This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 304 Training Camp

Chapter 304 Training Camp

After opening the server for 6 hours, Xie Xiaomeng was promoted to level 2.

This kind of progress can be considered among the old players, let alone the newcomers.

The reason is naturally that there is a strong sister.

With the fall of the last demonized goblin, a small monster camp was cleaned up like this. The upgraded white light made Xie Xiaomeng overjoyed, but the magic girl Zhu Zhuangzhuang, who had already reached level three, was very dissatisfied.

"What are you doing, for a few hours, not even a single piece of equipment?"

"Sister Zhuangzhuang, is such a burst rate abnormal?"

"Lower than when the fourth test"


"Planned by a shit-eating dog, you have no conscience!"

Xie Xiaomeng didn’t have the experience of the previous tests, so he felt good. Although he didn’t explode any equipment, copper coins, potions, bandages, materials, etc. still filled up a small half of the space in the system backpack. Go back and buy them. It's not much less than Aunt Xue's hard work selling pancakes, you know, this is just the beginning of the service.

Of course, the main reason is that someone took her. If she was the only one, she definitely wouldn't have gained so much.

But how should I put it, Xie Xiaomeng didn't feel much progress when the level was raised.

She hardly used her hands during the whole process, and it was only her turn when the spoils were harvested at the end.

She didn't need her thighs to tell her, she used her dagger to chop off the claws, teeth, and things inside the eyes of the demonized goblin very consciously. She didn't dare to look at it before, but now she can finish it without changing her face.

"Stop brushing, go back."

"Let's go back now?" Xie Xiaomeng was a little bit reluctant because there were still two hours of game time.

"I'm here for your own good."

"what happened?"

"You are level 2, now let you farm a level 2 monster alone, do you think it is safe?"


"Look, Canaan is different from the silly game of moving the mouse and keyboard. The level is one aspect, and the awareness, experience and skills are another aspect. It is useless to go up the level. You have to improve the skills and awareness, otherwise you will only be able to do it in the future. You can be a casual player now...don't blame me for not reminding you."

"Ah, how do I make it up and spawn monsters by myself?"

"Training camp, if you are going to be a melee class, you can choose a warrior training camp, if you are preparing for a long-range job, you can choose an archer or something like that... Didn't you say that your bow and arrow always miss it? Go to the training camp and practice and it will be solved. "

"It's so troublesome, it didn't seem like this before?"

"This time the test has been changed. The previous remote occupations had system corrections and soul locks, but this time they are gone."

"It's getting harder and harder?"

"Well, for the rest of the game time, you can go to the training camp to make up for this aspect. You can spawn infinitely in it, which is much faster than spawning monsters."

"Thank you, Ms. Zhuangzhuang."

After a few hours of getting along, the distance between the two people of the same age has been greatly shortened. The other party is so sincerely thinking about himself, this "Sister Zhuangzhuang" is really sincere.

The return journey is easier than before. The wild monsters cleared along the way are no longer spawned, and latecomers will not be able to enjoy such resources. The hands are fast, and the hands are slow. Maybe in the future, the wild area will become a monster. What is left, replaced by villages, towns and even countries established by players and NPCs?
This point has long been vaguely hinted on the official website. In the future, various battlefields, dungeons, and large and small task scenes will be the main way to obtain experience and props. The game area, especially the wild area, will be gradually developed to accommodate more players. players have entered.

No way, millions of players and tourists are pouring in, relying on the cities and novice villages provided by the system, they can't accommodate them no matter what, even if they can accommodate them, they can't do it like this, it's better to let the players play freely , On a piece of white ground, it is better to build the so-called second world and spiritual home from scratch.

Although the magical girl Zhu Zhuangzhuang is young, she has the self-consciousness of a big sister. The experience similar to the training camp is endless. She explained all kinds of common sense and taboos in the game along the way, which benefited Xie Xiaomeng a lot , praise each other from time to time, satisfy the vanity of the other party, and get along very well.

On the way, I met many old players starting or returning, ranging from one person to several people, and very few players brought newcomers, all of them were in a hurry, as if someone was chasing after them.

"Wow, everyone has level 4!"

All of a sudden, I saw an old player with an LV4 title on his way back, swaggering all the way through the market, and everyone looked sideways as he passed by.

"Cut, stinky show off!"

Zhu Zhuangzhuang had a sour tone, and the spontaneous sense of urgency made her no longer interested in chatting, "Hurry up"


Afterwards, the two men hurried on their way, and it took more than half an hour to return to the vicinity of Xinshou Village.

