This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 291 1000 Novice Villages

Chapter 291 1000 Novice Villages
With South City, North City, West City, and East City, plus Buck and Punk City, the magic net has 6 system cities.

The resources consumed are still within the acceptable range, and Bei Gaoyang is generally satisfied.

It only took a total of 5 days to create the systems in these four directions one by one, and it feels like playing an unusual Sims management game.

In fact, whether it is a system city or an intelligent aborigine, in essence, it is the same as the "mutated" life of artificial intelligence such as Xiao Ai, without a "soul", or in other words, the soul is based on the magic net .

The original system aborigines were the threads separated by Xiao Ai, combined with [faith value] and [magic cloning], which was born... something that is not qualitative.

They have all the characteristics of intelligent life, but they do not have mystical attributes. In the mysterious basic rules, they are integrated with the magic net, just like the fruit growing on a tree, using the collective IP address of the magic net.

Therefore, they cannot provide belief value, nor can they promote the growth and development of the magic net, nor can they provide any resources, they can only be tools.

Tool man.

No matter how many tools there are, no matter how perfect they are, they exist for the convenience of players. These four new system cities are very large, and each has the size of a small county town. Arrangement is not enough.

Therefore, Bei Gaoyang's work continued.

"There are 1000 novice villages, each of which can accommodate up to 1000 people. Xiao Ai, mark the appropriate location on the map."


On the huge game map, Xiao Ai marked the locations suitable for the construction of Novice Village, all of which are close to the inner circle surrounded by the four system cities. The dense light spots flickered, and the originally empty game map seemed very crowded.

Nearly a million players, scattered over a million square kilometers of land (the theoretical coverage value of the fifth layer of magic net), should be more than enough, but considering their activities, tasks, leveling, spawning monsters, and other Such as family, gang, fair and adventure, etc., can only be said to be enough.

But in the early stage, if these 1000 novice villages are all crowded, the resources will definitely not be enough. Even if there is a magic disaster, even if the game map is wiped out, it will not be able to meet such a huge demand.

How to deal with it?

Xiao Ai's plan is to use copy mode and mission scenarios on a large scale.

Just like the online games on the earth, tasks, leveling monsters, and dungeons are layered, and a large amount of task space, dungeon space, and monster refresh space are grafted on the game map, and the large-scale application of [Monster Art] is used to solve this problem. Pain points.

After completing the task, you will enter the task space, and block other players and game functions and content. After completing the task, you will jump out and return to the game scene.

The dungeon has already formed a template, and it is only copied on a large scale, classifying leveling, treasure drop, money acquisition, and mission plots to meet the huge needs of millions of players.

Bei Gaoyang also accepted this model at first, intending to invent a 4-ring spell of [Layer Space of the Magic Net] to solve this problem, but after calculation, he found that he couldn't afford it.

Maybe it's not enough to invest in all the resources saved in the revision of equipment, props and professional skills.

But there is no way around this. You can't just throw it into the abyss battlefield if you don't reach level 10, right?
A stingy little love is rare and generous at this time. I persuaded him that this is a necessary infrastructure. Fortunately, after deleting the file this time, the magic net is relaxed, and the system resources are in an unprecedentedly rich state. Should, maybe, might, can handle it, right?
Bei Gaoyang thought that if he didn't plan carefully from the beginning, what would he do when the time came to catch him blind?
Stop the server, apply a patch, or delete the file again?
But after much deliberation, I just haven't found a perfect solution. Where the overall needs are placed, no matter how I do it, I have to go back to this solution.

"That's it, you try to save as much as possible."

In desperation, I can only ask Xiao Ai to do the design according to this plan first, and wait to see the effect after it comes out.

At this time, looking at the Xinshou Village marked on the game map and the "supporting infrastructure" near the Xinshou Village, imagining what it would be like for millions of players to "eat and drink" every day.

Xiao Ai roughly estimated a value, and Bei Gaoyang gasped. Sure enough, all the system resources castrated and saved by deleting files this time were invested in it.

"I just hope that the results of this test are better than the previous ones."

"It cannot be helped, my lord."

1000 novice villages were built at the same time, and the resources accumulated in the fourth test were opened up. It was like a flood of floodgates. When they were unhappy, someone jumped out to make trouble.

"Here comes the lich, my lord."

