This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 281 We Are Players

Chapter 281 We Are Players

In fact, there is no need for Bei Gaoyang to come back this time.

After the last update of the game helmet, fully considering the possible situation in the future, in terms of the protection of the player's soul, ample functions and structures have been reserved, and only need to be adjusted on the magic net, that is, the 'server'. up.

The helmet produced last time is still rich, Canaan Company’s inventory can’t be piled up, there is no shortage of access equipment, what is lacking is the permission to access the magic net, which is the maximum load limit of the magic net, and these can be It is realized through the expansion of the magic net.

The reason why he came back this time was because of what he promised last time, which was to implement the live broadcast function for players online in the fifth test.

That is the topic he has been researching during this time, how to break the boundary between science and magic, and realize instant translation and smooth interaction of information.

On the earth side, he is studying the introduction to magic, the foundation of mysticism, and the first explanation of spell configurations that he brought back. What he has learned is a head-scratcher. He is also studying the tomes of physics, geometry, chemistry, and electronics in Jialan. , learning is also not easy.

The progress on the earth side can only be known by visiting the so-called No. [-] project. As far as he is concerned, he still has some gains.

The scientific knowledge I learned as a child, after so many years of occultism, I have long forgotten where it is. Learning knowledge, accumulating little by little, is like building a building, you need to build a solid foundation from the foundation.

Thoroughly grasp and understand the knowledge, ordinary people can't be said to be proficient after decades of immersion, most of them only know the superficial, Bei Gaoyang is different.

As a great magician, no matter how obscure and incomprehensible mystic knowledge and spell configurations have been encountered, the earth can still use modern tools to help, and Canaan can only rely on his brain.

Crystal clear day and night, long-term mental exercise, in terms of scientific terms on this side of the earth, his brain development has far surpassed that of ordinary people, his photographic memory is just a basic operation, and he has strong memory, reasoning, thinking and logical processing capabilities , making his brain comparable to a computer.

So it is not difficult to learn, but Canaan does not have a suitable environment, just like learning dumb English, you need to go back to Earth for a field test.

Then again, since the fifth test will join the Abyss bloody battle mode, the protection of the player's soul has become the top priority. Is it necessary to launch the online live broadcast function and take up a lot of system resources?
Xiao Ai didn't understand this.

Bei Gaoyang only excused himself by saying that this was a promise he had made a long time ago.

Since the undead natural disaster of infinite resurrection is to be realized, and the online live broadcast is also required, other functions of the game must be compressed.

"You mean, this test will cancel the special effects and special effects of the equipment?"

"Well, what do you think?"

"I... this, what is left after canceling the special effects?"

Yu Qingdong's rhetorical question made Bei Gaoyang laugh. Before the movie started, he patiently explained: "Special effects and special effects are not the player's own strength, but the blessing of the system. If they continue to be retained, it will inevitably cause huge system damage. burden, and the fifth test will be a particularly complex environment, and this aspect of the function must be compressed."

"A particularly complicated environment?"

"A new game map will be opened, which can be understood as a battlefield mode. This game map is very dangerous, with enemies and monsters, and the situation is also very complicated. The protection of players has become the top priority."

"Is it similar to the expansion pack of Alpha Battlefield?"

"It's more complicated than that, more brutal."


"In the future, the acquisition of experience, equipment, props, merits and contributions will all be placed on this new game map, and huge adjustments will be made in the gameplay... Sigh, let's not talk about these, it's started, it's started."

When was the last time you sat in a movie theater expecting a story to begin like this?
I remember that at that time, 3D was just a new thing. "Avatar" created a miracle in the history of movies. Have you seen this movie, but you don't remember it at all?
It can be seen that the brain capacity of the great magician is also limited, and not all memories can be retained.

Just like this self-deprecating feeling, the movie "We Are Players" began.

A very popular movie.

It is an inspirational story about a group of young people who meet, get acquainted, know each other, fall in love in the virtual world of Metaverse, experience, gain, give and grow together.

The opening of the movie begins with an ordinary high school teenager being lucky to be eligible for a game in a lucky draw. The parents don't understand and support at the beginning, and then they are ecstatic because of the influence of the environment and other people.

The changes in the attitudes of relatives, friends and school before and after he obtained the game qualification were mixed with a lot of jokes that reflected reality, which made the theater audience feel relatives, and laughed out loud when they saw the happy parts.

