This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 299 Black Pharaoh

Chapter 299 Black Pharaoh

[Device activation, please wait! 】

In the dark field of vision, there appeared such a line of Chinese characters in regular script. Poor Philip didn't even understand English writing, how could he understand it?

But he didn't dare to move. In reality, his body was as stiff as a rock. He held his breath and waited until this 'wait' passed.

[The device is activated successfully, and the international service access device ID is detected: Mi A2709182735]

Thank goodness, I finally know someone, an A, a series of Arabic numerals, but what does it mean, who can tell me?

[Iris information, facial features, and mental awareness signals are entered, and identity binding is successful]

【Please select the country and language】

At this point, Philip became blind. After looking at it for a long time, he found that there was a drop-down box, but he didn’t have a mouse and keyboard to let him click. It took a long time before he learned to use the mental consciousness to open the drop-down box.

When I saw English's language options, I was so excited that I was on the verge of tears.

If the language is selected as English, the following prompts can be understood.

[The server is detected to be turned on, do you want to log in to the Canaan world? 】

"Grandpa is dead, grandpa is dead"

[Server login, please wait. 】

This "later" time is a bit long, whether it is five minutes or ten minutes, it seems to have passed for a long time, and it seems to be just a blink of an eye.

First, a light spot appeared in the pitch-black field of vision, and then his consciousness, which he clearly felt, began to accelerate, as if losing weight, and approached the light spot rapidly.

The closer you get, the bigger the spot of light is, from the size of a sesame seed to the shock of a star, until it plunges into it and is filled with soft but intense light.

At this moment, the black boy who had never had a similar experience was shocked into a blank until he sensed the orientation and space again, until he found himself floating in an extremely majestic temple like a soul without a body.

Even Philip's imagination and lack of language can't describe his holiness, vastness and majesty.

—Is this heaven?

The not-so-pious boy really felt the 'miracle' this time. If it was in reality, he would have knelt down.

I don't know how much time wasted.

When he woke up, the turntable of that character's race selection had already turned countless times.

【Please select the character race and character ID】

Under a towering statue with no visible face, the turntable for character selection is located directly below. Philip's soul perspective is located on the pedestal under the turntable. As his attention shifts over, a character's race figure becomes constantly bright.

It was a human man with curly hair in sackcloth, about twenty years old, Caucasian appearance, about 1 meters tall, wielding a short sword in his left hand, and a wooden shield in his right hand, doing a hack and a grid After blocking the movement, he stood still.

"It's him, it's him!"

[Role selection: human, male, the choice is successful]

[Please adjust body shape and facial features]

The character selection of other races turns gray, and the selected human character walks off the turntable and appears on the base. A row of function buttons and options for pinching the face appear around the character. Philip just adjusted his skin color and chose to confirm .

The character ID is Black Pharaoh, which means: Black Pharaoh.

I don't know how much time was wasted, the black pharaoh was a little anxious, he felt his soul drifting towards the adjusted game character, until they completely overlapped, and his field of vision was filled with white light again.

It feels like wearing some heavy clothes, and the discomfort is felt in the body again in just a moment.

The first movement was naturally breathing. A cool, cold wind that had never been breathed was sucked into his body with an indescribable irritating smell. It was as if he was hit by an electric current, and his eyes suddenly opened.

It was still light, but it was no longer so intense, and a human body could be seen flashing in the white light.

They were tall, short, fat and thin, male and female, all dressed in identical sackcloth, standing blankly in a daze.

After about five seconds of silence, a voice broke the dead silence in Xinshou Village: "Damn it, why are there so many foreign devils!?"

Philip responded and looked at the place where the voice came from. A man who was obviously an orc was wearing a series of English IDs that did not understand the grammar. The translated meaning was... Please let the nun go?

The game ID should be: "Let go of that master" Huaguo players soon realized that it was because of the line congestion that they chose to obey the adjustment and were assigned to the novice village on the international server.

"It's stupid, I'm unlucky!"

This person is obviously an old player, and others are not in the state, so he anxiously pushes away the person in front of him, like a dog chasing behind him, while running towards a certain position, he quickly manipulates things that others cannot see game interface.

