This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 301 Old girl, don't waste the chapter

Chapter 301 Old girl, stop talking nonsense

The first time I landed in Canaan, the Huaguo players and the international players are similar, the difference is nothing more than the fact that the Huaguo players have a higher threshold of 'tolerance' than the international server players due to the long-term information bombardment.

This higher threshold has caused Huaguo players to enter the state earlier than players in the international server, enter the task process earlier, and take the first step to explore this unknown world earlier.

The NPC boss of the pharmacy is crowded with players who are accepting and handing in quests, all of them are newcomers, chattering, pushing and shoving, Xie Xiaomeng is one of them, and it took all his strength to squeeze in. .

"Ah, young rebels, your efficiency is very high. Let me see... the collection is good. Here, this is my reward. The supply of potions in the camp is extremely tight. If possible, please collect more magic Grass essence pollen, please."

After receiving another 10 missions of [Pollen of Enchanted Grass Essence], Xie Xiaomeng struggled to squeeze out again. Just as he walked to a relatively loose place, there was another flutter.

Two ferocious NPC guards rushed into the crowd, and picked out an elf player like an eagle catching a chick. One of the guards shouted loudly, a certain player committed theft and was sentenced to recover the stolen goods. hours of punishment.

The others were not surprised, and some even asked what this guy stole, where he stole it, and whether he could do it.

The elf player who was captured didn't care at all, he was escorted by the guards with a smile, and winked at the female players watching as he walked.

Stealing things in reality is stealing and breaking the law.

Stealing things in the game is not stealing.

But in terms of value, the value of stolen items in the game may be higher than in reality. As for the punishment, it is a matter of opinion.

Some people think that the 10 hours of imprisonment and the deduction of reputation points are very small losses, but some people think that the cost of this 10 hours of small black room is too high, which involves their respective gameplay and goals.

However, in the case of tight resources in the early stage, there are still quite a few players who are desperate. No, there have been countless incidents within two hours of opening the server.

Xie Xiaomeng didn't watch the excitement. Although she was a newbie, she had a clear goal. After handing over the task, she squeezed into the blacksmith's shop to repair the novice bow with the few copper coins that exploded, and bought a pot of the cheapest arrows. After spending all the money on his body, he hurried out of the city gate and rushed to the refreshment point of the skeleton soldiers.

Along the way, I saw all kinds of players, who did everything, including the scenery party, the crazy running party, and even the amateurs of live broadcasting... Everyone was so excited that they played in various places like having fun. Turn in and out.

But there are more players like her who are in a hurry, ranging from one person to as many as a dozen people, chatting and laughing loudly, as excited as a child celebrating the New Year.

The refresh point of the skeleton soldiers is at the foot of the mountain. There is an NPC guard and a black-hearted NPC vendor standing at a huge and illusory light gate. This black-hearted vendor is not all functional NPCs in Novice Village, but a smart NPC from Punk City, cunning , Treacherous, black conscience, buy the things that players have worked so hard to get at the lowest price, and sell the urgently needed supplies for the mission to spawn monsters at the highest price.

A set of the cheapest bandages can be sold several times higher than that of the system's black shop.

He is also very enthusiastic. He treats each player as if he has known an old friend for a long time. He can also get close from the perspective of the player, pretending to be mysterious about hidden missions, secrets in the game, loopholes in the system, etc. Using these words to lure many players into being deceived.

"Ah, beautiful Miss Elf, seeing you are in a hurry, you must have received the task of spawning skeleton soldiers, right? Speaking of this refresh point, I participated in its construction at the beginning. How about it? Are you interested in listening to the old man? Say it?"

When the average player hears it, 10 out of 9 will be fooled. Xie Xiaomeng just ignores it. She already knew the virtue of a smart NPC from her mother. Seeing that he is from Punk City, she became more vigilant. How could she be deceived? ?
Ignoring this NPC liar, walked into the refresh point, saw a lot of players gathered in the preparation area in front, a few old players were praised by the stars, and divided into four or five groups. How much is it, there are old players who play highly to teach experience and so on.

This is just the beginning of the server, and the old players who can waste time and energy on these can see their quality. They are not for life and leisure, or they are preparing to practice life professions. Only they don't care about the level so much, and only care about the accumulation of game resources. Especially copper coins.

