This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 295 Export to Domestic Sales

Chapter 295 Export to Domestic Sales
Feasting, handsome men and beautiful women... Seeing too much, it seems that's all there is to it?

It's better to stay with those 'citizens' of Brother Chun, at least you don't have to hold it like this, you can talk when you want to talk, laugh when you want to laugh, shake your face impatiently, and brother Chun licks the dog as usual.

"Didn't you say that there is no Hugo? Lie to me and deliberately make me look ugly!"

"I didn't know you were so...cautious, people don't talk about their status in normal gatherings and player circles..."

"Aha, identity, a big star, deliberately teasing a commoner girl like me, to show off her sense of superiority, right?"

"I'm too lazy to talk to you, Xiao Yu is here, the food here is delicious!"

"Fan Chaoyue, stop for me..."

"Old Hu, this way, come here..."

Hu Ge heard the movement and looked back among a group of handsome men, raised his cup from a distance, his eyes narrowed with a smile, and even the wrinkles around the eyes that were only seen in old age seemed particularly masculine, Xia Sisi will When he connected with the Mei Changsu on the screen, there was a kind of aura in his eyes, and he was a little helpless.

Among the handsome men, a group of friends laughed and barked like dogs. A third-tier student said enviously, "Beauty Gaowan, such fans are really rarer than giant pandas. I really envy Teacher Hu..."

A second-line student next to him rolled his eyes when he heard the words, but he didn't say much, and pushed Hu Ge over there with coaxing.

"Meet you again, three beauties!"

Hu Ge came to the side of the three youthful and invincible beauties, and naturally posed Perth, showing off his charm.

"...Tell yourself, what's going on, save someone who treats a gentleman with a villain's heart!", Fan Chaoyue explained the cause and effect in a weird way.

"That's what happened!", Hu Ge looked very educated, and explained softly: "I didn't plan to come, and I didn't win the lottery at the gathering of prospective players. gone."

Fan Chaoyue: "What happened!?"

"I can't go into details about this. In short, I can't blame Chaoyue."

Xia Miaomiao's arrogance has completely disappeared, so how can she still think about it? Like a shy little girl, Du Shiyu and Fan Chaoyue's stomach hurts from laughing at her, so they winked at each other and held hands, making excuses Eat and walk away.

"Old Hu, get her done!"

"Such a cheating friend?"

"It's not sure who cheats who, hehe!"

Across the two buffet seats, Du Shiyu watched his best friend start chatting and laughing with his idol. The best friend's pretending to be quiet and reserved was really funny, and he was amused for a while and then a little worried.

"Old Hu is a good person, and it is a good thing that it has really come true." Fan Chaoyue said.

"But I heard that your circle is very chaotic."

"Don't beat a boatload of people to death with one pole. There are good people and bad people in that place. Don't look at people with colored glasses. I will sue you for discrimination!"

"I'm not joking with you. I'm really worried. Don't look at Miao Miao's carelessness. In fact, she's pretty good at this. She never had a relationship in college."

"Don't worry, Old Hu won't act recklessly, he is famous in this respect, there are rumors that he is crooked"


"Rumours, rumors, don't take it seriously, don't talk about it, eat, eat..."

At this time, a middle-aged man wearing a beret and dressed in a girlish manner came over, "Mr. Fan, this is the Gao Wan you mentioned?"

"Our director!" Fan Chaoyue quickly bit Du Shiyu's ear, and stood up to greet him.

"Mr. Du? Nice to meet you, nice to meet you, I think your image and temperament are good, how are you doing, are you interested in playing a guest role in our crew?"

"Director, it's agreed in advance, don't bring such a thing!" Fan Chaoyue shouted coquettishly.

"Hehe, it's a win-win situation. How about it, Mr. Du, think about it seriously?"

Out of politeness, Du Shiyu didn't immediately refuse, but she felt that the director's eyes were a little dirty, "What movie?"

"Canaan Wind and Cloud, it's also the story of your players, so let's act it out."

"The server is about to start, I'm afraid I don't have that much time."

"It doesn't take much time, just a few shots..."

"So...shall I think about it?"

"What are you thinking about? What a great opportunity, no matter how many people want it..."

This director is really annoying, it smells like dog skin plaster, and Fan Chaoyue didn't dare to offend her too much, so he had to use his eyes to make Du Shiyu be more patient.

After finally dealing with this annoying guy, a third-tier student who thought he was handsome and famous came over to strike up a conversation again.