After such an interruption...

"Ugh, buy it!"

"God, Jesus, Virgin Mary, can anyone tell me what this is?"

"Me, who am I, where am I?"

"How is it possible, how is this possible..."

"Am I dreaming, am I dreaming?"

"What do I see, who am I, is this my body? Me, am I a different person?"

"Breathing, heartbeat, damn it, sweat glands?"


The black pharaoh first touched his character's body like everyone else, and got a touch that was indistinguishable from reality, then looked up at the environment he was in.

A town similar to the European Middle Ages. I and hundreds of people of different faces, skin colors, and races stood on a pedestal engraved with complex patterns. A line of words flashed continuously in my field of vision, reminding myself to leave the birth point quickly to avoid causing harm. Online congestion.

Philip hurriedly left the birth point, and the prompt text that became more and more frequent disappeared, replaced by the game interface that was constantly in the four corners of the field of vision, and the corresponding operations could be carried out by transferring the mind. Get started in no time.

Right in front of the birth point is a stone building. Guards equipped with cold weapons and leather armor stand on the steps. There are some low-rise houses around. Various NPCs stand at the door. The player with an East Asian face has already started Wander around these NPCs.

Looking at the sky again, it should be in the evening, a huge, bright red sun is located in the west, the incomparably transparent sky and the low clouds can be touched with your hands, and a cool wind blows over, like a switch , making this novice village suddenly become as hustle and bustle as a slaughterhouse.

The black pharaoh was at a loss, not knowing what to do, and then he saw that the vacant birth point was quickly filled with white light, and dull, numb, and ridiculous people appeared at the positions where the white light dissipated. Repeat what happened just now.

There are more and more people like him, all crowded in the square, all talking and shouting, a beautiful man who looks like an elf in the Lord of the Rings movie next to him, grabs him passing by, and speaks obviously in French Grammatically habitual voices, dancing and yelling at him.

The black pharaoh didn't respond in a daze, the man hugged him and slapped him hard on the face.

"This is a miracle!"

There are more and more people recovering from the unbelievable doubts, and then the ecstasy after confirmation, and under the influence of this ecstasy, they make various out-of-order actions.

The black pharaoh wiped the saliva off his face, and followed a player who was obviously Hua Guo in a daze.

This player looked very purposeful and hurried, no matter what disordered people and things he saw along the way, he didn't stop. He just found an old NPC standing on the steps of a stone building , the black pharaoh saw clearly the green letter above the head of the NPC——Claire Finn, the head of Novice Village No. 678.

"Young rebels, it's a pleasure to see you here. After a long journey and dormancy, it's really inspiring that you wake up at such a critical moment. I'm Claire, the village chief of Novice Village, and I'm a member of the Legion. Entrusted by the High Command, responsible for guiding you before taking office."

"Sharpening a knife is not a woodcutter, young rebels, you need to know where you were born, take this letter from me, and go to visit Sheriff Rand, but you have to be careful, Mr. Sheriff His temper is a bit bad, since his daughter Desica's misfortune..."

"You are the new Black Pharaoh of the Rebel Army? What a strange name, what kind of eyes does that old village chief have? How can a cowardly human being like you help?"

"Okay, since it's the request of the headquarters, here, take it, this is your novice weapon, use it to kill 50 skeleton soldiers and come back to me with 5 "rusty iron swords"..."

After accepting the first task of spawning monsters in his life, the black pharaoh saw that the old Huaguo player was not in a hurry to leave the city, but walked towards another NPC standing in front of the earthen house.

There is a sign where the NPC stands, with a beaker and red water droplets drawn on it. The ID of the NPC is: No. 678 Xinshou Village Pharmacy Owner.

"Welcome to the new rebels. If you promise to bring 5 copies of 'Slime's Tentacles' back to me, I will give you two bottles of 'Primary Recovery Potion' for free..."

He received another task to farm slimes, and got two bottles of red potion for nothing. The black pharaoh couldn't help but feel like playing games, and his determination to follow this old Huaguo player was strengthened.

