Chapter 305
"Hey, Chunshui, have you reached level 5 yet? Uh, uh... I'm so annoying, I accidentally hung up once, wasting a little time, and I'm just at level 4... What, you're only at level 4? What's going on? The previous NPC relationship accounts are gone? No way, I have two lines that can still be used... Ah, you are too unlucky, I remember you are a sergeant major, right? In Alpha City... Haha, I forgot, Alpha City doesn’t have a mainstream quest process anymore, right… You’re really unlucky, you’ve done so much for nothing… Well, well, you can inherit it after level 5, don’t worry… Okay, that’s it, level 5 Make more friends."

"Brother Chun, how did you rush to level 5... What, you actually hid such a useful NPC relationship and didn't share it, it's not honest, you... it can only be used by you alone? Well, forget it How about you pass the test... How about a level 5 master and a little girl... so humble, how come you are also a top 500 character on the ranking list... Humph, let's talk about level 5, your novice village is so far away, I fly over?"

"Hey, vanilla, um, um, it's only level 4... I haven't made up my mind yet, I don't want to play priest, I guess I should choose between elf ranger and human mage... bard? Cut it, I will adjust it to an auxiliary profession in the future. I am enough to be an auxiliary, and the bard will not consider it...Okay, level 5 I can't decide this, but I can help you ask , I’m an old player who has tested a few times, so it’s probably not a big problem...Well, there is a resident, and our patriarch has already got the inherited props, and we will wait for level 5...Okay, that’s it, keep in touch, goodbye!"

Because it is late at night, the game has been shut down for maintenance, hundreds of thousands of players have gone offline and did not cause a sensation in reality, it is estimated that tomorrow morning, when Mengxin of Wutest recovers from the mental exhaustion after logging in for the first time, the game will be released. Let their feelings out.

As a veteran player, except for the crowding, other aspects of the experience are not deep. On the contrary, most veteran players feel that the difficulty has dropped a bit.

In terms of congestion, although hundreds of thousands of people were online at the same time this time, it was distributed to thousands of Xinshou villages, and that was it.

In other respects, it feels too restrictive. Before level 5, it is restricted to Novice Villages. Each Novice Village is like an isolated island. Most of the changes and functions in this test can only be activated after level 5 or even taking office.The settings of the refresh area and wild area make old players feel that the difficulty has been reduced. Delete files, delete files, and things on paper are gone, but some things cannot be deleted, such as the relationship with intelligent NPCs.

Long before the end of the fourth test, there were some players who took precautions, purposefully used the game resources that were about to be zeroed, made friends with intelligent NPCs in the main city of the system, and even conspired with NPCs to take advantage of the system's loopholes, realizing a disguised of 'inheritance'.

I won’t talk about the specific process. These people are afraid of being discovered by the system. They kept it secret at first, but there are more than one or two guys with flexible brains. It's the institutions that are cornered.

So in the later stages of the Fourth Test, especially when the server is close to shutting down, more and more people know about it, and it gradually becomes an open secret, only hidden from the system and Canaan Company.

It's possible to hide it from Canaan Company, but how can it be possible to hide it from the system and Xiao Ai.

Xiao Ai was about to plug this loophole, but Bei Gaoyang stopped her.

Why bother with players so much, anyway, the main purpose of deleting files is not affected, old players enjoy some invisible benefits and conveniences, why not?
Having said that, necessary precautions and regulation are necessary.

Institutions are listed as the target of attack because the 'inheritance' is too large, and they also seize the channel for ordinary players to 'inherit the inheritance'. Although intelligent NPCs cannot delete files, they can adjust positions and tighten related authority.

"Xiaoyu, what are you doing?"

"Get ready to take a shower, what's the matter?"

"It's unlucky, I only have two most useless accounts left in my relationship, what about yours?"

"Basically, none of the equipment was kept."

"I look online, and there is no success. The most reserved ones are tasks, experience, and spawning monsters."

"It should be that the system discovered it and took corresponding countermeasures."

"It's really stingy, you care about us players!"

