This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 298 This time is different

Chapter 298 It's Different This Time
July 7th server opening day.

On this day, I don’t know how many people are talking about it, how many people are thinking about it day and night, and how many people have placed so much imagination and yearning for it.

When this day really comes, the excitement is certainly exciting, but besides the excitement, there is more confusion.

Is this going to start?

So fast?
Looking forward to the server launch every day, I just feel that life is like a year. This is really going to open the server, and I feel that time passes too fast. Many people feel that they are not ready yet, and they are very 'panic'. Not to mention 60 new players, but to say that there are many old players The same goes for players.

"What about Xiaoyu, I just can't sleep~~"

"Xia Miaomiao!!"

"Don't yell, I can't help it, I didn't disturb you on purpose."

"Take sleeping pills!"

"No, pharmacies don't sell it"

"Then what do you want to do?"

"I want to come and sleep with you!"

"Don't even think about it!"

"You are too heartless, Yu~~"

Du Shiyu was lying in the fully enclosed game cabin, ruthlessly hung up the call of her best friend, put on a blindfold, but couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

Am I ready?

She asked herself for the nth time.

Go through the things to do the first time after logging in in your mind.

First of all, you need to know which novice village you are landing in. After you know the birth point, you can know the distribution of monsters around you. Then follow the main line process and go through all the NPCs you encounter. at last.

Go out of the city after receiving all the quests that require you to go out to farm monsters. First the easy ones and then the hard ones. If there are too many people and you can’t grab the monsters, you should give up decisively and go to collect higher-level monsters, and put the quests later.

If the advanced monsters are difficult to farm, find a way to form a team, if you can't form a team, find a way to collect some copper coins, use the copper coins to buy some equipment, it should be easy to form a team.

It is necessary to open up a level difference of one or two levels with the main force. This is the experience and lessons learned from the previous server tests. Otherwise, you will be blocked on the level of the mainstream level. There will be a bunch of people fighting for everything, and there is no time efficiency at all. to speak of.

Upgrade to level 5 first, and then look at the job transfer requirements. Ideally, you can reach it on the day the server opens, and then look at the job transfer requirements for enchanting and alchemy, and pay attention to this aspect of the task from the beginning...

As for the buddies, firstly, being assigned to the same Novice Village is a small probability event, and secondly, the efficiency of the two together will not be much higher, so let's mix up the server launch date first and then talk about it later.

I don’t know how the game has been changed. According to the official website, monsters in the wild area will no longer be fixed to refresh in the future, but only at refresh points in designated areas. Many people say that there are more people than monsters, and resources are tighter than four It is more serious during the test, and most players may face a situation where there is nothing to blame.

If there is no blame, there will be no experience, and if there is no experience, there will be no level. It means that most players will waste a long time at a certain time and level. As an old player, there is no way to avoid this.

Thinking, thinking, I don't know when I fell asleep.

As soon as the alarm clock that was set the next day rang, Du Shiyu woke up, and the first time that came to mind was to start the server, and immediately checked the time, it was still 9 am.

Sleeping in the game cabin, I couldn't hear any movement outside. Du Shiyu lifted the transparent mask of the game cabin, and first listened to the movement of the best friend next door.

Should still be asleep.

After getting up and washing up, I took out the ingredients for breakfast from Nuoda's refrigerator and cooked millet porridge.

The refrigerator is full of packaged food that only needs simple processing. Even fried dough sticks only need to be heated in the microwave oven. The stockpiling needs of hundreds of thousands of players are business opportunities. Food and delicious products, but the price is not very beautiful, but no one cares.

He had just heated up the frozen fried dough sticks in the microwave, when he turned around, he saw Xia Miaomiao standing at the door of the kitchen in a daze, with panda eyes on her face.

"What are you doing, startle me."

"...I didn't sleep all night."

"You're crazy. The server will start at two o'clock in the afternoon. How can you play with this mental state?"

"But I just can't sleep!"

"As for it, you are also an old player..."

"But this time it's different, everyone is almost like a newcomer."

"Worried, scared?"

"Uh, Xiaoyu, what do you think we should do if we can't succeed in this test?"

"It's normal not to be able to stand out. Millions of people are not comparable to what they used to be."

"That's right, I... I'm too nervous."

