Chapter 294
It rained for three days.

The time came to July 7th, and there was only more than a week left before the opening of the five test server.

A rain brought the blue sky and cool air back to Wudu temporarily. After the rain stopped, although the river surged and entered the annual flood control season, people were very happy with the changes brought about by the rain and enjoyed the summer. It's a rare coolness, and it feels like the dust in the whole city has been washed away by the rain, and everything has become brand new.

If only the tumultuous process of internationalization could be like this.

Just when the players were worried that there would be a delay in the opening of the fifth test server, they were relieved a lot by an announcement on the official website.

The opening date remains unchanged.

No matter how much the internationalization process is hindered, it can be completed on schedule.

Players in Huaguo are concerned about this point. Since Canaan Company is swearing by it, let's be a melon-eating crowd with peace of mind and watch the excitement.

This test is different from the past. New and old players are equivalent to starting again. With more and more details disclosed on the official website, discussions about this test have overshadowed the enthusiasm for the internationalization process, and it has become a long-lasting online and offline test. bad topic.

Warriors have been changed to paladins, archers have been changed to rogues, the second and third ranks have been canceled to introduce occupation levels, and the special effects of equipment have been canceled to move closer to a higher degree of freedom and realism... Life occupations have changed the most, strictly speaking That said, most of the life professions have been cut, leaving only Enchanting and Alchemy.

Others such as blacksmithing, tailoring, jewelry and scrolls, etc., have returned to the so-called 'real'.

Rub, damn real.

That is to say, in addition to the two life professions of Enchanting and Alchemy, which can make attribute equipment with green quality or higher, forging and tailoring can only make whiteboard equipment with only basic attributes.

The production process of the equipment and props introduced on the official website is that blacksmiths and tailors create them, enchanters and alchemists endow them with new element attributes. Know how an alchemy method is.

The vast number of life professional players are completely blinded this time, and the previous glory may never be regained, especially the blacksmiths and tailors who have trained their level and proficiency to the intermediate level and above, and they will no longer be able to make attribute equipment and suits up.

This is really a bolt from the blue, tantamount to obliterating their hard work and unremitting efforts, as well as the huge benefits that can be seen and felt...

This part of the players got up and made a fuss for a while. Canaan Company was in a state of distress because of the delay in opening servers and internationalization. There was no time to pay attention to these things. The so-called arms could not twist the thighs. I can accept my fate in frustration.

They are not the worst, the pharmacist and jewelry maker have been canceled and nothing to say.

Some people are frustrated and some are proud.

The majority of enchanter players are undoubtedly the most proud crowd. The first test and the second test were fine, but the effect of enchanting was not obvious in the next few tests. Other life professions can make attribute equipment without enchanting, so they need them doing what?
Not only that, according to the five-test data published on the official website, enchanting has also been greatly strengthened. In the future, there will be no scrolls and jewelry makers. Scrolls will be included in the business scope of enchanting, and jewelry will be divided by alchemy. Everything is classified as enchanting, and all material processing, including potions, is all alchemy.

These are all knowledge points.

Du Shiyu spent the past few days collecting and analyzing these knowledge points, and also made a chart that only she could understand, and it was written densely.

Xia Miaomiao can't do this. Her way of preparation is to chat with people on the Internet and do everything possible to find out so-called inside information. Such information cannot be said to be unavailable, but it is often a mixed bag. It is difficult to distinguish between real news and fake news. clear.

"Xiao Yu, how do you communicate with foreign players? They all speak Mandarin. Do they know it?"

"Uh... the system should be able to solve it?"

"How to solve it, online translation? Or convert the voice into text and float above your head?"

"I don't know, this should be a small problem for Canaan, right?"

"It would be funny if they all spoke Chinese, haha..."

"Canaan is all Chinese characters, and I haven't seen a language pack on the official website? Wait, I'll go find information."

Xia Miaomiao was very happy to read the posts on the forum. A hot post like this exploded many international players lurking on Huaguo's official website. They all thought it was a small problem, but they didn't care about it before. After analysis, I found that from the beginning to the end, Canaan did not mention any information in other language versions.

Many international players went back to @admin on the international website homepage forum to explain, which attracted a large number of international server players to comment, and was transferred to the domestic official website forum. All kinds of jokes and ridicule made Xia Miaomiao very happy joy.

