This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 279 Canaan in North America

Chapter 279 Canaan in North America

"Don't think I don't know that you have been fooling around with that bitch in the garage many times, Paul, you xx, we are finished, there is no future..."

Early in the morning, Philip, a 16-year-old black teenager, was woken up. He lay on the bed and sighed, staring at the moldy and yellowed ceiling, silently enduring the noise from the bathroom.

As soon as he turned over, he saw his 11-year-old brother Adams who was sleeping on the opposite bed. He was a mulatto with a light complexion, his brows were tightly furrowed on his obese face, and the saliva from his half-open mouth had already soaked half of the pillow, making him feel uncomfortable. Philip turned back in disgust.

At this time, the three-year-old sister, black-and-yellow Kelly, was crying again, and her mother, Sophie, had to end the call and start coaxing her crying sister.

This home is cramped, embarrassed and cheap from inside to outside, even family affection is the same.

Philip also has an [-]-year-old adult sister, Catherine. When she heard a door creaking downstairs, she knew that a bad girl who hadn't come home all night was sneaking into the house with high heels.

"Bichi!" Of course Sophie heard it, and then there was the sound of stomping down the stairs.

There was an unexpected noise downstairs.

Enduring the noise from downstairs, Philip got up and began to wash.

When he went downstairs, he saw a gorgeous black girl with signs of lateral development sitting on the broken sofa in the living room. While trimming nails that could scratch people's blood, she followed Sophie who was busy in the kitchen. bicker.



In the end, the mother and daughter ended the quarrel with the same English word.

"Oh, my baby Philip, come and sit down, today we have your favorite fruit salad and chocolate pie!"

As the "proud" of the whole family, Philip has always enjoyed Sophie's special care. There are usually no supermarket discounts or expired items on Philip's dinner plate, and occasionally there will be fresh ones. Vegetables and even 'expensive' luxuries like chocolate pie.

Under the enthusiasm of his mother and the white eyes of his sister, Philip sat down at the dining table expressionlessly, and then saw his mother yelling towards the upstairs: "There is still a slacker, get out of here for breakfast, you can't catch the school bus, Just walk to school for me!"

"I'm coming!"

His 11-year-old brother Adams, who already weighs 170 pounds, vaguely agreed upstairs, and Philip came downstairs when he almost wiped out half of the food on the dinner plate.

Adams was wearing a baggy school uniform and a fancy turban around his neck. He could vaguely see the GK gang logo, and Sophie's face darkened when she saw it.

But this time she didn't reprimand, she just silently put the fried eggs on the dinner plate, then went upstairs and hugged the three-year-old sister Kaili who was in a daze, and the family began to eat breakfast.

When it felt right, Philip suddenly said, "Mom, I need some money!"

Everyone at the dinner table was stunned.

Sophie was a few seconds late before asking, "How much?"

"10 meter knife!"

"How much!?" Sophie thought she had heard it wrong, it was a ten-meter knife instead of a hundred-thousand-meter knife.

"10 meter knife!"

Sister Catherine shouted: "Aha, you are going to apply for the Canaan game..."

Sophie: "Shut your mouth...Philip, are you sure it's 10 meters?"

Philip nodded.

Sophie didn't reply to his words, holding her restless sister Kelly in one arm, and handling the food on the dinner plate with the other.

"10 meters, do you think this home is worth 10 meters?", sister Catherine said sarcastically, "A top student? Can't even do such simple mathematics?"

"I have a solution!" Brother Adams swallowed a mouthful of expired milk, wiped his mouth, and said with a smirk, "But I need this!" He gestured with a gun.

Philip sighed, lowered his head, and pushed the remaining chocolate pie to his sister Kelly who was hungry.

"To be honest, my brother, 10 meters is not impossible. Recently, many niggers are talking about 10 meters, 10 meters. Our boss said he has a way..."

"Sell fans!?" Philip asked in a weary tone.

"NO, go to Mexico..."

"Shut up!" Sophie broke out, "If you talk about this, get out of this house!"

The BOSS was angry, and his sister Catherine was also apprehensive. The topic came to an end, and Philip got up and started preparing things for school.

