This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 289 Xie Xiaomeng's Resistance

Chapter 289 Xie Xiaomeng's Resistance
"I hit it, I hit it, I hit it!!"

As the last round of the last group of winning numbers came out, it was already two o'clock in the middle of the night, Xie Xiaomeng pointed at the winning numbers listed on the TV screen with her group number, and screamed!

With an expression of disbelief on Aunt Xue's face, she was stunned for a long time before she said, "You really hit it, you really hit it?"

"I won, mom, I won the lottery, I am a player, I am a player!"

"It's a real hit, it's a real hit!"

"Mom, we are really lucky. You are a tourist and I am a player. We won, we won, we all won."


"I can't believe it, right? Pinch me, pinch me... Oops, it hurts, it's not a dream, it's not a dream, I'm a player, a player!"

The mother and daughter were immersed in great joy and disbelief. They had already given up hope. There was only the last group and the last round. A few times, but they were eliminated at the second number, and this time it must be the same.

That's right, it was a blessing for the mother to win the tourist, and it would be unreasonable for the daughter to win the player again, but the world is so unpredictable, and the second number was also won.

There are a total of five winning numbers including the first letter, and two of them won. The heart of the mother and daughter raised their hearts, but they still didn't dare to get too excited. Reason told them that the probability of winning the third number was very small, but they still couldn't help it. Live in anticipation, what if, what if.

It is said that the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. This may be the reason why some people could not accept the result of the lottery and did all kinds of extreme things.

This in case really made the mother and daughter catch up.

I couldn't believe it and confirmed it several times. Although there are still two numbers, the probability has been magnified to the point where it is difficult to breathe. Staring at the TV, gritted his teeth with hatred for the interspersed "Spring Festival Gala".

Not to mention, this Spring Festival Gala still had a certain effect. After a few minutes of buffering by gags, the tension between mother and daughter was relieved a lot.

If you don't get a single number, it's fine. You've already got three numbers. If you miss later, your huge expectations will turn into disappointment. Xie Xiaomeng doesn't even dare to guarantee whether he can bear it.

As if blessed by heaven, the fourth number also came out as she wished.

The mother and daughter didn't get surprised this time, they found out Xie Xiaomeng's winning number by coincidence, and compared it with the first four numbers listed on the TV. Yes, they were indeed won, and only the last one remained.


All it takes is the last digit to become a player.

The number is 4.

At first, Xie Xiaomeng hesitated because of this tail number, 4 is unlucky, but at the time, I didn’t know why, I chose this among several groups with the same group number but different tail numbers, maybe it was out of rebellion, Maybe it was because of intuition, anyway, it was this 4, which gave Xie Xiaomeng tremendous pressure and tension at this time.

If it was really a 4, then I have nothing to say, I can only say that her intuition was right at the time, if it was not 4, but a few other tail numbers chosen together, Xie Xiaomeng would regret it to death, and I am afraid that she would become the one who would never be able to do so in her life. Forget the regrets and nightmares.

It was like a divine help. As soon as the machine started to turn, Xie Xiaomeng entered a very strange mental state, as if she had predicted in advance that the final number would be 4, but she didn't realize it. She kept yelling 4, 4, 4... You have to grit your teeth and shout with confidence.


It is conceivable that the moment the 4-character ball rolls out, the feelings of the mother and daughter are as if they are dreaming, but not like a dream, it seems to be real, and it seems... very fake!

It took a long time for Xie Xiaomeng to buffer from the overload, and the CPU of his brain started to run, screaming and jumping up, venting the already boiling emotions in his heart.

After half an hour.

"But... Mengmeng, your age..."

After the ecstasy, a new worry came to Aunt Xue's heart. Her daughter's age was changed before the lottery. If this was discovered, would there be any changes?
Yes, Xie Xiaomeng, who is already in the second year of high school, will not turn 16 in a few months. She was smart since she was a child, and she started to skip grades in elementary school. She only went to junior high school for two years. Girls develop early, and children from poor families start their own families early. , she has become a big girl these years, but this matter cannot be hidden, and many people know it.

"Many people in the junior high school in our school do this." Xie Xiaomeng is not worried at all, "Besides, I am old enough, and the kid who just entered the first grade of junior high school is changed to 16 years old. .”

"If this is discovered..."

