Chapter 303 Cousins

"Oni-chan, take me with you, Oni-chan~~ (the ending sound of 嗲嗤)"

"Sister Dongying? Get in the car!"

"Thank you Oni-chan, thank you!"

"Sister, listen to the call Ya Butterfly!"

"I hate it, Oni-chan is good or bad~~"

"Here, James Bond, dare, dare to ask the boss..."

"Where did the foreign devil come from, speak human language!"

"Nihao, my name is James Bond, may I ask this boss, how to enter the training camp?"

"Training camp? Go to the training camp instructor and complete a pre-quest."

"Yeah, yeah, it's not fair, it's discrimination, I'm going to protest..."

"Crazy, Canaan is not as expensive as Black Lives Matter, even if you shout out your throat, Canaan Company won't talk to you."

"This guy's friend dares to rob the system NPC, he is really ignorant and fearless."

"what's the result?"

"Of course it was cut by the guard, haha..."

"Nihao, I am from India, I love China, India and China are both superpowers, we are all friends!"

"Sorry, India is a superpower, China is not, we are a developing country."

"...I am a noble Brahmin, and I deserve respect and preferential treatment!"

"Come and see, another neuropathy has emerged."

"Ah, ah, I seem to be sick, I'm weak all over, I can't walk!"

"Stupid, you are going to faint from hunger."


"Go to the black shop of the system, bitter bread for 1 copper plate, and you will be alive and kicking after eating it."

"I, I have no money..."

"When I didn't say, bye!"

"Don't go, aren't all Chinese people good people? I'm from Africa, and I'm your African brother!"

"The landlord's family has no food left, I'm sorry for the African brothers!"

"Hua Guo and Pakistan are iron brothers!"

"Ah... this!"

"Last time I met a Chinese tourist who came to my store to buy something, and his money was confiscated."

"Ah... so!"

"There was an earthquake in Huaguo. We donated all the tents. In order to save space, the officials crowded into the tents to reach the disaster area."

"Hey...don't shout, brother, I still have 5 coppers, and I'll give it to you."

"I don't want money!"

"Then what do you want!"

"I just want to play games with Brother Iron!"

"Ah, please bring me!"


In contrast, Novice Village, which still has a large number of international server players, is more 'lively'.

The black pharaoh came back in a depressed mood. These were all background sounds. I saw that the Huaguo players and the international server players had already started interacting. Under the translation of the system, the communication was not hindered, and the problem of poor communication that I was worried about before did not occur.

He was cheated by a few unscrupulous Huaguo teammates just now. The black pharaoh saw that these Huaguo players didn’t like them, so he went straight to the NPC and handed in the quest. The reward he got was copper coins with a very small probability, which made him feel better Some.

What to do next?
This problem is not a problem for Huaguo players. The online game routines they are familiar with are exactly Canaan’s routines. However, in foreign countries, especially in North America, the game culture is different, and the problem of adaptability is a common phenomenon for international players. .

Always slow, always not knowing what to do next.

"Hey James Bond, just call me 007!"

"Yeah, Black Pharaoh!"

"Brother Black Pharaoh, are you level 1?"


"How about together, powder of magic grass essence, 10 servings?"

"Uh... I seem to be hungry?"

"I know where the grocery store is, I'll take you there"

Until now, it has been more than three hours since the server was opened, and the players of the international server know the process of spawning monsters. Even so, there are not a few who are not in the state.

Following 007's black pharaoh, preparing to taste the food in the game for the first time, when passing by the door of the church of Tias, the goddess of life and harvest, I saw a lot of international server players looking for trouble.

The two stopped and watched for a while, and 007, a very stinky white elf player, shrugged his shoulders, "They feel that their beliefs have been offended, what do you think?"

"It's just a game!"

"But he is too real, unbelievably real, as if he has started a second life."

"Then give this second life a second choice."

"Haha, if everyone thinks this way." As he said, Mr. 007 turned his mouth to the Huaguo players watching the excitement, "They don't have any troubles in this regard."

The black pharaoh gritted his teeth, "Hua people have no faith, they only focus on interests, a group of believers who put interests first."

"Haha, it seems that we have a common language, let's get to know James Bond again, the hometown of 007, from Great Britain!"


"Cousins ​​ha!"