This is the opening day of the server, and there are still many wild monsters near Xinshou Village. If you go to the wild to farm monsters in the future, you can't go and return on the same day.

When I went there, there was no one in the respawn area for level 4 or level 5 monsters. When I came back, there were already people coming and going, all of them were old players, and I saw a perverted level 5 monster. How did he get promoted?

Zhu Zhuangzhuang was speechless, she couldn't figure out how could someone be so fast.

Is there a trick that others don't know?
But this time it's a file deletion, the game map has changed a lot, what other unique cheats are there?
I thought it must be an exception, but when I looked at the level ranking list (Bei Gaoyang didn't even know what Xiaoai made), the list of level 5 had already filled up the first few pages of the display.

Level 3 Zhu Zhuangda was hit, and for the first time regretted the decision to lead someone, Xie Xiaomeng wisely shut up, not to touch her bad luck at this time.

"Ah, my sister-in-law is almost level 5!?"

"Little sister?"

"Damn it, you didn't take me with you!"

After more than a dozen pages, Zhu Zhuangzhuang found a familiar name, jumped up excitedly, looked at the location of Xinshou Village displayed in the back, and gave up his plan to ask the teacher for punishment in frustration.

If you are less than level 5, you cannot open the world and private chat channels. There are only nearby channels and friends channels with distance restrictions. Thousands of miles of sound transmission is impossible... It is a new rule of the five tests.

You fucking tortoise!
In this test, the old players felt that it was not one or two points that were inconvenient. They all complained that it was more and more changed. What is Canaan Company doing?

When the two returned to Xinshou Village, they saw that most of them were still newbies. At this time, most people hadn't gotten into the mood yet, arguing, chatting, tinkering, tinkering with those who no one knew what they were doing, and some scenic parties, Casual party, social party, impractical party to start business now, etc.

All kinds of people are really lively.

"I bought something and went to the refresh area to upgrade, how about you?"

"I... I'm going to training camp!"

"Okay, I will keep in touch in the future."

It seems that Zhu Zhuangzhuang was really in a hurry. After saying goodbye in a hurry, he went to hand over the task, bought supplies, and hurriedly went to the refresh area to level up.

Xie Xiaomeng was not without regrets, the good time with someone was over so soon, recalling Zhu Zhuangzhuang's warning to himself, he looked around in a daze, not knowing where the NPC in the archery training camp was.

When she finds a place, there is less than an hour left in the game, and she is already very satisfied to be able to upgrade to level 2. The last hour is pure profit.

Talk to the NPC in the training camp, and run errands for him to find a 'Senior Shooting Master' NPC.

"... Archery is a skill that requires a lot of talent, but if you are an elf, there is no problem. Go ahead and take my answer."

Get the token, go back to find the NPC in the training camp, and complete this pre-quest before being sent to the training space.

A vast and flat square with many connected shooting positions and targets, just like a shooting range.

Many people have already practiced in it.

Divided into fixed targets and moving targets, novices naturally start with fixed targets.

Xie Xiaomeng eagerly stood on a shooting position, and a virtual turntable selection box appeared in front of her, allowing her to choose various bows and arrows.

Soft bows, hard bows, short bows, long bows, riding bows, step bows... There are a lot of specialties, and there are a lot of them according to the texture of the material. The most advanced one is the magic bow.

Novices naturally start with the simplest.

This is a system function NPC refreshed on the shooting platform, and said to her blankly, "10 meters fixed target, 10 shots are all qualified."

That's it?

No one teaches?
Xie Xiaomeng groaned in her stomach, picked up the training bow, which was not much different from the novice bow and arrow, put on the arrow, pulled it away, aimed at a fixed target 10 meters away, and shot it at three points and one line.


She was a little frustrated that she couldn't even hit a target 10 meters away. Could it be that she had no talent?

Correcting the mistake just now, he shot another arrow, this time closer to the target, but still missed.

After repeated adjustments, he finally hit the target when he drew the bowstring for the seventh time, but it was still far from the fist-sized bullseye.

I thought I found the feeling this time, but the next arrow missed the target again.

Should we also consider wind speed?
When she was full of frustration and anxiety, the functional archery instructor said, "You have to treat the bow and arrow as a part of your body, tell it clearly what your target is, and aim with a keen sense. , with no distractions..."

What the hell is this teaching.

What about skills?

