Chapter 287

"Lafayette is gone? Did nothing happen in the afternoon?"

"That's good, that's good. I'm really busy. According to Lafayette, this test will be very fast, and the server may be launched in less than a month."

"One month, one month, one month let me produce hundreds of thousands of helmets, one month coordinate the business departments of various countries, one month, do I have time? Do I have it?"

"I'm not complaining, I'm not complaining, I'm just...forget it, I'm running out of time, I have to catch the plane to Dongying tonight, the little devil is insidious, and at the end of the day, he organized a suicide protest for me, It's obviously their own favoritism and fraud, and the responsibility is all on us, do it!"

"Ah, the test report is all right? Energy Potion, right? I forgot about it a long time ago. Even if there is a problem, it will be too late. I have already drank seven or eight bottles. If there is a problem, I will burp a long time ago, and you don't need to notify me." .”

"That's it, the plane is here."

Yu Qingdong took a special plane and rushed to Dongying.

There was a nasty thing happening here in Japan, and it was about the game qualification draw. They were originally given 10% of the event quota, that is, 1000 helmets for them to decide by themselves, but the result was not enough points. Some qualifications are given by default.

When the lottery results came out last night, they naturally didn't dare to disclose them. They said that considering the complete privacy issue, the list would not be announced to the outside world!

How can this work? With Canaan's popularity and attractiveness, most people who have not won the lottery suspect that there is something tricky in it. If you don't announce it, won't you give the soil for conspiracy theories to grow?
The most speechless thing is that a certain pre-appointed young master did not drink too much or something, and posted a short video to show off. After being scolded and questioned, he showed a piece of proof of winning the lottery. There are overwhelming voices of doubts, saying that dead fat houses and social animals don't contribute much to society, and they want to become noble players?
That night, a man who didn't win the lottery ran to the building of Canaan Company's Dongying Division and committed seppuku. The whole process was broadcast live on the web, causing a wave of protests.

The latest development is that the Canaan Division is not strong enough to deal with a public crisis of this magnitude. Only he, the big boss of the prestigious umbrella company, can hold back the situation. If he doesn't go, the Dongying Division will be over.

It's over, it's over, it's hard to find three-legged toads, and there are a lot of two-legged players there?

But the distribution of goods has been completed, the lottery has been drawn, and the business department has been established, so we can't deny everything, right?

There was no other way. After obtaining the relevant approval procedures, Yu Qingdong had no choice but to rush to Dongying overnight to put out the fire.

Let’s not talk about the things on the plane, and I didn’t idle for a minute. The special plane is a mobile office. The staff team, security team, company executives, the newly formed president of the international department, and a group of executives are in a mighty way. More than a hundred people landed at Dongying International Airport at 6:27 p.m. on June 11.

As soon as he walked out and entered the arena, my good fellow, there were crowds of people, and there were more flash lights on the camera than the stars in the night sky. No one in the excited crowd was shouting or calling. Like a rat crossing the street, Guan hurriedly met him, chatted with him under the flashing lights as bright as day, and then got into the bulletproof car and drove towards the city with difficulty in a sea of ​​anger.

Unexpectedly, after leaving the airport, there were crowds of people on both sides of the road along the way. Dongpu dispatched tens of thousands of police forces, and the blockade built with vehicles and human bodies was in danger of being collapsed at any time. Looking at the crowd outside, Yu Qingdong was terrified and felt The air was filled with the smell of angry gunpowder.

"What did you do!?"

The president of the Dongying business department only knows how to wipe his sweat. This guy is a Chinese, but he is already a citizen of Dongying. Just couldn't come up with a way to put out the fire.



Yu Qingdong was so angry that he just wanted to slap her big mouth, but he couldn't do it. Unexpectedly, this person understood it, and he did it without him doing it.

Really pumping!
I took a puff to apologize, and after a few puffs, my handsome face turned into a pig's head, swollen and shiny.

It was not easy to arrive at the hotel where I was staying. Needless to say, there was a sea of ​​people. Yu Qingdong wondered if people from all of Tokyo were here. How come there are so many people here?

Seeing that going on like this is not a problem, after urgently coordinating with Dongying, Yu Qingdong didn't care about it, and held a brief press conference at the entrance of the hotel to clarify his attitude and position.

