This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 302: Sister Zhuang Zhuang Takes You

Chapter 302: Sister Zhuang Zhuang Takes You

Xie Xiaomeng has not been promoted to level 1, and the refresh points of a few level 1 monsters are more people than monsters.

Looking at the entire refresh area, there is a scene of enthusiasm. Old players and new players are working hard. Seeing monsters is like seeing relatives. It is called enthusiasm, and it is called scrambling.

Skeleton soldiers' refresh points are all over the hills, the hazy sky, the dim light, and the scary monsters coming out of the ground... It was originally a classic scene of a horror movie, but it was rendered into a mixed vegetable market by the enthusiasm of the players.

Here, because of robbing monsters, the players of the two teams pushed and yelled and greeted each other’s parents and relatives. A team over there broke up a few copper coins because of monsters, and a few people who agreed to "Taoyuan knot" had internal strife and thought they had suffered a loss. Yes, I wiped my tears from the grievance, I thought I was taking advantage of it, why didn't I want to spit out the advantage...

Xie Xiaomeng was mixed in this kind of monster spawning army, mixed with three or four teams, guarding a spawn point, cross-eyed each other, and whenever monsters spawned, they swarmed up.

The poor skeleton soldier didn't understand what was going on, but under the cover blow, he was on the spot.

The team that grabs the last blow is happy, and the team that works for nothing is resentful. In this cycle, the efficiency can be imagined.

"How many experience upgrades do you have?"

"I still have 15% left."



Xie Xiaomeng looked at the experience bar, "5%!"

"It can't go on like this!", the dwarf captain scratched the beard on his chin in distress and said, "Everyone think of a way."

"Is there any way, the tasks that don't need to spawn monsters are all done." Another dwarf team member sat down, glared at the team that was fighting monsters with him, and said, "Unless you go to the wild to farm high-level monsters."

"Then go and brush, I heard that many old players have gone to the wild."

"The monsters in the wild don't refresh regularly, it's purely luck!"

"That's better than being wasted here."

"Xiao Meng, what do you say?"

The captain looked at the female elf player in the team and asked.

Xie Xiaomeng pondered for a while, "It's good to try it... I know a map of the wild."

"Oh, why didn't you say it earlier, go, go, I don't want to stay in this ghost place for a moment."

Four dwarves and one elf left the place they had been holding on to, and the other teams were relieved when they saw this. It is a good thing for those who snatch food to leave, and the chances of the rest will increase.

Near the Guangmen in the preparation area, there was an endless stream of people coming in. When passing by a team, I heard them chatting, and they came from the nearby Xinshou Village to try their luck.

According to what they said, their side is even more crowded than this side. Many people have never even touched the little hands of monsters since they landed...

"It seems that only places with a lot of players on the international server are not so nervous, but the nearest Novice Village on the international server is more than [-] kilometers away, and the day lily will be cold by the time we get there."

"If I knew it earlier, I would have obeyed the adjustment, alas!"

"Yeah, if you were born in Novice Village on the international server, why would you be level 1 now?"

"Why, don't players in the international server upgrade?"

"It's understandable. It's the first time I landed in Canaan. When Grandma Liu enters the Grand View Garden, there will always be a commotion for a while."

"It's our first time"

"This... it can only be said that the game culture is different. Our players in Huaguo are more practical..."

"Just talk about utilitarianism...Damn it, everyone looks like a hungry tiger reincarnated..."

"Ha ha……"

The team chatted and returned to the safe area of ​​Xinshou Village, and saw that most of the people in the city had disappeared. Except for those who had just logged in in the queue and were still running the task process, there were no idlers in sight.

I heard that the international server is different. Some petty bourgeoisie and young players, that is an inch of space, and a single NPC will not let it go. Even those intelligent NPCs who came from the main city of the system to do business are annoyed by them. I think they talk too much, have too many things, ask everything, and are curious about everything...

Of course, there are such people in Huaguo, but they are relatively few. No matter if they are newcomers or old people, they all know how to race against time after watching too many strategies.

"Hurry up, where is the map of that wild monster?"

I feel like there is a fire in my heart, and I panic when I am free, like obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Xie Xiaomeng was urged, and hurriedly called up her own game map, tried her best to recall the old map that Aunt Xue had synchronized from the player to her hand, and finally clicked on the nearest location.

