This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 292 God?Sword fairy?

Chapter 292 God?Sword fairy?
"Nicholas, it is impossible for Little Moyuan to help you deal with Ramsviel. You have to understand that any great mage is a very rare existence, especially at the moment when the iron curtain of the gods is about to be completely closed. A spark of resistance is all the more important."

"It's as if you are so righteous, I don't believe it, you don't have any idea about the book of curses."

"You guessed wrong, Nicholas, those who really understand the secrets will not have any intentions in the book of curses, only those like you who have a half-knowledge and are dazzled by power will be like moths flying into the flames. .”

"Come on, don't pretend to be mysterious in front of me, Xiao Moyuan has no right to interfere with my decision."

"Yes, you have no right to interfere, but you can issue a warning. Figor and Holden have already stated that they will no longer help you... In order to maintain neutrality, you are prohibited from using the facilities of Xiaomoyuan to target Ramsviel from now on. .”

"You... you old bastard, do you think I don't know how you got promoted to the 8th ring, the iron curtain of the gods? You have already started licking the stinky feet of the gods..."

"Your slander doesn't make any sense. The Mage Union has proved my innocence."

"I don't believe that with your age and aptitude, you can break through the barriers set by the gods and break through to the 8th ring by yourself... Well, I don't care about these, Xiao Moyuan wants to persuade you, you have to tell me why ?”

"Rumsviel is an archmage, a member of the Masters Union..."

"Since you are so insincere, I will go all out, and the big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken!"

"...You should know what Rumsfeld is doing. We agree that we should give young people a little more time to see how much surprise he can bring us!"

"I knew it, I knew it, that's why you suppressed your greed for the Book of Curses, right?"

"Whatever you think, this is the common will of all the directors of the Little Moyuan Mage Association. Yes, we have reached an agreement!"

"Damn... It's not that I didn't give that young man a chance. I planned to discuss it with him at the beginning. He was too arrogant and dismissed the olive branch I handed over. Hehe, the youngest archmage ever. It is indeed the capital of pride, I think it is necessary for me to teach young people a lesson, strength is not only the level of spells, but also the experience accumulated through years of baptism and wisdom experience."

"Come on, Nicholas, you don't have to be hard on me, tell me your conditions!"

"Are you sure you can convince him?"

"I'm not sure, Xiaomoyuan has it, and the Mage Union has it."

"My condition is very simple and has never changed. Let him use the Book of Canaan to invent a spell to help me resist the invasion of the abyss consciousness."

"Such a spell requires at least a 7th ring, and there is a high probability that it will be an 8th ring, or even a 9th ring. I think this is beyond the limit of that young man."

"Damn, this is the only condition!"

"You may not know that that young man has never invented spells beyond his own spell level. Such saneness and self-control have amazed us old guys. Do you think he might change because of your threat? Come on, Nicholas , let’s be realistic and come up with a solution acceptable to both parties.”


Recalling this, Lich Nicholas began to look at the layout of the first floor of the Mage Tower.

Exquisite and fluffy carpet, stepping on it is like stepping on clouds. The lines and patterns on the surface are so precise that Canaan has never seen a style, even in the bedroom of a certain king. Compared with the same paragraph.

The indescribable decoration style only makes people feel, feel...everywhere is exquisite and everywhere is convenient, just like the long chair under the body, made of some kind of animal leather, and I don’t know what is filled inside. Leaning up, all parts and joints of the body are supported, and you feel comfortable from the inside out, but you don't use any magic power.

The crystal chandelier exudes soft light, and the fallen light angel under the light is surprisingly integrated with the environment here. It makes people sigh that the owner here is really a guy who pays attention to sentimentality and enjoyment, including this stunner.

"Ms. Josephine, I really didn't expect to meet you here. The last time we met was at... uh, the Inquisition of the Holy See of Light. You testified for your employer's family and faced the red-clothed man unyieldingly. I can still remember the scolding and slander of the priests at that time."

