This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 300 Slime situation

Chapter 300 Slime situation

"These ghosts are still wandering around at this time, do you think they don't know how to worry?"

"It seems that you don't know about the mission upgrade?"

"People are playing a game, we are being played by a game!"

"I'd rather be played by games, and I'll make money by being played by games."

"Hehe, it sounds like how much money you earn!"

"Wait and see, this time I will definitely not make the mistake of the last test, hurry up and race against time."

Bai Ma Xiao Xifeng and two old player teammates brushed slimes, and when they took a break halfway to recover their strength, they saw that the foreigners in the international server were still the same as when they first landed, running around like headless flies, and a group of people made a noise. Noisily broke into the monster's refresh point, and was frightened by the slimy, disgusting, and alive slime.

Vomit, buy, vomit, buy, as if there is nothing else to say except this.

However, there are exceptions, such as the guy named Black Pharaoh, no one grouped him, he just brushed alone, and a slime was brushed not far away, although the movements are clumsy and the efficiency is very low, at least the attitude is correct , Comparing the eyes of the players in the United Kingdom.

Baima Xiao Xifeng was complaining to his teammates about players in the international server, while observing him.

When he felt that it was almost done, he went over, "Hey buddy, do you want to brush together?"

The black pharaoh sat on the ground and gasped for breath. Fighting this slimy monster was second in difficulty and danger. The key was nausea. If one accidentally got entangled by it, the jelly-like gelatinous body would block his mouth Nose, and it will drill into the mouth and ears. Think about it, there are so many creepy pictures, no wonder there are almost no female players in this place.


The black boy got up and recognized that this person was the guy who had formed himself before.

As for the Chinese people, they showed their experience in dealing with Asians, raised their chins slightly, and responded with a cool face.

"Join the group!"

The black pharaoh joined the team and returned, and the team changed from three to four.

A lively slime appeared in a puddle not far away with a white light, "Black Pharaoh, go first!", White Horse Xiao Xifeng unceremoniously ordered his new teammate.

Without further ado, the black boy raised his dagger and rushed over.

The random sword looked at the slime's head, but it was useless. The slime sank, and the short sword and his wrist were wrapped in sticky things, and he couldn't pull it out.

The black pharaoh pulled and kicked, but he seemed to be stuck in a quagmire. The harder he tried, the more stretched the slime's body was, and the faster he was entangled.

Baima Xiaoxifeng and the others were in no hurry to rescue them until the black pharaoh screamed, "Damn it, you just watch like this? Help me!"

Then Bai Ma Xiao Xifeng stepped forward with a smile, pointed at the slime's stretched body with a dagger, and said to the black pharaoh whose half of his body was swallowed up, "Do you see the white spot at this position!?"

"Damn, help!"

The slime had already started to drill into his mouth and nostrils, and the black pharaoh's frightened face turned pale. If it wasn't for his teammates, he wouldn't be so reckless. He just killed one by himself.

"This position is its key point. In the future, all attacks will be directed at this position, so it won't be entangled, understand?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..."


Bai Ma Xiao Xifeng pierced the white spot with his sword, as if he had punctured a soft balloon, the blade effortlessly pierced in, and a huge -34 damage almost instantly killed the monster.

"Yes, this kind of monster spawning is very efficient!"

The other two unscrupulous teammates haven't done anything yet, and they are all flattered to get 5 points of experience.

The black pharaoh broke free from the glue on his body in embarrassment, rushed to the white horse Xiao Xifeng angrily, stared and roared, "Fake squid, you use me!"

"I'm teaching you!" Baima Xiaoxifeng said cheerfully, "It takes less than a minute to get 5 points of experience, how about it?"

"Fack squid!", the black pharaoh pointed his middle finger back.

"Continue to swipe, continue to swipe, that's it!" said another old player teammate.

"Why didn't you tell me about this trick earlier?", the third veteran teammate complained.

"So what? Are you here or me?" Bai Ma Xiao Xifeng said with a smile, and said to the still angry black pharaoh: "5 points of experience in a minute, you will be promoted to level 1 in an hour, How is it, are you still coming!?"

"It's not fair!", the black pharaoh rolled his eyes, still looking angry and scared.

"How about you take the dropped mission supplies first?" Bai Ma Xiao Xifeng talked about the conditions.


