This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 283 A New Beginning

Chapter 283 A New Beginning
Xia Miaomiao sat among the piles of LV bags, luxurious jewelry, expensive cosmetics, and limited-edition clothes. These luxuries that I used to dream of owning, now I have them, but I don't have the spirit of the past.

Difficulty in choosing, trying on a set in the dressing mirror, but I feel that it can't compare with Fan Chaoyue's simple white shirt and jeans.

"Xiao Yu, you're still studying that broken announcement, help me choose which one to wear at night?"

"Wearing that suit is not as good as others. They rely on their faces for food."

"Ha, if you say that, someone will be upset if they hear it?"

"You don't talk much, how does she know?"

"Stop looking, help me choose!"

"Why, do you want to overwhelm the audience tonight?"

"Today is the first offline gathering of the family!"

"Why didn't I see you nervous at so many offline gatherings before?"

"It's not comparable to before. This time, many people met for the first time. They took care of us. They chose Wudu for the party. Even big stars came here. How can we be careless?"

"I think you are just comparing yourself with others sincerely, save yourself, no matter how barbed your face is, you can't compare with him."

"I'm not bad either..."

"I'm too lazy to tell you, don't bother me, I'm busy."

"It's a broken announcement. I've been studying it all afternoon. What's there to see?"

Xia Miaomiao threw an exquisite dress on the bed and went over to harass her best friend who was writing and drawing on the screen.

"Look at the changes in this test, the general level has been weakened, the professional level has been raised, and the equipment and props have changed..."

"Isn't it just overthrowing and starting over? Everyone starts from the beginning!"

"This abyssal battlefield may be the top priority, and the confrontation in the game will be greatly strengthened in the future."

"so what?"

"It's not important? Know it in advance, so you don't have to take a detour."
"what happened?"

"It's nothing."

"The chief scientist of the Canaan company is really mysterious. I have never seen him on TV, and there are no photos on the Internet. It's strange, isn't it?"

"The shorter the news, the bigger the issue, and the more this is the case, the more important this person is."

"Xiao Yu, do you think he is an alien?"


"Ah, I thought you's not like you"

"Only aliens can have the technology of Canaan, right? You also know the experience of the metaverse offline. Compared with the online experience, what do you think is the difference?"

"I can't say, it feels like they are two different things, and they cannot be compared together."

"If I tell you that the metaverse virtual technology we experience offline is reasonable, what do you think?"

"Where did the online technology come from?"

"Yeah, where did it come from? It popped out of the cracks in the rocks? It doesn't make sense to use the technology on the Internet, right? Even if you want to castrate it, it doesn't make sense to castrate it so much worse than the online experience, right? ?”

"Why do you care about this, whether he is an alien or not, we will just be our players."

"A philosopher said that the truth is often the most simple, direct and unimaginable answer, which is why the chief scientist is so mysterious. Let me ask you again, if he is an alien and we have obtained his alien technology, why not Protect him closely, and give him the title of chairman, and let him appear in public from time to time?"

"That's right, if the aliens are captured, they will try their best to keep them secret. There's no reason for them to be so ostentatious?"

"So, we didn't capture him, and we can't control him. We may have nothing to do with him. What we have reached with him may be some kind of cooperation. This cooperation is mutually beneficial. He can cooperate with us, and Being able to cooperate with other people, we are still on the weak side of cooperation. And Canaan Company is the product of this kind of cooperation, which also explains that Canaan Company has such a weak online presence, and..."

Before she could finish speaking, Xia Miaomiao raised her hand to touch her forehead.

"What are you doing?"

"You don't have a fever, do you? Holmes, why are you thinking about these boring things? Help me to see what to wear tonight. I'm so annoying and I don't have time."

Du Shiyu rolled her eyes, feeling unable to communicate with this simple-minded creature.

Half an hour later, the two went out and rushed to a restaurant with a good environment near the Yellow Crane Tower.

Brother Chun and Qiao Shan arrived first and were already waiting on the second floor.

Brother Chun immediately licked it when he came up: "Miao Miao, you are so beautiful today!"

"Hehe, later..."

"One Leaf Zhiqiu is here, you guys talk first, I'll go down and pick it up!"

