Chapter 297
The abyss battlefield is the last piece of the puzzle. After it is in place, the hardware environment for the fifth test is ready.

As for the gameplay, content, etc., Xiao Ai is in charge of everything. With her current ability, she is enough to fill in the "programs" that meet Bei Gaoyang's requirements in the square frame of the magic net. What she can do will only be better than that of a mage who has become a monk halfway through. better.

At this time, there was not much time left before the server opened, and at the landing point on the 97th floor of the abyss, the new employee—the Lich Nicholas was working hard for his employer.

I don't know how many monsters dominated by demons came from the small landing point in all directions, and the dispersing effect of the magic net covering appeared, and a large amount of magic energy was squeezed out around the landing point, forming a very clear dividing line.

Inside the dividing line, the rust color of the earth has faded, and a little bit of greenness drilled out of the dark soil layer. Outside the dividing line, the rust color that has been squeezed out is extremely rich, forming a very eye-catching color difference, like an upside down , translucent, dark red bowl.

The Lich was standing on the top of a simple mage tower, and the bright soul fire inside the hood was burning like a searchlight in the dark night. The demons there would be found out if they looked there.

Coward, Shadow Fiend, Erin Demon, Succubus... These intermediate demons each control a huge army of monsters. In the abyss, their strength is no weaker than that of a Lich who was born as an archmage.

There have been several fierce battles at the level of the archmage. If it weren't for the support of the magic net, the Lich would not be able to persist until now.

Fortunately, after several battles, the demons found that this was a tough nut to crack, and they were not as anxious as they were at the beginning. Now they were just the lowest cannon fodder dominated by the big demons, endlessly harassing the landing point.

Seeing that the situation stabilized, Bei Gaoyang was ready to go back.

"Is he still following the instructions of the magic net?"

After the signal of the magic net stabilized, some of Xiao Ai's threads could also enter the abyss. She condensed a very faint image beside Bei Gaoyang, looking at the lich standing on the top of the mage tower, and asked with some concern.

"He has no choice."

"... After all, he is two levels higher than the magic net. The magic net can't force him to do something, and can't analyze him."

"Haha, you want to analyze a great mage? If you can, it will take so much? At least seven layers of magic nets are needed."

"That's why I'm worried."

"You are obsessive-compulsive disorder, and you are not used to any factors that are not under the control of the magic net."

"Since he can't fully control it, why should he be connected to the magic net?"

"Without him, who would host this place?"

Xiao Ai fell silent upon hearing this.

"I can't. Yaris and the others don't have this ability. Is it you or Tias and the others? Neither can, only him." Bei Gaoyang patiently enlightened Xiao Ai, "When the players go online, they can hold this bridgehead and don't be afraid. Use this old thing for a while and see how he performs."

"Well, that's all there is to it."

"Is everything compiled?"


"What about those false gods?"

"There are already two people who have condensed their real names."

"Oh, anyone."

"God of the Sun: Stambul Yao, Goddess of the Moon: Isabel Hui"

Bei Gaoyang frowned slightly, "Sounds like a couple of CPs?"

"Maybe their original program kernels are very similar?"

"no problem?"

"No, they are brand new lives now, and they can only survive by relying on the magic net."

"Okay, if there is no problem, prepare to start the server!"

It's time to start the server too. After stopping the server for more than a month (reality), Bei Gaoyang misses the messy but energetic days of the past.



In Yecheng, Province G, the time has come to July 7th, and it has been less than 14 hours since the opening of the fifth test server that has attracted worldwide attention.

At the exit of the train station, Zhang Miao immediately recognized Brother Ruoran, who was wearing toad mirrors and a brand-name casual attire.

Brother Ruoran also spotted him, grinning with white teeth, dragging the suitcase and slowly exiting the station through the ticket check. As soon as he walked out of the crowd, Zhang Miao hugged him excitedly.

"Damn, take it easy, take it easy!"

"Haha, you guy, did you become like this after a few days back?"

"I'm Xu, I'll go to the big health care later, let's compare?"

"Damn, I've been thinking about that kind of place since I came back. When will this be... let's go, Lao Hu is waiting over there."

When the two arrived, Hu Xinmin was puffing on the newly bought Mercedes-Benz G, his eyes were glued to a beautiful woman in very cool clothes, and he didn't even notice the two of them approaching.

"Hey, what are you looking at?"