Looking at the entire Novice Village at this time, most players on the international server are still digesting the shock of their first visit to the noble land, and only a few people like him have started to do the task process.

"I said buddy, when are you going to follow me?"

"Ah, sorry, I'm..."

"I'm not interested in who you are, stop following me, otherwise, hum!!"

This veteran player from Huaguo has no spirit of helping others, and the game ID is still hidden. After warning the black pharaoh, he will not pester him, just sneak into the crowd, and he will soon disappear.

The black pharaoh was a little overwhelmed, looking at the two missions he received on the mission panel, hesitating whether to leave the city.

But he found that no one had left the city until now, so he carefully recalled the actions of the old player just now, how did he find the NPC, and how did he know that there was a mission there?

After careful observation, he found that there was a very hidden and faint halo flickering under the feet of some NPCs, and he suddenly realized it.

"Ah, hello young rebels, do you know the great sun god?"

"Ah, you don't know, what a pity, are you interested in hearing the great deeds and teachings of the Sun God?"

Even though he was born at the bottom of the society, the black pharaoh is still awe-inspiring. No matter how poor and turbulent the street priest is, he is a respectable character, and this NPC is obviously the same.

After listening to the great deeds and teachings of the sun god Stambul Yao for half an hour...

"Black Pharaoh, there are very few rebels like this patient. If you choose to convert to the Sun God Temple in the future, you can take it to the Sun God Temple in Buck City to find me..."

[Congratulations on accepting the divine grace guidance mission: the choice of belief is an extremely serious matter ([-])]

Is this over?

No need to spawn monsters, no need to bring back mission supplies?
The black pharaoh scratched his head in doubt, but there were too many new things, and he quickly put them behind him.

At this time, the entire plaza was filled with players who went online one after another, and more people stopped all kinds of offline behaviors and thought of what to do.

Not to mention that they want to run around like headless chickens, just say that a group of unarmed guys in sackcloth ran out of the city screaming, and soon hung up one by one, waiting for these people to find the normal game program and rhythm , it was already two hours away.

Precious game time was wasted, and at this time, the black pharaoh already had a short sword in his left hand, a small wooden shield in his right hand, and a gray leather armor that was given away for free all over his body.

There were two guards in metal armor standing at the city gate. Seeing him, one of them said, "Finally, I saw a normal player. Come here, it's you."

"Black Pharaoh, are you ready? I have a mission to investigate the 'Black Valley'..."

Taking another investigative mission, the black pharaoh of level 0 walked on the hillside outside the Novice Village, called up the attribute panel he had just learned, and looked at it.

[Game ID: Black Pharaoh (Black Pharaoh), character race: human male, character level: 0, military rank: civilian, meritorious value: 0]

[Basic attributes: strength 4, agility 3, intelligence 3, spirit 2, constitution 4+1 (human balance +10%)]

[Advanced attributes: not enabled]

[Combat power system: not enabled]

[Cloak title: None]

[Equipment props...]

"Hey, the buddies over there have no mission, let's go together?"

Near the foot of the mountain, many players gathered in front of an illusory light gate. One of them shouted with bright eyes when he saw the black pharaoh coming down from the mountain.

"Ah?", the black pharaoh's mind turned quickly, he was taken aback for a moment and quickly agreed, "OK!"

[Ding, you have received an invitation to form a team of 'riding on a white horse and drinking the wind from the West']

Game ID: Bai Ma Xiao Xifeng frowned, and saw that the new game ID was a series of English words, "Are you from the international server?"

The black pharaoh was pleasantly surprised by this way of forming a team, nodded, a very black one: yay!
【Ding, you were kicked out of the team by the captain 'riding on a white horse and drinking the wind from the West'. 】

The black pharaoh was stunned, but Bai Ma Xiao Xifeng didn't explain, and greeted the teammates who had already formed, "It seems that there is no one, and there are only so many old players."

"Rookies should be fine too, is it better to have something than nothing?"

"Foreigners are struggling, how can we have time? After walking, three people can also brush."

(End of this chapter)

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