Only then did Sophie pull him to the kitchen, "Is it because of the Canaan game?"


Sophie sighed, "That's not something you can expect Philip, it's a tool for white men to rule the world..."

"Canaan is a game for the Chinese people."

"Hua people are as bad as the white guys. They are fighting for world hegemony. No matter who wins, they will not have a good life like us."

"Canaan is fair and just. It is controlled by the brain. The world view, gameplay, and occupation are all interpreted independently, and are not affected by offline..."

Sophie couldn't understand this, she was a little impatient, if it was not Philip but any of the brothers and sisters, she wouldn't have the patience to talk nonsense.

But when Philip talked about Canaan, his eyes lit up. The usually silent and melancholy boy seemed to be a different person. "And Canaan can make money, very profitable. As long as you become a player, mother, our whole family can leave this ghost." Adams doesn't have to join gangs at such a young age, those people just use him to sell white powder in dangerous neighborhoods..."

"Yeah, is it about me? Don't worry about my brother, I'm very satisfied with my life now..."

"Shut your fucking mouth!"

Sophie's patience ran out, "Give it up Philip, let's be realistic!"

Although he had no hope, Philip was still very depressed. Half an hour later, the family walked out of the house and stood at the door waiting for the school bus. His younger brother Adams pulled him aside and said mysteriously: "Seriously, how much can you give?" cost?"


"10-meter knife"


"Come on, that's 10 meters, 10!"

"What do you want me to do, sell fans? You can't make so much money selling fans, right? In Mexico..."

"No, you are my brother, how could I let you do such a dangerous thing?"

Philip hesitated, then nodded.

"By the way, do you know how to drive? That's good, I'll find you later..."

Sophie had already looked over, and Adams patted his brother, smiling nonchalantly, and whistled to a hot girl passing by.

On the school bus, when the three brothers and sisters got on the bus, there was a burst of warm greetings. The older sister Catherine sat among a group of gorgeous black girls, and the younger brother Adams was very popular. It looked like a very good meal.

Philip is a bit out of the group. There is only one "top student" and no one pays attention to him. In fact, if it is not for his younger brother's face, he will not only be isolated.

Just because he got good grades.

The downtown area is notoriously messy. The places the school bus passes are tents set up by homeless people. Graffiti and garbage are everywhere. The roads are potholed due to disrepair. The driver slammed on the brakes. It turned out that a zombie-like drug addict was blocking the middle of the road. He was hunched over, with his head hanging, his dirty and long hair hanging down, and he didn't move for a long time.

The driver honked the horn impatiently, waking up the addict who didn't know if he was high. He walked slowly and stiffly to a debris pile by the side of the road, with a thump ,collapsed.

Both the driver and the passengers in the car were surprised.

When passing by the intersection, I saw a group of flower headscarves standing guard at the back door of a nightclub, lit a gasoline barrel, and were throwing documents or something into it. On the main road tens of meters away, a police car parked On the side of the road, two policemen, one black and one white, were eating breakfast while staring at the group of black boys.

The church is located behind the police car. It is a small building with an independent courtyard. It may be the only clean and orderly place in the lower city. Even gangsters do not easily cause trouble nearby.

After passing the church, there is a gap between one street and another.

There are fewer homeless people in the community here, the houses on both sides are relatively tidy, the lawns outside some of the gates have been carefully tended, and there are cars parked at the gates and garages, whether they are dilapidated or not, they are no longer all black faces. All kinds of skin colors are mixed, and there are shops along the way, but most of them are grocery stores selling second-hand items.

The community school is in the middle of a grocery store, and the scale is quite large. The buildings in the [-]s and [-]s have been mottled and yellowed like its history.

The school bus stopped at the gate, and a group of middle-aged and young teenagers got out of the bus and walked into the school gate with friends and companions.

A huge poster attracted Philip's attention. It was a CG pictorial of a Canaan game character. It depicted a magician. The background was a vast and mysterious jungle. The jungle was full of mysterious red eyes...

