This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 288 Spring Festival Gala?

Chapter 288 Spring Festival Gala?

At [-]:[-] p.m., Xia Miaomiao sat in front of the TV, because Yijiang Chunshuiliu and his gang hadn't left, so they didn't enter the virtual space to witness the grand occasion.

When it comes to drawing lots, Xia Miaomiao and Du Shiyu have both experienced it several times. If you want to ask what is different this time, apart from the same noise, it seems that there is nothing else.

60 five-test qualifications, [-]-[-] million queuing base, the experts on TV said seriously, the probability of winning the jackpot is already higher than buying a lottery ticket. Judging by his saliva flying everywhere, it seems that it is easy to win.

There is a lot of tension online and offline, and it is reasonable to be nervous. Can you not be nervous? There has never been anything that can link the vital interests of the vast majority of people, not even housing and social security.

Housing and social security are just life guarantees, while Canaan is a higher material and spiritual pursuit. If you insist on comparing the two and let people choose one of the two, I believe most people will choose to become players without hesitation.

It's not even 8 o'clock, and the whole city has become quiet. The road doesn't say that there is no one, it can only be said that there are very few people. Either go home early and stay in front of the TV like Xia Miaomiao and the others, or get into the In bars, hotels, restaurants and other places, people from all over the world are waiting to watch the live broadcast of the lottery.

Even the football World Cup finals did not have such a large audience. Many merchants took the opportunity to launch activities such as "night of winning the lottery" and "live with ten thousand people". It seems that the probability of winning the lottery increases with more people.

Opening the curtains, the Dawu City was still brightly lit, but it became very quiet. Even the high school not far away did not have evening self-study, but watched TV in the classroom.

Xia Miaomiao was eating fruit boredly, watching the program on TV, and the guests were talking about it from all over the world, the popularity of Canaan in the world, Mr. Yu's itinerary and hotspots in Dongying, North America was born due to various reasons. Farce, the Nordics bowed down to Canaan because they thought they were upright... There was very little talk in the country. After a few times of lottery, everyone got used to it. , foreign countries are different, such things as favoritism, fraud, self-stealing, zero-dollar purchases, and happy tours (protest parades) are all daily programs. The Chinese people are dumbfounded, lamenting that the expensive circle is really chaotic, and at the same time, there is a sense of pride sense.

My own products are so popular, and when I compare them, I feel that the 60 quota is really conscientious.

There are so many countries in the world, how much is the total?

I heard that there are 16 or 18. Anyway, no more than 20 is certain. Some big countries are okay, and the meat allocated is around tens of thousands, but most of the small countries with poor population, area and economy are miserable. The smallest Pacific island country seems to have been allocated a quota.

Naturally, this quota does not require lottery, it is more like a gesture, a diplomatic gift.

Waiting and waiting until the bell rang outside.

The bell came from the Yellow Crane Tower, good guy, as soon as 8 o'clock arrived, the neon lights of the Yellow Crane Tower were lit up, and the laser lights shot rows of prayer characters in the night sky.

So-and-so must win the lottery, so-and-so, come on, you can do so-and-so, you are one in [-]...

Needless to say, it must be some rich and powerful local tyrants who set off the formation, just as a psychological comfort, the city prohibits setting off fireworks and firecrackers, and some electronically evolved firecrackers that can emit various movements and colorful lights are set off when the bell rings When I got up, there were crackling noises everywhere, which lasted for more than ten minutes.

"New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve..."

Yijiang Chunliushui's daughter bounced down the stairs, followed by the family members who hadn't left yet, a dozen or so in total.

This hotel has complete facilities and simple decoration. Everyone who has played in Dawudu for a few days is blushing.

"Where is Xiao Yu?"

Yijiang Chunshuiliu first asked where Du Shiyu had gone.

"It's taking a shower... Hurry up, Xiaoyu, it's starting."

In the bathroom, Du Shiyu vaguely agreed.

Everyone chatted and laughed and sat down on the sofa in front of the big LCD TV, picked up the fruit snacks on the table, and chatted while eating.

Only this group of people is the most detached and relaxed.

I thought it would be a familiar, mechanical and boring lottery live broadcast, but after the countdown ended, what I saw was not.

"Friends from the audience, friends from the audience, this is China Central Television, and the live broadcast for you is the scene of the player qualification draw for the fifth test of Canaan Games. I am the host, Jun Zhu."