"Stop talking about that, why did you change your name?"

Nicholas smiled wryly, "In order to escape my final fate, I tried every means. The name is just a code name, just call me Nicholas."

"How did you escape?"

The fallen light angel poured a glass of red wine from the earth for the lich. The transparent and crystal goblet with the scarlet and pure wine made the lich a little dazed.

"Try it, it's delicious!", Angel of Fallen Light promotes his favorites to guests.

She fell in love with this mage tower and everything in this tower as soon as she came. She was overjoyed and couldn't put it down for every artifact made on earth, including the clothes she was wearing...

The lich has long lost the ability to taste delicious food, but the loss of senses is only a small problem for the archmage. With just a snap of his fingers, the dry and empty mouth returned to health. Then he picked up the goblet and shook it like Josephine. He shook it, and took a light taste.

"It tastes...a bit weird...but not bad."

"Try it a few times and you'll love it."

"Really!" At this moment, the Lich noticed the exposed leg of the Fallen Angel, "Are you... injured?"

Josephine blushed, and quickly hid the black silk that was accidentally exposed under the fluffy skirt, " have some disputes with him, right?"

Nicholas noticed it, but he didn't care about it: "Some small problems, we can solve them... What about him, is he still busy with his little experiments?"

Speaking of this, Josephine unconsciously puffed up her chest, and said in a hostess tone: "I don't know very well, he never told me these things, and I don't care."

These days, the upgrade of the magic net and the earth-shaking changes in the outside world all show the ability of the new boss, meal ticket and bed partner. Fallen Light Angel is already very satisfied with the current situation. While enjoying the various luxuries and conveniences in the mage tower, While heartbroken by his strength, she secretly promised that there was no initial resistance anymore.

Regarding this, Bei Gaoyang had some complaints, well, there are some things that need to be a little sentimental, the Angel of Fallen Light noticed this, and at that time, he reverted to his old ways, which made him enjoy it to the extreme.

As for the details, it is not enough for outsiders to know.

There's nothing to talk about here.

As for the past, it is Josephine's taboo, and generally she will not take the initiative to bring it up, and the intersection of the two is in some past events, which is also a taboo in certain aspects, and Nicholas can't use this approach to 'please' 'This is obviously something that is forbidden by peers.

After sitting for a while, Nicholas became a little impatient. Once the mage was immersed in the selfless experiment, he would often ignore everything that happened around him. He didn't think it was intentional that he was left alone, he just didn't want to waste time.

Maybe it would be better to wait a few days and come back?
After drinking the last glass of red wine, the Lich was about to say goodbye. He stood up and saluted, which relieved Josephine who had been tense.

However, when the Lich was about to leave, he inadvertently saw an entrance in the corner of the living room with a compressed space, flashing a kind of fluorescent light without magic fluctuations. Out of curiosity, he swept his mental tentacles, vaguely Hearing something, he stopped in his tracks.

This kind of behavior is very impolite, but he has already ignored it, turned around and pointed to the entrance of the space and asked, "Can I go in and have a look?"


"Sorry, I seem to know what's inside."

The Angel of Fallen Light was very upset, and was about to refuse in words, but the Lich had already acted rudely.

He broke open the entrance of the compressed space, exposing a half-closed door standing in the air, and walked over anxiously.

Josephine hesitated whether to activate the defense mechanism of the mage tower to stop it, the lich had already stepped into the gate.

Inside is a movie screening room.

With a huge screen, surround sound, a luxurious bed and some sex toys scattered in a mess, the Lich turned a blind eye to these beautiful things and stared at the screen that was still playing on the screen.

Shushan Swordsman Legend!

"You are so rude!"

Josephine came in behind, the things on the bed made her feel ashamed, trembling with anger and shame, she didn't respond when she saw that Nicholas was stupid, and hurriedly put away those unsightly things.

