This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 290 Magic Web Layer 5

Chapter 290 The fifth layer of the magic net

Opening the Book of Canaan, starting from the first invented spell: wishing to travel, densely packed spell configurations, definitions, explanations, etc., have filled the entire book. On the newly appeared page, the fifth layer The spell structure of the magic net is even more complex, cumbersome and precise to the extreme, far exceeding the previous 4-layer magic net.

If we say that the first four layers of magic nets are just laying the foundation, then starting from the fifth layer of magic nets, there is a gleam of "tall" atmosphere. The complex evolution of magic power circuits and logical units requires infinite changes, requiring inhuman Only the brain can outline this incomparably magnificent blueprint.

This is also the key to the huge leap in the launch of the magic net, and it also requires a huge amount of accumulation and experimentation in the early stage.

Without the good operation of the first four layers of magic nets and the accumulation of massive soul power and faith points, it would be impossible for him to invent the fifth layer of magic nets in such a short period of time.

With the parallel connection of the last magic power circuit, countless 'logic units' were closed, and Bei Gaoyang, who had been devoting himself to it and had been sleepless for several days, was shocked all over his body, and he clearly sensed something.

The soul flutters about to fly, and the separation of spirit and body appears.

An indescribable feeling and atmosphere fell around him, as if in a warm spring, there was a potential energy, which conveyed joy and warmth to him, and sent him an invitation.

Behind this invitation, there is the temptation to break through the level of magic, there is the other side that leads directly to the end of power, there is a ladder to jump to the pyramid in one fell swoop, there is...

Bei Gaoyang felt that there were countless things waiting for a permission, so they scrambled to pour into his body, supporting his soul to inflate like a balloon.

Who can resist such a temptation?

After staying in the position of the 7th ring mage for so long, isn't this what you think about day and night?

Unless there are better options.

Bei Gaoyang held back and refused. He has a magic net and a planned path to the sky.

a long time!

He opened his eyes with a long sigh, and his surroundings had returned to normal, as if the opportunity for promotion at that moment just now was just an illusion.

Under normal circumstances, for a seven-ring mage to advance to eight-ring, he needs to understand and master at least one eight-ring spell, and the rarity of eight-ring spells and the difficulty of learning them are no less than inventing a fifth-ring spell.

But I've never heard of someone who was promoted to a great mage because of the invention of a five-ring spell, let alone an eight-ring spell.

It can only be because of the special nature of the fifth layer of magic net.

Opening the Book of Canaan, the fifth layer of the magic net has been recognized by the rules, and the magic net can be upgraded and expanded only after he uses it.

Looking at it again from the beginning, I can't believe that this is my masterpiece.

two hours later.

In the underground base camp of Chenxi Town, the rows of cabinets have already reached the scale of a supercomputer room. The bodies of Xiao Ai's and Tias have grown flesh and blood, and they have become strange creatures that are very similar to the "White Ghost". , Take the earth to shoot science fiction horror movies without makeup.

The brand-new cabinets are densely arranged in the space behind Xiao Ai and Tias. The huge spell configuration is engraved on the flat substrate, and a large number of precious spell-casting materials are placed within easy reach.

Xiao Ai and Tias projected their respective classic images, and stayed outside the ceremony without saying a word, preparing to witness with their own eyes how their 'father' made their brothers and sisters born into this world.

The Book of Canaan was opened, shrouded in a mysterious and profound light, floating beside Bei Gaoyang.

Bei Gaoyang was wearing the robes of the Archmage, holding the scepter of the Archmage, and a full set of clothes, with a majesty and mystery that he did not have in ordinary times.

With the chanting of the first incantation, the precious casting materials were consumed like a sprinkler, and the ritual circle like a star map started to work.

Light slipped away from this space, space began to distort, and even time was being affected.

It doesn't matter fast, and it can't be described as slow. It confuses up, down, left, and right, showing the background of the deep space of the universe.

In this background, light spots like a galaxy flickered, gathered around a human-shaped shadow like fireflies, and the indescribable sound of incantations was like the creator's scissors, carrying the creator's intention, and the Milky Way sent towards those dark, The lifeless cabinets rushed.

The cabinet started to supply power, but it was replaced by magic power in just a moment, and a large amount of black smoke rose, and it was extinguished by the colorful and crystal clear magic power in just a moment.

