This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 278 Canaan in the East

Chapter 278 Canaan in the East

In the middle of the night in Dongying, Ikeda Koji was sparring with those brainless Internet right-wingers on the Internet. The phone rang, and the shrill ringing woke up the landlady's family, which made the fifty-sixty-year-old obasan who weighs more than two hundred pounds feel dissatisfied and slapped The tatami mat under him, the vibration was transmitted through the thin wall.

Ikeda quickly connected the phone, covered the topic and whispered, "Hi, Miss Kyoko?"

"Sorry to bother you, Ikeda-kun, are you going to the cheering event tomorrow?"

"What support activity?"

"For Canaan Games, those horse manures in the city hall use the excuse of data security and privacy issues to set up obstacles for Canaan Company. This time the internationalization may lack Dongying."

"Ah, these horse dung... Is the news reliable?"

"Reliable, we have organized a lot of people to go to the city hall to protest tomorrow, are you going?"

"Of course, how can this kind of thing be missing me, what do I need to prepare?"

"White shirt, trousers, sneakers, other guilds are prepared!"

"Okay, what time, where are you meeting?"

"At 8 o'clock in the morning, it's Ximending at the school."

"Hi, see you then!"

After hanging up the phone, Ikeda searched for related news on the Internet, and sure enough, he found that the negotiations between the city government and the International Business Department of Canaan Company had reached an impasse, thinking that there were issues of data privacy and privacy protection.

No wonder those Internet rightists whose minds are full of the dross of old ideas seem to have taken aphrodisiacs collectively. It turns out that this is their confidence.

Ikeda yelled angrily, got up anxiously and walked a few steps on the tatami, and when the creaking sound came out, he trembled again with fright, an expression of anger and fear appeared on his face at the same time, and he seemed very motionless. funny.

In the early morning of the next day, Ikeda tidied himself up very neatly according to the required attire, and even apologized to the landlord Obasan for what happened last night before leaving the house.

"So, why is it that Ikeda-kun, why you don't rest at two o'clock in the middle of the night, you must wake up my patient who has been troubled by insomnia for a long time? Hmm!?"

"I'm so sorry, there won't be a next time!"

"Next time you get out of my house!"

"Hi, I'm so sorry!"

He left the rented kennel in a state of embarrassment, and took a deep breath outside. The morning sun shone brightly on his haggard face due to lack of sleep.

"Hurry up, come on Ikeda, you can do it, definitely!"

To cheer himself up, he waited for the bus to the school, and arrived at Ximending, the school half an hour later. He saw that the shops were not open yet, and the streets and alleys were already filled with men and women in uniform.

Ikeda found Kyoko Morita in the crowd, and was assigned a forehead wipe and a banner that two people had to hold high. The organizer of the event, the president of the Canaan Games Dongying Cloud Player Support Association and dozens of officers organized the following After the team is done, go to the main road outside the street.

The police who rushed to hear the news had just set up a roadblock, but they were pushed away by these excited men and women. During the tearing, Ikeda fell, and two black footprints were stepped on the white banner.


The traffic was blocked by a team of thousands of people. Vehicles who got up early to go to work were blocked on the road. Drivers and passengers stuck their heads out of the windows and shouted.

The organizers of the event rushed to pass through quickly, and bowed and apologized to these vehicles. After hearing that it was a support activity for Canaan Games, many passengers on the bus spontaneously got off and joined the parade.

Ikeda was deeply excited by this phenomenon. After more than an hour, more and more people were there, and the beginning and the end gradually became invisible.

When they arrived at their destination, there was already a TV station's OB truck waiting in the square, the blockade and roadblocks were already in place, and the police waiting in full force didn't take it seriously, and some people were still eating breakfast.

"We want Canaan!"

"Canaan, the Canaan of the world, cannot be without Dongpu!"

"Down with Bureaucracy!"


At the beginning, the bureaucrats of the city hall came and went, and no one took the protesting crowd seriously, but within an hour, they couldn't sit still, because more protesting crowds were coming from all directions.

"Ba Ga, the horse dung in the city hall should be cut into seppuku!"

"It's a great thing for Canaan Games to enter Dongpu. Is there anyone stupid enough to set up obstacles?"

"Hateful Politics Stay Away From Canaan Games!"

"We want Canaan, we want game qualifications, we want to be Canaan players!"