Let you all learn Chinese!
The Canaan Company must have done it on purpose.

In the end, the administrator did not come out to explain. This kind of noncommittal attitude is a disguised fact that the game is not planning to launch other language packs. , tips for learning Chinese, is there a quick way, etc.

"The Canaan Company is really awesome, okay, that's how it should be, if you like to play or not, if you don't play, get out!"

Du Shiyu searched for a long time but couldn't find any information about this. After hearing what his best friend said, he said, "You are really hurt, so I put this matter aside and ignored it.

Prepare, how to prepare, [-] players have [-] opinions, some like Du Shiyu are looking for information, making charts, and trying to do more accumulation before the server is launched, and some like Xia Miaomiao are asking themselves to care , Lively, and favorite to watch, it is said to be preparations, but it is actually killing time.

It's been a hard time for more than a week. The players in Huaguo can't wait to open the server tomorrow.

A new roommate is about to move in, and Du Shiyu has already agreed with the school to move out.

The school didn't stop them this time, there were more players, so naturally they wouldn't be as close as before to the two of them.

In fact, this is also good, Du Shiyu felt much more comfortable.

In the afternoon, the two went to see the house.

After picking around, Du Shiyu still likes a simple and quick apartment.

The apartment is near the school, and the environment is very good. The water and electricity that ordinary people care about are all problems for the two players. The upper and lower floors are renovated, and the environment is not bad.

Most importantly, it's cheap.

Under Du Shiyu's repeated insistence, Xia Miaomiao pouted and signed an agreement with the agent, paid a deposit, and could move in tomorrow.

"The second floor can be used as a computer room with a simple renovation. There are two households in one elevator. The elevator has a key. No one can go up except us. How good is it?"

"It's only about [-]..."

"What do you want to do, you have to be satisfied with an 8000 million mansion? You don't want to settle here."

"I... can't tell you clearly, there is no common language."

"I think you have a fever when you have a little money. You don't know what the five tests are like. When it comes to preparation, money is the best preparation. The dream of a gold medal is so quickly forgotten."

"You are different from normal people. Normal people get rich... you are just a miser."

"I'm stingy? You bought those brand-name bags and jewelry and worn them several times. Do you have the time to wear them out to show off? Why don't you leave them there to collect dust? What's the point? There is no public beta in Canaan. Sure, we need to be more stable, no one can tell what will happen in the future."

During the quarrel, Fan Chaoyue called, and the two went downstairs to answer it.

"This place is great!"

Fan Chaoyue walked into the newly bought home of the two of them, and looked up and down, "There are very few boutique apartments with one floor and two apartments. I want to buy one and move here to be your neighbor."

"Didn't you come to Wudu to film?" Du Shiyu asked.

"Yeah, didn't this come out secretly, hehe"

Fan Chaoyue slapped his forehead, "Ah, by the way, there is a party tomorrow night, will you come?"

"In the entertainment circle?" Du Shiyu didn't seem interested.

"It doesn't count. I wouldn't call you guys for ordinary activities. It's also a circle of players. There are a lot of people, and they are all good people."

"Is there Hu Ge?" Xia Miaomiao asked with wide eyes.

"No, why are you a fan of him? Aren't you a fan of Peng Yan?"

"It's fine without Hu Ge!" Xia Miaomiao lost interest.

"Go, go, I've already bragged to them, and I will invite two first-test Gao Wan... There is Yi Qianxi without Hu Ge, isn't it your style? Then there is Xiao Zhan, Xiao Zhan How about it?"

"Cut!" Xia Miaomiao rolled her eyes to show that she had a high style.

"Why, there are many celebrities winning the lottery?" Du Shiyu asked.

"It's not too much, but many people in the same circle... blame the brokerage company for taking care of things for me, but people have come to Wudu from thousands of miles away, so you can help me, okay, okay Okay!"

Under her persuasion, Du Shiyu and Xia Miaomiao reluctantly agreed to participate in this so-called party tomorrow night.

After seeing off Fan Chaoyue who was so grateful, Xia Miaomiao chuckled, "Now, my brand-name bags and jewelry are useful, right?"

Du Shiyu looked at her sideways, "Do you still remember Ruhua? The one in Zhou Xingchi's movie?"