The system food store is located in the northeast corner of the square. It is very remote and hard to find.

The two 'cousins' found a place, and there were already many newcomers from the international server surrounding the shop, scrambling to buy that kind of black bread from the NPC.

A player who looked like Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings was excitedly holding a black bread, talking about the incredible and the soul can eat, as if holding some rare delicacy, so moved that he was about to cry.

After he carefully took a bite and closed his eyes, the expression on his face was first moved, then slowly stiffened, and then became exciting.

"Bah, it's too unpalatable!"

"Dark Food!"

"Aren't the people of Huaguo all culinary masters? Why are they so unpalatable?"

"Feel like some spoiled, moldy animal offal?"

"This is brown bread, vegetarian!"


The two cousins ​​looked at each other, feeling a little uncomfortable.

The black pharaoh gritted his teeth and made enough mental preparations before stepping forward to buy one.

Fist-sized bread, according to the introduction, is a cheap food made of bitter wheat as the main ingredient and supplemented with various oils. You can't eat too much, and you will be poisoned if you eat too much.

I took a sip with a heroic mood, and a strange smell rushed straight into my mouth, ravaging my taste buds all the way, and my stomach was always disgusted.

The black pharaoh was about to spit it out, but when he thought that it was worth 1 copper and he couldn't afford more expensive ones, he would starve to death if he didn't eat it, so he had to force himself to swallow it.

"I swear, this is the worst food I've ever had!"

"It seems that we are going to make money!", 007 looked at the more expensive food sold in the store and said, "Survival will be a big problem in the future, and there is no relief from the Welfare Department here."

"Damn, this game is too hardcore."

In this comparison, the food stamps provided by the Welfare Department are simply too considerate. It would be great if there were such benefits in the game.

007's hunger value was also very high, but he had no money, so he had the cheek to ask his 'cousin' to borrow a copper to buy one, and the two returned to the square eating the extremely unpalatable bread.

"Everything is conceived in darkness. Darkness is the origin of all existence and the starting point of all changes. It gave birth to the Almighty Creator, but the Creator hates darkness. He created light as soon as he was born, and the light spreads and flows everywhere. , there is time."

"But light and time cannot completely dispel darkness, just as you cannot dispel your own shadow."

"Son, you asked me what kind of god the Goddess of the Night is. This question is very good. The Goddess of the Night represents the darkness at the beginning of all existence, the origin of all existence, the ancient times before light and time... such a great god Are gods not worthy of our worship, praise, and belief?"

A very special NPC appeared on the square. God, many players in the international server suspect that he is played by a real person. Seeing how hard he preaches, it is hard to imagine that he is just a program composed of 0 and 1.

"God, what is God?"

"My lord, Mattila Ho Bens, is not the false god enshrined in the evening meeting who stole the power of the night. My lord represents the real night. My lord's full name is the mother of night and true knowledge."

"What, a mission? You...don't be so utilitarian, children...Of course, to become a citizen of the night, you will naturally have to perform more of the authority and duties bestowed by the night. So many lost lambs need to be rescued by the night, so...mission There are merits and merits, as long as the unique skills and equipment meet the conditions, there are also..."

"One by one, one by one!"

The bee pupae came forward are basically Huaguo players, 007 complained, "Huaguo people are really a group of believers above interests, look at them, even their beliefs can be traded."

Before I finished speaking, I saw the 'cousin' I just met also went.

"No, I said..."

"Don't be naive, James, it's just a game."

More than a hundred people crowded around the preaching NPC and took a booklet from him. When it was the turn of the black pharaoh, something happened. The man in front of him was rejected by the NPC.

"Why can't I." The buddy looked dumbfounded.

"Your name, child."

"What's wrong with the name?"

"Haotian supreme crape myrtle original... lord, such a name can't imagine what it would be like to appear in front of my lord, so... go and change your name, child, although we are a rebel army, we must maintain the minimum humility."

The black pharaoh is listening to the music behind. Now, these lawless Chinese people are finally deflated because of their unscrupulousness, right?
At the same time, I was also worried about my own name, Pharaoh, Pharaoh, shouldn't violate any taboos, right?

Fortunately, he didn't worry about his worries, and he received the booklet smoothly.

"Go down and study hard, Black Pharaoh, look forward to the next meeting, you are already a believer of our Lord."