Students, white-collar workers and even uncles and aunts in their [-]s and [-]s with stable careers and families.

There were more and more people, and soon the initiators and organizers of the support activities only accounted for a small part of them. Ikeda was very excited, and his face was flushed with some pimples remaining, and he shouted slogans hoarsely. Whoever takes the lead will start hitting the walls and barricades!

As a last resort, the bureaucrats of the city hall could only come out to put out the fire, and assured the crowd with a loudspeaker that the obstruction was purely a rumor. The Canaan Games Dongying Division had actually been established, and the city government was open to the cooperation and introduction of Canaan games. , inclusive and welcoming attitude...

In the end, this support activity attracted more than [-] supporters, and the live broadcast by major TV stations caused great repercussions in all parts of Japan.

The voices of opposition are still very loud, and the voices of supporters cannot be allowed to give way. In the midst of such quarrels, Canaan Dongying Business Department was established.

In fact, this business unit has been established long ago, but it has not been listed.

Canaan game peripherals, copyright cooperation and authorization have long been carried out in Dongying, and the game warehouse has sold more than [-] units, but it has not been listed.

On the day of listing, tens of thousands of supporters gathered from all over Dongying, and Koji Ikeda was one of them. At this time, there were large-scale support activities all over the world. Controversy continued, and politicians frequently came out to speak on the platform, like a chameleon. , According to the composition and proportion of supporters and opponents, change your own color, if you support yesterday, you may be correct today, if you oppose today, you may change course tomorrow due to one or another reason.

The influence of Canaan is too great, and overseas cloud players have been longing for it for a long time. This is a love that transcends countries, nations, and ideologies, and it has huge benefits that no one can ignore.

"Ikeda-kun, it's settled, Dongpu has allocated 1 game qualifications."

"1, only 1?"

"The United States only has 1 people, but they have a population of more than 3 million."

"1 divided by 1 million, is the probability of becoming a player less than one in ten thousand?"

"Next, be careful of those horse manures that are full of poop. One ten-thousandth is already very good, and everyone in the meeting is satisfied."

"Is Mr. President satisfied? Well, it seems to be the best situation."

"That's right, Ikeda-kun, be content, haha..."

"I hope to be one in ten thousand."

"Who isn't, let's pray... I heard that the gods in Huaguo are very effective, let's go to worship too!?"

"Hey, what god is it?"

"I heard it's from 'Great Mercy and Great Compassion Guanyin'."

"Isn't that the god who is in charge of giving birth to children?"

"The cloud players in Huaguo are all worshiping, maybe it's because of business expansion?"

"Hi, what time is it, I'll get ready."

The culture of Dongying Shrine is prevalent. Ikeda invited back a statue of Avalokitesvara, who traveled across the ocean, and prayed day and night. Once, the landlord Obasan thought there was a fire, and almost made him live on the street.

Ikeda is an orphan. He grew up in an orphanage and worked part-time to study until today. His biggest dream in the past was to be admitted to Dongying University, change his destiny, and join the upper class of society. After this dream was shattered, he had to hang out in a third-rate community college. Life is already like the sun at six or seven o'clock in the afternoon, just waiting for the sun to set, there is no hope.

The solidification of social classes in Japan is particularly serious. Getting into a good university, entering a good company, and having a good job is the only way for most ordinary people to strive upward. It is not uncommon for a job to work for a lifetime.

The heavy workplace pressure and the hopeless future make many young people choose to lie flat and live a life of low desire. It is said that there are millions of people, and Ikeda Ben is one of them. It is the appearance of Canaan that makes him Saw hope and redemption.

For him, Canaan is not just a game, but also the hope and bright color of life, and the only feasible path to change his destiny.

Now, the probability of this path is one in ten thousand.

One in ten thousand!
Because of this, he consciously wrestled with all voices criticizing and blaming Canaan, both on the Internet and in reality.

He prayed with 12 points of piety, for which he also worked hard to learn Chinese eulogies, and often visited the official Chinese website, using automatic translation software to translate those hot posts on the forum, eagerly absorbing everything about Canaan Knowledge, common sense and strategies, always pay attention to the dynamics of the official website.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day when the game was shut down.

This morning, he bathed and changed his clothes as usual, knelt devoutly in front of the statue, muttered a few prayers in poor Chinese pronunciation, then lit a piece of sandalwood, first glanced guiltily at the door, and finally inserted it carefully. In the incense burner.