"I am the host Xia Beining"

"I am the host Yan Ni"


"Good evening, everybody!"

Male: "Time flies, youth blooms here, and we are gearing up for our ideals here."

Female: "Times change, dreams are still brilliant, beautiful ideals fly here."

Male: "On this stage of joy and smiles."

Female: "Looking forward to the ocean that merges with singing."

Man: "In this eternal and warm place..."

Seeing this, Xia Miaomiao began to complain: "What are you doing? The Spring Festival Gala?"

Yijiang Chunshuiliu seems to have known it for a long time, and explained with a smile, "It seems that because of accidents in the previous lottery draws, it is interspersed in the form of a cultural evening to relieve people's nervousness?"

Huaguoshan Saint Warrior took a bite of the watermelon and said vaguely, "I know, I know, it seems that when the four tests were drawn, some unlucky ghost had a heart attack because of being too happy, and died on the spot."

"It's not one or two..." Brother Chun, as the anchor of Yunwan, has always been the most informed about the news in this regard, "It's not just heart disease, epileptic seizures, etc., but the possibility of winning or not winning the lottery Situations, some are sick, some are crazy, some can’t accept the reality and so on... In short, any situation can happen.”

"What about it?" Xia Miaomiao was very upset watching the forced 'Universal Celebration' on TV, "It won't work this time, next time, if we continue to test like this, one day it will be our turn."

"It's easy for you to say, but if it's you, I'm afraid you will be more nervous?"

"Me? I don't know how to do it," Xia Miaomiao stubbornly refused to admit it, and then thought that such a strong argument was not in line with her personality, so she swallowed the words that were eager to prove herself later, which was extremely hard.

"Okay, okay, let's watch the live broadcast!"

At this time, the electronic firecrackers and fireworks outside stopped, Yijiang Chunshuiliu's daughter came back, and pestered her father to go out to set off. Several half-grown boys followed suit, making Shao Bing very helpless, so he had to take them with him. I went out to have fun.

The rest of the people continued to watch the live broadcast.

"The first round of lottery will start in 5 minutes. Next, please enjoy the song and dance troupe: Ode to Canaan!"

"damn it!"

A tense bar starts smashing bottles.

Ding Jian, who was in the crowd, looked at the TV in a daze, feeling that it had been a year since one day in the sky and one day in the ground, and the isolated life for several months made him feel that he no longer knew the world.

After finally coming out once, after completing the task of No. [-] base, he applied to the leader of the base with the attitude of giving it a try, but he did not expect to be approved, so he wandered outside in the world of flowers for three days, just in time for this Draw lots for the second five tests.

What he didn't know was that someone in the crowd was observing him and recording his every move, as if analyzing and observing some experimental specimens. From this point of view, the purpose of the three-day vacation was not simple.

The songs were singing and dancing on the TV, and the professional dancers were performing hard, but the people in the bar were not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful dance, but after such an interruption, the extremely tense atmosphere finally eased a lot The behavior of people smashing wine bottles in anger and impatience is also a way of venting, which can relieve tense emotions.

After finally waiting for the 5-minute song and dance performance to end, the host Yan Xiaoying appeared and talked a lot of nonsense before the scene switched to the lottery scene.

The huge, unintelligible machine, the expressionless notary, the operator in a white coat, and the staff of the Canaan Company who were also so nervous that their voices trembled pressed the red button, and the unintelligible machine started. After working, countless balls began to roll in the transparent container.

"A, it must be A, A, please, A!"

"A nima coin, it must be B, not B, I am eating shit upside down!"

"Go eat shit, you must be C, C, come out, come out!"

Ding Jian: "..."

After a thousand calls, after the machine stopped turning, a green and red ball stood out from the lively competitors, and entered the sliding cylindrical exit with good luck. Those with sharp eyes had already seen what the mother and child were on it. A burst of applause followed by an extremely frustrated wailing appeared at the same time, and Ding Jian's ears were buzzing from the explosion.

The staff of Canaan Company carefully picked up the ball with their white gloved hands, and held it up and displayed it tremblingly under the all-round camera supervision without dead ends.

One of the expressionless notaries read: "The first child and parent number of the first round of qualification draw for the fifth test of Canaan Games is...F."

"Congratulations to everyone whose first child in the group is F. At the same time, I would like to remind those audiences who did not win the lottery, don't worry. This is the first child in the first round. There are still many opportunities in the future..."

"If you're having trouble breathing, please..."

"If you're feeling overwhelmed with emotion, please..."