"It's all done like this, so it's impossible to target me specifically?"

"It's better to be careful, don't say anything about winning the lottery, and let's see the limelight."

Xie Xiaomeng wanted to let everyone in the world know that he wanted to call his good friend regardless of the late night, he put down the phone hesitantly, thought about it seriously, and nodded.

Very few people can sleep peacefully that night.

It was almost dawn, and Xie Xiaomeng fell asleep. The school is also very humane. Today and tomorrow are holidays, so there is no need to go to school.

I don't know how to spend these two days.

Time passed quickly, and before I recovered from the great joy, it passed in the blink of an eye.

Time passed very slowly, so slowly that the eyes were full of chaos, and the ears were full of noise, like a pot of boiling water, bubbling and bubbling.

Those who won the lottery, those who didn't win the lottery, those who won the lottery were like Fan Jinzhongju, and there were countless ridiculous things.

Those who did not win the lottery complained, were unwilling, did not believe, complained, doubted this, questioned that, as if there is no good person in the world.

In the past two days, not only did the chaos not settle down, but it stirred up mud and sand, polluting a pool of water.

What Aunt Xue was worried about happened.

Xie Xiaomeng went to school happily. She had already discussed with Aunt Xue that she would try her best to take care of her studies without delaying her studies, so that she could play games and study at the same time.

My daughter has been sensible since she was a child, and she has never been worried about her studies. She has always been the top of her class and school.

When I arrived at the school, I found that most of the people were listless. They were still talking about the lottery that had just been completed.

It sounds a little exaggerated, but it’s really similar to Fan Jinzhongju. In the past, the player base was small, and there were not even a few players in a city. This time it’s different. People around you, people you know, people you’ve heard of, people you’ve met once , have become such lucky ones, and the impact brought by them is incomparable before.

"Who is in our school?"

"I didn't win, only two numbers short, ah, I'm going crazy!"

"Not one of the one or two thousand people won? It's tricky!"

"Yeah, from the perspective of probability, there must be one."

"Who, who, who won the lottery, stand up!"

"Maybe it's because you're afraid that the matter of changing your age will be exposed?"

"A kid from junior high school? Such a lucky life?"

"I heard there are several of them!"

"Not in high school?"

"If there is something, I have already yelled, so that it shows that there is a ghost in my heart!"

"Ah, I can't be reconciled. My game qualifications were all knocked out by these back door guys."

"Exposure, exposure!"

Xie Xiaomeng was terrified when he heard that, so he didn't dare to tell anyone about his winning the lottery.

But you can't hide from this.

Teachers don't have the energy to attend class, students don't care to listen, it's the same from a school to the whole society.

After class in the morning, I heard that so-and-so in the junior high school was found by the school leaders and a large group of people I didn't know. After some inquiring, I found out that this student was selected but changed his age, and the distance between the stipulated 16 The age difference is two full years, which was found out by "investigation".

So what if it is found out, do you still have to go to jail?

It would be a lie to say that Xie Xiaomeng was not afraid, but she didn't know what to do with these people?

It was only in the afternoon that I found out that the Education Bureau brought a large company that was planning to invest in the local area, and was 'friendly' negotiating with this student to let him sell this 'non-compliant' quota...

Can you do this?

These people are so brave!
Xie Xiaomeng felt a strong sense of crisis. Looking at the Internet, there were more and more doubts about the fairness of the lottery. Some of them mentioned that they won the lottery by lying about their age.

"How to do how to do!"

The news that she won the lottery won't be hidden for long, and the list of winners will be announced soon, so it's hard to guarantee that no one will threaten her with her pain points.

She can't call the police, and can't seek the support of public opinion. As a minor girl in a single-parent family, can she fight against those secretly coveted and jealous wolves?

as predicted.

Someone came here during evening self-study.

"Student Xie Xiaomeng, your lottery result does not comply with the regulations. It was obtained through fraudulent means and is not protected by law."

"That's right, classmate Xie Xiaomeng, the list needs to be announced, sooner or later we can't hide it!"

"Once it is exposed, the game qualification will be taken back by the game company. Think about it for yourself, isn't this a loss of life and wealth? It's better to give it to those who meet the conditions. The school and teachers are for your own good, and they are also for this precious Qualified to stay in the local area and serve the economic construction of the hometown... Don't worry, I won't treat you badly, as long as you..."

