This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 286 The progress must be accelerated

Chapter 286 The progress must be accelerated

On the morning of the third day after returning, the expansion of the Red Building was carried out. Bei Gaoyang directed the apprentices to lay down the stone slabs engraved with magic patterns along the drawn baseline.

On the surface, the impact of the attack was not visible at all, and the apprentices didn't even know about it, and no one talked about it.

This expansion is a rare internship opportunity. The apprentices completed it meticulously according to the instructor's requirements. The construction site was quiet. In less than two hours, the expanded magic pattern stone slabs were connected in parallel on the outer circle.

With a snap of the fingers, the formation of the outer ring was activated, and with a buzzing sound, an obvious phenomenon of air distortion and isolation occurred. The apprentices watched intently, both excited and unwilling.

Last night's schoolwork inspection determined their future whereabouts. Only Ding Jian, Xue Peng, and Wang Xiaofei stayed to continue their "advanced studies". rare talent.

The selection of freshmen has already been handed over, but it is not Yu Qingdong who is following him. He is too busy, and there are a lot of things waiting for him to deal with, such as the fifth test, internationalization, and in-depth investigation of the attack. If it is not for the "Lafayette", it is too important , At this time, there must be large meetings and small meetings, how can there be peace now.

Even so, he was late today, a full two hours late, and when he arrived, the expansion of the outer ring had been completed, and the apprentices were breaking into the first layer of stone slabs in the inner ring.

Yu Qingdong found Bei Gaoyang and explained why he was late. Bei Gaoyang nodded and said, "Energy potions are not unlimited, and proper rest is still necessary. I will leave tomorrow, and you will have to work hard for another day."

"It's so urgent, why don't you stay for a few more days, Xiaoyu still wants to be your guide, take this opportunity to rest for a while"

"You want to take the opportunity to be lazy? Don't even think about it!"

Yu Qingdong laughed and said, You have seen this all, with a kneeling look, "This test, the online population will exceed one million, which is of great significance. Presumably your work must be very cumbersome?"

Bei Gaoyang glanced at him with a smile: "What do you want to know?"

"How dare I!"

Bei Gaoyang made a gesture and led Xiao Yu to the top of the red building.

Yu Qingdong was startled, he couldn't stand upright, and almost fell off the roof of the building.

"Look!" Bei Gaoyang supported him, pointing at the construction site below him, "How do you feel?"

What's so good about an ordinary little mountain bag?

"The beginning of a miracle, the starting point of a dream?", he deliberately answered in a joking tone.

"You really think so? Don't you have any worries?"

Yu Qingdong corrected his expression when he heard the words, "It would be a lie to say that I am not worried at all, but I think, with your prudence and sincere feelings for this land, Chairman, you will definitely think about the consequences!"

Bei Gaoyang smiled wryly and shook his head, "Put a high hat on me again, and I can't bear all the pressure alone. You go back and tell them that I don't know what impact a magical environment will have on the natural environment and ecology. During the insurance period, it will still be Let’s move the factory, clear out a no-man’s land around, and isolate the surrounding area for a period of time to observe.”

"Ah?" Yu Qingdong looked around quickly, "Is it so serious? This is a huge project."

"It's better than trying to fix things later when something goes wrong."

"Can we wait until the five tests and internationalization are in order? Now the factory can't shut down."

"Isn't there still a lot of stock?"

"That's not a million. The door frame of 'skilled workers' is too high, and it is impossible to recruit them with great fanfare. They can only be done secretly. Limited by manpower, the current maximum monthly output has just exceeded 5 units. Months of overtime production, the inventory is not enough, I just checked, the gap is about 45 units."

"45, with a monthly output of 5 units, wouldn't it take 9 months? How can this work?" Bei Gaoyang thought that the inventory was okay, so he was a little dissatisfied.

Yu Qingdong quickly explained, "Don't worry, the relevant work has been going on for a long time. Besides this factory, more than a dozen factories no smaller than it are being built all over the country. The fastest progress will be put into production in the near future. Optimistic It is expected that this issue will be resolved within a month."

"That's good...a month is still too long, a week at most."

After finishing speaking, seeing the distressed look on Yu Qingdong's face, "It's only one week. The house doesn't need to be built, the ground doesn't need to be leveled, and the access equipment must be resolved within a week."