Landlord Obasan surprisingly stopped blaming him after knowing why he was so smoky every day, but only asked to add the name of her daughter Keiko Teruda.

Keiko Teruda is a young lady from a mixed society, and she has been kicked out of the house long ago. The landlord Obasan's request seems to be a ten-thousandth hope. I hope that my daughter who has gone astray will get this opportunity and get lost. Knowing the return, the return is the shore, right?
In the small room, there was nothing but a bed, a computer, and a shrine. After the incense burnt out, Ikeda opened the doors and windows to diffuse the smoke, sat cross-legged in front of the computer, and skillfully opened Canaan's official website.

He was delighted to find that Canaan's international website was opened, so he didn't need to linger on Chinese websites that he couldn't understand, and had to rely on translation software for help.

The international website is very simple. The main interface at the beginning is similar to Guge's search homepage. After selecting Japanese, the real website content will pop up.

The exquisite modeling of a Canaan game character fills the entire screen. The background is the famous kobold mine. , the explosion is in progress."

"Long live!"

Ikeda couldn't help cheering, his pimple-faced face flushed with excitement, he picked up the phone and was about to call Fukada Kyoko, who was also born in an orphanage, and the other party called first as soon as the phone was turned on.

"Ikeda, come, come, hurry up..."

"I know, I just opened it!"

"Did you see it, did you see it?"

"I see!"

"Qualification application, woohoo, it's finally here!"

"Be strong, Miss Kyoko!"

Ikeda wiped away tears and comforted his sobbing friend on the other end of the phone, "We will definitely be able to apply, don't forget our agreement!"

"You bastard...I won't lose to you!"

"That's it, I'm going to start!"

"Well, come on, Ikeda-kun!"

After hanging up the phone, Ikeda took several deep breaths to try to calm himself down, touched the mouse with trembling fingers, moved the pointer to the button very slowly, and clicked.

With a sound of "tick!", the page jumped, and a beautiful cutscene appeared, vaguely showing several racial professional characters in the game doing various POSS, as well as a few Jimei game CG landscape paintings, finally frozen in a group of various people. youths of color, country and ethnicity.

In front of these teenagers is a gate with "Canaan Online" written in simple and simple characters. The gate seems to be open but not open. Strong and soft light shines through the cracks in the gate, stretching the shadows of these teenagers.

Ikeda held his beating heart and felt that the whole world had stopped. The strong sense of substitution made him feel like one of the teenagers on the webpage. There was a whole new world of infinite excitement and opportunities in front of him, just open the door.

The door did open automatically, strong light flooded the entire screen, and a line of words slowly emerged.

"This is an almost real virtual world..."

"It has a real experience beyond your imagination..."

"This world is full of unknowns and wonderful things just waiting for you to discover..."

"Here, you will gain and lose, you will suffer and also be happy, you will give, and you will also welcome the joy of harvest..."

"It's not perfect, just like reality is also imperfect. It doesn't lack warmth, sunshine and iron blood, nor does it lack blood, betrayal, ignorance and cruelty..."

"are you ready?"

"Then let's go on an adventure together..."

"Welcome to make an appointment to apply for the fifth internal test qualification of "Canaan Online". According to relevant laws and regulations, please fill in the following information truthfully."

An extremely mediocre and sensational opening remark, the Huaguo players were all swept away, but it moved Ikeda to tears, unable to calm down for a long time.

After a long time, he wiped his face and saw that the page had jumped to the entry of identity information.

While carefully entering his identity, he scrolled through the long webpage, sweeping through the warnings and regulations of Dongpu, but paid great attention to the official notifications from Canaan.

Finally, he saw a prepay button.

"Yaga, ten million yen!?"

Huaguo's basic game helmet sells for only 1999. This is well known, and it is less than 4 yen, [-] million yen. Is this a robbery?
He quickly called his friend Kyoko.

"The president said that it's all caused by those horse dung. They want to block us from Canaan with high prices. We must not let them succeed!"

"What does Mr. President say, please give an order!"

"Hey, the president is contacting more Canaan Cloud player organizations, wait for my news, Ikeda-kun!"

"Please, please lead everyone down!"

"No, Ikeda-kun, don't give up hope!"

(End of this chapter)

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