"Impossible, don't even think about it!"

"We are not here to discuss with you, but to inform you that your criminal behavior of lying about your age, deceiving the country and society by lying about your age has been exposed!"

"Then fire me and let the police catch me!"

"...You little girl, why are you so stubborn and don't listen to persuasion?"

"Anyway, let's not talk about it!"

"I can't tell her clearly, call her parents."

"No one can come, unless I die, no one can take away the qualification for the game."

Aunt Xue rushed to the school in a hurry, with a hunch that it might be because of concealing her age.

"...Think about it calmly, is the school's worry justified? She is still so young, her outlook on life, values, and world outlook have not yet formed. She gave up her studies to play games. Although this game is not ordinary, but... you just Are you really relieved?"

"...During the most critical period of her growth, is it really good for her to go to such a mixed virtual world? Can't wait for her to grow up, have the ability to judge right and wrong, have an independent personality and mature experience before going? "

"...You parents can't be short-sighted, just focus on the present and disregard the future. You should think about the future of your children. Besides, you are already a tourist. At least you don't have to worry about making a living. Is it necessary for your daughter to come out to earn money so early?"

"...It doesn't make sense. You still haven't figured it out. The result of winning the lottery is illegal. Strictly speaking, it is a fraud. Once it is exposed, it will definitely not be kept. It will not be good for anyone at that time. It is better to be in the worst case." Before the results appear, try to save it as much as possible...Let Xiaomeng give up his qualifications, let people who meet the regulations and conditions go up, and a precious quota is reserved locally, and you can also get a certain amount of compensation..."

Under the bombardment by the school teachers and the leaders of the Education Bureau, Aunt Xue couldn't stand it anymore. For a while, she felt that what the teachers and leaders said was not unreasonable, and for a while, she felt that even if she was willing, her daughter would definitely not listen to her. Well, the child has an independent personality since he was young. Once he is sure about something, nine cows will not be able to pull it back.

While hesitating, a teacher hurriedly opened the door and came in, "No, Xie Xiaomeng is going to jump off the building!"

Aunt Xue's eyes went dark, and when she woke up, she was carried by two female teachers and rushed towards the teaching building.

"My daughter!"

Standing under the teaching building, looking at the five-story roof, a thin and tall figure stood by the guardrail, and the wind blew her skirt, revealing her still beautiful lines.

Aunt Xue felt sad and didn't know what to do.

All the teachers and students of the school came, and they gathered in the teaching building to talk about it. The leaders of the Education Bureau began to wipe their sweat and asked Xie Xiaomeng's head teacher to find a way.

The head teacher is an honest person, he will do what the above says, and he has nothing to do, he can only call Xie Xiaomeng over and over again not to do stupid things.

"Listen to me!" Xie Xiaomeng waited for enough people, and then shouted down: "I won the lottery. I know that many of you are jealous, and many of you want to snatch it. Let me tell you, Impossible, no one will come!"

"If you force me again, I will jump from here, and I will do what I say!"

The leaders of the Education Bureau saw many students taking short videos with their mobile phones, and they were even more frightened. They hurriedly told people that no one wanted to snatch her game qualifications, and this time they came to check on her lying about her age.

No ghost would believe this, but Xie Xiaomeng believed it, and then she came down from the teaching building and said to the leaders of the school and the Education Bureau with a smile, "It turned out to be a misunderstanding. I didn't lie about my age. My mother can testify .”

The leaders of the school and the Education Bureau felt terrified when they saw her smile, and already regretted taking this hot job, so naturally she did what she said.

When no one was around, Aunt Xue got angry from it, and she slapped Xie Xiaomeng twice since she was young.

Xie Xiaomeng didn't hide, nor did she distinguish for herself, she just peeked around like a thief, and said to Aunt Xue: "Don't worry, Mom, I won't really jump, I just scare them and let them know potentially serious consequences”

"You dead girl, you scared me to death."

"If you don't do this, you will have trouble."

"It's such a big fuss, how did it end!"

"Don't worry, you won't be able to escape the game qualification. What I did is to remind many people who are in the same situation as me, let them know how to fight, you see, it must turn into a big thing and a small thing. Don't believe it, just wait and see! "

(End of this chapter)

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