In a dark area, the northwest corner of the map is lit near Novice Village.

"Go, try your luck"

The team of five went out of the city again. This time, they did not go to the refreshment area where there are more people than monsters. They passed by slimes, zombies, demonized grass spirits and other leveling points all the way, and when they passed the refreshment area of ​​level 2 monsters, they actually saw Someone's hard at work in there.

"Someone is level 2!"

The dwarf captain was amazed.

"It's a pity we can't go in!"

"Yeah, you can only enter at level 2, what a scam!"

Nonsense, if they could enter the level 2 spawn zone, they would have been there long ago. I don't believe that level 2 monsters can be hard to spawn.

The system doesn't know how to think about it. The changes in this test don't talk about it. The biggest slot is that it has become rigid. Level 1 can only go to level 1, level 2 can only go to level 2, obviously not enough points I don't know how to work around.

It feels like the player is treated as something on the assembly line, and no degree of freedom is given.

There are still no one in the level 3 monster spawn area, which makes people feel relieved. Fortunately, there are not too many lagging behind.

Don't even look at the later levels 4 and 5. After leaving the 'supporting infrastructure' of these novice villages, and moving forward, the game map and scene loading will start to be displayed.

[Abandoned Wasteland East Highland No. 1014 Demonized Forest (14)]

It was a really long name, like a street address.

Xie Xiaomeng felt that a layer of mist had been uncovered in his field of vision. The terrain was upward, and the shadowy trees gradually presented a very visually impactful appearance.

The cool and slightly cold wind in the early morning of the game time, accompanied by the rustling background sound and the joyous singing of countless insects and birds, is really breathtaking. No words can describe such a vast, vivid and real game scene. .

In such an environment, the individual is so small, as if in a completely strange and dangerous alien planet, which is an experience that no hearsay or description can give.

The five members of the team were shocked, and after a while, a dwarf teammate said moaningly, "I, I have nothing to say, I feel that the graphics card is burning."

"What kind of graphics card can achieve such a level, look at the wind, the grass, this...fuck, this is clearly alien black technology!"

After sighing for a while, the five of them walked cautiously along the upward terrain into the enchanted jungle (5), and met a dwarf-like black figure head-on.


Several people immediately stopped to guard, and then saw the black figure slowly turn around, it turned out to be an ugly, vicious demonized goblin like a hairless monkey.

"Level 3 monster, we are so lucky!"

"Be careful, don't wave!"

Under the shade of mottled trees, in the unknown and dangerous primitive jungle, the final harvest of fighting such monsters is not exactly what I imagined about Canaan?

But when things came to an end, Xie Xiaomeng realized that it was different from the romantic scene he had imagined. He was very nervous, very, very nervous, even more nervous than when he faced the first skeleton soldier.

Unlike the first-level skeleton soldiers and slimes, the third-level demonized goblins give people a much stronger feeling.

Look at its big ferocious mouth, exposed from the stinky mouth, the dagger-like sharp teeth still have some blood and flesh mixed in, the small sinister eyes are shining with pure cruelty and malice, and the actions are extremely powerful and agile, It was as fast as a rushing beast.

Before she was in shape, a smelly wind made her and her teammates unable to open their eyes, let alone confront them.

The teammate standing at the front of the team seemed to be stupefied by the fright. The monster had already rushed to the front and was still in a daze. The demonized goblin's claws were like five daggers swung over, and it just hit him with a single blow on his waist and abdomen. Large mosaic!

The dwarf teammate screamed in horror, clutching his stomach and was about to say: I touched my intestines, and it turned into a white light, and was sent back to the safe zone.

——It was an instant kill on the spot!

The rest of the people were startled and panicked like a hamster locked by a falcon. One teammate turned around and ran, and another teammate scrambled into the nearby bushes. The remaining team leader and Xie Xiaomeng didn't think about it Whether to run or hide, the demonized goblin got into the bushes, and after a scream of terror and swaying branches and leaves, there was another flash of white light.

"Too, too, too..."

The captain's teeth were trembling, and he didn't know what the "too" was for a long time. Seeing the demonized goblin came out of the bushes again, Xie Xiaomeng was stunned and ran back and forth.