"What's wrong?" Xia Miaomiao didn't understand.

"I just feel a bit like you... Scary, maybe it's some kind of relative of yours?"

"Okay, Du Shiyu, you actually said I'm ugly, I'm so ugly... Don't run away, let's see how I deal with you!"

"You'd be a fool if you don't run away, bye, see you at school..."

"Damn it, let's see where you are going!!"

On the way back, I met a person holding a game helmet and ostentatiously walking through the city, which made Du Shiyu feel that it is indeed different now, the player qualification is not to say that he has become a Chinese cabbage, and he is not a rare animal comparable to a giant panda. can be clearly felt.

Back at school, roommates have already moved in. It is a very young female lecturer and four juniors and seniors. The juniors have a lot of things. For girls, there are many boys who come in and out to help. The small building that was originally very secluded was full of smog and bustling.

Seeing the two old seniors come back, these prospective players ran over to ask things, everyone was sincere and enthusiastic, and their words were full of reverie and longing for Canaan.

Xia Miao was a little dissatisfied at first, and felt that the school was driving people away in disguise, and it was quite unnatural to cross the river and tear down the bridge. Seeing these enthusiastic faces, she remembered the first time she landed in Canaan, and felt the same for these prospective players. attitude is much better.

While answering their various questions, they packed up and moved.

"Senior sister, why do you want to move away, how good is it for everyone to live together and play games together?"

"Yes, yes, I still want my senior sister to take me with me."

"That kind of life is so interesting, I get excited just thinking about it, senior sister, don't move!"

Xia Miaomiao said inwardly, I was moving out because I was afraid that you would be like this, so naturally there was another set of excuses on the surface.

After finally coping with the enthusiastic students, when the moving company came, the important game helmets, game warehouses, etc. were safely moved by the workers, and there was no more nervousness before.

After leaving the school, the two heaved a sigh of relief at the same time, and smiled at each other.

Looking at the street scene outside the car window, the heat of Canaan seems to have passed, and the normal rhythm of life has resumed. The outdoor TV is no longer Canaan, Canaan, draws, draws, but I don’t know what it will be when the server opens. Kind of.

On the second day after moving, Brother Chun and Qiao Shan came to congratulate the housewarming, and brought many unknown people without their consent.

"New player, he came to join me from his hometown. This is my high school classmate Ryoko. Ryoko, come and meet me... See if you see it, the first test of the old player, a high-playing and invincible youthful girl, a little sapling and Xuewu Feiyu Ha ha……"

Brother Chun also has no eyesight, let alone treats himself as an outsider. He is careless in the two girls' homes. It was Qiao Shan who saw that the atmosphere was not right, and used the excuse of going to the restaurant to order food, so he took the room full of "fellows" from the two beauties. Xianggui gets away.

"Who is this!"

After they left, Xia Miaomiao said bitterly, "Why didn't I realize that Brother Chun is so unreliable before?"

"Okay, there will be more things like this in the future."

"It's not good if there are too many players, I still like the four test sessions."

"Is there a psychological gap? Do you feel that you are no longer important? Then when the public beta is over, why don't you die of depression?"

At noon, these strangers had dinner, and at night they had to attend Fan Chaoyue's party.

The parties in the entertainment industry are naturally full of dog-like people, so Xia Miaomiao won't be embarrassed at noon, but...she regretted it after staying for a while.

"I told you to be casual, don't be so cautious, look at you, you are like a peacock!"

Xia Miaomiao covered her white chest with one hand, and saw that the people in the room were all dressed casually, unlike her, she even rented an evening dress on purpose, which was out of tune with this atmosphere.

"Go change your clothes!"

"Damn Fan Chaoyue, where is she!?"

"Wait... over there!"

Fan Chaoyue was among a group of familiar celebrities when he saw two buddies coming over, his eyes lit up, and before Du Shiyu passed his eyes, he shouted: "The Gao Wan you told me is here, my sisters, Hu Ge , one of them is still your fan..."

A crowd of stars and celebrities gathered, and Xia Miaomiao hid behind Du Shiyu, so embarrassed that she wished she could find a hole in the ground.

But the damned Fan Chaoyue didn't open which pot and which pot to lift.

"Ah, is the sapling going to walk the red carpet?"

(End of this chapter)

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