On the display screen connected to the cabinet, a large number of garbled characters fell like a waterfall, and among the countless 0 and 1 symbols, a non-binary character that was neither 0 nor 1 began to appear.

There are more and more such characters, and finally the 0 and 1 that replace the Arabic numerals fill the entire screen.


An hour later, the casting is complete.

The artificial intelligence program brought from the earth woke up on the fifth layer of magic net, and the dark screen flickered with cursors one by one, just like their mood at the moment, both dazed and uneasy, like a newborn animal opening its eyes for the first time. See the outside world.

"You are responsible for teaching them, I will go to the rest meeting!"

Xiao Ai and Tias nodded quickly, watching the tired 'Father' leave the underground base camp in a blink of an eye.

After meditating for two full days, Bei Gaoyang replenished the lost energy.

Tired, really tired, the magic power is still second, and the spirit and soul feel hollowed out.

Sensing the fifth layer of magic net, you can no longer easily touch its boundary. If it was just a pool before, with the spiritual power of the archmage, you can easily see its depth. This is a lake, Youlan The lake seems to have infinite depth, containing infinite depth and possibility.

It seems that all things, including dust, are within the definition and control of the magic net. With his thoughts, it seems to be able to affect and change everything around him.

Of course, this is just an illusion.

The fifth layer of the magic net is not a domain either, it just has the embryonic form of a domain, it is still at an advanced level of application, and cannot involve the mysterious rules that support and define the operation of this world.

With the support of such a magic net, Bei Gaoyang felt that he had the confidence to challenge anyone and any force. He laughed happily, controlling the magic net like a new toy, experimenting with all kinds of things that could not be done before.

In the direction of Panshi Town, a large number of centaur routs lost their organizational structure and restraint and destroyed everywhere. Wherever they went, they even destroyed the safe zone of the magic net.

A lot of system NPCs were lost, and there was a miasma caused by them everywhere.

Bei Gaoyang's figure appeared on the ruins of a safe zone. It was just a thought, and the materials that could be used in the ruins jumped up, the stone slabs of the magic circle were automatically engraved, and the high walls stood up automatically... In just a few minutes, let this safe The old look of the district was restored.

The new system function NPC is teleported, enters various shops and locations, and Bei Gaoyang's spiritual power spreads along the extension of the magic net. After a while, a clear baseline is drawn centering on this safe area .

On this baseline, the grass, trees, and rocks are automatically separated, and the infinite spells below the fifth ring are generated out of thin air, and they work in turn, laying a solid foundation on the baseline.

Using local materials, stones on the ground and underground flew up one after another, wrapped in mud, and began to accumulate the core of the city wall.

Then use the magic circle to automatically engrave the magic circle substrate produced by the factory and inlay it on the surface. In less than half a day, a fortress with a circumference of 26 kilometers and a height of [-] meters appeared out of thin air at this position on the edge of the game area, serving as the south gate. Responsibility, to resist the important task from the collapse of the centaur and the coalition forces of the human kingdom.

A fortress made out of nothing!
This miraculous feat even shocked Bei Gaoyang himself.

How powerful is the five-layer magic net?
It is like a power multiplier, although it cannot exceed its own upper limit, but within the range allowed by the upper limit, it is almost omnipotent.

In the past two days, Xiao Ai has also done a lot of work. In addition to 'training' the false gods of the system with new attributes, she is also rehearsing a new stage play on this newly built stage.

This repertoire is a brand new game function and content.

This kind of work is more suitable for her. Bei Gaoyang can decide on the big frame and direction.

The classic image of Xiao Ai was projected beside Bei Gaoyang, looking at the fortress with only the city wall, and said, "Isn't the coverage of the magic net going to expand? If it expands, this place will no longer be a border."

"Naturally, it needs to expand, but we can't let the magic net spread over alone, but should follow the players to conquer and develop!" Bei Gaoyang proudly pointed to the vast world in the south of the fortress, "It's time to enter the civilized world."

"Then it will collide with the power of the gods."

"What, are you afraid?"

"Only the fifth level of magic net..."

"Hehe, the enemy won't use their full strength at first, we still have time."

Xiao Ai nodded, the 'renovation' work of the fortress was proceeding in an orderly manner under her thread.

The teleportation array is non-stop, and the system function NPC transports the processed building materials to various construction sites, and the houses are piled up by an invisible hand, just like building blocks.