Speaking of copper coins, I heard that the black market has opened, and the latest exchange rate is 1:10, but there are not many transactions, and there is still a price but no market.

Ignoring these people shouting, Xie Xiaomeng walked to a team that was obviously new, and shook the bow and arrow in his hand, "Agility 5, Strength 4, brush the "Rusty Iron Sword" 10 times, the group can't Group?"

"Join the team!"

It's very easy to get into a team. Xie Xiaomeng looked at the three teammates already on the team list. The captain is a dwarf, obviously planning to take the route of a paladin or a barbarian. The other two, a female player, are also the same as her. The elves hold bows and arrows, and the other is a male player, a human being, whose face and figure are relatively thin, and his head looks a bit big, so he must be preparing to become a mage.

After waiting for a while, and then waiting for a teammate to join the team, the five-member team worked together, then left the waiting area and entered the refresh point.

Passing through a thin light curtain, an indescribable coldness rushes towards the face. The space seems to be enlarged, and the sky is also very different from the outside. The light is dim, and there are skeleton soldiers everywhere on the undulating ground. A hole left by drilling out.

Some scattered skeleton soldiers wandered in front, some were unarmed, some were carrying heavily corroded iron rulers, and some were wearing tattered armor. It's very healthy.

They are all skeleton soldiers, all of them are level 1, which is already a difficult opponent for a newcomer who is still level 0.

Xie Xiaomeng swallowed nervously, it was too real, for a little girl who is not yet sixteen years old, the psychological level is more difficult than the physical level.

The captain walked in front and entered the security circle of a skeleton soldier, and saw the skeleton frame covered in mud, waving an iron ruler and rushing over, the speed was beyond expectations, the captain let out a strange roar to embolden himself, Very stiffly raised the shield to block the iron ruler, Xie Xiaomeng immediately drew the bow and drew the arrow, aiming at the terrifying skeleton, his arms trembling uncontrollably.

The others dodged in a hurry, and the other female elf archer was too nervous, so she shot without aiming, and the arrow naturally deviated from the target by a thousand miles.

"Fuck, don't stand still!" the captain yelled angrily as he dodged the iron ruler's attack in embarrassment.

The other two teammates with swords woke up like a dream, and stepped forward to help. Xie Xiaomeng finally took aim, and shot an arrow, but it flew past a teammate's scalp and missed.


A teammate was slashed by the iron ruler of the skeleton soldier, and a damage value of -7 came out. I saw him killing a pig, screaming earth-shatteringly, clutching the injured position, I don’t know what parts of his body were chopped off up.

Others were even more nervous.

Xie Xiaomeng missed two arrows, she was a Muggle, and the other elf female player was even worse than her, she was about to cry. Fortunately, the three male players were being chased by the skeleton soldiers, so they had no time to talk to them.

Xie Xiaomeng couldn't remember how he chopped down the monster in the end, but he only remembered that he even got on her in the end.

If the long-distance is not good, then close combat is the way to go. I have to say that her ability to resist pressure is relatively strong, and she hit the last blow with her bow.

With a sound of "哗啦", the skeleton frame fell apart, Xie Xiaomeng sat down and gasped tiredly, the three male players were all wounded, the one who screamed before sat there touching tears, the other two also had lingering fears, just It's like running a marathon.

"Haha, exciting!!", the captain breathed a sigh of relief, and pretended to be heroic. Another male player wanted to imitate him, so he opened his mouth, and suddenly saw another skeleton soldier wandering around, got up Just run back.

"Let's go, fix it first!"



Without being greeted by the captain, the female elf player who wiped the tears had already run away, and the five-member team returned to the preparation area in disgrace. When an old player in the crowd saw this, he pointed at them with a chuckle and said to the new player next to him: "See No, it’s just like that when no one takes it, you want to learn too?”

Only then did Xie Xiaomeng understand why so many people asked for a belt.

This hearsay and personal experience are really two different things. No matter how much you hear and watch offline, it is not as shocking as the moment when the skeleton soldiers rushed over.

"The last two pits, the train will start immediately, is there any boss who wants to get on the train?"

