This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 296 Abyss Battlefield

Chapter 296 Abyss Battlefield
On the 97th floor of the bottomless abyss, Bob, the lord of Buck City, and fourteen level 30 NPC players are fighting among monsters outside the landing point.

The various monsters controlled and dominated by the Faceless Demon have all kinds of shapes, most of them are like suture monsters joined by various corpses, some are as big as bulls, and some are as small as dwarfs, but every monster Unusually ferocious, under the control of the Faceless Demon, like a tidal wave, it hit the landing point guarded by Bob and the others.

Bob made a [Thousand Blades Slash], the blade of the long sword was like a pulverizer, cutting a monster with six arms and bone spurs all over its body into dozens of pieces, the black magic energy Collapsed, the pieces of meat scattered all over the ground wriggled extremely fast, the small pieces merged into the big pieces, and the big pieces closed to the larger corpses. In the blink of an eye, about one-third of the body recovered.

At this moment, the final kill came. Bob descended from the sky. The long sword was wrapped with a layer of spiritual light called [Purification], and it pierced straight from the monster's chest. With a sound of "Boom!", a large mass of pale The fire light ignites all the corpses of the monster, and also removes all the magic energy contained in it.

Only in this way can this monster be 'killed'. Looking at the entire battlefield, there are not ten thousand such monsters, but thousands. Bob and his little friends are like small reefs on the black tide, which may be submerged by the tide at any time .

The location of the Faceless Demon must be found.

But all the monsters at the scene were scary and weird, and no one knew which one carried the faceless monster's real body.

Soon, Bob and his little friends couldn't hold on anymore, and they all retreated to the steel fortification outside the landing point.

A monster shaped like a praying mantis and dragging two bone knives seven or eight meters long jumped onto the fortification first. The hole is several centimeters deep, and the black muscles of the whole body are like steel bars. In a flash, it broke into the gap guarded by the NPC players. Two bone knives danced like a whirlwind, and several NPC players who couldn't dodge were instantly killed on the spot. .

When the players die, the all-pervasive devilish energy immediately infects their corpses and further infects their souls, but a weak but resilient force appears and competes with the devilish energy.

The souls of the NPC players were separated from the body, sometimes transparent, sometimes dark, struggling in pain, and finally the power of the magic net dispelled the magic energy, allowing the souls of these NPC players to enter the resurrection channel.

The newly cloned body carried the resurrected soul, and several NPC players in full condition rejoined the battle.

Behind their guards, Yaris, Edward and others were nervously laying the base of the array. Bei Gaoyang and Nicholas stood on the magic net repeater-a steeple-shaped device, watching the entire battlefield without saying a word.

Just a small faceless demon.

In the main material world, the existence can be destroyed at will, but in the abyss, especially in the 97th layer of the fallen abyss, it is such a difficult and weird opponent.

With Bei Gaoyang's experience and experience, he couldn't find out that he was hiding on that monster.

"Over there!" Nicholas pointed in a direction.

But the lich is different, he is eroded by the consciousness of the abyss and is about to degenerate into something like a faceless demon, and he is very sensitive to everything here.

Under his perception, Bei Gaoyang finally locked the location where the Faceless Demon was hiding. With a snap of his fingers, a thick bolt of lightning fell from the sky, striking a monster with dozens of heads, waving tentacles, and roaring silently. .

The purple electric light was tangled, crackling and roasting the monster, and a black light projected on another monster with the electric light that could not escape. In an instant, it dived into the rust-colored underground again, and got into a monster that was heading from the ground to the landing point. on the advancing monster.

The one blow failed to kill the Faceless Demon instantly, Bei Gaoyang couldn't hold back his face, he took the second shot more seriously, chanted a spell, and made spell-casting gestures.

A huge and disgusting monster shaped like an earthworm was captured in the air by an invisible hand. Before it could break free, a mosaic of light changes appeared in the small void it was in, which formed a space maze in an instant. , was originally used as a 5-level spell to trap the enemy, but it became the sharpest scissors, dividing the monster into dozens of parts, and at the same time trapping the Faceless Demon hiding inside in a mosaic-like space cage.

Without the control and domination of the Faceless Demon, the wave of black monsters lost their souls, and a large number of stitched monsters with complex structures collapsed immediately, and the collapsed parts became monsters with simpler shapes, which were much easier to deal with.