In the focus of countless cameras, under the gaze of countless angry faces, Yu Dazui knocked on the microphone, looking at the huge crowd of people at the scene, a surge of excitement that he had never felt before suddenly surged in his heart.

In Huaguo, I didn't think that once I came out, I really tasted the taste of the big boss of the umbrella company. Power is a glass of intoxicating wine, and it is also the most irresistible aphrodisiac for men.

He was already drunk, but only a little tipsy.

"First, the list of winners must be publicized and subject to the supervision of the whole society!"

There was no nonsense, through the microphone loudspeaker, the pure Huaguo Mandarin voice echoed in the ears of hundreds of thousands of people at the scene, and the translator then translated it, turning the angry crowd and overwhelming sound into silence.

The silent needle drop can be heard.

Yu Qingdong was even more intoxicated, and the blush on his face began to deepen, "Second, we will never tolerate any fraudulent behaviors for personal gain, and the results of winning the lottery will be invalidated, and the relevant people will be held accountable!"

The crowd began to stir up. This direct, rough, straightforward, and neat Huaguo style gave Dongying people a refreshing feeling, and because of Yu Qingdong's identity and prestige, gave hope to angry and even desperate people...


This third made Yu Qingdong a little bit overwhelmed. It was completely improvised and he didn't discuss it with anyone. The promises made now will all be fulfilled in the future.

Stuck for a few seconds, he turned his heart and continued: "It is the responsibility of Canaan Company, and we will never shirk it. No matter what the final publicity and investigation results are, I promise to give the public a satisfactory explanation. At the same time, here I appeal to all cloud players who love Canaan not to go to extremes. Self-mutilation methods are absolutely not advisable. Canaan will still be open beta one day. Everyone has the opportunity to become a player, and everyone has the same right to live in The spiritual home of mankind, the second world!"

"Finally, in order to express Canaan Company's apology for this incident, because our work mistakes have caused so much trouble for everyone, the company has decided to increase the game qualifications of Dongying players by 100. There will be no lottery for these 100 places. Choose among the disabled, the orphaned, and the afflicted by illness!"

Since Lafayette "fullly" delegated power, Canaan Company has a certain amount of room to move around. The 100 places should be easily available, and Yu Qingdong's promise is full of confidence.

In the end, it ended with a 90-degree bow that a Dongying person specially acknowledged. The people on the scene were satisfied, and the people watching the live broadcast behind the camera were also satisfied, but the crowd did not subside until the early morning of the next day.

"Miss Kyoko, did you hear that, did you hear that?"

"Calm down, Ikeda-kun!"

"Chairman Yu Sangyu is really a just and selfless person. Once he comes, the big problem will be solved."

"Don't take it lightly, Mr. Ikeda, these big shots have two faces, who knows what kind of deal he will make with those horse dung in private."

"No, Miss Kyoko, I will keep contacting the support club here until I see a satisfactory result."

"Let's keep in touch, I hope to draw lots again, and Goddess of Luck will take care of us."

"There are only 1 places..."

"That's a [-] in [-] probability, don't be depressed!"


Ikeda excitedly ended the conversation with Kyoko Fukada, the superior liaison officer, fidgeting excitedly, and went back to the computer to read the press release that he had read countless times.

In the past two days, Yu Qingdong, Yu Sang, and Chairman Yu have become influential figures in the entire Dongpu. The serious news, entertainment news, financial news, animation two-dimensional news... all talk about him.

His frontal photos, side photos, back photos... photos from all angles, appearing online and offline overwhelmingly, the huge influence and popularity are really unmatched by any star. For him, there are admirers and despises There are, there are doubters, and there are not a few who are worried.

Such a person, a foreigner, a capitalist who came to Dongpu to squeeze huge profits, and a driving force behind the cultural soft invasion made Dongpu people have complicated perceptions of him. They not only applauded his vigorous and resolute behavior, but also questioned his ability to The dictator's temperament is quite in line with the umbrella company's personality...

The higher the upper class, the more voices of questioning, the more hysterical the "sane" people who worry about the country and the people, especially the right wing, who is full of old ideas, regard him as a scourge. His mental illness also attacked the hotel where he was staying, blatantly clamoring that the Chinese should get out of Dongying...

But the lower the social class, the more positive the perception of him is. Canaan's huge influence endorses him, and it has become a halo on him that people can't look directly at. With such a halo bonus, when you get there, No matter what kind of scenes he appeared in, he was tainted with an unquestionable authority, which made his every move more attractive.

