This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 306 Are You Shaking?

Chapter 306 Are You Shaking?
"... Come on Will, let's be realistic. It is impossible for the Chinese to have such technology. The Canaan Game is a complete scam. It is their conspiracy to rule the world. All Americans should stay away from the Canaan Game."

"But they've launched their own Iron Man..."

"That's alien technology, and again, they had alien help, maybe some crashed alien spaceship, maybe they found something on the far side of the moon... I'm not kidding, all the evidence is It shows that they got some kind of help, and this kind of help can come from other than alien technology, I really can't think of it."

"Well, even if they get help from aliens, what should we do? Keep fighting them like this?"

"We have to unite our allies. This is a big deal, Will. It is related to the life and death of the free world. Just imagine, if Canaan games are not banned and allowed to spread in the free world, then who can guarantee They will not rely on the Canaan game to control our voters, and then influence our political situation, and even change our values ​​and beliefs?"

"Uh... is it possible?"

"It's entirely possible that people are obsessed with that game, and its influence is immeasurable. If one day in the future, they extend this influence from online to offline, what should we do? You tell Will, What can we do?"

"Maybe... a civil war will break out?"

"It's entirely possible, it's not alarmist talk, it's a very likely future if we don't take firm and decisive steps."

"But what to do now, the Chinese people are very tough, and that Canaan company has completely bypassed us."

"We can only step up efforts to find out those dangerous elements who secretly play the Canaan game, but this is the first step. We must find a way to make them compromise. They can't do this. We must make the Canaan game change." Be transparent, accept the supervision of the international community, and dispel the doubts of the international community..."

"So, you support the 104th Amendment right?"


In a hospital in Seattle, Philip, handcuffed and guarded by two FBI officers, yelled anxiously at a passing nurse, "Can you turn off this damn TV?"

Adams was being rescued inside. Doctors and nurses kept pushing various blood-stained instruments in and out. The corridor was guarded by the FBI at all entrances and exits. It was as if he was some heinous criminal.

Falling into such a situation, Philip had no choice. Adams, his younger brother, couldn't just watch him die.

No one paid attention to him, and the crazy slander on TV continued.

"...Today is the opening day of the Canaan game. It's already 10 o'clock. I heard that the game has been shut down for maintenance. We must hurry up and find those dangerous players called players."

"What happens after you find out? Strictly speaking, they haven't broken any laws, have they?"

"Come on, wait for Amendment 104 to pass."

"But they are innocent now!"

"At special moments, legal provisions on national security can be cited..."

"It's too extreme, Rayward..."

Hearing this, Philip yelled, "So what crime did I commit, why should I be arrested?"

The two FBIs still ignored him.

"Fack, you guys, this is illegal detention, my lawyer, where is my lawyer?"

Still no one paid him any attention.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the operation door opened, and the doctor came out and said that the operation went well and the patient was out of danger. Only then did the two FBI pick him up, one left and one right, and walked towards the exit of the corridor.

The younger brother saved his life, but Philip was about to be taken away before he could breathe a sigh of relief. He struggled in a panic and yelled, which attracted the attention of all the doctors and nurses at the scene.

"What crime did the boy commit?"

A warm-hearted doctor stopped them, and an FBI flashed his police badge and pushed him away without saying a word.

Outside the hospital, an unmarked prison van was already waiting. Philip was locked inside, watching helplessly as the hospital where his brother was rescued was getting farther and farther away.

An hour later, at a hotel near Federal Square in Seattle, an FBI official led two men and pushed the door open. Philip jumped anxiously from the bed and looked at them in surprise.

"Maybe you're wondering why it's not a police station or a prison."

The FIB official said slowly, "Before I tell you some good news, your brother is fine, but he will face a series of criminal charges, including illegal possession of guns, robbery, burglary, endangering national security and other felonies, luck If it's not good, you'll be in prison for a long, long time."

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"Now you have two choices. The first one is to watch all this happen, including yourself. The second one is to hand over the thing you have hidden privately and cooperate with us. We will consider transferring you to As a tainted witness, immunity from prosecution."

"What crime did I commit? Robbery? Robbing Canaan Company's warehouse? You even called Canaan Company a terrorist organization..."

"To rob is to rob, and to rob an angel is as much a crime as to rob a devil."

"Fake, Fake!"

"Think about it, boy, and don't expect to get out of here unless there's some sort of agreement between us."

"What agreement?"

"The premise is to let us see that thing."

"I won't hand over the gaming helmet even if I die."

"That's a pity, but I'm sure you'll change your mind soon."

After speaking, the FBI officer got up and left with two of his men.

"Oh, damn it, damn it!"

Philip, anxious and desperate, smashed everything in the room like a trapped animal.

"Whatever I say, you'll change your mind quickly."

Half an hour later, the FBI officer went back and forth, looking convinced of Philip, "So, where is that thing XZ?"

Philip gave an address weakly.

"Henry, go!" The official ordered one of his men.

After calming down, Philip saw the situation clearly: "Tell me, what do you want me to do? A guinea pig for an experiment?"

The FBI official frowned, and did not deny: "This is just one of them."

"Help you catch more players?" Philip asked again, with a firm tone.

"You are very smart."

"And then, when will I be free again?"

"I'm not sure……"

Philip succeeded, he stood up excitedly, and rushed towards the smiling devil: "Falke..."

An FBI rushed over and restrained him. The officer smiled contemptuously, picked up his phone, glanced at it, and hurried out.

East Ying.

Same hotel, same dark room, but here the darkness is blocked by thick curtains.

Ikeda Koji walked secretly with someone in the room, and through a hidden secret door, he welcomed a woman with a delicate face in a dark trench coat.