"If you don't agree, I'll kick you!" Bai Ma Xiao Xifeng became impatient and began to threaten.

"OK, you are the boss, listen to you!" The black pharaoh raised his hands and immediately changed his face, agreeing with a smile.

"This ghost is quite treacherous!"

"Whether he's raped or not, start brushing!"

This method of brushing slimes is not a secret. The reason some old players don’t know is because there is no need to know. The fourth test will not delete the file, and the old players can easily miss points, which is enough for newbies to skip It's not as difficult for slimes to farm higher-level monsters, and it's not as difficult as it is now. Only a slime king has a deep memory.

It's different now, everyone starts from scratch, all they get is the gray equipment given by the system, none of the attributes have been added, and the basic attributes have returned to the initial state, and many operations and skills cannot be done.

Now Mengxin has become an old player, but he doesn't have the guts to feed a tiger with his body. Naturally, he wants to find this newbie who looks very smart but actually doesn't know anything.

"That one over there!"

White Horse Xiao Xifeng quickly locked onto a slime that looked very strong.

"Ah, an elite?"


The black pharaoh didn't hear the whispers behind him, and approached the very strong slime ignorantly and fearlessly. Before entering its warning range, he was discovered by it, and rushed towards the black pharaoh with a hazy halo.


The black pharaoh quickly realized the difference of the elites. The white spots could not be seen at all when its body was not stretched and wrapped up. The sword still slashed through it without any rules, and it was trapped without accident. , the speed at which the package came up was not comparable to that of the ordinary monster just now, and there was a paralysis that made him unable to even call for help!

Ordinary newcomers will be frightened out of good or bad. After a few breaths, the slime elite swallowed half of the black pharaoh's body, and the extended gelatin was like tentacles, reaching into his mouth and nose. -4-6-3-1-2... It's about to die.

"Save, save, save... life..."

"Oh, it seems to be dying soon!"

"Wait a second, it's not that easy to hang up!"

"I haven't found it yet?"

"No... ah, I found it!"

For elite monsters, their weaknesses are naturally harder to find than ordinary monsters. The white spot appeared at the moment when it was about to completely devour the body of the black pharaoh. , the slime elite began to 'leak air', and the jelly-like body quickly became dry and hard, shrinking in volume, and spit out the black pharaoh again.

"Fa, Fac, Fack, Fack squid, Fack..."

"The foreigner is so pitiful, he only swears at others!"

"Haha, this buddy is really resistant."

"It's not good for us to do this, it's too much?"

"It's not dead, so what if it's dead, it's a game!"

"Fack, Fack..."

The black pharaoh got up in a panic, with a layer of bloody skin left. He scratched and vomited again, spitting out a large piece of disgusting jelly-like substance, which mixed with his body fluids, like snot.


"15 points of experience, how about you?"

"12 points!"

"11 point."

"How much experience do you have Black Pharaoh?"

The black boy was still retching, and looked at the system prompt weakly after hearing the words, "2, 20 o'clock!"

"20? Why is it so much more than us?"

"94, mission supplies can't be given to him!"

This time, the elite monster exploded the quest supplies [Slime's gelatinous fragments], a total of three pieces were not refreshed by the system, and one of them was spit out by him.

"Dude, are you okay?"

"...Brother, where is your potion, drink it quickly to save time."

Baima Xiaoxifeng couldn't see it anymore, coughed, and said to the black boy lying on the ground who was only panting for breath: "Newcomers, especially the newcomers in your international server, if you want to get ahead, you have to endure hardships and be cruel to yourself. You Look, less than 20 experience points in two minutes, not to mention my brothers bullying you, where can I find such a good thing?"

The black pharaoh gave him a middle finger, but he really didn't have the strength to speak.

"As your level rises, you will be able to widen the gap with others. If you have a gap, you can earn a lot of money even if you lead people to upgrade. Do you understand money, beautiful knife, money!"

"Fack squid..."

"Hey, why didn't the system translate Fake squid's words?"

"If you understand it, you don't need to translate it? Just like OK? Should it be?"

"Then if you meet a Japanese girl, don't you need to translate a lot of words, like Ya Die, Yiku..."

"Hey, are there any Japanese girls in Xinshou Village?"

"I don't know, it's like being chased by a dog as soon as I log in, how can I have time..."