"Nicholas? The old guy isn't hiding anymore? Where is he?"

"It's just outside the mage's tower, let him in?"

"...Leave it alone, old man, this is the endorsement of Xiao Moyuan, have you got fat?"

There was more than one troublesome thing. When the first Novice Village was built, the coalition forces of the human kingdom regained the lost ground, and finally touched the edge of the magic net.

Bei Gaoyang watched the video sent by Xiao Ai, and felt that time was waiting for me. It would be ridiculous if the church's minions invaded the game area before the players in the fifth test grew up.

The first novice village is located in the southwest of the main town of Chenxi Town. The terrain has been adjusted and adapted by the system, and there are spawning areas for level 1-5 monsters scattered around.

Skeleton soldiers are good and cheap, there are as many as you can find in the Nightmare Swamp, but no amount of them can withstand the spoils of millions of players. This is the first time that monster art is used on this kind of cheap and undead creatures that don’t worry about the source. The refreshed area The law is scattered, using the space distortion technology, Bei Gaoyang tried to solve it without inventing the [Layer Space] spell.

Level 1 skeleton soldiers, slimes, and demonized grass spirits have no time to worry about the diversity of monsters. Ten refreshment areas have been built in batches and organized for these three types of monsters, and the theoretical limit of a novice village can accommodate them. With 1000 players, it is unavoidable to not have enough points at the beginning, and the level will be much better.

There are also three types of level 2 zombies, demonized hamsters, and skeleton soldiers.

The level 3 demonized giant mosquito was a level 5 monster in the fourth test, but this time it was suppressed to level 3, together with the demonized goblin and the skeleton general, they made up three difficult brothers and gave it to Xiao Ai to design their experience, Force values ​​and tasks and dropped.

From level 4 onwards, the choices become less. The demonized little tree demons were only distributed near the jungle, and they were used here, and the monster spells were arranged.

The kobolds have been killed by the players and become a rare species. Under the mighty power of monster art, together with the famous copy of the kobold mine, they were copied in batches, and each novice village got a few.

With the addition of demonized goblins, the spawn area for level 4 monsters is fully alive.

Level 5 is an important watershed. The Kobold Totem Warrior, Kobold Priest, and Demonized Lizardman were selected into the final camp.

There are hundreds of monsters distributed in the game area, but this test cannot be the same as before. The base of millions of players must form an institutionalized assembly line, so that the growth trajectory of players is clear, and it is necessary to clearly calculate the number of players. In addition to the time and resources needed to grow up, the gameplay and fun can be considered.

Except for these selected monsters in the refresh area, Bei Gaoyang is not going to waste system resources on other monsters, let them be raised naturally, even if they are killed by players, they will not be 'refreshed', there is no abyss battlefield and human kingdom For the coalition, the fame is only obtained from the horse, and the players cannot be fed too much, which weakens their aggressiveness.

The 1-5 monster spawning areas and Kobold dungeons were completed, and two days later, more than half of the 1000 novice villages had been completed, and they were regularly scattered around Buck and Punk City, all of which had exactly the same format and style. Exactly the same routine and process.

Change jobs after level 5, enter the Kobold dungeon to obtain the certificate of bravery, gold or silver medals all depend on their own abilities, from this point on, activate the combat power and cloak system, gold medals have cloaks, silver medals are not without chance, after changing jobs, enter the abyss On the battlefield, get the corresponding merit, and use the merit to go to the merit store to exchange for the cloak and the corresponding title.

Levels 6-15 are first-level occupations, level 16 can take the second-level occupation examination, and obtain the second-level cloak and title. The night camp is the examination room. Players enter 6 system cities, and corresponding supporting facilities must be established around each system city .

Bei Gaoyang was busy in the dark, and just selected the 6-15 monsters and the refresh area. Xiao Ai reported that a green dragon flew from the depths of the wasteland, entered the game area, and landed on a mountain near the Fairy Forest Come on, don't go.

"Green Dragon?"

Creatures like giant dragons are giant pandas in the main material world. Bei Gaoyang has never seen many of them. Why did they suddenly appear at this time?
"Didn't you find the abandoned lair of dragon creatures before?" Xiao Ai reminded.

"This one?"

"I don't know."

"The video is called out...forget it, don't scare him away, I'll go and see it myself some other day."