Xia Miaomiao muttered in a low voice, she was too arrogant to be picked up, but Brother Chun was still licking: "What's going to happen to Miaomiao?"

"I won't believe it until you can say that."

"Ah, is there anyone more beautiful than Miao Miao in this world? I can't!"

Qiao Shan on the side couldn't take it anymore, coughed a few times, and asked the waiter on the side to order drinks and tea.

The second floor is reserved, and there are more than twenty people in total. Actually, there is no need for such a big place, but they are all players. For the sake of peace, this small amount of money is a big deal for Xia Miaomiao, who has a lot of money.

I heard that there are still people coming from XJ. They come so far away, so what does this little extravagance count?
"This place has a nice view, but...why isn't it in the Yellow Crane Tower? I heard it's open there?"

"There are a lot of people over there, but this place is quiet."


Du Shiyu and Fan Chaoyue came in chatting and laughing. Seeing that Fan Chaoyue's aura was obviously different, Brother Chun paid some attention. When she took off her sunglasses, mask and hat, he pointed at her in surprise, and stammered, "You, You, you, you are..."

Fan Chaoyue smiled slightly, "It's the first time we meet, I'm Yiye Zhiqiu, please take care of me!?"

Even Qiao Shan, who is usually very 'cold', was not calm anymore, and unconsciously resumed his sitting posture, pretending to be relaxed and said with a smile: "Wow, your family is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!?"

Brother Chun was surprised for a long time, and finally shouted: "Fan Chaoyue, daughter of the nation..."

Xia Miaomiao secretly thought that sure enough, she rolled her eyes, and pushed the dishes in front of her, "Here he comes, and someone picks it up, you don't know the way, elementary school student?"

Fan Chaoyue: "I want you to take care of it!"

"Big star?"

"There are no entertainers today, only Yiye Zhiqiu, player!"

"It's nice to say, don't you really enjoy the feeling of this kind of private visit?"

"Someone has a dark mind and thinks that other people are like her. This is called the heart of a villain to judge the belly of a gentleman. Why don't I have the same knowledge as her?"

" say is a villain?"

With outsiders around, Xia Miaomiao's fighting power plummeted, and the two bickered daily, which didn't hinder Du Shiyu from doing what she should do, "Sit down, don't just stand still!"

After Brother Chun and Qiao Shan sat down, he asked, "I've read the announcement? What do you think?"

Qiao Shan: "The big shop bullies customers!?"


Qiao Shan: "It's like reinventing the wheel and starting over again. No wonder the file needs to be deleted. If you don't delete the file, you can't do it."

Du Shiyu asked Brother Chun again: "What about you?"

"I..." Brother Chun's attention was still on the two bickering beauties, and he said absently, "That's it, it doesn't matter, everyone is the same."

Du Shiyu nodded in understanding, because everyone is the same, they have to go back to a new starting point, so it didn't cause a big backlash, right?
Of course, there is also the reason Qiao Shan said, isn’t it just that the store bullies customers, the only business in the world, and an internationalization allows domestic players to see its popularity, which in turn cherishes the player’s identity even more. It is the identity that Bei Gaoyang has always emphasized.

At this time, a large group of people talking and going upstairs came, and the five people who were seated quickly stopped talking and bickering. They watched Yijiang Chunshuiliu lead a four or five-year-old girl, and brought a group of people up with a smile.

"Wow, sapling, we meet again!"

Huaguoshan Saint Warrior shouted when he saw Xia Miaomiao.

Xia Miaomiao forced a smile, and went forward to greet her with the others.

Most of the people in this group are young people, but there are also older ones, such as a man in his fifties, a balding uncle, whose ID is a boy like a wind, Xia Miaomiao doesn't know where the "boy" is from looking at him, Maybe it was blown away by the wind like his hair, haha...

There is also an aunt of the same age, dressed in folk equipment, with a good temperament, with light makeup, and her ID is Jiangnan Misty Rain. I heard that she used to be a Pingshu singer, from the XJ Repertory Troupe, and has retired. Miao Miao is the same.

Others are not so eye-catching. The young ones include college students who are still in school, and some who used to be white-collar workers. Of course, they have all changed jobs to professional gamers now, and they regard Canaan as their life's work.

Qiao Shan and Fan Chaoyue are non-staff personnel, a total of 25 people, talking and laughing well.