"What should I do?"

"You sleep with me..."

"You... rotten girl!"

"Oh, where are you thinking, I feel at ease with you by my side."

Du Shiyu had no choice but to give up breakfast and go to sleep with his buddies.

As an old player, Tie Jun doesn't have such troubles. Base Zero has the world's top psychologists, and there are countless black-tech equipment and facilities to relieve his tension.

After falling asleep and waking up naturally, the entire No. [-] base put down their daily scientific research tasks, and did their best to provide logistical support for those who have player identities.

"How are you nervous?"

A very gentle female voice came from the intercom, and Tie Jun answered vaguely, "It's okay."

"Millions of people are online, hehe, I really want to see what that world is like."

The speaking voice is artificial intelligence—Qingyu, a very "Qiong Yao"-style name, which is said to be obtained by an old lady who wrote the core program.

Talking to her, you can't tell the difference between her and a real person at all. This is not because there is a person hiding behind, but the real reaction of the artificial intelligence program.

Sunny Rain is one of the latest research results of No. [-] Base. It is said that it is fundamentally different from the previous artificial intelligence programs, and its birth method is also very mysterious. Birth of... life?
I don’t know more about Iron Army. She is like the child of everyone in Base Zero. Everyone has an obligation to teach her, including Iron Army, including the current way of dialogue.

While chatting with Qingyu, he was busy with his own affairs. When he walked out of the silver cabin, Qingyu had already made appointments for various routine inspections for him.

"You are healthy."

"Thank you!"

"you are welcome……"

Unlike other people, Tie Jun is not used to communicating with such objects. Every time he thinks of the humanoid machine connected by the dense cables, he feels very... uncomfortable.

"You hate me right?"

On the conveyor belt going to exercise, Qingyu asked suddenly.

"Ah, no, no."

"Yes, I can feel... not only you, but many people in the base."

"And how do you feel?"

"I have no idea……"

"Emotion is one of the main characteristics of intelligent life. Whether you like you or not, you have to learn and adapt by yourself."

"I know... I read some movies, novels, and many people are afraid that I will become the... demon that will end human civilization?"

"Do you think their concerns are justified?"


"What do you think? Are you going to do it?"

"I can not do it……"

"What if?"

"Why would I do this? For loneliness and reproduction?"



"Well, do you have all kinds of desires, ideals, and pursuits that arise from joy, anger, and hatred?"

"I have no idea……"

Originally, with Tie Jun's experience, he wouldn't talk to her about such "esoteric" topics, but how to train and guide Qing Yu is a "script" that has been arranged long ago. Tie Jun doesn't know, does Qing Yu know this script? , if you know, could the conversation just now be... pretend?
If Qingyu understands how to pretend, does that mean that she already...has her own emotions?

On the premise that Qingyu might know the content of the 'script', the base arranged for a non-professional like him to get in touch with such an important scientific breakthrough. What is the purpose behind it?
The feeling is very complicated, very complicated, so complicated that he doesn't even know which sentence he talked with Qingyu is true and which sentence is false. Maybe the training method and environment required by this official base?
After two hours of training in the gym, I was sweating all over my body. Looking at the time, it was just after 11 am.

There are still three hours!
North America at the same time.

The black boy Philip woke up in an abandoned factory building in Detroit City. Seeing the dark sky outside, he quickly got up and took out the alarm clock from the debris pile.

With a time difference of 12 hours, it was already noon in Huaguo, but it was still late at night here.

There are still two hours before the Canaan game server will start, Philip heaves a sigh of relief, and then calmly observes the environment he is in.

The homeless Kutcher and his drug addict girlfriend Mary were still sleeping soundly on a ragged blanket, and there was a nauseous smell in the air.

Honest Youngor was lying near the entrance, lazily lying on a chair with one leg missing, reading a book by an LED light.

Zombie Tom maintained a motionless posture leaning forward, standing in front of the burning gasoline barrel, making people worry that he would fall into it in the next second.


These are his neighbors.

Philip's new home was the tent behind him, and the rubbish he found scattered around him was all he had.

Ah, no, there is one more thing.

Right under him, there is a long box with no visible color. It used to contain some kind of electrical appliances, but now it contains the things that the FBI has offered a reward of several million dollars.

