Chapter 285
Learning magic is a long-term, boring and difficult thing. It doesn't mean that if you memorize the spell configuration today, you will be able to cast spells tomorrow.

It is said that interest is the best teacher. Without interest, you cannot find joy in boring, mechanical, day-to-day learning and accumulation. You will not be able to learn magic well. Even if you can persist, your achievements will be extremely limited. It is the same reason to do scientific research on the earth.

In the beginning, these apprentices may devote a lot of enthusiasm and energy to this matter because of the wonders of magic and their imagination and expectations for the future, but it takes a long time, especially when they are locked in this small cage for a long time , Even the delicacies of mountains and seas will be boring. At this time, it depends on whether they can really develop a real interest in magic.

Bei Gaoyang's homework is all boring exercises, or the spell configurations they have already learned, and there is no new content assigned. They are required to practice and copy hundreds or thousands of times until they become an instinctive reaction similar to muscle memory. Under any conditions and circumstances, subconsciously complete the outline of the spell configuration.

This kind of outline should be done in consciousness, but as a mentor, he naturally has a way to test this 'proficiency', who really works hard and who is lazy, just look at the lines they draw, and it will be clear at a glance.

Flipping through the homework casually, he put what he was satisfied with on one side and what he was dissatisfied with on the other side. The dissatisfied side accumulated more and more, and the satisfaction was indeed very little.

The apprentices became even more nervous when they didn't know why.

What to do next?


No, he didn't make any comments, he just made an assessment of them in his heart, decided their respective fates, and waved his hand to let them go down.

As for answering questions, it depends on his mood. When he is in a good mood, he doesn't mind answering the questions the apprentices encounter. When there are other things, he will not force himself.

The teacher-student relationship on the earth, whether it is ancient or modern, is not suitable for learning magic. Freeing is the best way. Becoming a spellcaster is a very small probability. Talent is just a ticket. After that, interest, Hard work, discipline and luck go hand in hand.

Of the 100 apprentices, if one succeeds, it will be regarded as excellent, and the rest will not be eliminated. They will usually become "skilled workers" attached to mages or mage towers, and engage in low-content "skilled jobs" such as "alchemy" and "enchanting".

Coincidentally, Base Zero needs it too.

"How about Xiao Yu, do you feel better?"

Yu Qingdong didn't expect it to end so quickly, and subconsciously straightened his body, "It's much better, thanks to the chairman for his concern."

"It's good that I'm fine, my schedule is tight, and I will depend on you for many things in the future."

"What is the chairman's order?"

"Why are you so stiff? Just like before, take it easy."

"Yes Yes!"

"...I don't think you're alright, why don't you take a few days off? Ask them to find another person?"

"No, no, no, I just, just..."

"Is this the first time you have encountered such a thing?"

"...Yes, I only saw it in movies and news before, and it will what."

"Haha... What is this, a small accident is not counted, you, you, you have stayed in the greenhouse for too long."

"...It's fine if the chairman doesn't blame him."

"What are you to blame? Blame you? It's nothing to do with you. Blame the people above you? That's even more unnecessary. I can't please everyone, and I can't satisfy everyone. Human society is like this. The fight has been carved into my bones, and I am not interested in such intrigues. It is very simple to encounter this kind of thing, just cut the mess quickly, don't bother to find any answers, why do they hate me so much, I want to How can they be satisfied..."

"...It would be nice for everyone to be as open-minded as you, chairman."


Bei Gaoyang smiled slightly, the famous "thousand-faced human slaughter" has nothing to do with this word, that is, it didn't threaten him, or anger him, or you can try again?
"What else is there for the next itinerary?"

"There are also material aspects..."

"Oh, when was the original plan to trade?"

"this morning"

"Let's go then!"

Every time I come back, it will involve the exchange of large items. The magic materials brought back from Canaan and various materials brought back from the earth are limited by Bei Gaoyang's finger (space ring). It’s just sprinkling water, which is irrelevant, but it’s different for Canaan.