"It's enough to have tasks and experience. It will widen the gap with the big troops. Let's be content."

"Are there many veteran players in your Novice Village?"

"More than twenty, what's the matter?"

"There are only seven or eight in our village, and they are all newcomers. They are so annoying. They rush to do everything, and their time is wasted."

"It's all the same..."

Du Shiyu went to take a shower, and when she came out, she saw that her best friend was still at home, so she drove her back to sleep.

"Go to bed first, I have something else to do."

Xia Miaomiao tapped the keyboard very quickly, Du Shiyu looked at the screen, it was a forum where old players stayed, many people were up late at night, and they were exchanging their experience of opening the server on it.

Du Shiyu sat down and looked at it for a while, and saw that the novice villages had been classified above, a large number of pictures and videos, as well as opinions and experiences on the changes of this test... There are a lot of dry goods.

In the past, the communication in the game was not restricted by region, distance, and level. Even in the Alpha Battlefield, you can communicate with the game area without barriers. This is no longer possible. You can’t enjoy such convenience without going out of Xinshou Village. Information interaction has regressed , old players find it more interesting, because the world outside Novice Village has become unknown.

One by one information islands, there are always you who have experienced what I have not experienced, you have discovered things that I have not discovered, and there are many things that can be exchanged, so the forum is more lively than during the fourth test.

But the most posts still share the various situations of 'inheritance', and now they don't hide it. Old players compare the information together, complain, complain, curse...all go to Canaan Company.

After watching for a while, Du Shiyu yawned, lay down in the game cabin and fell asleep.

The next morning, I was woken up by the sound of tinkling outside. I got up and stood in front of the window sill to watch, and found that it was another celebration parade with gongs and drums.

Xia Miaomiao was not there, and she didn't know where to go crazy. Seeing that there were still 3 or 4 hours before the server started, she lay down and fell asleep again.

North America at the same time.

With a 12-hour time difference, it was already late at night when Philip woke up.


My neck hurts badly, it seems that I have a stiff neck. I was too excited when I landed, and I didn’t adjust my posture when I lay down. I just wore a helmet like this. After a long time, will my stiff neck stop?

He sat up from the narrow bed in a daze, his eyes were out of focus for a while, and what Huaguo players commonly called 'jet lag' emerged on him.

The body in the game and the body in reality, the time in the game and the time in reality, the perception in the game and the perception of reality, the environment of the game and the environment of reality... The difference is huge, and the first landing is between the two Conversion, all kinds of discomfort is the so-called 'jet lag'.

He was so tired when he was off the assembly line that he passed out as soon as he took off his helmet. After a few hours of sleep, he felt that something was different. Philip couldn’t tell if there was a difference.

Just as he was thinking about this in a daze, the door of the RV was pulled open vigorously, and his brother Adams rushed in.

"You wake up, hurry up, someone is coming this way."

Philip was startled, "Who?"

"I don't know, the high probability is not a good thing, you don't know how tight the rumors are now!"

Adams started the RV in a hurry, and Philip pulled down the curtains to block out the light in the car. After a minute, he left the temporary camp and drove along the deserted road to a deeper no-man's land.

"By the way, how do you feel, my player brother?"

"Uh...not bad!"

"Just good?"

"...I can't describe it, I can't tell... what's the situation now?"

"What else can I do? Tiaozi and the FBI are looking for you players like crazy."

"Damn it, they fell out with the Hua people themselves, and they are looking for trouble on us?"

"Don't forget how you got your helmet. You are also a black household on the side of Huaguo people... Did the landing go well this time, and you haven't been found?"

"No, it went well."

"That's good.

Philip is very grateful to his brother who is several years younger than him. Without him, there would be no game helmet, and it is because of him that he has obtained the status of a player.

And the price paid was also huge. Both he and himself became homeless wanderers. The police were looking for them, and Adams' gang was also looking for them.

Philip cherished the hard-won status of this player, recalled the first login and experience in the game just ended, and unconsciously laughed.

James, Jack the Ripper, Marilyn, and the perverted Feast Lee in NPC skirts.