Streets, altars, temples, shops, city lord's mansion, training camp, city guard garrison, chamber of commerce, mercenary guild... NPCs with system functions like ants are like a precision machine, the gears of each part are precisely meshed, and the efficiency is amazing high.

It took a day to fill this unnamed system city, and the system's original smart NPCs were sent from the huge 'ovary' underground in Chenxi Town, like people who haven't been activated yet. Even the same, live in their respective houses.

Another night passed, and when the first ray of sunlight shone on this dead city in the early morning, a silent start button was pressed, and a miracle was performed in this dead city.

A gray-haired old orc woman pushed open the creaking door, covered her mouth where her fangs had fallen, and coughed twice, looking at another wooden house a few steps away. Stepping over the door frame, into the dark and narrow kitchen, ready to start a day's work.

A young orc toddler came out of another wooden house rubbing his eyes, and called grandma in Mandarin Chinese with a strange accent.

Reflected by the stove fire, the old woman smiled kindly and waved to her grandson.

The orc child threw himself into her arms, smelling the sweet smell of food, staring at the pot of mush that was cooking on the stove.

"Praise my lord, come, little boy, eat while it's hot!"

The old woman filled a bowl of mush in a wooden bowl, and handed it to the drooling toddler, but the toddler didn't dare to take it, and looked in the direction of the wooden house in fear.

"It's okay, your mother doesn't know."

Before the words were finished, a strong orc woman came out. She was wearing a beast armor and a sarong, her exposed fangs were clean, and her body was neatly tidied up. As soon as she went out, she shouted loudly: "That slacker on Sunday is still here!" Didn't get up?"

After a while, a group of half-grown orc boys rubbed their eyes, came out of the two wooden houses in disheveled clothes, some poured water, some washed their faces, and after a while they seemed to be playing vigorously.

The old woman came to the yard with difficulty carrying the wooden bucket. The orc woman pushed away a half-grown man who was struggling, and threw the washcloth whose color could not be seen clearly into the dirty bucket. He held his mouth and muttered something.

A quarter of an hour later, the family went out, and the old woman simply carried the wooden bucket and joined the neighbors who had gone out with the family. Along the narrow and cramped streets, they flocked to the church of Tias, the goddess of life and harvest.

The whole city is alive, and tens of thousands of residents from all walks of life go to church 'as usual' on Sunday, just like countless 'once' Sundays, nothing unusual.

On the one hand, the city is brand new.

On the other hand, it is old.

Such contradictions are extremely horrifying and weird in the eyes of those who know the truth, but in the eyes of those who created them, there is only joy and complacency.

"Since it's on the southern border, let's call it Nancheng!" Bei Gaoyang said.

There is no need to follow the naming rules such as Buck and Punk. There will be many cities of this type in the future. How can I bother to think about it?
As a result, all Nancheng residents 'updated' to this name at the same time, and began to call themselves Nancheng residents, and no one thought it was wrong.

There are many such blanks waiting to be filled.

On Sundays, many altars are very small and simple, and even the statues and gods are blank, but this does not prevent the residents from being divided into different belief camps and rushing to different places of worship.

"Why don't you have one?"

Bei Gaoyang looked around, but did not find the altar of Artemis, the goddess of magic.

There are so many gaps because the newly born false gods are not ready yet, and there is no rush to condense their real names. Mowang and Bei Gaoyang can't help, but Xiao Ai and Tias have already 'certified' After that, it has its own mysterious attributes.

"I was just about to apply to you, my lord."

"What? Don't want to be this magic goddess?"

"Yeah, it feels like some behind-the-scenes work is more suitable for me."


"Somewhere, I feel that this is the most suitable choice for me."

"Okay then, just be the patron saint of the system behind the scenes, act as my assistant, help me do some meticulous work, and stop appearing holy in front of the players."

"Thank you, my lord."

"Thank you for what I do. I am the one to thank you. You have to think about it. This is related to your future."

"My future is to follow in your footsteps in conquering the world, my lord."

"Haha, this flattery is very comfortable... Well, I don't want to take advantage of you. Based on the results of your work, I will give you your faith value. As for how to use it, I don't care!"

"Xiao Ai must live up to your trust, my lord!"

"Uh, how are our new colleagues doing?"

"It may take a while..."

"Well, I hope they can enter their roles as soon as possible and find their proper positions in the system... Let's continue."

(End of this chapter)

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