Since the opening of the trade routes in the game area, many caravans of human city-states and kingdoms have known that in the abandoned west of the wasteland ravaged by the "Post-Magic Disaster", a very strange and strange force has arisen. This force has a large population (relatively) and produces Abundant, there are many strange, practical and cheap goods, and the best part is that they accept barter, almost any goods are needed, and the price is extremely attractive.

Despite the remoteness and danger of centaur wars and demon disasters, there are many well-informed merchants who have prepared their goods and are ready to set off.

That is to say, the time is too short now, and the traffic and life rhythm in Canaan are not comparable to that of the earth, and the materials brought back can still be supported. After a long time, relying on the space ring of these ten fingers, this is the work of the master of different time and space. It must not last long.

This side of the planet isn't very 'satisfied' either.

There are too few magical materials, which can only meet the experimental needs of No. [-] base. A replicated magical environment will consume nearly half of the quota. If these materials are converted into corresponding materials, every minute and every second will be spent Burn huge sums of money.

The largest number of magical materials brought back before was the magic solution used for engraving and tempering the magic circle. Later, Bei Gaoyang felt that he was too slow in preparing it, so he brought the materials directly.

The materials brought back this time filled an entire room. In the thick and dense warehouse, comparable to a nuclear defense fortification, people in 'space suits' began to count and store nervously.

Some kind of root, some kind of organ, some kind of suspicious liquid in a simple bottle, some kind of animal scales, some kind of teeth, bones, etc., magic stone is the most popular, the most acceptable, and the most suitable for the earth. The side...well, it should be 'aesthetic'.

Using mouthfuls of silver metal lockboxes to pack these dirty, messy, and tattered things, the 'space suits' were meticulously made, not even a little powder would be left behind.

Yu Qingdong is not qualified to enter here yet, and Bei Gaoyang doesn't know these people, nor is he interested in chatting with them, and when they finished counting in boredom, he heard a 'spacesuit' whisper, "It's 20% less than last time. about."

Bei Gaoyang felt a little uncomfortable when he heard that, the fifth test is coming soon, money is a little tight, even if he robs Bayero, he must be careful and careful, and Xiao Ai, the housekeeper, is getting more and more stingy, so when he comes back this time, it will be a bit shabby to make a move up.

The spacesuit didn't know that Bei Gaoyang outside could hear what he said in the internal communicator, and his tone was very frustrated, "Professor Fang will scold her again when he finds out."

"Don't say that, pay attention to the occasion."

Bei Gaoyang had no choice but to pretend not to hear, and waited until their work was over.

After counting, leave this heavily guarded warehouse and meet Yu Qingdong outside.

The other warehouse looks more 'casual' by comparison.

The security measures are not as strict as before. After the alloy gate is slid open, it is full of goods that have removed trademarks, packaging and other information. They are packed neatly and square like a brick wall. to the end.

The grain is the most, and it has been treated with special methods to prevent moisture and insects. These processes may be more valuable than the grain itself. It is said that it can be preserved for half a year in a harsh environment?

Grain is also the main commodity category provided by the game area. In Canaan, grain is a hard currency, a commodity stronger than magical materials, and the demand is huge.

There is a crop called bitter wheat that is widely planted in Canaan. The fruit of bitter wheat is larger than wheat and shaped like fish eggs. The ground wheat flour has a bitter taste that cannot be removed, hence the name.

Bitter wheat is also widely planted in the game area. Non-system 'original' residents such as Buck City still need normal food. Since the three tests, especially after the birth of the first system city, Punk City, the scale of the wheat field has been restored, and the endless wheat waves Gradually become a scene in the game.

I remember that there was a caravan from the seaside city of Liberty City. Seeing this kind of wheat wave, I asked the system owner of Punk City how to resume production in the hardest hit area where demons and monsters ravaged. That evil god made a deal.

It was a trivial matter, but Bei Gaoyang had an inspiration after seeing this message in Xiao Ai's system log. Faith and having enough food seem to be a good multiple-choice question. If the game area can produce a large amount of food efficiently, in the future When competing with the gods for hearts and minds, did you have a handy tool?
Turn a play area into a granary?
Let the players go farming?
He himself was amused by the idea, and couldn't imagine the players working in the fields.

