This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 282 The 'professional title' will be evaluated in the future

Chapter 282 The 'professional title' will be evaluated in the future
Another busy day.

"Chairman, this change is too big, it's like overthrowing and starting over."

"Not really, the basic gameplay is still those, let's go through it again."

"Even the job transfer has been cancelled?"

"Let me tell you the truth. From the very beginning, I used doctrine, job change, how to change job, I didn't even think about it myself. You said how to change job as a fighter, Juggernaut? What is a Juggernaut? It's something that doesn't exist. All have to be defined from the beginning, and the balance and power consumption of the profession must also be considered, and the whole body will be affected by a single hair, and this time, all these concepts are simply turned into realism.”


Speaking of this, Bei Gaoyang smiled meaningfully, and said: "That is to refer to the existing and mature path to follow."


"So a fighter is a fighter, and a mage is a mage. At most, level 1-3 is a junior mage, level 4-5 is an intermediate mage, level 6 is an advanced mage, level 7-9 is an archmage, and level 10 is a legendary mage. Much less."

Yu Qingdong didn't understand how the burden of designing the system would be reduced in this way, but every word Zero said had a deep meaning, and naturally there were professional people to analyze and interpret it, so he only needed to write it down.

Considering the particularity of number zero, some recording and monitoring equipment are not allowed. If this accidentally offends one of his negative scales, who knows what will happen, and who can take such responsibility?
Dealing with individuals beyond common sense is such a hassle. Countries can also be constrained by interests, principles, and jumps. Even if the head of a country is angered, there will be no unpredictable changes. It's different, he is a person, a living person, a person with emotions, joys, sorrows, joys and dislikes, dealing with him is simple and simple, but it is extremely complicated if it is complicated, Yu Qingdong only knows one thing, about one A professional team specializes in studying his preferences, and all actions aimed at him require the endorsement of this professional team.

One of the biggest exceptions may be his 'Little Yu'.

It can be seen how much gold this 'Xiao Yu' has and what a heavy responsibility he bears.

"Professional transfer is cancelled, special effects and special effects are cancelled, what about the profession?"

"Warriors are changed to paladins, and archers are changed to jungle rogues. The professional skill system will provide general skills. Players can comprehend their own unique skills. They can also be obtained through drops, tasks and adventures, and can also be exchanged through meritorious service. A powerful and rare skill."

"Skill book", Yu Qingdong understood in seconds.

"Yes, including life occupations."

"What about other aspects?"

"Generally maintain the status quo. In the future, gold, silver and bronze medals will be the rigid indicators for promotion to higher professional titles. Powerful and rare skills can only be learned at higher professional levels."

"Add a career level to the level?"

"Yes, for example, players at levels 1-5 are in the apprenticeship stage and have not yet taken up a job. After completing a specific test and getting the corresponding gold and silver medals, they can choose a career of their choice. The first job is a level 1 career. Level 6-15 They are all in the stage of level 1 occupation. There is another test starting at level 16. After passing the test and obtaining the corresponding qualifications, they will be promoted to level 2 occupation..."

"Wait a minute, if you can't advance to level 2 occupation, can you continue to increase the level?"


"In other words, there may be a player who is level [-] or a first-level profession?"


"It feels like this emphasizes class level and undercuts the importance of player level."

"It is also considered in terms of reducing the burden on the system."

"... Can this design reduce the burden on the system?"

Bei Gaoyang smiled slightly, and talked about the next item, "Professional level is also linked to the combat power system. The weight of player level is very small. Each level of occupation has a title, such as Chaofan? It means transcending the ordinary. Second-level occupations have A title, such as Chuchen, means peerless out of the world... Each professional level and title has corresponding special equipment, cloaks, and cloaks can be strengthened..."

Yu Qingdong thought it sounded familiar. After looking through the information on the computer, he found that it was from a very old online game.
This title is exactly the same as the name of the cloak, so why don't you consider the copyright issue?
Forget it, as long as Lafayette is happy.

After talking about combat power and cloaks, we talked about the arena. After talking about the arena, we also talked about families and gangs. In this test, some restrictions will be canceled, and the focus will be on strengthening the family as the social attribute of the game. An important link that guides players to cooperate.

