationalization of this test be carried out?"

"The model is the same as in China. Canaan is running an international website, accepting qualification reservations, and then selecting groups from the reservation list."

"Ah, in that case..."

"You don't need to tell me the details, I just want the result."

Yu Qingdong was overjoyed when he saw this reply. In other words, internationalization will still be carried out within the framework of Canaan Company?
What he and the people above him are most afraid of is that No. [-] will start anew, set up another Canaan company outside Huaguo, and choose another agent. Now the worst situation has not happened, and the loss is within the acceptable range. Inside.

"Thank you for the trust of the chairman, Xiao Yu will definitely go all out, live up to it, and never give up (pat on the chest to guarantee.JPG)"

"Well, I'll give you a big red envelope at the end of the year, haha..."

"Speaking of which, I would also like to thank you for your generous donation to Huaguo's public welfare..."

"Uh, you said that money, I don't need it, it's just a bunch of numbers."

"In short, Huaguo and the people of Huaguo thank you. You not only brought Canaan, but also the spirit of Canaan. You changed Huaguo and the fate of countless people..." Yu Qingdong passed on at the right time As he typed the script, he seemed to be moved by this nasty flattery, so that his eye sockets were slightly red, his nostrils were slightly dilated, the muscles on his face twitched slightly, and there was a surge of impulse in his heart.

In the mage's tower in Canaan, Bei Gaoyang seemed to be 'moved' as well, so that he frowned slightly, looked at the long text, and jumped directly to the end.

"... I don't know how many qualifications there are for this test, how many are domestic and how many are foreign?"

"Uh, 80 player qualifications, 50 tourist qualifications, a total of 130 million."

"Ah, didn't you say that there will be a million player qualifications this time?"

"The system needs to leave a little room for affluence."

" much of it is international?"

"20%, don't do anything planned or unplanned this time!"

"Definitely, definitely, about 16..."

"Tourists also follow this ratio."

"Tourists also... face foreign countries?"

"if not?"

"Hehe, Xiao Yu is getting a little greedy, Chairman, please don't mind."

"That's it?"

"Okay, okay, Chairman, please be busy. Canaan Company will release the announcement in two days and start preparations for the fifth test at the same time."

"The test update and changes are included in the file I sent you, please polish it."

"Okay, don't bother you..."

Before the final concluding remarks were sent out, the frame of Bei Gaoyang's avatar went dark.

Yu Qingdong was at a loss and said to the people behind him, "He's getting impatient."

"It was a bit too wordy in the end, so it shouldn't be a big problem." The middle-aged woman with black-rimmed glasses answered.

A middle-aged man in a Chinese tunic suit frowned a little and said, "That's good, as long as there is no accident."

"Record and file, make a copy and give it to Dr. Lin."

The middle-aged woman with black-rimmed glasses is Dr. Lin. She has designed a complex mental model database and needs a large amount of data about Number Zero's words and deeds to analyze his psychology and predict his behavior patterns.

After going through a set of cumbersome procedures, Dr. Lin left with the copied data. The man in the tunic suit took Yu Qingdong to an elevator that didn't know where it was going, and walked through the base where electromagnetic signals were completely shielded.

The elevator seemed to be moving horizontally. When it stopped, a conveyor belt appeared outside the door, and a thing that looked like Mecha Gundam was guarding the door.

"This is the "Thunder Warrior 1.17" version made with new materials and new techniques," the man in the tunic introduced to Yu Qingdong.

"This is the exoskeleton powered individual armor?" Yu Qingdong asked in surprise looking at the faces in "Gundam".

The man in the tunic suit glanced at him unexpectedly, "Yes, you understand?"

"Don't you... need to keep it secret?"

"You can see it at a glance, what else do you need to keep secret?"


"It will be announced in the near future, and the conditions for large-scale application are ripe."


Yu Qingdong looked at this so-called Thunder Warrior version 1.17 again, and recognized at a glance where the new materials from the factory in the 'special environment' were used. It was a bulge on the driver's back, covered with a An azure blue coating with strange graininess and strange textures. Before he could match the coating with the familiar pattern lines, the Thunder Warrior turned sideways vigilantly and blocked him. Sight.

Don't you need to keep it secret?
"Xiao Li, take Mr. Yu out and take the No. 2 passage."


"Mr. Yu, I won't see you off. You go back and wait for the notice. It will probably take less than two days."

It really won't take two days.

As soon as the announcement that the fourth test was about to end was released, the assets in the game turned into Chinese cabbage and rotten cabbage. I just didn't know who the "bottom hunters" were, they were just picking up for nothing.

With such a huge profit, as long as it gets out through the wind a little bit, it can be achieved.

It would be a lie to say that he was not moved, but when Yu Qingdong thought of his position and how many eyes were staring at him, he gave up such a thought.

I thought it was enough to stand upright, but as soon as I got back to the company, I received a call from home. Huanglian Po cried on the phone, saying that her sister and brother-in-law’s family had gone in, and asked why she went in. Huanglian Po hesitated for a while before saying In Canaan's exchange rate market, using illegally obtained insider information to carry out improper profit-making activities...