"Okay, I'll report to my superiors immediately."

"Qualifications should also be drawn quickly, and internationalization should not be so complicated. Don't care too much about the gains and losses on the surface. It is the greatest benefit for Canaan's influence to take root all over the world as soon as possible. You might as well do it in the early stage. Some concessions, work less rigid."

Bei Gaoyang can't say too much, it's easy to be over-interpreted if he says too much, but he is really anxious, Bayero has already 'paid in advance', promised a lot of conditions, and abducted a fallen angel of light, he If you dare to play bounced tickets, maybe something will happen. Although it is not very troublesome to be separated by a material world, there are enough troubles now, and there is really no need to anger an abyss lord who can cooperate.

Then there is the defeat of the centaur tribal alliance, and the magic net will be attacked by the rout and the church army in a blink of an eye. What can the player do if he is not here? Who will help him resist the massive offensive?

Thinking about it this way, I felt that the person in front of me was a bit of an eyesore, "Go ahead and get busy if you have nothing to do, and I'll call you when I need you."

"Okay, more thing."


"The clues to this attack..."

"Are you still entangled in this matter? I said I don't care anymore?"

"That won't work!", Yu Qingdong said 'no' in front of Lafayette for the first time, and he knew he was afraid as soon as the words came out, so he quickly made up for it: "The nature of this incident is too bad, if we don't dig out all these people, go to I can't feel at ease up and down, not all because of you."

"What do you want?" Bei Gaoyang became impatient.

"It's those... er... souls?"

Bei Gaoyang threw out three stones with faint shadows, and asked, "Apart from accepting the artificial intelligence program in the afternoon, what else do you have to do?"

Yu Qingdong hurriedly caught the three stones, and the moment he touched them, his whole body began to tremble.

Bei Gaoyang was amused by his appearance, his expression softened a little, and he said: "This is a soul stone, and it cannot be exposed for too long in a non-magic environment."

"Ah, it's so can I let...let...let the inside..."

Bei Gaoyang sighed, and said: "Even if I give it to you, what can you do... Forget it, I'll find someone for you... Ding Jian, come here!"

This was the first time that Bei Gaoyang called a student by his name instead of his number.

Ding Jian was flattered and terrified, while the other students were dejected, but they couldn't tell what they had lost.

Lost your chance to stay in this cage?
The superman in the cage is their self-mockery when Bei Gaoyang is not around, and the colorful world outside is more and more intensely deepening their dissatisfaction with the status quo. The so-called No. Imagination and expectations, so this "sadness" is complicated, both negative and positive, and they may not even be able to tell who is more and who is less.

"I give you a task..."

In this way, Ding Jian got a chance to leave this cage temporarily, and also got a new spell configuration. With the "cheat book" given by his instructor, he followed Yu Dazui and left the cage in a trance. Sitting in the car, watching the red building where I lived for several months getting farther and farther away, I realized that this was true.

The well-known Yu Dazui started to make a phone call as soon as he got in the car, or he was typing something on the keyboard mysteriously, the car was a mobile office, and he was so busy that he didn't have time to shiver with him.

After finally getting out of the cage, everything he sees feels fresh, which is pitiful. He has almost forgotten the convenience of modern life and facilities. The isolation of the past few months seems like a few years or more than ten years. It's been a long time.

The car passed by and left the heavily guarded factory, and the crowded places along the way were quiet, and I could vaguely see the vigilant monitoring of each entrance and exit, throwing at the convoy.

He didn't know why, until he saw the newly erected billboard that said: "Six must be six strictly prohibited, the general public should be concerned, be alert to those around you, report phone: 12339..."

After entering the magic city area, the tense atmosphere was slightly relieved and lessened. From the outdoor TV broadcasts in turn, Ding Jian knew what had just happened and caused a sensation all over the country, and only then did he know that his mentor had just experienced it once.

"...What, North America wants to see the chairman? Tell them not to talk about it. The chairman's daily affairs are all they want to see? Let the Americans figure out that they are begging me, not us begging him!"

"First, the people must be released unconditionally, and their innocence must be returned, and all charges withdrawn. Second, the robbers must be caught, and the company's losses must be recovered. Third, North America cannot be special, and must follow the international Step by step."

