Chapter 284

Until now, Yu Qingdong still can't remember how all this happened.

It was fine, but I visited base zero in the afternoon and saw a lot of 'black technology' that was kept strictly confidential.

In addition to the Thunder Warrior exoskeleton power armor that we have seen, there is also a fully simulated spider-shaped robot that can be operated with remote consciousness, and a magical one that only appears in science fiction movies Responsive liquid metal.

what is this! ?

This is the terminator!

These are all new materials researched after being combined with the 'Infinite Quality', including Thunder Warrior, the core is still a huge breakthrough made by using the 'Infinite Quality''s sensitivity to consciousness and spiritual activities.

For a long time, the difficulty that has plagued scientists is how to simulate the neural signals of the human brain, how to convert the human neural signals into digital signals, and how to make a new type of material that can respond to such signals in time, so as to realize the uniqueness of science fiction movies. The emergence of high-simulation, special form mission robots, or Gundam and RoboCop, etc.

The emergence of "infinite quality" solved these problems in one fell swoop. Its sensitivity to consciousness activities has made scientists feel like a treasure. Although the principle and source of this sensitivity cannot be analyzed yet, it is already possible to make the outside world Physical and chemical reactions add the variable of infinite quality to get some new substances that have never been born.

Infinity is magic.

I don't know how many experiments, scientists have figured out some effective ways to use magic power as a new type of catalyst. Among them, the mystic theoretical works that Bei Gaoyang brought back last time, especially "The Beginning of Spell Configuration" "Explanation", this enlightenment textbook that is only used in the apprenticeship stage, has given them great help.

Let the scientists find a thread from the mess, peel the cocoon and spin it, and sort out a little thread.

The reason why Project Zero is so important is that these huge breakthroughs at the application level allow people to see huge potential and an unimaginable future.

Once this new material and new technology step out of the laboratory and enter the stage of large-scale application, it will greatly change the face of human civilization and set off a leapfrog technological revolution.

But these new materials and new processes also have a big difficulty, which makes it difficult for them to get out of the laboratory and enter the application stage, that is, how to get out of the greenhouse of the magical environment.

These unbelievable new materials in the laboratory will "degenerate" after being taken to the outside world, and the "shelf life" is extremely short. The reason is the problem of "magic spillover". The environment with magic can be restrained and Delay this overflow phenomenon, and then solve it by regularly replenishing the magic power reserve materials, but how to solve these new materials?

Scientists began to study the "magic-gathering array" and proposed a concept, which is to coat these new materials with a film, and the magic-gathering array and the magic power reserve unit are engraved on this film, just like a microelectronic chip.

However, microelectronic chips can be solved by etching, photolithography and other equipment. Although the configuration of spells can be made precise enough and small enough with equipment, the final refining process still depends on human hands and consciousness.

Can people see the magic lines that are thinner than a hair?

Even if they can see clearly with the help of equipment, can their spiritual power be controlled to such a precise and tiny level to complete the tempering of the magic circle?
This is a feat accomplished by Archmage Nicholas with great painstaking efforts.

The experiment has reached a dead end. It was originally optimistically predicted that the black technology that will soon enter the application stage will face the danger of stillbirth.

What kind of Thunder Warrior exoskeleton power armor, lack of new materials, stiff and cold metal can't work well, and what you get can only be a cold, stiff, mechanical, bulky, and impractical thing. , to be a power multiplier, and to transform into a superman is a no-brainer.

Base Zero was very enthusiastic about the arrival of 'Number Zero'. Many gray-haired old scientists, like elementary school students with a thirst for knowledge, gathered around Zero and asked some questions that Yu Qingdong could not understand.

Some questions seemed extremely ridiculous to him. For example, an old scientist asked under what circumstances would 1+1 equal 3. What is the problem?
But No. [-] also answered in a serious manner, what is the approximate number problem in occultism, how to reshape the verifiable laws in an environment with demons, what is the mathematical theory based on occultism, what...