From this time on, people around Du Shiyu came in an endless stream, stars, singers, executives of film and television companies, directors, behind-the-scenes, etc., of all kinds.

"I can't believe that all these people just won the lottery!"

"Ha, did you see it so soon?"

"If you win the lottery, how can you have the heart to dig into these things... I guess the people who win the lottery must be those people over there."

Du Shiyu pointed to a group of people sitting in a corner, talking and laughing in a low-key manner.

"You guessed right, it's them, let's go and get to know each other."

"Not interested in."

"Let's go, let's go, they are the guests tonight, so please do me a favor, please."

Fan Chaoyue dragged Du Shiyu into a group of prospective players, and received a warm but polite welcome. After sitting down, Fan Chaoyue introduced Du Shiyu and these prospective players to good friends.

Brother son, rich second generation, young actors, unknown behind-the-scenes, etc., there are few real household stars like Fan Chaoyue.

"Let's talk about Canaan's internationalization again..." A well-mannered cameraman in his thirties explained, "It's just a good time to listen to Mr. Du's opinion. Are you a high-level player or an old player who is the first tester? , just pass on the experience to us newcomers."

Du Shiyu hurriedly said a few words modestly, she was familiar with this way of talking and felt very comfortable.

Or stay together with the players to have a common language.

Chatted for a while.

"...Hehe, some small countries don't need to draw lots at all, and the players' qualifications are clearly priced. It is said that I know that many people are applying for 'lottery immigration'."

"Win the lottery to immigrate? What do you mean?" Fan Chaoyue asked Du Shiyu what was in his heart.

"It's the lottery immigration, literally. For example, in a certain island country, there are only one or two places in total. It's impossible to pre-sale groups with great fanfare, right? It's a problem to eat in that place, so who will this qualification be given to? Eighty percent of the population is illiterate, who knows what Canaan is!"

"Makes sense, makes sense."

"There are still some turbulent, war-torn, famine-ridden, poor people who can't get rid of it... There are more room to use your brain."

"Ah, Canaan Company don't care?"

"Manage? How? Do they really think they are an umbrella company? How does he manage their own affairs?"

"Then don't give them places?"

"That won't work. No matter how small a country is, it is equal. What's the right thing to do? Everyone has a vote in the United Nations. How can others be missed?"

"So, this visa-winning immigrant...reliable?"

"There are still those who don't need to immigrate, just need to go through the situation, and you can get the player qualification"

"It must be expensive, right?"

"Of course it's expensive. It's outrageously expensive. I heard that the cheapest one costs hundreds of millions of dollars. That doesn't include handling fees. There are people who specialize in this kind of business. It's no secret in the circle."

Du Shiyu was really surprised when he heard it. The selection of player qualifications is a serious matter. This is highly sensitive in China. Who would dare to joke about winning the lottery?How many heads are there?

No matter who dares to provoke a little suspicion in this regard, anyone who wins the lottery must be put under a microscope to look inside and out. Some people even took precautions against this from the very beginning. The source, leaving evidence at the time of grouping, and then at the end of the lottery, all the witnesses and physical evidence are left throughout the process, just in case they are suspected after winning the lottery.

In the process of internationalization, such and such things happened, and now the business divisions in North America and Europe have been cancelled, and Dongying even came out with a second lottery. Fairness and seriousness.

Now that I suddenly hear that there is still such a huge loophole to exploit, I really can't accept it.

"...As far as I know, Hu Ge, Jin Dong, Liu Gengxin, Fang Xiaoming, Wang Yifei, etc. are all active..."

After hearing this, Fan Chaoyue understood what Hu Ge was talking about, and he looked at Du Shiyu with complicated eyes.

"This matter is an open secret. Anyone with energy is active, and Canaan Company is also turning a blind eye."

"we can only do this……"

One of the protagonists of the topic, Hu Ge, didn't know that he was being gossiped behind his back. He just finished talking about the little-known things behind "Mei Changsu" with his little fan girl. When the topic changed, he talked about Canaan and players. .

"At the beginning, I almost forgot that it was Xiao Yu who ordered the helmet for me. I didn't even know it, hehe... I don't need to thank her. We are two sisters in the same life, and the relationship is naturally good."

"The feeling at that time... Uh, when I first landed, I almost cried when I saw the skeleton soldiers... It's not particularly scary, but the reality of Canaan is too high, just follow, just follow... It's like reincarnation. Think about it, seeing a skeleton staggering towards you, normal people would be startled, right?"