"Ah... No, I didn't see anything... Old Nie, you scared me."

Brother Ruoran threw down the suitcase and laughed, pulled Hu Xinmin and chased after the coolly dressed beauty, "What's the point of looking at it, act... Oh, wait a minute for the beauty in front...", Hu Xinmin was frightened and asked for mercy.

Old friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time laughed and played for a while, got into the big Mercedes-Benz G, and drove to Zhang Miao's new home.

"Okay, Big G?"

Brother Ruoran was sitting in the co-pilot, touching the luxurious leather interior and making fun of it.

"You want it? Buy one too!"

"Me? I'm afraid I'm powerless..."

The smile on Ruoran's face faded a lot.

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? I have no money..." Zhang Miao said with a smile, "It's all over [-] million yuan? You can really make it!"

Brother Ruoran said with a melancholy tone: "I bought a house for my parents, grandparents, aunt, and uncle, plus relatives, friends, and neighbors. You can borrow a little, I mean a little, and this donation , that dedication... only a million or so left."

"Ah, are you serious!?" Zhang Miao asked in shock.

Brother Ruoran scratched his head in distress, "Fucking go back, I didn't do anything, I just became a money-spreading boy for a while, shit!"

"No, isn't your local area very nervous about you? Even the lawsuit will help you hard..."

"It was good at that time. They all regarded Lao Tzu as a Tang monk, and hoped that Lao Tzu would protect them to go to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures."

"now what?"

"It's still Tang Seng, but I want to cut a piece of meat from my body..."


"Haha..." Hu Xinmin patted the steering wheel and said cheerfully, "This metaphor is good, the image!"

"This time in our town alone, there are more than a dozen winners. If there are too many players, it will be worthless. You can start any metaverse economy, so what are we doing?"

Zhang Miao: "Isn't it, so realistic?"

"Then you are still fooling us?" Hu Xinmin said.

"It's a good thing you didn't go." Brother Ruoran looked at the street scene outside and asked, "How is Yecheng?"

Zhang Miao replied: "It's still the same... nothing special has changed."

"Why not, the one-to-one service is gone," Hu Xinmin said with a smile while driving.

"Now there are 5000 players in Yecheng instead of 4000, and one-on-one service? You're thinking too much."

Hu Xinmin smiled and did not continue this topic.

In fact, it’s not just the one-to-one service that’s gone. There are more players, and the treatment, benefits, and attention are plummeting.

In fact, it can’t be said to have declined. It’s just that the amount distributed to everyone has decreased. In terms of importance, it hasn’t dropped at all. After all, there is a booming metaverse economy. Some people have called out the industrial revolution several times.

Talking and laughing all the way home.

Zhang Miao didn't buy any villas. His small amount of money is enough for ordinary people to live comfortably, but what is it for real rich people?
A very high-end neighborhood with a very foreign name——Roman Gardens. When you enter the door, there is a shining golden bronze statue of a prancing horse. Brother Ruoran complained when he saw it: "Rome, Rome, they don't think that Rome is just a horse." Horse?"

"People didn't say that Rome is that Rome." Hu Xinmin argued.

Regardless of whether Rome is a horse or not, the community is really high-end, with a garden-like layout and a reasonable floor area ratio. The buildings are full of transplanted flowers and trees. Within a few steps, there are rockeries, gazebos, waterside pavilions and corridors.

The combination of Chinese and Western, the atmosphere is exquisite, and most of the owners who come and go are well-dressed, drive luxury cars, and look like dogs.

"Not bad, how much did it cost?"

Standing in the living room of Zhang Miao's house, Brother Ruoran looked at the decoration and layout of the house and asked.

"More than six million, sit, sit."

"You live alone in such a big house?"

"And me." Hu Xinmin brought a plate of fruit, "You can live here too, and you won't be charged rent...By the way, where is your helmet?"

"I've done the check-in, and I'll be there in the afternoon." Brother Ruoran was not polite, "Then I'll stay here? Renting a room is too troublesome, and I'm impatient to stay in a hotel... Where is the computer room?"

"It's in every room, I'll take you to have a look."

After visiting this duplex two-story home with simple decoration, Brother Ruoran picked a room on the second floor and was thinking about where to put the game room in the suite. Zhang Miao called for dinner downstairs.

"Come on, let's go!"

"Go one!"

"How long have we been separated? Why do I feel like I haven't seen each other for many years?"