Opening the booklet, it is all about the teachings of the night and the mother of true knowledge. In addition to explaining the origin and relationship between the night and all things in the world, it also emphasizes that the current lady of the night is a false god who steals power. One of the missions of our rebel army It is to overthrow her and push Matila, who really represents the night, to the position.

After reading, he received a notification from the system that he had become a fan of Matila, the goddess of the night and true knowledge.

On the system properties panel, there is an additional sub-section of belief, which digitally divides his belief level into a value of 0-100 to express. One reading makes him a general believer with a belief value of 1, and he needs to be upgraded to a shallow believer , it is necessary to 'repair' the value of 100 to full.

The reminder says that you can deepen your faith by repeatedly studying the teachings, completing faith-specific tasks and donations, that is, leveling up.

After hearing all the benefits, 007 joined the queue to receive the booklet with a sense of integrity, and when he came back, he embarrassingly emphasized that the game is just a game.

Players in the international server are more or less scruples, Huaguo players have no taboos, the bustle of the square did not cause a sensation among the players, but a few similar NPCs were blown out.

Soon, priests such as the Goddess of Life and Harvest, the Sun God, the Moon God, the God of Craftsmen, the Goddess of the Forest, etc. were all drawn out. Their unique voices became group competitions, and the small Novice Village became like this. It has become a place where people compete to preach, seriously interfering with the normal task flow.

The head of Xinshou Village had no choice but to stand up on behalf of the system and drive all the preaching priests back to their churches before the players dispersed from the water-tight square.

"Interesting, interesting, the church competes for believers, the exclusive skills, tasks and merit system of believers of gods... Our rebel army has great ambitions."

The black pharaoh listened to an old Chinese player analyzing the scene that just happened with his companions.

"From this point of view, there will be wars of gods in the future, and the system has ambitions to replace the gods of Canaan, and even cultivate its own false gods from now on."

"False god? Not necessarily?"

"It wasn't there in the previous tests, but it popped up suddenly this time, what do you think?"

"So, ours is the false god, and the one we want to overthrow is the true god?"

"It should be."

"Wow, that's pretty audacious...but I like it."

"With our players, all gods have been overthrown. From this point of view, this game has just begun. Maybe it will be tested ten times."

At this time, James came back with a drenched guy.

"This is……"

"Hi, I'm Fanster Lee, from Italy, your new teammate."

" fell into the well?"

"It's a small problem, don't worry about it, don't worry about it."

James suppressed a smile and said, "This guy lifted up a lady's skirt as soon as he went online, was caught by the system, and has only come out now."

"Injustice, great injustice!" Fanster Li looked up to the sky and felt wronged: "When I first went online, I was in a trance, just wanting to confirm whether all this is true, I definitely didn't mean it, I'm not a pervert, I swear! "

"Come on, there are so many people, why are you the only one to lift up other people's skirts, and what's wrong with you, you just went to the village head's daughter, oh my god, she doesn't look like 10 years old, you scum , scum!"

Black Pharaoh: "You...know each other in reality?"

"Well, he's my cousin!" James said with a look of disgust.

The black pharaoh shrugged.

"Wait a minute, there are two more guys... We will be friends from now on, let's play together... This is the black pharaoh from America."

"Black Pharaoh? Cool!"

Time wasted like that.

The black pharaoh was a little impatient, but luckily he didn't have to wait long, and soon a man, a woman, an elf and a dwarf joined the team noisily.

The dwarf is called Jack the Ripper, and the female elf is called Marilyn Monroe. With James Bond and his black pharaoh, the name Feast Lee is more normal.

But this guy is suspected of being a pervert.

Black Pharaoh didn't expect much from such a teammate.

And indeed it is.

Two hours later, in the refreshment area of ​​the magic herb essence, the black pharaoh returned to the preparation area with the dying Marilyn Monroe on his back, followed by James Bond and Fanster Lee, two teammates who were dejected because of excessive fright. .

As for Jack the Ripper, he has already hung up and returned to the city.

Their first mission to spawn monsters was a complete farce, and even more of a disaster.

"It's better to be a player from Huaguo!"

The black pharaoh thought sullenly, although he was cheated, deceived, and bullied, his efficiency was completely different.

(End of this chapter)

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