In a blink of an eye, the plot of landing in the virtual world of the metaverse, the degree of realism of Canaan reflected in the movie is almost real, and the shock and shock that the protagonist sees and experiences when he first logs in to the game, the audience also substitutes into it, so one piece Gasp and gasp.

Then, the main and supporting roles appeared one after another.

The male lead who is in charge of teasing and laughing at the beginning did not deal with the protagonist, robbing monsters, dating, PK, some players and cloud players are very familiar with the plot, the female lead is the younger sister of the male lead, in the conflict between the male lead and the male lead Entering the arena, a character with a naive personality, unresponsive, and often embarrassing his game characters due to improper operation.

The female number two and the male number three are responsible for attracting hatred. The characters are Bai Fumei and Gao Fushuai. Bai Fumei likes Gao Fushuai. And because of the male lead's heroic act of saving the beauty, he fell in love with the male lead secretly. At the same time, the second male lead is also a toad who wants to eat swan meat, so he fell in love with the second female lead Bai Fumei... This is a mess.

In short, you love me, I love him, he doesn't love me, he loves her, and she loves your bloody serial.

But in reality, the heroine is terminally ill, the hero’s family is poor, and he doesn’t know the truth, so he misunderstands what the heroine and the rich and handsome have to do with each other...

Well, fortunately, there is a happy ending in the end.

Yu Qingdong felt drowsy after seeing half of it, but watching the scene, many girls were wiping tears, and many boys were excited because of the adventures and gains of the hero and heroine in the game. Money, beauties, love, friendship, all passed Playing the game got it, just scratching their itch, so it feels full of substitution.

Coupled with the well-produced special effects that restored at least 8% of the Canaan style, this youth idol drama covered in the virtual world of the metaverse was a big success. I heard that it has reached the top of the box office in less than a month since it was released. ?

Looking at the person next to him, he watched it with gusto, logically speaking, it shouldn't be, this kind of tune that young people like.

Thinking about it again, maybe it was because of Canaan, so I was relieved.

"This movie is good, good, haha..."

At the end of the two-hour movie, Bei Gaoyang went back and happily talked about his impressions of it, "It's just that there are too many things about cast it? Well done!"

"Uh...", Yu Qingdong was a little embarrassed, the fact is naturally not, he wondered if Bei Gaoyang noticed, the name of Canaan Game was not in the whole movie, although Canaan was alluded to everywhere.

It’s embarrassing to say, the producer had approached Canaan Company back then, and at that time several scripts were sent to him for review. It was because he didn’t like these romantic things and thought they were not suitable for the style of Canaan games. , I chose another more 'hardcore' script to cooperate with.

At that time, his beauty Xiaomi was also there, and she also played a guest role in it, but I didn't expect that the scheduled prince of the palace received little response after it was released, and the unpopular "Nie Zi" successfully counterattacked, and he overturned the rankings in film history in one fell swoop. Among the top ones, the top-grossing films, I heard that the response from overseas markets is also very enthusiastic, and the small film companies that invested in this film have made a lot of money.

He was hesitating whether to tell the excited 'Lafayette' about these situations, 'Lafayette' had already forgotten the topic just now, and was looking at the night view outside the window with great interest.

"What are you doing over there, so lively?"

"Uh...the light show on the Bund."

"Go, go and see!"

Yu Qingdong had no choice but to ask the driver to pull over and park carefully all the way, just like accompanying Weifu to privately visit the eunuch behind him, not only not to spoil the elegance of 'Lafayette', but also worried about whether any accidents would happen.

"What a peaceful and prosperous world!"

Standing on the bank of the Huangpu River, looking at the endless stream of lights on the river, like the Milky Way, looking at the cyberpunk-style high-rise buildings on both sides of the river bank bathed in the bright and changing light show, you are in a dark atmosphere. I don't know how many people there are, and they strongly feel the momentum of this country and nation's prosperity and vigor.

Yu Qingdong wasn't in such a mood anymore, this thing looked bad, nothing unusual.

The crowds put him under great pressure. Whenever he saw the 'Lafayette' being squeezed to and fro, he would feel terrified. He was still thinking, isn't it 'the antelope next to the lion'? Why are these 'antelopes' so so No eyesight?