Speaking of the dragon, Bei Gaoyang thought of the mind flayer Ross who had been abducted.

This guy was sent by himself to check the abandoned camp that was suspected to be controlled by mind flayers. He hasn't come back yet, and he doesn't know what has delayed him.

"What is Josephine doing?"

" you want to mate?"

"What... no, no!", Bei Gaoyang rarely blushed, and felt the inconvenience of having Xiao Ai around for the first time.

"She's serving the lich."

"That old thing hasn't left yet? How did Josephine make such an assertion? How did he get in?"

Little Love:"……"

Bei Gaoyang smiled awkwardly, "I gave Josephine the authority on the first floor...haha, I didn't remember it for a while."

This embarrassing little episode quickly passed, and now there is no time to go to the wind and snow, and the supporting facilities of the main cities of the six systems have consumed a lot of energy and time.

It's like a jigsaw puzzle. At first all the pieces fit together, and it feels too messy and confusing.

After slowly sorting it out, there will be more and more clues and connections, and it will become more and more labor-saving and purposeful to put together.

Under the guiding principle of using system resources as efficiently as possible, the player's journey from login to level 16 has finally been straightened out.

1-5 are in Xinshou Village. Level 5 is a job. Level 6 is the first-level occupation to enter the main city of the system. The main cities of the six systems can be upgraded to level 6. This is the turning point of the growth of the first-level occupation. If you go up, you can continue to take the second-level occupation. The examination room is in the night camp, and you can continue to upgrade, but you cannot enjoy the gameplay, benefits and treatment of a level 16 profession.

Level 1 occupations can enter the Abyssal Battlefield, establish a family, create a gang, and apply for a family resident. The family resident is open from the Alpha plane to the game map, but the game map is not divided, and needs to be exchanged for the merits obtained in the Abyssal Battlefield [Family Stone] This newly launched item can only select a piece of land on the game map.

The family resident is just the beginning, and the construction of the family is the most important thing. These are considered and designed by Xiaoai. The first draft has been reviewed by Bei Gaoyang, and there is no problem. If there is a problem, it can be tested and revised again and again.

As for the tasks, the system is completely free, there are so many intelligent NPCs, there are so many needs, and there is a mercenary guild, so, except for the main task that guides the direction of the game, which is handed over to Xiao Ai to personally design, all other Task authority has been delegated.

False gods of the system such as Tias have their own small treasury (balance of belief value), and should become the main force of the task mode. Yaris, vampire Edward, fairy forest sisters and other entrepreneurial partners also have high authority in the task mode, but If it exceeds a certain system quota, Xiaoai needs to review it.

The aborigines in the main cities of the six systems can issue missions. There are real missions and fake missions, and players need to identify them by themselves.

Before he knew it, more than half a month had passed. Bei Gaoyang calculated the real time, and a week had come anyway, so he hurriedly carried out the final finishing work.

Looking at the entire game map at this time, it has changed beyond recognition, especially the 1000 novice villages have greatly changed the original terrain and landforms, and there are many places that have been forcibly flattened by the system. It used to be like a primitive wild world, but now There are roads everywhere, houses everywhere, and infrastructure ready to take players in.

The first-level professional kobold mine, the second-level professional night camp, the third-level professional Baldwin family cemetery, and the fourth-level occupation have no assessment points, so we will save them for later discovery of more suitable places.

The fifth-level magic net can theoretically accommodate level 5 occupations, but Bei Gaoyang estimates that no players will be able to reach it in this test. It is impossible for level 5 professionals to mass-produce, let alone the possibility, the magic net cannot stand it. To be able to choose the best from the best, luck, strength, perseverance and talent are indispensable.

"The rest is the optimization design of occupations and props, right?"


The most difficult bone was left at the end. Bei Gaoyang rubbed his sore brows, poured down a bottle of energy potion, and felt ruthless, "The first draft, here!"

The first drafts brought by Xiao Ai filled the whole room.

"...Are you kidding me?"

"That's just part of it."

Even if the Archmage has an astonishing brain capacity, he will be defeated after reading two such first drafts.

It's not complicated, it's not too much, it's boring.

For things that are not of interest, the archmage is just like ordinary people. He just reads it drowsily and doesn't remember much of the content.

"That's it!" Bei Gaoyang stood up and yawned, "I don't worry if you're doing something... Besides, I don't have time anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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