If you don't cooperate, you can't get along. With the cruelty of bloody battles, what can you do alone and stragglers?
Therefore, families, gangs, and even the player's own city will appear, and the restrictions on territories will be relaxed.

Firstly, the game map will be further expanded, and secondly, the five-layer magic net already has the breadth and depth of mid-level and high-level magic creations, so don't worry too much about it.

Yu Qingdong was delighted when he heard it.

This liberalization will revitalize the commercial real estate in the metaverse. The "national team" will make a lot of money this time. Funds for pensions, education, the disabled, and medical care will all have a good year. , even many businesses of Canaan Company will usher in explosive growth.

Who is the most unlucky?

Naturally, it is those capital institutions with complicated components and suspicious positions. Did the chairman do it on purpose? Why did he smell a strong conspiracy?
Even he, the CEO, thinks so, others can imagine.

Not to mention Canaan Company, which is obviously responsible for the blame.

But Yu Qingdong is not afraid now, he has the name of the umbrella boss, although those institutional capitals secretly wish that he would be killed when he goes out, but they are still enthusiastic when they meet him, as if they are some kind of relatives, and no one dares to offend him.


Of course, there are still some troubles. Canaan Company is still carrying more than a dozen international lawsuits. I heard that a large Wall Street organization is lobbying the US Congress to sanction him personally, which makes him afraid to even go abroad now.

"The pet and mount system will also undergo a major adjustment...well, it will be divided into two types of pets. One type of pet is easy to obtain. It can be captured and dropped on the battlefield, task rewards, and meritorious service. The other type is relatively rare. , is still a non-renewable resource, so let it be an adventure and let the players explore by themselves."

"The first type of pet was refreshed by the system...?"

"Yes, this is a big burden on the system, but it has been reduced so much, it is not good to be too stingy with players."

Yu Qingdong wrote down all these things, and later handed them over to the copywriter for polishing, and then made an announcement on the official website.

"And those?"

"Online broadcast?"

"Oh, I almost forgot, needless to say the live broadcast function, but not everyone can live broadcast, there must be a certain door frame... Well, this door frame will be handed over to you, so as to save you from complaining and saying lines I can’t decide anything about things in the workplace, and I don’t have a sense of participation.”

Yu Qingdong was stunned for a moment, pondering over everything he wanted to achieve, and it was solved so suddenly?

How to influence online is what Yu Qingdong and the people behind him have been thinking about day and night.

Don't underestimate this online live broadcast, it can affect and decide many things virtually, the most important of which is that Canaan finally has a channel to communicate and influence the online experience.

Since the door frame is left to them to control, should some data and behavior of the player also be handed over to them for inspection?
If you don't give such permission, you can't grasp the door frame, and you can't decide it based on your identity and performance in reality, right?
"I will give you a special interface, through this interface, you can check the player's data within the scope of these functions..."

"Dong, chairman..."

"To achieve mutual trust, you make a step, I take a step back, let's take it step by step, don't get too excited."

"No, I didn't... I just, I just..."

"Okay, I will give you this interface before I go back. What's the next item?"

In this way, the job level, props and equipment, life occupations, family gangs, pet mounts, and online live broadcasts have all gone through, and the rest are some small changes, which can be adjusted at any time.

"That's it, let's polish up and post the announcement, players should wait."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now."

"The qualification selection and internationalization will be left to you, don't let go of my trust, Xiao Yu."

"No, don't worry, chairman!"

"Well, what's the next itinerary?"

"Laboratory zero was temporarily added yesterday."

"Let's go after lunch."


It's already the end of June, and three days and 72 hours have passed since the server was shut down. Up to now, apart from the noise of the game's qualification draw and the news of the internationalization progress, there is still no sign of the announcement of the fifth test.

Many players have been waiting desperately. If this announcement does not come out, the time for the five tests will not be fixed. They don't know how long they will have to wait.

Just don't think about repeatedly bouncing tickets like the fourth test.


Fan Chaoyue, who wrapped his face tightly with a baseball cap, toad mirror, and a big mask, sneaked into the elevator, came to the underground parking garage, started the assistant's Haval H6, and left the underground parking lot strangely.