Canaan is so magical. Strangers who are thousands of miles apart meet in a novice village. With a new identity and body, they are placed in a new rule and environment...

I didn't feel it in the game, but looking back now, every minute and every second in Canaan was a miracle. The joys, sorrows, joys, gains and losses in the game don't seem to matter now, even if those teammates who cheated my Huaguo didn't hate it. Only vague, hazy, and beautified memories remain.

"Honestly, how does it feel to be a player?"

"Very good, Adams, very good, it feels, it a second life."

"...Like a different body?"

"Not as if, but sure."

"Wow, wow, to be honest, I also want to experience it, you don't know, the outside world has already begun to slander Canaan and the players, and those white guys are furious, because Canaan company bypassed them and didn't take the benefits Share the profit with those vultures... Next, we must be careful not to reveal our identities."

"How many players are there in North America?"

"I don't know, the international server has been banned, and most people can't log in, but there are still channels in the black market, but I suspect it's a trap."

"...It's better to be careful!"

"I know, let's get through this time first."

After that, the two brothers fell silent, and Adams drove the RV in the vast no man's land.

Philip took out a map in the dim light and found an abandoned town 17 kilometers ahead, so he asked Adams to camp there.

For such a wandering life, the source of food, water and fuel is also a problem. It is impossible to completely avoid people, and can only rely on Adams' adaptability.

The abandoned town is called Grizzly Town, and it’s not that there are no residents. When the RV turned into the side road, a white man riding a horse and carrying a shotgun stopped the way and questioned them about their origins.

Adams was clever enough to get the country cowboy out of the way by falsely claiming he was camping, with company behind him.

Grizzly Town is just a main street leading to Seattle, with houses listed for sale on both sides, only a bar, a small supermarket and a gas station with lights, but no one can be seen, and the few street lights are still on. Eerie and secluded, just like a ghost town.

Philip was using an old laptop to surf the Internet, and Adams parked the car in front of the small supermarket, ready to buy some supplies.

"Be careful!"

Before leaving, Adams handed Philip a pistol and pointed to the darkness outside the car window.

Players in North America are now black households, and no one knows how many there are except Canaan Company.

Even if they don't live a life of hiding from XZ like Philip, they will still cover up the fact that they are players.

This brings about a problem, offline communication and interaction will become a problem, and it also makes it impossible for Philip to realize it in reality no matter how much he gains in the game.

To solve this, it is necessary to find other players to communicate with each other.

Philip needs money, and the initial motivation to become a player is money, and the current situation requires money even more. The younger brother Adams's theft method can only last for a while, and they can't hide like this forever.

But it's not easy to find real players on major social media, and you have to be careful of traps, true and false, which makes Philip a little confused.

Just when he was wondering if it would be more convenient and concealed in the game, he suddenly heard a gunshot. Looking up, his younger brother Adams staggered open the glass door of the supermarket and ran towards this side.


Philip grabbed his pistol and went to respond. As soon as he got out of the car, there was another gunshot, and a strong man with a semi-automatic rifle also rushed out, aiming his gun at this side.

Philip raised his hand to shoot, grabbed his brother's arm while the opponent was dodging, and returned to the RV in a few steps.

"Damn, are you hurt?"

"Come on, go, he called 911"

"what happened?"

"TV... Wanted... Photos..."

"Ouch, damn it!"

Philip quickly started the car, slammed on the accelerator, and smashed open the iron door behind him with a loud friction sound. With a bang, the rear windshield of the RV was shattered by a single shot.

"Go, the FBI will be here soon."

Without Adams' urging, the RV had already slid up the main road, stepped on the accelerator, and roared towards the darkness outside the town.

"How are you Adams?"

"I'm fine..."

"Don't hold back, you bastard!"

While driving at a high speed, he watched Adams nervously through the rearview mirror.

Adams looked very bad, clutching his lower abdomen, his fingers were bright red.

How to do how to do……

Ten minutes later, Philip slammed on the brakes and parked the RV on the side of the road. When he turned around, Adams had fallen into a coma.

(End of this chapter)

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