The nympho two-dimensional girl hangs his full-body photo in the bedroom, and the flat fat house regards him as a life mentor and a guiding light. The game qualifications he has mastered have become what they long for and can change their lives and destiny stuff.

Such a person who can control the fate of his own life!

Reading the news and keeping an eye on the progress of the lottery, Yu Sang did not break his promise, and announced the list of winners the next morning after he came to Dongying. People examined these lucky winners with a microscope and found that they were not the children and relatives of a high-ranking official. It is a big company, nepotism of a big company, and up to 7% of the default quotas occupied by the city government and the military. This list has up to [-]% of the game qualifications that have nothing to do with the lottery.

Not to mention how angry they were after the list was announced, but at the same time that Canaan Company announced the announcement, it also announced that the game qualifications of these lottery winners would be invalidated, and a second lottery would be required.

This time, Huaguo's method is completely followed. Each pre-sale quota can be freely selected into groups, and the process of drawing lots will be broadcast live on the whole network, and any third-party organization will be subject to the supervision of the whole process.

Koji Ikeda has already selected the group, and the draw will be tonight. There is a tense atmosphere on the Internet, and the most common one is from the Huaguo official forum, lighting candles and praying.

Therefore, the candle emoticon has become the most common online symbol during this period. On TV, when the host starts and ends the program, he will also make a gesture of praying with candles. Even the landlord Obasan today It was very quiet, and she took her daughter of the mixed society to visit some shrine early.

Opening the window, the streets and alleys are quiet. I don't know if it is a psychological reason, but I feel that the sun is particularly dazzling today, and pedestrians are in a hurry, as if someone is chasing after them.

Days were like years, and Ikeda didn't know what to do. When he turned around, he saw a black and white photo frame on the table, and he remembered the person who live broadcasted seppuku outside the business department building of Canaan Company.

"Sang Mu-jun, have you seen that your sacrifice was not in vain!"

Ikeda caressed the black and white photo with complicated emotions, full of heartfelt gratitude to the extreme person in the photo.

If he hadn't acted so violently, it wouldn't have caused such a huge reaction, and Yu Sang, who was far away in China, would not have rushed to put out the fire, nor would he have changed the established lottery result.

But what he didn't know was that Mr. Yu Sang, whom he regarded as the embodiment of justice, was having a headache about how to cheat in tonight's lottery.

"EGL must have the 2% default quota, otherwise..."

"These bastards, don't you know that this is a powder keg?"

"But this time, we are the ones lighting the powder keg. The roles have changed, so they are not afraid."

"Son of a bitch!"

"What should I do? Do you agree or not? If you don't agree, Canaan will probably hang up in Dongpu..."

"I don't have time to dawdle with them. The investment I made a while ago can't be wasted. I can only fiddle with the lottery machine."


"Ah, fart, don't tell me that you haven't thought about this aspect, whether you have a mature plan, come up with it, you can't wait."

"Okay, I'll try it!"

"Don't use the word "try". If something goes wrong, you are the one to resist. Don't blame me for not reminding you."

Ms. Mieko, one of the confidential secretaries who had just dismissed the president of the International Department who was sweating coldly, came in with her waist twisted, "Line 4, BOSS!"

"What the hell is going on?"

After drinking a bottle of energy potion, President Yu Sangyu, who hadn't slept for two days and one night, answered the phone, "Hello, yours?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, Mr. Yu from the Umbrella Company, this tone is full of poise!"

"Old Hu, what's the matter, I'm so busy that I'm almost smoking."

"After reading the news, tsk tsk, you are a Buddha of thousands of families in Dongpu, you have bluffed the little devil into confusion."

"I'm rushing to put ducks on the shelves. There's nothing I can do. So much investment in the early stage can't be in vain... Tell me, what's the matter?"

"It's put into production!"

"What... ah, you mean... that branch factory has started production?"

"Everything, don't think that you are the only one who is so busy that your feet don't touch the ground. I haven't slept for two fucking days... Let me tell you, what to do next is up to you to make up your mind."

"Produce with all our strength and make up for the gap as soon as possible... Satisfy the domestic needs first, and then consider foreign countries. Has the domestic lottery started?"

"Coincidentally, it's also tonight, and it's about to start."

(End of this chapter)

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