The female elf player in the team resolutely left the team and joined the ranks of begging for a belt. Several male players couldn't lose face, hesitated for a while, and kicked Xie Xiaomeng.

"Why kick me!?"

"Are you ashamed to ask? How many times did you shoot just now? Was it once?"

Xie Xiaomeng knew she was wrong, "But I also helped!"

"Thank you, I grabbed the last blow and got 3 more experience points."


"Let's form a group again, don't be a shooter, it's all fake!"

"Well, let's get used to it. It's actually not hard to kill. Old players come here like this."


Xie Xiaomeng left the team angrily, and went to find other teams to hang out with. As for asking for a lead, she disdained it.

However, experienced teams don't want shooters.

If you miss the shot, what do you want them to do?
Xie Xiaomeng gritted her teeth, went back and sold the bows and arrows to the black shop of the system, and sold some extra mission supplies from the last collection, in exchange for two coppers, plus these two coppers, I bought a pair at the blacksmith shop for 10 coppers The novice dagger.

[Inferior Novice Dagger——Quality: Grey, Physical Attack: 1-4, Durability: 8, Weight: 5, Rating: None (Note: Take it and fight bravely, it’s better than being unarmed.)]

The weapon as high as 10 copper is different, it is heavy in the hand, and then go back to the preparation area of ​​the skeleton soldiers, light up the short sword, and immediately receive several invitations to join the team.

Xie Xiaomeng added a team full of dwarves.

"Old girl, you will be in front later"

"Why me, I don't have a shield."

"Your weapon is good, your attack is high..."

"But I'm... an elf!"

"What's wrong with the elves, everyone is the same if they haven't changed jobs, so it's a deal!"

Xie Xiaomeng was forced to walk in front to act as a vanguard, and re-entered the refresh area, only to see that every wandering skeleton soldier was surrounded by teams of players, and all kinds of howling ghosts and howling wolves could be heard from a long distance away. Sounds, this screaming pain, that screaming, dolphin-like screams mixed with female voices... It is really lively.

"A lot of people, not so many just now!"

"Speed, there will be more people later!"

Several people hurriedly walked deeper, when passing by a monster spawning team, Xie Xiaomeng saw a female player being chased by skeleton soldiers, screaming while running, her unscrupulous teammates used her to attract The monster hated and didn't catch up, just went up from behind to chop and touch the knife from time to time.

The poor female player was tripped, and the skeleton soldier fell on her somehow, that picture, tsk tsk... the skeleton soldier missing a leg and an arm grabbed the female player's hair with one hand,' Kaba Kaba''s teeth almost reached her ears.

——This person will definitely have a nightmare when he goes offline!
"This is a good idea, can we try it?" A dwarf teammate suggested.

"Don't even think about it!" Xie Xiaomeng retorted with a trembling voice.

"It doesn't have to be you, whoever absorbs the monster's hatred is the one, how?" Another dwarf teammate said.

"Okay, that's fair!"

"Try it, maybe it will work?"

Xie Xiaomeng couldn't find a reason to object, thinking that he was standing in the front, with the best weapon and the highest damage, and the hatred must be all on him, but on another thought, it would be good to fly a kite as bait, as long as you don't get chased by monsters Come on, it's not the same as the unlucky ghost just now...

With mixed feelings of apprehension, uneasiness, fear and eagerness to try, the team found a wandering skeleton soldier.

"Old girl, don't be afraid, go!"

"You big men hide behind me, a little girl, are you sorry?"

"Games don't distinguish between men and women, and newcomers are all animals!"

"Come on, old girl, stop talking nonsense."

In the past when playing games, people would listen to her voice, let alone take special care of her, at least, at least, she wouldn't be so disrespectful, would she?
This is all about Canaan. Since she went online, no one cared about her gender, age, and appearance. All of them are utilitarian and practical, and now she is a little girl rushing ahead.

Xie Xiaomeng has a stubbornness in her body, the more others are like this, the more she wants to prove herself.

Holding the low-quality dagger, facing the turned skeleton, he took the first step towards high play.


Although he tried his best to cheer himself up, Xie Xiaomeng was still scared when the skeleton rushed to the front. The dagger smashed head-on in a random way, and the pain in his body made him die.

(End of this chapter)

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