This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 293 New Obstruction

Chapter 293 New Obstruction

The Lich left with a storm in his head.

Old man, I can't beat you to death, you think that little thing with scales and claws that you know is my trump card?


"What did this old thing tell you?"

"Ah... no, he hasn't had time to explain why he came..."

"Haha, the old man seems to be so shocked that he has forgotten the reason for his visit, haha..."

"Hmm... are the things you showed him... all true?"

"Guess, aren't you very smart?"

"Star Wars is fake, Titanic is real, Avatar is half-truth, the attack on Pearl Harbor should be real..."

"Uh... how do you judge?"

"Can't tell, intuition?"

"It seems that the old thing is not so useless, more or less there is a bit of acting... You cunning guy, I was almost deceived by him."

"He's trying to please you!"

"What about you, are you trying to please me?"

"I... I don't know... Master Bayero has urged again. This is the second time. His patience is limited. Where is your army?"

"You are quite loyal to that demon leader?"

"...I can't wait for him to be burned at the stake tomorrow!"

"...Like hating me?"

" just know how to humiliate me, I'm Angelina's godmother, show some respect... ah!"

Bei Gaoyang left the theater with ease and comfort, came out and saw the projections of Xiao Ai and Tias sitting on the sofa in the living room, he didn't know how long he had waited, and smiled awkwardly.

"My lord, the preparations are almost done, we can link to the coordinates of the abyss battlefield." Xiao Ai said solemnly.

Tias looked curiously at the space entrance of the cinema hall, then at the disheveled archmage, and lowered his head and pursed his lips with a smile.

Goddess of Life and Harvest Ha!

Have you learned to coquettish yourself to please your big boss?
But when she thinks that her body is a pile of cabinets with fleshy membranes, tendons, and tumors, she feels a little nervous. She doesn't want to learn from Josephine, does she?It seems that apart from Xiao Ai, it is better to keep some distance from these false gods of the system, who knows what they will be transformed into by mysterious rules.

I originally wanted to ask her how the training was going, but now I don't ask her any more. She snapped her fingers and was already fully dressed.

"Wait until I ask about the progress on the other side of the earth."

"Okay, do you need to connect with the network over there?"

"Well, let's get started."


New variables have emerged in Canaan's internationalization process.

The reason is that at an air show, the newly launched "Thunder Warrior Powered Exoskeleton Individual Armor" caught everyone's attention. Yu Qingdong was also one of the guests at the unveiling scene, and witnessed the operator The power armor on the front is comparable to Gundam, lifts the heavy electronic pod, and installs it on the interface on the back by itself.

The complete form of armor is armed to the teeth, a large-caliber anti-material sniper rifle is installed on the right hand, and a heavy machine gun with 20 barrels comparable to a machine gun is installed on the right hand, plus the electronic pod on the back, The alloy track that can be switched to all-terrain form is simply a doomsday terminator.

Seeing the operator sitting in the cockpit running at a top speed of 80 kilometers per hour agilely, the foreign military media turned pale, and the scene of the press release that followed was even more explosive.

Yu Qingdong didn't understand why he took the initiative to tease the already sensitive nerves of the West at the important moment when the fifth Canaan test was about to start.

Then as expected.

The progress of Canaan's internationalization has once again encountered major disturbances. North America had already planned to release people, but now they are not letting go. Negotiations on game qualifications have also been suspended, and it has also spread to Europe and Japan. big variable.

The lottery of Dongpu has been done twice, and the goods are half sold.

Yu Qingdong was in a state of desperation, and the helmets he produced could not be sent out, and they were left in the warehouse for ashes.

When Bei Gaoyang's communication came in, he was very nervous, for fear that Lafayette would give him the lead.

After hearing the latest difficulties faced by internationalization, there was no movement from Lafayette for a long time. Yu Qingdong was nervous and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and lowered the temperature of the air conditioner.

"If that's the case... Can internationalization still be carried out, excluding the troubled areas?"

Yu Qingdong quickly replied: "Yes, they claim to represent the entire international community, but they are actually only a small part of it..."

"That's how it is. I'm almost too busy here. The fifth test can't be delayed. Since they can't do it, replace it with someone else."