"Infinite resurrection?"

Nicholas looked at the team of NPC players fighting below, feeling a little lost.

"A whole new existence, I call them the Chosen."

Bei Gaoyang spoke proudly.

"This is the solution you said? Be your puppet?"

"What puppet? Don't say it so harshly! Look at them, have they lost anything? I helped them unravel the curse and avoid the fate of becoming a different ghost. What they lost, they lost nothing, okay. "

"Didn't you lose it? You are really not a good lobbyist, my former student."

Bei Gaoyang became impatient, "Anyway, this is the only way I can think of, you can figure it out yourself."

"The Book of Canaan..."

"That's impossible. That's tantamount to confronting the abyss consciousness head-on. Eight-ring spells may not be enough. Why should I take such a big risk for you? Who are you, and what can you give?"

Nicholas fell silent.

Bei Gaoyang didn't bother to pay attention to him, turned around and saw that Yaris and Edward were busy.

This is the abyss, the abyss, the abyss, important things have to be said three times.

It's not a derivative environment like the Nightmare Swamp, but the real dark side of the crystal wall system.

What vampires, what blasphemy paladins (the god of the Yaris envelope has fallen, and the origin of his magic is suspicious), what undead, in the final fortress of the abyss, they are all grandchildren.

Whether it is Yaris or Edward, their professional level is not enough here. As for the faceless demon trapped outside, they are all incomprehensible existences.


The devil is the largest in the abyss. This is common sense, and the occupation level can only be used as a reference. You see, the Lich Lord transformed into a 7-ring archmage by Nicholas, why are you so afraid of the fate of returning to this place?For this kind of old thing that does not hesitate to turn into an undead but also to continue to think, where is it not to live?
The abyss is different, and the mysterious rules are completely different. The abyss consciousness is the opposite existence of Gaia consciousness. If Nicholas goes to the last step, there is a high probability that he will be dominated by demons, by the abyss, and by the unknown Dominated by someone or something, it will be reduced to an object that can think instinctively. When the value of use is squeezed out, it will become a culture medium for worms and a nourishment for demons, big and small. It really can't even retain the soul and life imprint.

But this is the fate of most magicians!

Bei Gaoyang thinks this is very unreasonable. The reason for subverting this world is not only the hatred of the gods, but also other reasons.

Yaris and Edward placed the last base board with trepidation, and the huge and cumbersome magic circle was completely connected. With a slight shock, an illusory door gradually solidified, and after a few blinks, it turned into an almost real iron door.

The door opened automatically, and the breath of the nightmare swamp was blowing from the other end of the door, and there was also a net, a magic net, extending along with it.

The signal of the magic net is much clearer, and the repeater under Bei Gaoyang's feet has completed its mission.

Only then did he pour out all the materials in the ring, and with a snap of his fingers, under the control of the magic net, countless [Mage Hands] were generated, and the construction of the camp began.

"I don't have much time!"

Bei Gaoyang murmured, his expression full of solemnity.

Trapped the Faceless Demon, the army of monsters outside is still advancing one after another, this is the instinct of the monsters.

The so-called monsters are all composed of intelligent creatures that have fallen into the abyss, and now there are more elements of bloody battles. The demon servant army on the side of order, the corpses and souls after the battle are also called an important source of monsters. From this At one point, we can already see the huge inclination of the bloody battle situation, because the demons on the side of order can't even keep the corpses and souls of the servants, and they have become the opponent's new force. How can we fight this battle?
What will be the consequences of standing on the side that is doomed to lose?
But the reality does not allow him to make other choices. The demons of the chaotic camp will not cooperate with him, nor can they communicate. Their dictionary only has complete destruction, destruction and chaos. Their ideal world of Datong returns to all the original chaos. .

Relying on the narrow entrance of the fortification, Bob and the others managed to hold the line of defense with an average of more than a dozen deaths. However, the movement of the battle alarmed more demons. Knowing how many demons were alarmed, a dark horizontal line appeared on the skyline, and together with the tumbling clouds like magma, they overwhelmingly pressed towards this position.

Fortunately, the construction of the camp was fast enough, so there should be time.

Landing on the beach, the most important thing is time. Before the enemy reacts, build a strong bridgehead.

