This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 280 'The Beggar' and the Player

Chapter 280 'The Beggar' and the Player
"Because of the suspension of the pre-sale of game qualifications, large-scale protests have taken place across North America. Please see the reports from the frontline reporters in Los Angeles!"

"...It can be seen that the center of Los Angeles has become a battlefield. Extreme protesters smashed shops and burned cars. The conflict between the police and the people has caused hundreds of injuries, and thousands of people have been arrested and imprisoned!"

"In response to the massive wave of protests across the country, the influence of Canaan Games has made relevant people worried. Senior Senator Joe Barton of the Elephant Party said at an emergency security meeting that CCCP and Huaguo have not done so for decades. The Canaan game can do it easily, and that is to 'invade' the minds of teenagers..."

"...The security situation in Japan has also worried people of insight. Because of the price of [-] million yen, protests and conflicts similar to those in North America have broken out in various places in Japan. Several serious incidents broke out between protesters and supporters. The physical clashes resulted in the death of several people and the tragedy of dozens of injuries."

"...The influence of a game is so high? Huaguo does not move a single soldier, while earning huge profits, while quietly 'softly invading' countries around the world, silently, affecting countless people It’s the perception and perception of it that’s the scariest thing.”

"Please, please, nurse, miss nurse?"

"Hey, what's wrong with the patient?"

"Uh...please turn off the TV for me"

"Is it bothering you? What about the hot news recently..."

Lying on the hospital bed, Ikeda Koji endured the dull pain in his abdomen, sat up with the help of the nurse, and with a slight smile on his pale face, he said to the nurse, "Excuse me, what day is it today?"

"Today, I heard it's the day when the game qualification application ends."

"Ah, it's here so soon?"

"Yeah, I heard it's extremely popular, this game is really making money?"

"Could you get my phone, please?"

"The hospital has regulations..."

"Please, I want to apply for the game qualification, today is the deadline."

"Ah, are you doing it for..."

The nurse covered her mouth in surprise, staring at Ikeda's bandaged abdomen, where a kidney had just been lost.

The look in the nurse's eyes made Ikeda very embarrassed, but he still tried his best to straighten his back, and silently urged him with his eyes.

"Ah, here I bring it for you."

"Thank you!"

After taking back the mobile phone stored in the hospital, Ikeda couldn't wait to check the number on his bank account. Seeing that there was an extra deposit of 2000 million yen on it, he felt a burst of joy, sadness, excitement, and bewilderment.

But he didn't have time to make him feel emotional. He immediately logged on to the Japanese website of Canaan Games. The identity information had been entered long ago, and finally he was stuck on the [-] million yen advance payment. At this time, he only needed to pay.

Maybe there were too many people doing this at the same time, the prepayment button never responded, Ikeda's fingers were numb, and the phone screen was full of sweat stains from nervousness.

Fortunately, the server finally processed his application, the page jumped to the next page, the payment was successful, and Koji Ikeda's identity information was successfully added to the queue for grouping.

Looking at the time, two hours had passed, only then did he realize that there were a lot of missed calls and text messages on his phone.

"Moses, Miss Kyoko?"

"Ikeda, you bastard, why are you calling back now?"


"Today is the end of application, you know that?"

"Yes, I just paid the advance payment."

"You... what did you do?"

"It's nothing, I just participated in a voluntary donation event... Haha, let's not talk about this, how about you, have you settled your [-] million yen?"

"Ikeda, you actually did it..."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a long time, Ikeda suppressed the grief and tears in his heart, forced a smile and said: "I'm lucky, the match is just right, and the other party is very generous."

"That's not necessary..."

"What can I do if I don't do this? Ten million yen can't be changed... The doctor said that it has almost no effect on my health. My body is good and I am still young. Didn't Canaan say that there is still a way to transform and strengthen the human body?" Does it work? As long as you become a player, everything will be solved."

"But the advance payment is only one ten-thousandth..."

"Miss Kyoko!" Ikeda rudely interrupted his friend, and said firmly, "I will definitely become a player, definitely!"

"...Well, good luck, Ikeda-kun, I will work hard too."

"If there is really no other way, I can help..."

"Stop, Ikeda-kun, stop, I have my own way, I will not lose to you."

"Miss Kyoko, you must not do anything stupid."