I haven't seen him for a while, but Shao Bing's hair is half gray, but his spirit is strong, and his gray hair gives him a manly look that has been through the wind and rain.

"...It was those few days, the days when the files were deleted and passed on the most. The debt collectors came to the door every day. My dad smoked all day long, and his hair turned gray."

Shao Bing's daughter is like a mascot, and is rare by everyone. The little girl can say anything when she is proud, and her small mouth is very sharp. , My dad borrowed too much money, and they asked him to sign a slave contract and work all his life to pay back the debt.”

"Oh, it's really hard for our poor little girl!" Aunt Jiangnan Yanyu hugged the little girl, feeling both rare and distressed.

"Chun Shui's courage is too great, it's simply audacious, and he borrowed so many usury loans for a residence."

"It's funny now, all the lenders went bankrupt, but he turned around...I said Chunshui, how did you feel when you saw that the resident can inherit without deleting files?"

Shao Bing laughed, "What's the mood? Ice and fire are two heavens. That's the feeling. People with a bad heart will die on the spot."

After hearing this, everyone felt sorry for each other, and recalled the time when the file deletion was the most powerful. It was really a group of demons dancing wildly. One can imagine how much pressure this man has endured!

Looking at the white hair on this head, I can understand. If it were them, they might not be able to survive the day when the clouds cleared and the mist cleared.

"Don't talk about it, don't talk about it!" Shao Bing smiled and waved his hand to end the topic, stood up holding a drink, and made a formal opening speech, "I said to find a time to get together offline , I have never had a chance, now I have time to stop the test, I agreed as soon as Miao Miao suggested it, thanks to everyone who didn’t dislike it, and came all the way to get together, come, drink this cup!”

Everyone laughed and drank a glass of drink, Huaguoshan Saint Warrior yelled strangely: "Why, that's all there is here, I'm still waiting for the full feast of the Han Dynasty!"

As the landlord, Xia Miaomiao jumped up and yelled back: "Don't worry, I will guarantee you to death later."

After joking for a while, after quieting down, Shao Bing went on to say: "This is the first offline meeting of brothers and sisters as a family. Firstly, we meet each other and get to know each other. The past is over, let's not talk about it. The game starts again, and so do we. Meet and chat offline, the game can also be more harmonious and united. This is because it is considered to be stable now. The official website has just released the announcement of the fifth test, and it will not change. As the patriarch, I am here I invite you to become the founding members of the family, and everyone will work together and work together to make this family a good one, and in the future, we will form gangs and build a city. Everyone is a veteran."

"Chunshui, you carried it through the most difficult time by yourself, and now you want us to sit back and enjoy it?"

Shao Bing waved his hand proudly, "I don't talk about the past, I just talk about the present, I hope everyone will give me face, show some kindness, become a founding member of the family, and help me build this family together!"

"No need to say, the spring water is open and bright, count me in!"

"Count me in too!"

"And I!"

"I have never convinced many people in my life, but today I am really convinced by the spring water, the atmosphere, and I am one of them."

At this time, the founding member is a benefit, which is equivalent to picking it up for nothing. Who would not want it?

"This patriarch is a good person!"

Fan Chaoyue whispered to Du Shiyu.

Du Shiyu is observing these people. Some are high-profile, some are low-key, some are enthusiastic, and some are cold. Being able to gather people from all over the world, all ages, and different personalities together from afar shows the organizer's Charisma.

Du Shiyu didn't know Chunshui's criteria for selecting candidates, and felt that these people really had their own characteristics. He was as cold as "magic is within the range of truth". Yes, it is very strange.

"Then do you want to join?" Xia Miaomiao asked Fan Chaoyue.

"I... I want to join, but..."

"Got it, got it, big star!"

"Xia Miaomiao!!"

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up again!"

Du Shiyu didn't bother to pay attention to them, seeing Shao Bing coming with his daughter, she hurriedly gave them a hug.

At this moment, the TV program that had been serving as the background sound suddenly interrupted a piece of news that the chief scientist of Canaan Company was attacked.

There was silence all around, and everyone looked at each other and came to the TV.

The news anchor who came in was very serious. After the brief broadcast without any emotional color, he switched to the live scene.

(End of this chapter)

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