The materials for the construction were prepared long ago, and they were built like building blocks. In a short while, a city wall with constant magic cannon, high-level energy defense force field, forbidden magic spell, large-scale purification, repair, and repulsive force field It stood up, and a rail-like thing began to be laid, one end was connected to the magic net repeater under the feet, and the other end extended to the nightmare swamp behind the door.

This is the first "wired" line since the construction of the magic network. It is Xiaoai's magic network coverage plan that has been repeatedly verified and calculated. Compared with the "wireless" connection of the Alpha plane, the signal is more stable, stronger, and better able to shield Possible erosion and disturbance of the Abyss.

The line connecting the magic net center under the Mage Tower is still being laid intensively. Yaris and Edward, who have finished their work, climbed up the relay tower. Seeing that Bob and the others are still fighting hard, they volunteered to go down to help their comrades.

Bei Gaoyang did not agree, saying that they are not players, they only have one life, and it will not be repeated, so it is better not to go down and take risks.

With the strengthening of the signal of the magic net, Bob's combat effectiveness also began to increase, and the skills were released more quickly and powerfully. These NPC players did not delete files, and even the equipment and props were full of special effects, which could be defined by the magic net. The highest upper limit is equivalent to a fifth-level magic creation. Once the combat power is fully activated, the power will be extremely amazing.

Bob's whole body emitted a bright magical aura, waving his hand was a [flame cut] that split the earth. Wherever he went, the pale fire purified all monsters and burned them to nothing, leaving several ugly bruises on the rust-colored earth. mark.

The other dozen or so NPC players were not inferior, and they turned into immortal supermen one after another, wantonly harvesting and purifying the endless monsters.

"Look, I have millions of players like this!"

Bei Gaoyang pointed at Bob and they started bragging, "Gods block and kill gods, demons block and kill demons!"

Nicholas already knew what was going on with the player, and no matter how much he boasted, he would not say a word. .

Bei Gaoyang held back his mouth, it's not easy to fool an archmage, but fortunately, don't worry, this guy has nowhere to go.

"My lord, are players going to fight this kind of monster in the future?"

Yaris had been an alpha city lord for a period of time, and he was familiar with the routines. He looked at the endlessly emerging and endlessly killing monsters with a very dignified expression.

"The 97th floor is already considered the rear. When I first chose to log in here, the employer was still very dissatisfied."

In other words, this is already the best result.

"Not to mention winning the 97th floor, it is to gain a firm foothold, and it is also an important support from the flanks for the frontal battlefield on the 101st floor."

"What does the bloody battle care about us, my lord!?"

"It can't be said that the bloody battle will have a profound impact on the order of the crystal wall system including the main material world. If the main threat of the abyss order camp is missing, the evening meeting will be even more irresistible. The human gods and their minions We will ascend to the pinnacle of power, and the Iron Curtain will close, and we will not have a good life."

These are beyond reach at the level of Yaris. Bei Gaoyang is a bit reluctant to say it now. Regardless of the high-sounding words he said, he has already made up his mind to take one step and look at three steps. If the situation is really irreversible, he He wouldn't be buried with Ballero.

Besides, if you don't open up the abyss battlefield, where to find monsters for millions of players, the system will not be able to support it even if it can be refreshed.

Take a look at these monsters, tsk tsk, any one you just twist out is not comparable to the ordinary monsters in the game area. It is more suitable for players to practice, and it is free. The huge cost saved by this has become my wealth?

With the abyss battlefield, the magic net can grow by leaps and bounds. Otherwise, how can the millions of mouths that are waiting to be fed be filled?

"Haven't you figured it out yet?"

"I have no interest in being your puppet."

"Oh, why are you so brainless..."

"If this is your final condition, I can only leave."

"Wait a minute...why are you in such a hurry?"

Nicholas sneered.

"Okay, there is another compromise. If you see that this camp is not there, host it for me temporarily."

"You let me be exposed to the abyss for a long time?"

"Don't worry, I will temporarily let you connect to the magic net, just like Yaris and the others. Soon after the players go online on a large scale, you won't be afraid of the erosion of the abyss consciousness."

"What do you mean?"

"Because there will be the entire magic net and millions of souls as your anchors!"

(End of this chapter)

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