"Haha, I have it too, come on, cheers!"

After drinking a glass of wine, Brother Ruoran's face flushed red. He looked at the table full of dishes, and his eyes turned red unconsciously, "It's still comfortable to stay with you guys. Damn it, it's enough to go back this time." It's... It's all far away, it's fragrant, it's near, and it's a good person, but it changes when it's around, today either one cares about that, or the other calculates this... Tired!"

Zhang Miao and Hu Xinmin looked at each other, brother Ruoran seems to have had a lot of stories this time.
But now is not the time to talk about this, and besides, the two of them are not interested in caring about other people's privacy, so they just said some nice words to explain.

"Let's not talk about that, the money is gone and you come back, and the server is about to start, let's make great plans again!"

"Okay, let's show the big picture again!"

"Go one!"

"Go one!"

After the second glass of wine, the atmosphere was in place, the emotions of the three gradually became agitated, and they chatted about everything.

"Why do I think the market is a bit deserted? This is about to open the server, shouldn't it be?" Ruoran asked after eating the food.

"It's been lively a few days ago, good guy, traveling all over the city, you haven't seen it, it's just like parading through the streets in ancient times, players lead, cloud players follow, and I don't know how many people join in the fun, and Lantern riddles, temple fairs, carnivals, game fairs..."

"Really, why haven't I seen the news?"

"It's being done all over the place. One is more lively than the other. It's nothing unusual to put them together. There are online, and it's all on Douyin..."

Brother Ruoran smiled wryly, "Is it because I don't have access to the Internet?"

Hu Xinmin took the opportunity to complain: "I didn't say that, your hometown is too remote, I couldn't find it on the map."

"It's a good thing we didn't listen to your fooling around." Zhang Miao said with a look of rejoicing.

At this moment, there was talk on TV about whether to tax the income of players in the game.

As the opening time of the server drew closer, such voices began to increase.

Experts on TV seem to have reached a consensus on whether to tax or not.

It should be levied, but how and how much it should be levied is somewhat controversial.

Brother Ruoran listened for a while and complained: "These people know how to levy us all day long if they have nothing to do, collecting taxes, collecting taxes, and I don't want to exchange them for money."

"In the future, there will be no such thing as tax exemption!" Hu Xinmin leaned on his chair with a flushed face and smiled.

"Pay the tax, just pay the tax!" Zhang Miao didn't care, "As long as it's not [-]% or [-]%, it's still acceptable."

"Stop talking about this, drink, drink!"

All three of them got drunk after a meal, and no one could remember when it ended.

When Brother Ruoran woke up, it was already dark. He didn't know what time it was, but when he sat up, he saw an unopened game helmet in the room.

He clutched his aching forehead and groaned. When he went out, he saw that there was no one upstairs or downstairs. He was sitting in the living room wondering if he should call Zhang Miao, when he heard the door open, followed by the footsteps of a large group of people. Voice.

"Lao Nie is awake? Come out and go to the rooftop."

"Ah, what's the matter, are they?"

"They are all players who live nearby, go to the rooftop, and have shows."


The rooftop is very large, connected by several buildings, crowded with men and women of all kinds, and some people set up tents, hang canopies, and flash all kinds of colored lights, as if celebrating some festival.

Brother Ruoran didn't know what happened, he was dragged by Zhang Miao in a daze, and squeezed to a fence.

Surrounded by excited crowds, everyone talked and laughed excitedly, as if they were waiting for something.

Just when I was wondering, I heard a loud noise, and a spot of light rushed to the sky at high speed, and then the sky dawned. It was a blooming firework, and in an instant, the colorful spots of light dazzled everyone's eyes, and then, The loud noise became one piece, and countless light spots rushed from the brightly lit city to the sky, and then exploded!
The people around were yelling something excitedly, it was too loud, and even nearby voices could not be heard.

Someone poured champagne on Brother Ruoran, a woman she didn't know hugged his face and took a bite, a middle-aged bald man started a striptease, and there was...

All stupefied.

In the chaos, Ruoran couldn't find Zhang Miao and the others, and drifted with the crowd celebrating.

Until, the fireworks in the sky cleared, and a line of luminous characters floated in the sky: "Warmly celebrate, the fifth test server of Canaan Online is open!"

Only then did he suddenly realize that it was past 24:7, and it was July 15th.

Opening date.

That's it! ?
(End of this chapter)

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