Yu Qingdong was dumbfounded after hearing this. The business his brother-in-law does is quite big and crazy enough. In such a short period of time, he has made more money than his own net worth. He even organized a gang and became a black hand behind the scenes to short the copper coin market. One, it is really lying on millions of 'retail investors' and sucking blood crazily. If this is spread, it will really sit on some conspiracy theories.

How to do!
Yu Dazui panicked.

For the rest of the time, he didn't care about work, and didn't even care about watching the five test updates and the modified game content from Bei Gaoyang, like ants on a hot pot, restless.

"Mr. Yu, Line 5, comrades from confidential units are looking for you."

"Ah... Jean, let them in!"

Yu Qingdong thought he was going in too, but the visitor didn't want to take measures against him, but to go through official procedures for the internationalization of the Five Tests.

This official procedure is necessary. On the surface, Canaan’s technology is still produced by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Since it is an act, it must perform a full set, such as evaluation, approval, motivation, profit and loss, prospects, etc., all of which cannot be done. few.

Yu Qingdong talked about the necessity of Canaan's going global to the confidential unit, and the visitors listened to his introduction very seriously, and people kept coming in, sending various materials, explaining various questions... Unknowingly, an afternoon It's over.

Send the comrades from the secrecy unit out. Outside the headquarters building, there are media and reporters from all over the world. The domestic ones are fine. The foreign media are particularly enthusiastic and exaggerated. This is the first step for Canaan Games to go international, and the relevant approval work has already begun. What I see now is that the Chinese government is going through the review process...

Amidst the fiery and peaceful atmosphere, there were also some noises.

Protesting banners and plaques have become a scene outside the headquarters building, sparsely and feebly held up. These men, women and children from all over the country are guarded by security guards, and they either look helplessly or angrily at the focus of the camera.

Speaking of these people, these days are also frequent tricks, and reached a climax when Canaan Company donated more than 2000 billion for public welfare. Just donate, why can't we compensate for our losses?We have lost all our money by speculating in copper coins, so you can't leak a little from your fingers to save our lives?

They don't care that Canaan's foreign exchange market is a black market, which is not protected by the law, and when they don't want to make money, they never think about a day of loss. They only think that they deserve it. When they first entered the market, they said they could only make It's impossible to lose money, now that you've been 'deceived', someone has to take responsibility.

The people who pulled them into the game suffered worse than them, and the court refused to accept the lawsuit. Who else can they turn to? They can only look to the source.

Not to mention, someone really planned to hang himself on the gate of Canaan Company, but under the strict security guards and all-round monitoring with no dead ends, there was no chance to show it. Someone drove the car of the funeral home the day before yesterday and pulled a coffin , a group of people in sackcloth and filial piety carried coffins and blocked the gate, making such an ugly scene...

We are miserable, we are so miserable, we are miserable so we are justified, and we are justified if we are unreasonable, just like a house can only go up but not down.

But this time, no one is used to them. First, they can only be counted as a very small number, far less than real estate can affect the whole body. , The player hasn't eaten the whole company alive?

"Mr. Yu, tell me, tell me!"

"Yes, Mr. Yu, tell me about such an important moment!"

"A moment in history!"

"Tell me, tell me, Mr. Yu!"

The media at the scene were very enthusiastic. Yu Qingdong was not in this mood at first, but people with good deeds had already set up the stage, and the comrades from the secrecy unit had no intention of objecting. We can't ask them to go up and talk, we can only reluctantly go up and prepare Say a few words.

"...The internationalization of Canaan has been brewing for a long time. Going international and going abroad is an extremely important step in the maturity of Canaan games. The second world of human beings, the spiritual home, is not the second world of Chinese people. The world, the spiritual homeland, internationalization is imperative no matter in terms of lofty ideals and missions or practical interests.”

"...Some people say that Canaan may be the most profitable company in the world. What I want to say is that money is just a bunch of meaningless numbers. At the lower level, the vision and mission of Canaan Company is to benefit all mankind, to promote the progress of human society, technology and civilization, to create and reform the social ecology of human beings, and to bring countries, families and families closer together, and people to people. The distance between people is to eliminate differences, wars, disasters..."

Needless to say, Yu Dazui's speech skills are impromptu, but when it comes to temper, he is really open-mouthed, high-profile one after another, and it is particularly convincing, especially able to resonate with the audience, because Canaan is enough qualifications.

We were talking about entering the alley here, when a figure suddenly appeared from the crowd, picked up a black object and threw it on the stage, shouting: "God damn Yu Chandang, traitor, traitor..."

As a result, the cover of Time Magazine the next day had such a picture destined to leave a deep historical significance.

A middle-aged Huaguo man in a well-fitting suit opened his mouth in amazement and looked at the camera. Half of his face was covered with soup leaves, and artistically processed bright juice dripped down the corners of his mouth, and in the An acronym for the English word 'protective umbrella' dripped out from below.

(End of this chapter)

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