"This, what is this?"

She has watched the movie Fallen Light Angel many times, and this is her favourite. She rewatched it again and again when Bei Gaoyang was away. At this time, it happened to be playing the fairyland of Mount Emei, where the disciples of the Sword Immortals were flying with their swords.

Since it is a remake (Canaan Company specially customized it to please the chairman), the graphics and special effects are incomparable to the old version. If you understand it, you will naturally know that it is a special effect, but how does Nicholas know.

He's trembling, he's terrified, he's...

"Sword Fairy!"

The Angel of Fallen Light calmed down and explained.

Nicholas was so focused on the screen that she didn't seem to notice it, which made her a lot more comfortable.

But the rosiness on her face not only did not disappear, but deepened, a sick desire and stimulation awakened something in her body, which was the poison injected into the depths of her soul by the abyss and demons, and also the root of her downfall.

She began to miss someone, very much.

"What is a sword fairy?"

Nicholas exclaimed in horror.

"How do I know!?" The Angel of Fallen Light also started to shout, whenever this kind of thing was awakened, she was so contradictory.

The half-black, half-smooth wings unknowingly spread out, just like her eyes, full of morbid longing and seductiveness, and contradictory struggle and etherealness at the same time...

"This is another crystal wall system, right, a place called Earth?"

Josephine: ...

"Is this their god? Ah, no, that player said that there are no gods on the earth, and what they believe in are all imaginary things... But what are these? I know the movie, could it be... fake?"

"Like a story made up by bards? Like an opera that nobles like? Like a narrative hymn rehearsed by the church?"

"I know, I should be, it should be!"

"If it is a god, who can leave such an image, who can?"

Don't underestimate the self-control of an archmage. Despite encountering an unprecedented shock, he can quickly recover his sanity and analyze the truth hidden behind it from limited clues.

"It's really a play. It seems that it is right that there is no true god in the crystal wall system. Otherwise, who can tolerate this kind of blasphemy?"

"There is no magic, no magic, what kind of power is it that allows mortals to master such..."


"I can't understand it, I really want to see it!"

No need for Josephine's response, the Lich lost his composure, and muttered to himself shocked by the scene being played on the screen.

What the ape Tarzan told him, although it was unimaginable, was at most just an anecdote.

"Are you interested? It's not like there's no chance."

As soon as the belated male host appeared, the self-proclaimed 'hostess' couldn't help but want to lean over. The male host gave her a strange look, then sat down with her in his arms, and put her on his knees .

"……You came!?"

"This is my mage's tower, are you scared out of your wits, Nicholas?"

"Sorry, sorry!" Nicholas pulled his gaze from the screen, and sat down nervously and at a loss. "This kind of thing called a movie is really incredible. I thought, I thought..."

"I thought it was the same as the story made up by the bard?"


"Hehe, it's not easy for an archmage to lose his composure like this. It seems that this movie is okay?"

Lich ignored the ridicule and sarcasm in the voice, and looked at the screen again, only admiration remained in his eyes.

The 'hostess' is struggling on the host's knee, it's fine if there is no outsider, but if there is an outsider, it's still an old acquaintance, especially just now she was holding the air of an angel in front of him, now... Let her feel very sad Conflict and embarrassment.

"do not move!"

The 'hostess' froze as she struggled, and buried her head on the shoulder of the host like an ostrich, her wings fluttering and closing, and tears of humiliation flowed from one eye.

"Are there any other...movies?" Lich asked indifferently to these tunes, as if forgetting that there was a third person.

"You want to see?"

"If you can."

"No problem, what else do you want to see? Or something like this?"

"No, to be more realistic..."

"OK then!"

The work has been done, and Xiao Ai is busy with the rest. It's time to get rid of this annoying old thing.

Bei Gaoyang was thinking while choosing a movie.

In the end, I chose Star Wars: Attack of the Clones.

(End of this chapter)

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