In short, each word is recognized individually, but when connected together, it becomes foggy.

If he didn't understand, he stopped listening, and started admiring the endless black technologies listed in the base.

The liquid metal mentioned above is particularly amazing. The operator wears a device that looks like a game helmet, covered with various sensors and densely packed wires and cables. The commentator told him that most of these devices are for Data collection, 'T0 Liquid Reactive Metal' doesn't need to be so complicated.

The operator directs a group of liquid metal sealed in a transparent container to transform it into various shapes, one is a cloud, the other is a cloud, and then simulates the appearance of various animals, birds and beasts, as long as the work The operator gives corresponding prompts, and the operator has a similar imaginative memory in his brain, which can be perfectly presented.

In the end, it was the operation that made his eyeballs almost pop out.

Not only the shape of a human being is simulated, but also details such as human skin and facial features are simulated. When the surface of this liquid metal is transformed into the shape of human skin and flesh, a naked dwarf with a height of only [-] to [-] centimeters stands in a fully enclosed container.

Not only that, but he can also simultaneously respond to the operator's expressions, he can speak, he can... It's simply an extracorporeal clone.

No. [-] is also very interested in this No. [-] metal. He said that his research is very inspiring. After listening to various introductions of this material, he was very happy and said that he would try it when he went back.

As for the 'shelf life' problem of new materials, Yu Qingdong didn't know what solution No. [-] gave, but judging by the expressions of those old scientists, he didn't feel much relaxed. Even if he could solve it, it wouldn't be easy to achieve.

A few hours of travel, for the huge No. [-] base, can only be regarded as a side trip. At around [-]:[-] p.m., Yu Qingdong accompanied No. The equipment factory is gone.

This place is already the place with the most technological content in Canaan Company - making game helmets.

It has also become the essence and focus of the company.

There is also the building near the factory area, and the apprentices who already live in the building.

The explosion happened on a bridge that was about to reach the factory.

No one expected it beforehand. At that time, in the car, No. [-] was introducing these "tourist towns" that had sprung up near the factory area, and explaining how the sandalwood scent in the air came from. No. [-] was very happy to hear that. What to say, the next second, the explosion happened.

At that time, Yu Qingdong only felt a burst of potential energy from the explosion, throwing the commercial vehicle he was riding in the air like a toy, and then felt a gentle force to recover himself from the whirling. Up in the air... the wind.

Only then did he realize that he was floating in the air out of thin air, and together with Zero, who was emitting soft light all over his body, was located in the sky above the attack.

The entire bridge was blown up, the convoy was in a mess, scattered vehicles were everywhere, and some were crushed under the rubble.

This strong wind was not formed naturally, it was manipulated by No. [-], and he pointed down, and the smoke and dust covering the scene were blown away. "

No. Zero nodded in the air, showing no expression, and didn't look like he was injured, so he took the two people floating beside him (and a driver) and descended to the ground.

At this time, the second attack happened.

From the nearby dwelling, something that dragged white smoke shot out, Yu Qingdong opened his mouth wide in horror, only then did he realize that this was not an accidental accident, but a well-planned attack.

But it was too late, the portable anti-aircraft missile went straight to No. [-] at an extremely fast speed, and when he yelled to remind him, he had already come close.

How Zero did it, I can’t remember it at all afterwards, I only heard a click, and a strong arc of light lit up in the field of vision, and it slammed on the incoming missile, detonating it in advance.

With a bang, before the shock wave arrived, something similar to a protective shield rose up near the three of Yu Qingdong, blocking the shock wave and causing them to be pushed by the potential energy, rolling for tens of meters before stopping.

Thinking about it afterwards, the arc of light should be something like lightning. The lightning is not just a single one. After solving the imminent threat, the remaining 'lightning clusters' appeared above the residential building and fell down one by one.

After hearing the dense clicking sound, the houses were hit in pieces, and several black dots ran out from the ruins. One of them pointed at the position where No. [-] was in the air, and shouted something.