"What does the North American Division want to do? They are still not our wholly-owned subsidiaries. The subsidiary directs the parent company. He, Smil, is the president of North America, not the president of the parent company. Let him figure out his identity and position!"

"...Okay, very good, hurry up and sign a contract with the EU. If they want to participate in the situation and process of the lottery, they can participate. 20% of the quota is 20% of the quota. Anyway, it is their game equipment that is being exposed. They practice favoritism... what I said, why, what I said doesn't work?"

"...The Dongying business department is good. They have already come up with a plan? Uh... People are so sophisticated, I understand that 10% of their equipment is specially approved for public relations... Don't care about these, even if they are disassembled and studied, they will not be able to study What happens, the infinite quality cannot be observed by any technological equipment and means, let alone reverse engineering, so don't worry and let them toss."

"...Old Wang? Well, the chairman specially instructed that the work progress should be accelerated. When will your factory over there be able to start production? What, don't be sloppy and let me tell you, three days, I will give you another three days Time, within three days I will see the first batch of helmets produced!"

"Don't complain to me. I just issued a military order. No one can do it. If you can't do it, someone else can do it. The house doesn't have to be built, and production can't be delayed. Don't think I don't know the tricks inside. Just sit in the shack Here, as long as the people are in place, helmets can be produced, and a sterile workshop is needed, use such an excuse to fool me?"

"Hey, your human resources... Ah, it's Director Liu, sorry, sorry... Uh, I know, I can cooperate as I want, but I just received the Shangfang Sword, and Lafayette is very dissatisfied with the progress of the Canaan Five Tests , I may not have so much time to cooperate with the investigation and act in concert?"

"I know, I know, the things have already been obtained, and I brought a special talent who came out of the red building... half an hour later, ask your people to come to the company's headquarters to pick them up, and I will not follow them. It will probably take another night tonight ... Lafayette will leave tomorrow, well, it has been confirmed."

Hearing talking about himself, Ding Jian quickly straightened his sitting posture, waited for Yu Qingdong to end the call on the confidential line, and rubbed the center of his brows wearily, "That... Ding Jian, right?"

"it's me."

"Take the time to review your homework, and when you get to the place, don't ask anything, just do what others ask you to do."


Only then did Ding Jian open the 'cheat book' given to him by his instructor, a parchment scroll that recorded brand-new spell configurations, incantations, and spell-casting steps.

The zero-ring spell [Soul Servant] has an uncomplicated configuration. Once immersed in it, one forgets about things outside of one's body.

The convoy returned to the headquarters building of Canaan Company, and soon a helicopter landed on the apron on the rooftop of the building. Ding Jian was boarded under the protection of unknown special police, and flew straight to base zero.

The base is already looking forward to it.

When he took out the soul stone given by his mentor in a sci-fi room filled with surveillance and sensors, and successfully extracted the souls of three attackers from it, he seemed to hear a consistent gasp.

The souls of the three attackers became servants, and three illusory, faint white human-shaped shadows floated around. All the lenses and sensors were focused and collected data at full power.

"Little comrade, what can they do?"

There was no hurry to interrogate, a very old and excited voice came from the intercom.

"Can do many things, such as serving tea and water, cleaning the room, acting as eyes and ears..."

The person on the intercom choked for a moment, the quarrel resumed, and after a while, he changed his voice and asked, "Do they still have memories of their lives?"

"Also, but incomplete."

"Then ask about their identities and resumes."

"Wait a minute, little comrade, you said they still have memories of their lives, right? How long can they keep it?"

"Well... If there is no external interference, it will not exceed a week at most, and it will be faster in a non-magic environment..."

"It's only been a week..." The voice seemed a bit disappointed, "What do you mean by external interference?"

"I don't know!" Ding Jian saw that there was nothing written on the parchment, "I'm just an apprentice."

"What kind of questions are you asking? Is it related to the 6.21 project? Playing the piano..."

The communicator was once again caught in a dispute. Ding Jian could only wait quietly with the three soul servants. Although he couldn't see anyone, he could feel how much impact these three faint white shadows had on them. .

(End of this chapter)

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