"If you want to talk about taboos, novices should especially pay attention not to be surprised. You must know that game time is very precious, especially when you first start the server. It is really a race against time. A little time wasting is enough to widen the gap with others. Once you fall behind, it will be very troublesome to chase after.”

"Me? It's okay. I don't have a gold medal, but only a silver medal. But that's because I made a lot of mistakes in the early stage, and I haven't adapted to Canaan's rhythm. Now, I will definitely get the gold medal. It's [-]% no problem... Gao It’s okay to play something, and I won the thirteenth place in the arena individual group for a week, hehe, I play a priest, and it’s called a violent priest.”

"No problem, let's form a fixed team, me, Xiaoyu, Fan Chaoyue and you, we will play together, I will teach you what you can't do... It's actually quite simple, as long as you pass the level in your heart, it will be easy Get started... I have never killed a chicken in reality, I have seen it, so I have to pass the level in my heart, which is the rhythm that old players often say, rhythm, yes it is the rhythm, familiar with and accept the rhythm of Canaan Enough."

"Hey, didn't Fan Chaoyue say that you didn't win the lottery?"

Who is Hu Ge? This kind of little fan girl has seen eight thousand if not ten thousand. It’s not a big deal yet, let her know everything and promise to take care of him in the game .

This is the main purpose of his participation in this party, and the purpose has been achieved. He was asked this sensitive question just after changing the WeChat number with a small fan.

No matter how perfunctory the wording was, it happened that Fan Chaoyue and Du Shiyu came over from the communication over there, and they came forward to greet them with a smile.

"Okay, old Hu, won the lottery for immigration?" Fan Chaoyue joked when they met.

"Don't talk nonsense about the disappearance." Hu Ge looked like he didn't want to talk more.

"I understand, I understand!" Fan Chaoyue nodded with a smile.

"What lottery immigration?" Only Xia Miaomiao was in the dark.

Hu Ge quickly changed the topic: "Haha, Chao Chao is just kidding... what are you talking about over there?"

"What else can we talk about, take care of each other in the game... What did you just talk about, so happy?"

Xia Miaomiao gave Fan Chaoyue a squinting look when he heard the words, and Hu Ge smiled and said, "Talk about things in the game, Sapling just promised to take care of me."

"Well, Sapling, what did you promise him without discussing with us?"

"I didn't promise anything..." Fan Chaoyue squinted and smirked again.

Fan Chaoyue didn't care, she wanted to tease Xia Miaomiao when she saw Xia Miaomiao pretending to be forbearing, and she started arguing.

"Do they often do this?" Hu Ge made friends with Du Shiyu again.

"Daily programs, no surprises."

Du Shiyu has no idol plot, nor is she a fan, and her attitude is just like that of an ordinary friend she just met, which makes Hu Ge feel a little tricky.


It wasn't until late at night that the party came to an end. Fan Chaoyue wanted to stay the two of them overnight, but Du Shiyu refused on the pretext that he lived not far away.

On the way back, Xia Miaomiao knew what the so-called lottery immigration was about, but what she cared about was different from Du Shiyu. A player is eligible to come back?"

"Shh, be quiet."

"1 million yuan, we don't have that much money."

"Who is he, how can we compare."

"I thought we were rich enough..."

"Now you know how ridiculous your nouveau riche's demeanor is?"

"I hate it... I will return those bags and jewelry when I go back... Can I return it, I will ask later!"

Du Shiyu rolled her eyes and ignored her.

The next few days were spent busy and entertaining.

Moving to a new home will not avoid the expected troubles. The school's team of big grievances has grown to hundreds of people, asking for advice, taking care of that, and the affection of school leaders and professors.

A big star like Hu Ge can lower his figure to ask for help, even ordinary people who have something to do with it.

Today this acquaintance brought a group of prospective players to visit, and tomorrow he dragged the relationship and passed the word in front of the two of them. Even the parents and relatives who were far away in their hometown were held up, and they brought people to 'get to know each other' from thousands of miles away.

"Ah, I can't stand it, hurry up and open the server!!"

One time, when Xia Miaomiao broke away from a certain social occasion, she scratched her hair and shouted.

"Come on, come on, it's only two days away, bear with it, bear with it."

Du Shiyu could only comfort her like this, even her lofty parents who only focused on learning were moved, they were sitting in the box, blushing from drinking, taking care of everything for her.

(End of this chapter)

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