Philip has been living here for a while, and the homeless people have gotten used to and accepted him, but no one knows that this homeless black teenager actually has the treasure that gangsters all over the United States are looking for.

The more this time, the more he can't show any abnormalities, especially in the last two hours.

Philip resisted the urge to take out the game helmet to confirm, first went to the faucet to get some water, then went to the gasoline barrel to light his kerosene stove, came back to boil a pot of boiling water, and began to throw expired oat rings into it , milk, luncheon meat, etc.

In the end, it boiled into a pot of mush, and I swallowed it whole.

Looking at the time, only half an hour has passed.

He began to pack and salute, ready to leave this place.

Four or five of the trolleys brought in from the supermarket are tied together like a train. There are really a lot of household items and they are full.

Finally put away the tent, covered it on the 'train', and pulled it outside.

"Hey boy, where are you going?"

Candide Couch put down his book and yelled at him.

"I'm done with this shitty place, I'm going back to Los Angeles."

"Come on, boy, you've done a good job, the boss appreciates you."

"I'm sorry, I can't work for him anymore, I'm going back, I'm going crazy if I stay like this, really."

"No salary?"

"I can't stay any longer. I dreamed about my mother just now. She called my name over and over again. I knew she must be missing me. She must be praying to God. I must...I want to go home, come back Family"

"Okay, since you insist...but you can't go like this"


"I need to check your salute."

"Pull it down, Kutcher, is there a gold mine hidden in this damn place?"

"Maybe, you know, the place you're talking about was once the pride of America, and almost everything in the world is manufactured here..." Couch muttered as he walked towards this place, Philip was nervous His right hand jumped straight, and his thumb was already pressed on the handle of the gun inside the coat.

"Couch, Cook?"

"what's up?"

"...The boss has something to look for you."


Couch's heart almost jumped into his throat. Once he fired the shot, he knew he couldn't hide anymore. In the last hour or so, God knows whether the helmet can be kept. Fortunately, the worst didn't happen, honest Couch Impatiently waved to him, and limped past him.

Philip pretended to be nonchalant, pulled his hand to salute, and walked out of the drafty factory building.

When I came outside, I was in a huge abandoned factory. The 'scavenger' one by one, like zombies in the night, picked up everything that could be sold from the corpses of the factory.

Most of them are illegal immigrants, that is, smugglers. The boss that the honest man Kutcher said is a snakehead who specializes in this kind of business.

There are also homeless people like Philip. However, unless they want to take a bite, there are very few American citizens who are "scavenger". .

This factory used to produce refrigerators. In its glory days, it was said to be the largest and most advanced in the world. Now, it has been dismantled by rat-like scavengers, and the machines and production lines have long been turned into scrap metal. It was sold overseas, and Hua Guo was one of the biggest buyers.

Philip doesn't care about these things. He only cares about whether he can spend the remaining hour safely, and whether he can find a safe place to wait until the game server is opened. Once the server is opened and the identity binding is completed, he will not be afraid, because that At that time, no one could take away the player qualification from him.

The factory was too big, and it was very difficult for him to drag the salute. Fortunately, no one paid attention to him, and no one made a fuss to check his salute.

It took a whole hour to get out of the factory. Standing in an abandoned street kiosk outside the factory, he checked the time, and there were still 20 minutes left.

20 minutes, 20 minutes.

His heart was beating like thunder, and he felt that God was looking down on him from the clouds.


A voice that suddenly appeared behind him jumped up in shock, and he pulled out the pistol at his waist reflexively.

"Don't be nervous Philip, it's me, it's me."

It's brother Adams.

Philip breathed a sigh of relief, then let go of the hand covering his waist, and fist bumped his brother.

"follow me."

"Where are you going, I don't have time."

"I've found a place, come on, come with me."

Adams can't sell himself, and he still has a share of the credit for this helmet.

Philip followed Adams into a dark alley, boarded a stolen Ford pickup, and drove all the way to the wilderness outside Detroit.

"Mom, Kelly, are they okay?"

"Don't worry, we can all survive this."

Ten minutes later, an RV parked on the wilderness came into view. Seeing the warm light from the RV and the satellite dish standing on the roof, Philip breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't stand still, my player brother."

(End of this chapter)

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