"Are you offline?"

"Well, it's time."

"……how do you feel?"

When he said this, Ikeda Koji's throat was dry, his voice was trembling, and there was both bitterness and longing in his eyes.

"...very good, very good."

"Just nice?"

"Don't talk about it, Ikeda-kun, the news is very bad now, what should we do, what is the meeting thinking about?"

"...We contacted Canaan's Dongying Business Department, but we didn't get any response."

"Then... are you really going to be banned?"

"……I do not know either."

"My God, what are we going to do?"

"Let's hide in the countryside, or find a way to leave Japan."

"There is no other way?"

"The base of players is too small. It seems that this time it is going to be serious. The situation is very tense."

"……ok, I get it."

"Other players, please inform me that I have been targeted."

"Okay, I'm connecting with other people online."

After seeing off this lucky player, Ikeda slumped down on the sofa in frustration, recalling how frustrated and desperate he was when the results of the second draw came out.

Fortunately, Ms. Kyoko pulled herself into this organization and did the secret work of contacting players, so she came out of that depression and despair.

He walked to the window, opened the curtains slightly, and saw that the two spies following him had already walked towards the hotel, and realized that he had disappeared for long enough.

Half an hour later, he rushed back to the meeting which was two blocks away, just in time to see the scene of the chairman, Miss Kyoko and other key members being taken into a police car.

That night, the Canaan Games Dongying Support Association was judged as an illegal organization, and the news of its formal ban made the news.

On the second day of the server opening day, there was no bustling and lively scene, only nervousness and censorship.

The mainstream media all changed their caliber, the controversy ceased, and there was a trend of shouting and shouting. The public opinion immediately reversed, and Canaan officially became a scourge that corrupted the will, manipulated the people, and endangered national security.

After the face is completely torn apart, alien technology, alien conspiracy, etc., are no longer conspiracy theories.

Who would have thought beforehand that the opening day would be the banning day, the hysterical counterattack and smearing after all possible compromises were shattered.

Ikeda is just an ordinary person. He doesn't know who is right and who is wrong behind this. Sometimes he is also very confused and doesn't know where to stand.

It would be fine if he was a player, but he didn't win the draw, and he didn't know how long he could last with only his enthusiasm and love for Canaan.

Today is the second day of server opening. It should be possible to log in at this time, but Ikeda looked outside, and there was no sign of this. The [-] Japanese players seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

There is no information about Canaan on the Internet, and there is no experience and sharing of Japanese players.

With the help of a "over the wall" software, log in to Canaan's official website in Chinese to feel the "grand festival" atmosphere. Hundreds of thousands of Huaguo players shared their experience and feelings on the opening day of the server, and more cloud players joined the discussion. Countless voices, countless celebrations, countless joys, anger, sorrows and joys.

Of course, there is also the prosperous ecology and demand derived from it.

With the help of the translation software, Ikeda eagerly read the above information, learned about the grand occasion of the opening day of the server, and substituted many experiences shared by cute newcomers, and burst into tears unconsciously.

At this time, the landlady knocked on the door, and two officers from the Metropolitan Police Department came in and showed their ID cards. One of them saw the webpage on the computer that had not been closed, and kicked the laptop out, shouting loudly, you are still breathing **God drug, you scum...

The landlord's wife's daughter, Miss Keiko, who was lucky enough to win the lottery and became a player, is now missing. The police also didn't look good on her. After carefully warning Ikeda, they began to ask the landlord about Keiko's whereabouts.

At this time, Miss Kyoko came.

"It's you again!" The policeman obviously knew Kyoko Fukada, a very active and dangerous person, "It's really poisonous..."

Neither Ikeda nor Ms. Kyoko are players, but activists on the key surveillance blacklist, and the police can't do anything to them. The focus is on asking the whereabouts of the landlord, Ms. Keiko.

"Ikeda-kun, do you believe it?"


"Canaan is a conspiracy by Chinese people colluding with aliens to harm the earth and human beings?"

"I have no idea."

"I don't believe it, it's smearing, it's a plot to destroy Canaan if they don't get it, it's fucking dirty politics."

Ikeda: "..."

"Are you shaken, Ikeda-kun!?" Fukada Kyoko was very disappointed to see his silence.

"What's the use? We're not players!" Ikeda growled depressingly.

"Let's not talk about this first, are you shaken? Are you shaken by what you have always believed in and pursued?"

"No, no, I dreamed about it, but...but... even a little girl like Keiko won the lottery, but I didn't. This world is not fair, it's not fair, you know how much I paid for the pre-sale money The price, but, but... woo woo woo, I don't know, what should I do?"

Ikeda covered his face and sobbed, and felt a pair of hands on his shoulders for a while, "So, you haven't wavered, have you? The ideal of Canaan?"

"Yes, no, but what's the use?"

A strange smile appeared on Fukada Kyoko's face, "It's useless, it's so useful."

Ikeda's body trembled and he raised his head slowly.

Fukada Kyoko glanced at the door and window, leaned into Ikeda's ear, and whispered: "Don't give up hope at any time, Ikeda-kun, the turning point will appear soon."

"What, what do you mean?"

"You'll be a player, I promise."

Ikeda looked at his friend's face in shock, and he was stunned for a while before he realized, "You, you mean, the next test?"

"No, no, just recently, you wait for my good news!"

"How, how is it possible?"

"I can't say more, Ikeda-kun!"

That night Kyoko Fukada came to him again, took him to a secret party, and joined a secret organization called 'Canaan Society', and received a game helmet only for members.

A brand new helmet without identity binding.

Where is this helmet from?
Shouldn't it be...

(End of this chapter)

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