"Speaking of which, the file deletion and changes this time are really big enough, slimes are even harder to spawn than before."

"The map has all changed, and I don't recognize it anymore."


Black Pharaoh has come into contact with many Asians, and there are also many people from Huaguo, but the feeling given to him by these Huaguo players is very different from those he knew before. If you want to ask him where the difference is, he really can’t tell. Feel, feel that these guys are special... special confidence?

Yes, that is self-confidence!

It's only natural to do bad things and cheat your teammates... Really Fake!
But he is reluctant to let him leave the team. The efficiency of killing this kind of monster alone is too low. Moreover, what Baima Xiaoxifeng said just now is not unreasonable. Why did he become homeless? Got a gaming helmet to get player status?
The realistic predicament does not allow him to shrink back, which may be the reason why he entered the state earlier than most players on the international server.

He was resting while his teammates were chatting. A few minutes later, as soon as his blood and stamina recovered a little, he was rushed to work by his teammates.

The black pharaoh was really afraid that he would die, so he had to drink the red potion presented by the system.

"That's right!"

"Use it earlier so you don't have to waste so much time, really."

The black boy was so angry that he wanted to shoot each of these guys behind him, but unfortunately, he couldn't do it, so he could only walk towards the monster with hatred, and prepared to 'feed the tiger with his body'.

In this way, for more than an hour, the black pharaoh experienced the feeling of being "swallowed alive" several times. After this experience, he discovered that as long as he overcomes his inner fear, it's all the same?
A total of sixteen slimes turned into four people's experience, and when the last one fell down, it exploded for the first time.

Looking at the glowing corpse that hadn't been refreshed by the system, Bai Ma Xiao Xifeng's eyes lit up, and he gave two old Chinese players a covert look, and said to the black pharaoh: "Something exploded, old rules, captain!" distribute!"

"Fake, you guys are trying to lie to me again!?"

"Xiao Hei, it's not right for you to say that. You see that you are now level 1. Look at other are already more than 99% of the people, do you know? Can you do it without us? How can we lie to you?" And you?"

"94, I won't disregard your things, you are so guarded, it makes me very sad!"

Baima Xiao Xifeng said: "Xiao Hei, we don't bully you either. Mission supplies, equipment, materials and copper coins, you choose one of the four possible drops. If you have any, it's yours. If you don't have it, don't complain. I don’t know what happened, it’s fair to everyone.”

"Then, then I will choose equipment!"

The black pharaoh understands that the equipment is the most valuable. This allocation plan seems reasonable, it is just a gamble.

"Okay, get out of the way, I'll touch the corpse!"

Bai Ma Xiao Xifeng rubbed his hands nervously, and under the nervous gaze of his teammates, he touched the monster's glowing corpse, and was taken aback for a moment, his eyes first flashed with ecstasy, and then was replaced by depression: "Oh, the system is really stingy, See for yourself."

A list of dropped items appears on the corpse in the form of a light curtain, with bandages*2, slime fragments*3, copper coins*2, but no equipment.

"I can't help it, Xiao Hei, it's all because the system is so dark!"

Although the teammates felt sorry, they happily put away the spoils, even without him.

Willing to admit defeat, the black teenager also admitted, but felt that something was wrong, until he saw the system prompt in the team channel.

[The captain changed the distribution method of the items to: Captain distribution, do you agree? 】

【Team allocation method subject to change】

[Teammate Baima Xiao Xifeng gets the 'Ordinary Broken Blade']

The black pharaoh is furious, damn Huaguo...

But when he raised his eyes, he suppressed the anger again.

What can I do if the item has already entered someone else's hands?
Take it back?impossible!
These Hua Guo guys who tear their faces can just take the opportunity to get rid of themselves...

"It's my bad luck!", the black pharaoh pretended not to notice, and said with a sigh.

"Don't worry, it's still a long time! This is no longer level 1, let's go, go back."


"Supply, what are you talking about?"

The black boy knew that they were going to send him off to deal with the stolen goods. Although he was angry, he could only bear it. A group of people left the monster spawn point and walked towards the preparation area.

Along the way, I saw old players from Huaguo singing a one-man show, and there were very few newcomers to the international server. It's been more than two hours since the server started!
"It's a good thing that there are more players on the international server, at least we don't have to hunt monsters!" Baima Xiaoxifeng said cheerfully.

(End of this chapter)

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