"You thought I went to Ikeda-kun there, so I wouldn't do those things. A friend introduced an institution to recruit some volunteers to test new drugs. I heard that there is not much danger. They can settle the 'nutrition at once' Fee', quite a lot."

An indescribable sadness hit Ikeda's heart. The sunlight coming in from the window was so dazzling, but it couldn't give him a little warmth.

Ikeda wanted to persuade him, but he didn't know how to persuade him. He wanted to use the remaining [-] million yuan to help his friend, but he knew that the other party's self-esteem would never accept the money he got by selling his body organs.

Self-esteem, poor self-esteem, cheap self-esteem, and priceless self-esteem.

After hanging up the phone, Ikeda waited for a while to let this negative emotion pass. He tried his best to think of some happy things, picked up his phone again, and started to care about the situation of the group draw.

I watched and watched the lottery video of Huaguo's fourth test. On the Internet, I discussed with those cloud players who had also paid the advance payment. I guessed that Dongpu might have adopted the lottery situation. The words were full of tension and anticipation.

In addition to valuable information, the Internet is also filled with a lot of rumors and harsh criticism and blame. Riots are taking place in North America. The European Union is meeting to discuss the risks and challenges brought about by "soft invasion". Occupations are quarreling, a certain country has declared Canaan to be contraband, and so on.

A Canaan stirs up the world and is on the cusp of the storm. An internationalization reveals the influence and charm of Canaan games nakedly, just like a volcano that has been suppressed for a long time, showing the momentum of violent eruption.

In such a storm of information, ordinary people can easily get lost in it. Someone shouted that Canaan has no borders, and someone immediately jumped out and slapped them with a lot of evidence and facts.

No one can ignore and deny that Canaan belongs to Huaguo, the main players are Huaguo people, and even the server and everything in the game are under the control of Huaguo.

Naturally, the real situation is not like this. Many upper echelons of the country actually know that there are still major secrets in the period, but the "alien black technology" speculated in the past has all disappeared, and only the fear of "soft invasion" remains.

Huaguo's official attitude is very ambiguous, it's all official propaganda, but Canaan Company is very stubborn. After tentatively applying for the game qualification of Beimi, it has stopped the sale of several countries in Central Asia one after another. "You love to play and don't play, and you will fall down if you don't play".

Ikeda wished that the more countries that banned Canaan, the better, so that Dongpu's game qualifications might increase, so wouldn't his chances increase?

Although I know it shouldn't be, thinking about it again, maybe this is the reason why the '[-] million yen protest' can't be done?
The news on the Canaan website in Japanese is still lagging behind, and the website in Chinese is the most sensitive in terms of information and content. Ikeda spent a lot of time on the official websites in Chinese and Japanese, and before he knew it, it was lunch time.

"Patient, how can you leave the hospital, you just finished the operation!?"

"I feel that it's all right. Didn't the doctor say that the wound can recover after a period of rest?"


"That's it, help me with the discharge procedures, please!"

With Ikeda's insistence, he completed the discharge procedures in the afternoon and returned to the rental house after two or three days away.

"Ikeda, I thought you were missing!"

"cause you trouble"

"How about it, did you raise the [-] million yen?"

"Hey, I asked an elder. Although it was not easy, it was still done before the deadline."

"That's it, what a blessing. It was hard for our Keiko to get together...Since Ikeda's financial situation has improved, the rent will go up a bit. I hope you can understand."

"...please tell me the number"

"Only 20% is fine, you prepare for it, starting from next month."

Many times, Ikeda feels that it is a miracle that he can live to be 19 years old. The world is so harsh on him. Except for a few friends with the same background and birth, he has never learned from this society or other people. I got a little bit of warmth on my body.

Hidden under the politeness is depression, coldness, alienation and indifference. What is the purpose of human life, so hard?

I just received a call to inform me that I lost my job because of the two days of personal leave...

All of a sudden, he lost his source of livelihood, and only had a little savings left from selling his body organs.

The school turned a blind eye to his absenteeism for the past few days... Hehe!
Enduring the throes of the wound, he changed into clean clothes, and the moment he turned on the computer, his gloomy face became brighter.

Only in the online world can we get a little comfort.

In the past, he was obsessed with the virtual world in anime Two-dimensional, worried about a certain virtual character, a certain virtual story, obsessed with those particularly famous voice actors, and his biggest expenditure was collecting various favorite anime characters.