Yu Qingdong breathed a sigh of relief, "Our contingency plan is to increase our efforts in other regions. In the worst case, we will disband the business divisions in North America and Europe."

"Disband? Is it so serious?"

Yu Qingdong smiled wryly, and replied: "The West's defense against us is deeply rooted. This is a battle of civilizations, and there is no solution."

"Since this is the case, let's do it. Even if the business department is disbanded, it will not affect the promotion and sale of Canaan."

"What do you mean?"

"Bypass their officials."


"something wrong?"

"No, no, this may need to be studied carefully..."

"Since it's all like this, why worry about it? Let the players vote with their feet, so be it, and contact me if you have any questions."

"You are busy, you are busy!"

Lafayette's response was both good and bad. The good thing is that he didn't blame anything for it. The bad thing is... this internationalization seems to be irreversible, and he is very determined.

He quickly sent out the call records and archived them. In less than half an hour, people arrived from base zero.

The person who came was an acquaintance, Lao Hu, who sat down on the sofa in a dusty way, "It's best if Zero can understand, and our pressure will be less."

Yu Qingdong took the opportunity to ask him why he took the initiative to pick things up at this time.

"First, it's not that we took the initiative to provoke things, but the situation forced us to take appropriate actions in response to certain possibilities and signs of sliding in a more dangerous direction.

Second, it is a good thing that the internationalization can be canceled because of this. Let Zero see the dangerous environment abroad, so that he can understand the preciousness of our stability, harmony, and prosperity.

Third, even if we don't announce it, someone will announce it for us. Sooner or later, we can take the initiative and win the right to speak.

Fourth, this is not something you should worry about. In view of your special position, I tell you these are exceptions. You know all the disciplines, so I won’t go into details. "

Yu Qingdong opened his mouth and wisely ended the topic.

"I'm here this time to ask you, have all the domestic helmets been shipped?"

"Send it, the farthest player will probably receive it in a day or two, what's wrong?"

"How many mobile places do you have?"

"What mobile quota, no, no..."

"This is the approval document!"

Yu Qingdong touched his nose, took the key handed over by Lao Hu, hid in the room, and came out after 5 minutes.

"There are 14789 more, how many do you want!"

Lao Hu tapped the armrest of the sofa with his fingers, and pondered for a moment, "Give me 100 first, and don't leave any records."

Yu Qingdong was puzzled, but the approval documents were all correct, so he didn't say anything.

When the time came to July, the weather became hotter and hotter. As the opening of the five-test server approached, the online and offline lottery that was once popular has gradually become a thing of the past, and few people mentioned it.

Even a few days ago, the streets and alleys beat gongs and drums to welcome the couriers delivering helmets. 60 is still very small compared to 14 billion, but it cannot be said that it is rare. A city, a block, or even In a community, you can always hear and see such lucky people, envy is envy, envy is jealousy, but people are more and more convinced of the saying that 'everyone has a chance, it's just a matter of time'.

Some experts optimistically estimate that the fifth test will be completed within three months, and the sixth test will cover tens of millions of people. If there are really tens of millions of game qualifications, I don’t believe that I will not be a part of it by then.

Most of the cloud players who 'failed' can only comfort themselves in this way, and enviously watch the online and offline interactions and sour comments of the lucky winners who have won the lottery. They are also eagerly looking forward to the day when the server will be launched .

On July 7, the temperature that had been sweltering for several days finally dropped.

The weather forecast said that Dawudu, a famous stove city, would experience thunderstorms for several days. The morning sun only raged for a short while before being covered by thick dark clouds.

Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao saw off the last guest, Jiangnan Misty Rain who was talking about storytelling in XJ and didn't want to go back after playing in Dawudu. Finally, he had time to make equipment for the opening server of the five tests.

I was very happy at first, but when I returned to school, I was told that the two had several new roommates.

Xia Miaomiao was very dissatisfied, saying that the school was killing donkeys, but Du Shiyu said that it would be a matter of time, the school got more than a hundred qualifications for the five tests, and they were all players, so why should the two of them continue to enjoy this unique experience? The treatment?