After hearing his thoughts, a young man who was almost stuck with the 'Lafayette' said: "It hasn't started yet, there will be a drone show later."

"Really? What an eye-opener."

"Listen, foreigner?"

"...Well, I just came back not long ago."

"That's the returned overseas Chinese? Then you really need to go around and see, refresh your understanding, don't talk about your hometown with old eyes outside."

"Hehe, definitely, definitely."

After watching the light show and the drone show, Lafayette returned home exhausted. It was already 11:[-] in the middle of the night.

"Xiao Yu, do you know what a magical environment is?"

Yu Qingdong was a little drowsy, but when he heard the words, he was shocked, nodded and said, "I know."

"Then tell me what you think of it."

"A very magical energy that cannot be defined at present. An environment with this energy is a demonic environment."

"Hehe, magic power is not just energy. Energy is its most significant and easily observable aspect. In fact, magic power is a collection of soul and belief. Tracing its source comes from human consciousness."

"In another world, as allowed by the underlying rules, human consciousness activities will affect the outside world, changing and shaping all phenomena and laws invisibly. Over time and over time, many people and many things have changed because of the consciousness activities of intelligent creatures."

"Created out of nothing, the original existence has been transformed into various mysterious attributes, the world has gradually become unpredictable, with a depth and breadth that cannot be explored, and it has also given a large number of mysterious symbols to hide and grow. The environment and space."

"Magic power is the product of mysterious development in the middle and late stages. Some creatures with lofty status, authority, and power in the definition of mysticism fight with each other. The defeated party is unwilling to be forgotten. Before returning to the original source, it issued a desperate cry. Shout, their corpses and the remnants of their strength, after a series of special transformations, they become the original magical power."

"Magic is actually a 'germ'."

"But why do I say that he is a collection of souls and beliefs? Because the mystical attributes of these defeated higher creatures still come from the conscious activities of intelligent creatures."

Yu Qingdong didn't know why 'Lafayette' said these things to him, and he couldn't say anything, but he had to write them down desperately, and he had to record them and hand them in when he went back.

Come on, isn't this just looking for something to do, I can't open my eyelids because I didn't see her tired?Are you so inconsiderate of your subordinates?

"I'm telling you this out of emotion. Let me ask you, do you want the earth to become like Canaan?"

"... the same as Canaan?"

"Is it all turning into a demonic environment?"


"You have to think about it. If you gain, you will lose. The price may be these..." Bei Gaoyang pointed to the bright lights and scenery outside the car window, "I will never see it again."

"Forget it!", Yu Qingdong shook his head quickly, "Everyone likes pastoral songs, but who can really live in pastoral songs? They say they want to escape the cold metropolis and get close to nature, but when they really Returning to that extremely primitive life, maybe crying and shouting to return to the steel and concrete cage?"

Hearing this, Bei Gaoyang laughed and said, "That's right, I think so too."

"In my opinion, there is no need to pursue all demonic environments. The so-called demonic environment can be understood as a tool. People are good at making and using tools. It is best to let it serve us without affecting us." , After finishing speaking, Yu Qingdong carefully observed Bei Gaoyang's face.


At this time, the car entered the underground parking garage of the hotel. Before getting out of the car, Bei Gaoyang said something that Yu Qingdong couldn't figure out: "Xiao Yu, what you said just now is very arrogant."


Why are you so arrogant?

I am respectful and respectful, I have served you as an 'Lafayette', how could I be arrogant?
Not to mention, there are still a bunch of reports waiting for him to write after he goes back.

He wrote down everything that happened today in a long and long copy and handed it in. It was already bright outside.

Thinking of the busy itinerary a few hours later, Yu Qingdong rubbed his sore and swollen eyes from not sleeping all night, and took out a bottle of ice blue potion that Bei Gaoyang gave him.

Do you want to drink?

According to the regulations, the quarantine procedure should be followed...but the biggest rule is still the perception of 'Lafayette', and it's not the first time.

So, he closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and drank the suspicious and terrifying potion.

When he appeared in front of Lafayette again, he became radiant.

"Let's get down to business today, first let's talk about the changes and adjustments that need to be made in this test."

Lafayette changed from yesterday's casualness and became vigorous and resolute.

(End of this chapter)

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