Players are impossible, and tourists have little hope. They can only pin their hopes on the "original" system or the introduced indigenous population.

More system cities, more farmland development, more non-player population...

Therefore, in this batch of supplies, apart from the most bulk food, there are also seeds and production tools specially designed for the game area.

Bei Gaoyang is not afraid of leaking secrets, let alone letting relevant departments in reality discover the truth from these tools. First, this is a layer of window paper. Second, in the magic net, what they see, hear, touch and perceive are all Can be 'adjusted', plausible, let them guess.

In addition to food, seeds, and tools, there are a variety of daily necessities and small commodities.

Those with complex structures that require electricity and oil are not considered, such as daily necessities, small hardware, mirrors, artificially cultured pearls, cheap and beautiful accessories, a bottle of perfume (actually toilet water) for three yuan, hygienic Supplies, skin care and beauty cosmetics, etc.

The native businessmen were skeptical when they first saw these weird things, but after trying them out, they were all crazy about them. Although Canaan is backward, conservative, and ignorant, in terms of luxury and enjoyment, it is actually the same as the earth, and it is even worse because of its barrenness. crave.

But no matter how high the profit is, Bei Gaoyang's pursuit is not. To him, money is a bunch of useless numbers, but to most people, money is a devil who can sell their souls.

He has started to build his own treasury outside of system resources, and these huge profits will help him project his tentacles and influence to the civilized world outside the game area.

It's just that he is not good at this kind of work, and all of them are handed over to Yaris for preparation.

After hearing his plan, Yaris was very excited, as if he had seen a ray of hope for rebuilding the empire, he quit the Alpha city lord, and devoted himself to the treasury and the preparation of a "ideal brotherhood". At present, Some people have been developed in the first batch of caravans, and the money has cleared the way. I heard that the progress is not bad?
The stall is getting bigger and bigger, and Bei Gaoyang is also incapable of splitting up. This kind of thing is not what Xiao Ai is good at. It is good to be able to succeed, and if you fail to succeed, you will not lose any principles, so I delegated power to him.

In the end, he won't treat himself badly either, one-tenth of the quota is reserved for himself.

For long-term preservation of fine wine, food, Mercure, etc., he plans to build a cold storage in the Master Tower. In order to be able to enjoy music, operas, and movies on Earth anytime and anywhere, corresponding supporting facilities are also essential, such as the They are isolated from the magical environment, and the cost of making them continue to operate normally is extremely astonishing.

Xiao Ai is so stingy, she has never said a word about this kind of thing, this is the evidence that she is becoming more and more humane, she can distinguish between "official affairs" and what is the leader's personal hobby, and the official affairs must be responsible, as for the leader It's better not to comment on some small hobbies and small wastes.

He also performed the skill of "sleeves", and the rings on ten fingers emptied most of the entire warehouse. Signed the document handed over.

"What's the next itinerary?"

"'s about the expansion of the Red Mansion."

Bei Gaoyang slapped his head, "I forgot, I'm so busy."

Yu Qingdong smiled carefully.

This matter is the highlight, and Base Zero is waiting eagerly, and they all have their small notebooks ready to copy their homework.

"Let's talk about it tomorrow!" Bei Gaoyang yawned, "What else is there?"

"The rest is the qualification draw for the five tests..."

"It's up to you to deal with that."


"Uh, it's the same as Huaguo."

"Opening date?"

"I'll talk about this when I go back. It shouldn't be too long."

"International server, player's jurisdiction, after-sales..."

"Hehe, what belongs to Canaan belongs to Canaan, and what belongs to Earth belongs to Earth..."

"But these international server players don't know, and their countries don't necessarily recognize it..."

"I don't care about that. It's time to test Canaan Company. As an umbrella company, the most profitable company in the world, why don't you want to take any responsibility?"

Yu Qingdong's pain and happiness, on the one hand, is because there are countless troubles involved, and on the other hand, it is also because of this trust and the huge rights that this trust bestows.

Maybe the umbrella company can really do it?

(End of this chapter)

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