After running a few steps, he saw a thin figure appearing in front of him. When he got closer, he realized that it was a bouncing, twin-tailed... loli?
The eyes of this human female player who pinched herself into a lolita lit up, and she was not afraid at all when she saw the demonized goblin chasing after her. Just as Xie Xiaomeng wanted to remind her, she rushed over, "Haha, level 2 elite ? Good luck!"

Xie Xiaomeng hurriedly looked back, and saw that the lolita player had already fought the there still going on?

She and the captain paused for breath, looked at the fierce battle group, and knew that they had encountered an old player.

This old lolita player is at most level 1, and he is also wearing a cheap novice outfit. His basic attributes are not that high, but his awareness, skills and experience are far different from those of these newcomers.

The back of her head seemed to have eyes, and she easily dodged the monster's fierce attack from behind. Her two legs were like butterflies flying in the flowers. He made the monster croak and scream, but he couldn't touch a single hair of her.

Every movement can be clearly seen, every movement is unexpected, and it looks like a professional gymnast when connected together, with a special beauty of rhythm.

In less than a minute, the demonized goblin was covered with scars.

It knew it was afraid, and wanted to run away after a feint.

"Want to leave? Leave your experience and equipment behind!"

With a [-]-degree backflip, the loli player landed steadily in front of the monster's escape, and the novice dagger pierced out in one direction without looking at it, and the monster's chest was just right on the tip of her sword.

A critical critical hit took away the monster's last health, and let him fall down in an unwilling roar.

A fly in the ointment, nothing exploded.

"Bah, you are so poor that you have the guts to be an elite?"

The loli player rummaged through the monster's corpse, stripped off the tattered and colorless rags, cut off the sharp claws, and opened the monster's mouth to look, hesitating whether to knock the teeth too. down.

These things are not considered dropped, but some grocery stores also collect them. At the end of the last test, some players found that these things that the system does not collect are not completely useless, such as DIY decorations, used as fillings in building materials Things, no matter how bad they are, they can be used as fuel, right?


The loli girl squatted on the monster's corpse and asked.

Xie Xiaomeng and the captain nodded quickly.

"Whoever of you two help me knock out the tooth, I will take whoever."

Hearing this, the captain looked at the horrible and disgusting corpse of the monster and hesitated.

Xie Xiaomeng gritted her teeth, stepped forward silently, picked up the dagger that cost 10 coppers to attack 1-4, squatted down and poked it into the monster's mouth.

As soon as it was poked down, a bloody arrow burst out, followed by a large mosaic.

"It's ok, Amon, right? He has a future, a future." The voice sounded obviously young, but had an old-fashioned tone.

Xie Xiaomeng didn't speak, endured the nausea, and handed her the bloody tooth that had been poked off.

Loli picked it up, put it in the system backpack, patted Xie Xiaomeng on the shoulder and stood up, "Leave the team, I'll join you."

Xie Xiaomeng quit the team without saying a word, and then received a team invitation with the ID of 'Magic Girl Zhu Zhuangzhuang'.

The really weird.

The captain of the dwarf tried to get close with his face, but Zhu Zhuangzhuang ignored him, and patted Xie Xiaomeng's elbow (he wanted to pat his shoulder, but couldn't reach it), "Follow me!" After finishing speaking, He jumped ahead and walked ahead.

Xie Xiaomeng glanced apologetically at the former captain with a stiff smile on his face, followed the newly hugged thigh, and walked deeper into the jungle.

"Amon, Amon, this name sounds a little weird at first, but it's quite interesting after careful consideration... Did you come up with it yourself?"


"What do you think of my name?"

"'s a bit cartoony, quite trendy."

"Haha, you think so too, right? But some people just don't appreciate it. They always ask me to change my name, but I won't change it. I'll call it Zhu Zhuangzhuang."

"Who is it, your elder?"

"Well, that's right... by the way, how old are you?"


"Don't lie!"

"16... just turned over!"

"Haha, you just turned 16? We are the same age, no wonder we have a common language... But I am older than you, you should call me sister."

Xie Xiaomeng: ...

"Why aren't you happy?"

"Sister... Sister Zhuang Zhuang!"

"Hey, sister Zhuang Zhuang will take you, quack..."

Xie Xiaomeng vowed that in the future, she must be a high play player, and if possible, she must get this 'sister' back.

(End of this chapter)

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