It is said that people are poor and short-sighted. When a person's survival is a problem, who cares about other things?

This may be the only Canaan poster in the entire downtown area, and in a community with a lot of rich people, Canaan elements can be said to be everywhere, and the mainstream media always say that it is all about Canaan.

What negotiations hit a snag.

The yellow peril game, soft invasion, tools used by Chinese people to rule the world, data and privacy security issues, Congress is preparing to sanction Canaan Company, and that congressman turned to support Canaan under the pressure of the constituency, etc.

It was not until yesterday that the first batch of game helmets entered Beimi, and the whole process was broadcast on TV and online, attracting thousands of people, and cloud players in North America breathed a sigh of relief.

This began to quarrel over the ownership of this helmet, and the pre-sale price of 10 meters knife killed the dream of poor black teenagers like Philip in the cradle.

Few people in school talk about Canaan. When they say it, it sounds like mother Sophie's tone. Huaguo people are very bad. They stole alien technology from us, and now they sell it to us at a high price. It's not just bad, it's really bad the kind of bad...

You know Area 51. In fact, white people have already had similar technology from Canaan. They just don’t show it, but secretly conduct human experiments. People who wear that kind of helmet will be put in a box. You think you’re alive , In fact, you have become a battery. The so-called game is a conspiracy. Their purpose is to turn everyone in the world into batteries. Only the rich and white can breathe freely in the sun. Now there are many Killed the insidious Chinese people.

No matter how unscrupulous this kind of statement is, it is still popular in the downtown area, and the few Asian faces in the school have been bullied to varying degrees.

He went to class without interest, and finally got his brother Adams to look for him.

"Come with me!"

"go there?"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

At the back gate of the school, a group of black boys similar to Adams were already waiting. An old Toyota pickup was parked on the side of the road, and it was obvious that it was stolen.

"Drive, don't ask too many questions!"

Philip drove the car in a daze, and pulled the group of half-grown black boys out of the downtown area.

"Where to go, it will be troublesome to be stopped by the police."

Brother Adams gave him an address.

"Why did you come here!?"

The destination is located in a dark alley behind a commercial building, and an old black man wearing a floral turban is waiting.

Adams said something with a smile on his face, and Lao Hei waved his hand and opened the iron door behind him.

Behind the door is a dilapidated yard, where a white guy is distributing clothes with various slogans printed on them for the black boys. At a glance, there are no less than 200 people.

Philip was a little disappointed, thinking that he was another "extra actor" in a demonstration, and he didn't realize it until he saw the slogan on the costume clearly.

"You guys are going to..."

"Shhh!" Adams looked around, "I will act according to my wink later", and patted the puffy part of his waist, revealing the black handle of the gun.

Philip's heart began to beat wildly. After waiting nervously for more than half an hour, an old black man with black sunglasses, a big gold chain, and a big gold watch led people in. Hundreds of people rushed out of the courtyard, holding up their hands. Plant a banner, shout slogans, and go out of the alley.

The main road outside the alley has been blocked, and a team of more than [-] people mixed into the huge parade, heading to the warehouse where the North American Division of Canaan Company stores game helmets.

"Be smart later!"

"You guys want to..."

"As soon as the gun is fired, you rush inside. Whether you can get something or not depends on your luck."

Philip quickly glanced around, swallowed nervously, and nodded.

No less than ten thousand people surrounded the Canaan Company's Beimi Business Department. The police station happily watched the jokes of the Chinese people, and basically did not intervene strongly. However, the nature of the activity changed at the moment of the gunshot.

Afterwards, the FBI found out that the security guards of the Canaan business department fired first, and detained the suspect and the Chinese executives of the North American business department of Canaan Corporation. The first batch of 1000 game helmets were looted.

The Canaan head office subsequently denied these accusations, believing that this was a premeditated and organized crime and robbery, and expressed deep regret for the so-called investigation results, saying that it would do its best to rescue the detained colleagues. He said that in view of the complex security situation in North America, the follow-up pre-sale activities in the United States have been cancelled. As for when it will resume, it needs to go through a careful safety assessment...

(End of this chapter)

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