Both of them are rich women, and they are not short of this little money, so they discussed selling a house outside the school to buy a home.

With Xia Miaomiao's nature of saying that the wind is the rain, she really can't wait for a moment. When she gets home, she finds out the real estate information in various places in Wudu, makes phone calls, and checks the information at night. in the back of the head.

Du Shiyu said about her, and she was plausible, "Selling a house is just a preparation. The soldiers and horses have not moved food and grass first. Only with a good living environment can we work hard in Canaan!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was only a deafening thunder, and crackling raindrops fell.

"It's finally raining, what a ghost!"

"Xiaoyu, how about the beautiful lakeside? That player eco-group is very popular now. Many of them are not even players, so they start buying houses there, and the house prices are still rising."

"It's too expensive. What kind of player ecological group is just hype. How many players are being taken advantage of?"

"Qiao Shan and Brother Chun bought it there. It's still a single-family lake-view villa."

"That's because they were in a panic. Money can't be wasted like this. This Evergrande project is good..."


"We are two single, what do we do in such a big place? It is clean, convenient, private, and safe. It is enough to meet these points, and it is also close to the school."

"I still want to buy a car, why live so close?"

"Have you taken your driver's license test?"

"Where do I have time?"

"Do you want to hire a driver?"

"It's not impossible..."

"If you have money to don't know what the five tests are like."

The two disagreed, and Xia Miaomiao was very disappointed. The desire to give out money like this was suppressed, and she sat on the sidelines and sulked.

Du Shiyu ignored her, looked up the information of the five tests, and took notes seriously.

"The internationalization of Canaan is going to be yellow."

"Ah? Haven't you already started selling goods overseas?"

"Come and see for yourself."

Xia Miaomiao didn't care about making trouble, and ran to Du Shiyu's side to watch the news on the computer screen.

The Canaan business department in North America and Northern Europe was disbanded, and the business department in Dongying was officially taken over...

"Oh, this little devil is too insidious to nationalize Canaan's business department!?"

"...This, isn't this Ming Qiang?"

The two quickly checked for more detailed information.

"...I heard that the main topic of this G7 summit is Canaan, and the information released to the outside world is all fake news. This time, I want to be serious and say that the Canaan issue should be open and transparent, otherwise... This is sharpening the knife, this joint statement is the battle list, everyone should be vigilant."

"...Dongying is not nationalized. After a friendly and sincere negotiation with Canaan Company, they decided to invest in Canaan's business department. If Canaan belongs to Dongying, it will be promoted in us now. Is it asking too much?"

"...Where are you standing upstairs?"

"You don't have to ask, it must be from our side."

"Dog traitor!"

"Wrong, maybe he is a friendly foreigner?"

"It's not internationalized at all, and the game qualifications are all brought back to China, how good is it?"

"I think it's beautiful. The lottery is almost completed. Dongpu has completed the distribution. If you say you can take it back, you can take it back?"

"Why do I smell a conspiracy, the little devil is here at this time, is it planned?"

"You don't have to ask, the helmets are in the hands of others, and if you give them a capital investment, I will ask you if you are afraid?"

"It's so fucking insidious. Canaan Company's people are all idiots, so they can't see through such a simple conspiracy?"

"It should have been dazzled by internationalization, alas, what a great success!"

"I just checked. The official websites of the business divisions in North America and Europe are gone, but the international main website can still be used for lottery grouping. What's going on?"

"Really, I'll go and see"

Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao also quickly opened the homepage of the international website, and found that the separate lottery groups for North America and Europe were gone, replaced by a "cloud lottery" pre-sale lottery page, which was still specifically for users in North America and Europe Release of.

"This is...bypassing their officials and letting people vote with their feet, it is equivalent to flipping the table and tearing their faces!"

On the forum, a great god marveled at the analysis.

"Okay, Canaan Company is tough, it should be like this, don't get used to their problems!"

Xia Miaomiao watched a lot of applause on the Internet, and they were all people who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal. They wished that the internationalization would be cancelled, and all player quotas would return to China, and there might be another draw.


On the internationalized homepage, although the sub-site corresponding to the section has been cancelled, it is replaced by a pre-sale page similar to Amazon.

(End of this chapter)

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