Now that all these things are sold, all the enthusiasm and hope are transferred to Canaan Games.

It can be said that becoming a player has become the only source of motivation for his life.

Absorb all the information on the official website eagerly, take out a pen and paper to record carefully, use the automatic translation software to read the experiences and insights of Huaguo players, and never let go of any official troubles.

It seems that the riots in Beimi also had a great impact in Huaguo.

On the Chinese forums, there are all voices of verbal criticism, followed by deletion of files.

Just yesterday, a dramatic official announcement made Huaguo fall into a situation of ice and fire, that is, this file deletion does not involve a series of assets exchanged in the game through meritorious deeds, such as territories, family residences, and shops... …

As soon as the announcement came out, those companies and institutions that sold such assets cheaply regretted it. A large number of institutions and companies that went bankrupt due to file deletion seized on this life-saving straw and tried to recover these assets, and all kinds of shit were born because of this The thing about the stove.

Those who broke the contract, filed lawsuits, gained sympathy on the Internet, conspiratorial theories, and even pointed signs at Canaan Company, saying that they deliberately concealed this important information and cooperated with others to secretly buy these massive assets, suspected of fraud, etc.

From the perspective of an outsider, while eating melons, the biggest feeling is the huge power displayed by Canaan Company in a series of events such as file deletion and internationalization.

That is really turning hands into clouds and hands into rain. One word decides the life and death of so many multinational companies, large investment banks, and group companies. What a huge amount of money and asset ownership, how dare you play like this?

Don't be afraid to face the only superpower. If you catch my people, I will disqualify you from the game, and you will be burned out because of the boiling public grievances in the country.

Faced with doubts about gods and religious beliefs, it is even more immovable. If you ban it, you can ban it. Let us modify the game content to suit you.

Faced with accusations of data security, personal privacy, soft intrusion, etc., it is not unreasonable. Just one sentence, Canaan Company is a company of Huaguo, and it should first abide by the laws of Huaguo. As a formal private enterprise, our company will Strictly abide by the relevant laws and regulations, such concerns are groundless.

Among them, an influential figure is frequently mentioned by the media of various countries.

That is the CEO of Canaan Company, Yu Qingdong!
For him, the latest issue of Time magazine reused the cover of the previous issue, but modified it, turning the soup and vegetable leaves on his face into dripping blood and money!
The "protective umbrella" poured with blood and money seems to deserve its name. Many people who read the cover feel sympathetic, as if they are witnessing the birth of a super invincible Torsola that surpasses the national organization!
Whoa, umbrella!

Looking at the cover of the latest Time magazine, Ikeda felt that the big man on the cover had sharp and scary eyes, like a god who could control and decide his own destiny.

Despite his sympathy, he still didn't dare to do anything impolite to the photos, so he closed the page obediently and breathed a sigh of relief.

Players in Huaguo may think it is exaggerated, but for Ikeda, it is not surprising that he even worshiped the illusory Guanyin.

The doctor ordered to take a good rest, Ikeda turned off the computer early, lay on the bed, endured the faint pain from the wound, and fell asleep.

The next morning, Keiko Teruda, the daughter of the landlord Obasan's mixed society, came back.

"So, you also participated in the pre-sale and drawing of game qualifications, right?"

"Yes, Miss Keiko."

"It's true that anyone can blend in. The Canaan Company is too cheap. Can even a beggar become a noble player?"

The smirk on Ikeda's face could hardly be maintained. At this moment, a piece of news was interrupted on the TV, which attracted everyone's attention.

"...the chairman of the board of directors of Canaan Company, the chief scientist, and the actual owner who is rumored to own 51% of the shares of Canaan Company, appeared in a manor in the western suburbs of Yanjing this morning. Canaan Company subsequently confirmed this rumor, claiming that the director The chief scientist and the chief scientist have withdrawn from the heavy scientific research work for the specific work of this test... Envoys from various countries have expressed their hope to meet with the actual master of the Canaan game to discuss a series of issues related to the internationalization of Canaan Do an in-depth exchange and discussion..."

"This is the real big man!"

The little sister Keiko Teruda looked at the half-length photo of the man on the TV screen, and said with a nympho.

(End of this chapter)

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