What happened later, Yu Qingdong lost consciousness.

He passed out, and when he woke up, he was locked in this 'cell'.

"It's over, it's over, how did the itinerary leak?"

"How can there be such things as military explosives and portable anti-aircraft missiles in China..."

"Who wants to assassinate Zero, who, who has this motive?"

"Could it be those people?"

Yu Qingdong instinctively suspected those institutions and investors who had suffered heavy losses in this file deletion, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that they did not have the courage or ability to plan such an attack in China.

But apart from them, who else wants the life of 'Number Zero' so much? Most people don't know how tall, short, fat and thin he is, let alone his true identity and how important he is.

If other national organizations can't justify it, what good is assassination? It's best to try to coax him into his own territory.

But maybe, no matter whether the assassination is successful or not, it may plant a thorn in No. [-]'s heart to alienate his increasingly close cooperative relationship. No one will admit that he is the murderer. If it is really mixed with geopolitics There is a high probability that the game will be a headless case, and if the investigation continues, the truth will only be embarrassing.

I am going to be unlucky, and I will settle the old and new accounts together. There is no explanation for the incident at my sister-in-law's house, and he is not spotless. Now that he is better, the relationship with Lafayette is not enough to protect himself, Lafayette said Maybe blame him too.

The 'prison cell' was a single room with only one bed. Yu Qingdong lay on the bed thinking wildly, the more he thought about it, the more hopeless he felt this time.

Alas, I shouldn't have been involved in this whirlpool in the first place.

As soon as you realize that Canaan Company is a trap, you should resign immediately.

It's all right now, I don't know if I can see the sun outside in this life...

"What are you thinking, so fascinated?"

Being swayed by pessimistic emotions, I don't even know that someone is coming in.

Yu Qingdong hurriedly sat up from the bed, saw clearly who was coming, his face seemed to have opened a paint shop, and he muttered for a while before saying, "You, why are you here?"

The visitor looked around at the layout of the room, and joked: "This place is nice, quiet, I remember you told me last time, I really want to ignore everything, find a place that no one knows, and sleep with him for three days Sanya... how are you doing now, your wish has come true?"

"Old, old Hu, don't make fun of me, and don't look at what time it is... outside, what's going on outside?"

The visitor sat down by the bed, took off his military cap and put it on his lap, "Everyone has been caught, and the matter has been sorted out. I'm here to tell you, don't think about it."

"This time, this time I have committed a serious crime!" Yu Qingdong lowered his head in frustration, "I don't know how the itinerary was leaked... You know, the route is decided on a temporary basis, and safety hazards should be checked beforehand."

"It's not your problem, it should be said that it's not your problem"


"It's the Shuoshu who sneaked into our interior, hehe... There were some fish that slipped through the net in the last operation, so I won't tell you the details."

"How come, what good will it do them to assassinate Zero?"

"It doesn't have to be good for them, just bad for us."

It's really a game of that level.

This is truly a disaster!

Yu Qingdong wanted to cry but had no tears, he was really careless.

In fact, he is not the only one who is careless. There are many people who are not interested in security procedures because of the stable and peaceful environment in the country.

It's all right now, if nothing happens, it's such a terrible event.

"Zero, what happened to number zero?"

"He? Not even a single hair was hurt"

"I mean……"

"Don't worry, he didn't take it seriously at all, and asked Xiao Yu why he was so unintimidated, and said that he protected you well at that time, did this leave psychological trauma?"

Yu Qingdong's nose was sour, his eyes were red, he held back desperately, raised his head and said, "Thank you for the chairman's trust and concern."

"You can keep these words and tell him. Don't worry about it later. Say what you have to say. Even if you have problems, don't shy away. You are a good comrade in general, but you don't pay much attention to some small details. But you are far from being in the system, and you shouldn’t be too demanding, these review departments will understand.”

"Really, are you all right?"

"Be safe and be your little Yu, the big boss of the umbrella company. At least this time, your position will not be shaken."

(End of this chapter)

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