The car with manual transmission is really difficult to drive, the clutch is not well mastered, and the engine was turned off several times while waiting for the traffic lights on the road. Fan Chaoyue was distracted by the car behind him, and several times scolded a small sapling who deliberately made trouble with him.

It's great to meet at the hotel, if you insist on letting yourself go to them with a handicap, it's a good name: sincerity, sincerity, you ghost, if it's embarrassing Miss Ben, just say so.

Without the star halo, Fan Chaoyue is also an ordinary girl who loves to play and make trouble. Although she complains on her mouth, she still cherishes the friendship established in the game very much in her heart.

After finally rushing to the place - Wudu University, he called Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao in the guard room to pick him up.

"Warmly celebrate the establishment of the Metaverse College of our school"

"Lively welcome a certain leader to approach our school for guidance"

"Happy news: Our school's Metaverse students have reached a strategic cooperation agreement with the Canaan Technology Development Department..."

Waiting for people to be bored, the guard saw that she looked like she couldn't see anyone and was very vigilant. Fan Chaoyue counted the banners hanging at the school gate, counted, and counted more than a dozen, almost all of which were related to the metaverse of.

The concept of metaverse is very popular. Even the grandpas and aunts at the end of the alleys, whose eyes and ears are not working well, can say a few words. The majestic Wudu University is so "kitsch", can it be said that it is in the past?
Just say that she herself can't be exempted from vulgarity?
The agent and contracting company repeatedly asked her to use the identity of a player to promote, but she repeatedly refused. For this reason, she stubbornly rejected the phenomenon-level movie-We are the heroine of the player.

Now it's all right, the contracting company and the agent collectively went crazy, and she was not allowed to let her temper go wild, and the days of such freedom in the future are numbered on the fingers.

Thinking of these made me feel depressed. When I saw Xia Miaomiao, my nose was not my nose, and my eyes were not my eyes.

"Hey, Yiye Zhiqiu, did you throw the big card in the wrong place?"

"I want you to take care of it!"

"What's wrong with me, it's like eating gunpowder when we meet."

"My pleasure!"

"You two don't say a few words, and others will see it."

"Let's take care of you!"

"Tch, who the hell came here?"

"I'm here to find Xiao Yu."

"Yo, Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu, I don't know what kind of CP I thought it was you, is it nasty?"


In terms of sharp teeth, Fan Chaoyue was not even a star behind Xia Miaomiao, so the result of bickering was naturally asking for trouble.

So, even more depressed.

The big star walked into Du Shiyu's house angrily, threw off the burden on her body, and lay down on the sofa dejectedly.

"what happened?"

Du Shiyu glared at her best friend to warn her, then sat down and asked with concern.

"In the future, I will march into Canaan"

"Uh...what do you mean?"

"It's not just me, but the entire show business circle, big and small, newcomers and oldcomers, all are swarming into Canaan"

"What's wrong with this?"

"The company I signed, my agent, and my job overlap with Canaan, and I hate it."


Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao don't know the troubles of being public figures, and they can't empathize with them, so naturally they can't empathize.

"It would be great if it was the fourth test all the time. After getting so many game qualifications, it's good now. All ghosts and snakes have jumped out. It's really annoying!"

Du Shiyu turned her head to look at her best friend, "I heard that this time there are million game qualifications?"

"No?" Xia Miaomiao said, "Part of the internationalization has to be divided, but I don't know the proportion, and there is a lot of noise on the Internet."

"Uh... a few hundred thousand, right?"

"There must be."

"I'll check later!"

Xia Miaomiao took out her mobile phone to log in to the official website, and was stunned when she saw it.

Seeing that she hadn't moved for a long time, Du Shiyu pushed her, and was about to ask, Xia Miaomiao jumped up with a bang, "Come out, come out..."

"What came out?"

"Announcement for the fifth test!"


On the homepage of the official website, it was written in a bold and large theme banner: "Canaan Online" related details about the end of the fourth closed test and the adjustment and update of the fifth closed test.

Behind is a long copy, hundreds of adjustments and updates, a full 10 pages.

(End of this chapter)

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