Shouldn't it be three o'clock and one line?
In fact, she made a mistake. Archery is not aiming at guns, and the trajectory of arrows in flight is not a straight line. She has never had similar experience in reality, and she has no knowledge of archery, so she took a detour for granted. .

But even if this detour is ignored, such an idealistic teaching of archery masters in reality will scold and mislead their children.

Of course, there are also advantages, that is, a blank sheet of paper, no need to correct the habits and mistakes developed in reality, and do what the instructor says.

How does it feel to feel that the bow and arrow are part of the body?

For the first time, Xie Xiaomeng carefully looked at the bow in his hand, stroked the wooden patterns on it, felt its icy temperature, and plucked the bowstring with his fingers, feeling its tension and tension.

This should be a very ordinary bow, the surface has a glaze color that has been held for a long time, and the bowstring is a little burred. It looks like an old man in his twilight years, sitting alone under the dim yellow sunset, bleak and ending.

A magical and unreal scene happened.

Xie Xiaomeng suddenly found that the bow in his hand became much lighter. He held it in his hand, as if one hand was holding the other hand. Although he couldn't extend the feeling to the inside of the bow's texture, he did have a hazy intuition. It seems that it is no longer a dead thing, but has its own faint 'emotion' pouring out to itself.

Following this 'confession', she hitched an arrow without looking at the target ten meters away, bent the bow and loosened the string, and the arrow flew out with a whoosh, and the next instant it hit the bullseye ten meters away Above, the tail flutters very rhythmically.

Xie Xiaomeng was stunned, then looked at the bow in his hand, the feeling disappeared again.

"Hit the target, pass the number of times 1/10"

No time to pay attention to the NPC instructor's prompt, she tried hard to recall how everything happened just now, as if... yes, that's it, it can't be regarded as a dead object, but anthropomorphic according to its characteristics, material, state and other details. change……

The second time it felt clearer than the first time, the bow seemed to have really become a part of her body, and she followed her various movements freely and beautifully, raising the bow upwards, sideways opening the bow, Jumping to work... self-taught, very fantasy.

A newcomer who has never had the basics of bow and arrow, but has done many difficult movements that many people may not be able to do after a long time of practice. Building a bow is as simple as eating and drinking, effortless and natural.

"Hit the target, pass the number of times 10/10"

Seeing the arrows on the bull's eye 10 meters away, Xie Xiaomeng happily waved his fists. Compared with the clumsiness when he shot the skull, he was a completely different person.

"20-meter fixed target, 10 hits pass!"

At a distance of 20 meters, the 'old guy' in his hand was a bit powerless. Xie Xiaomeng reluctantly handed it back to the system and chose another bow that was a little harder.

This bow is much 'younger', with denser wood grains. The bow string is made of the whole tendon and bone of an unknown animal, and it presents a graceful arc in the hand. It is about one meter long. Based on Xie Xiaomeng's 4 With a little strength, it is still a bit difficult to fully bow.

The attribute points for upgrading to level 2 haven't been added yet, so I have to take out a little bit and add it to the strength attribute.

It's easier to pull it apart again.

Still the same as last time, carefully observe and touch the guy in your hand, trying to build an imagination about it.

What kind of bow is this? Its wooden pattern should not be commonplace, it should be some kind of very precious and famous material. When it comes into contact with the coldness of metal, it looks a bit lonely.

It is not young anymore, as can be seen from the glaze color on the bow, how many people have held it, how many accurate arrows have been shot, and how many difficult opponents have been hit...

When that feeling reappeared, Xie Xiaomeng smiled slightly, bent the bow and set the arrow in one go, the arrow shot out, and it really hit the bull's-eye.


The remaining one hour is spent in fixed target practice of 20 meters, 30 meters, 40 meters, and 50 meters.

This kind of practice method is not boring at all. The more you immerse yourself in it, the more indescribable fun you will have. With the improvement of archery skills, a sense of accomplishment arises spontaneously. Level 2 is far beyond reach.

The fixed target is just the beginning, the moving target is the advanced standard, and the moving position and the moving target are the qualified rulers. What is more difficult is the blind shooting and heart shooting of the obstacle position, and even the practice of the magic bow later. The elusive magic bow becomes a part of the body and can be used freely.

In short, archery is simple and simple, just like the NPC archery master said, it is a skill that tests talent extremely, it is difficult to say, it is completely different from archery in reality, it is more idealistic, more fantasy, more... …have fun and challenges.

(End of this chapter)

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