"...Jun Zhu, did you win?"

"No, it's a pity."

"It's okay, there will be opportunities later."

"Yeah, this is just the beginning..."

The screen switched to the scene of the "Spring Festival Gala", and several hosts talked nonsense, which gave vent to the emotions of those who failed to win, so there was loud shouting and cursing in the bar, accompanied by bang bang The sound of smashing wine bottles.

The owner of the bar and the waiters hid far away, not daring to maintain order at all, just smash it, the more you smash, the better, as long as you have money to pay the bill.

By the way, the owner of the bar also wants to smash it, hey, he is looking for a blind fortune teller and he is trying to change Feng Shui, he will do everything he has to do, and the first group number that he asked for a lot of money will not win.

How did he miss it?

Should not be!

He deserved it.

There will be no tricks, right?

The various states of beings are vividly reflected at this moment.

After talking nonsense on TV for a long time, they played sketches again.

The sketch is about all kinds of jokes that broke out when a person who won the lottery and a person who didn't win the lottery were together during the fourth test draw. The so-called jokes were not funny at all.

The person who won the lottery was admitted to the ICU ward because he was too happy, and the person who didn't win the lottery couldn't think of jumping into the river, so he was also sent in. The two met in the ward after they were out of danger, and they were showing off and complaining to a simple and honest nurse. In the middle, the lecture began...

Yes, preach!

But these lectures are not without effect, especially the words of the cute nurse: "...what's the matter, I didn't win the next time this time, it's nothing more than the difference between Zaozhong and Wanzhong. To die or to live?"

At this time, surprisingly, there was no shouting or cursing in the bar, and the anxious, depressed, and tense atmosphere was slightly relieved.

After the happy reunion of the skit, the second number of the first round of lucky draw began to be drawn.

This has nothing to do with most of the people in the bar. A small group of people starting with F Zimu began to wait nervously, each with eyes like goldfish, staring at the rolling machine on the screen without blinking for a moment.

"Dude, what's your second number?"


"9? 9 is good, for a long time, F9, it's easy to pronounce, and it's definitely right."

"God bless, with your auspicious words, if you win, the expenses tonight will be covered by me."

"Then I'll just wait for the bill to be waived?"

"What was your first child and mother number?"

"N, I shouldn't have chosen this group in the first place. It was because there were few people who chose this group..."

"I don't understand here buddy, the less people there are, the harder it is to hit. This popularity is very important. It is said in the Book of Changes..."

"Don't make a noise, don't make a noise, I'm coming out, I'm coming out."

It's a pity that the number that came out was indeed a 4.

The huge inhalation and sighing sound almost shook the screen, F4, damn it, why is F4 so familiar?
Thinking of F4 Meteor Garden, I feel regretful, especially those people who got hit in the first F. Why did they forget this stalk, how did they forget the Daoming Temple, Huazelei and sauerkraut that were once on fire? F4, F4, what a combination of historical significance, choose F9, F6, F4 is a clear answer, I don’t know how to copy it, it’s just stupid.

F4 is also on the Internet, and there are people with good things going to the microblogs of those outdated Hong Kong and Taiwan artists, complaining about it, and attracting the deity to respond to the inexplicable heat.

But the heat came and went quickly. Just when these outdated Hong Kong and Taiwan artists were about to catch up with the hype, the third number came out, and they were like crabs being swept onto the beach by the tide. After that, he stayed alone on the beach, holding the pliers, unable to recover for a while.

At this time, Ding Jian also left the hot and noisy bar, went to the secluded street outside, looked at the electronic clock on the landmark building, was in a daze for a while, then turned and walked towards a small alley.

The alley was full of cars. He knocked on the window of an off-road vehicle. When the window was lowered, he smiled and said to the man in charge of following and monitoring him, "Take me back, I've had enough rest."

In the middle of the night, back to the red building in the factory area, the expansion has been completed, and the entire hill has become a magical environment. A faint air cover with green and blue light spots distinguishes the inside and outside. Ding Jian uses the special pass given by the instructor to enter the cage. Tiandi said to Xue Peng and Wang Xiaofei who greeted him, "I'm back."

Wang Xiaofei: "You just came back, they, they were all sent away."

It turned out that apart from these three lucky ones, the first batch of apprentices had been sent to base zero to become 'technical workers'.

 Thanks to book friends: The head of Nightmare Twelve gave a reward, thank you very much! !
(End of this chapter)

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