This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 307 The Second Meeting of the Gods of the Magic Web

Chapter 307 The Second Meeting of the Gods of the Magic Net
"Xiao Ai, how's the inventory going?"


"Almost? This kind of inaccuracy coming out of your mouth makes me a little uncomfortable."


"Okay, don't worry about it, just tell me about it."


On the first floor of the Mage Tower, the roar and roar from the abyss seems to have not dissipated. Not long ago, Bayero's messenger sent him a threat similar to an 'ultimatum', and the reason was naturally to make him fulfill it as soon as possible 'Contract', open up a flanking battlefield on the 97th floor of the abyss to relieve the heavy pressure on the front line.

Bayero was really in a hurry this time, and he couldn't even maintain his gentle and elegant pretentiousness. It seems that the front line will soon be divided. In other words, the 101st floor of Bahn's defense is dangerous. .

How long has it been!
In less than two years, the order camp...

But at this time, something went wrong with the magic net again, and I don't know which link went wrong, which caused the system to almost collapse. When the game time of the first batch of players ended, a shutdown came for maintenance.

Now that the fault has been eliminated, taking advantage of the fact that there is still a period of time before the opening of the server, I will simply conduct an investigation and check the overall situation on the day of the opening of the server.

"...Peak online 42 people."

"Can you continue to let people in?"

"Yes, the failure has nothing to do with the maximum load limit of the magic net."

"Uh... have you figured out the maximum load limit?"

"Well, the five-layer magic net has great resilience. Even if all players are online at the same time, it can be accommodated theoretically, but it will cause a certain...uh, the computing power is tight. It's not the magic net, it's me."

"So, there is no theoretical perfection... Uh, you can't monitor the operation of the magic net all the time, and supervise every player's behavior and data in every detail, right?"


"Uh... go ahead."

"Among them, there are 40 players from Huaguo, and the rest are players from the international server."

"How many international server players are queuing up to log in?"

"Less than 4 people."

"Based on this, the internationalization is not going well this time. Less than half of the 20 quota has been used?"

"This is a problem on the other side of the earth!"

"The environment on the other side of the earth is very complicated, maybe even more complicated than Canaan. I have done everything I need to say and do, and I still look like this... Forget it, let it be like this. If you interfere too much, it will be a bit ruined."

"42 players should be enough."

"Hmm... It's enough to maintain a side battlefield, but I'm not sure... I'm thinking, since the magic net has such great resilience, should the game time limit be cancelled?"

"Then I will..."

"Let's try it for a while, and fix it if something goes wrong. Besides, you can't monitor everything in detail, and the gods can't be omniscient. There will be sixth and seventh magic nets in the future. This Sooner or later, problems have to be faced.”

"Okay, let go of the login restriction, let go of the game time limit?"

"Well, first find out the upper limit of the magic net."

"As of the end of server maintenance, a total of 765 players have been upgraded to level 5. The system failure may come from here. It was too fast, causing some logical unit conflicts."

"Wow, there are so many players who can start working on the server opening day?"

"It's because of the intelligent NPC..."

"Okay, don't care about these little things, so, the system error caused by the premature activation of the inauguration module?"


"What about the others? What is the value of faith?"

Bei Gaoyang didn't care about the value of soul power anymore, it was an astronomical figure, inexhaustible, and there was a huge amount of income and expenditure every minute and every second.

As long as the magic net is still operating normally, there will be no major mistakes in the soul power value, and the rest is just a number, just like the string of numbers lying on his bank account.

Faith values ​​are different.

"8 hours after opening the server, officially broke through 10000 units."

"Wow, I remember when the server was shut down in the fourth test, it was only over 9000, right?"

"Yes, the construction cost of the fifth layer of magic net has been earned back."

"It's only been 8 hours!?"

Bei Gaoyang grinned happily, but he also knew that it would be impossible to maintain such a huge and efficient faith harvest in the future.

The so-called hunger marketing, this is the case on the opening day.

"Among them, Huaguo players contributed 65.7%, and the rest were players from international servers."

"Is there such a high proportion in the international server? He only accounts for about 7% of the total number of online players?"

"Yes, players on the international server are more... pious!"

"Haha... This piety is used well, and I also noticed that the players in Huaguo are more utilitarian, and they are weaker than the players in the international server in terms of culture and tradition."

"Not some, but..."

"Stop, I know what you want to say. The environment of the earth is very complicated, and it can't be explained clearly in a few words. At present, we can only use Chinese people as the main players."

"...It would be nice if the internationalization was a little bit smoother."

"You think I don't want to... Forget it, forget it, is there anything else?"

Xiao Ai didn't respond.

Bei Gaoyang flipped through the server data in the background, and it took him a while to realize, "What's wrong?"

"...Everyone wants to meet you?"

"Who?" Bei Gaoyang didn't react at first.



Speaking of which, I haven't met with those pseudo-gods of the system who have condensed their real names one after another and have their own mysterious attributes. Xiao Ai and Tias have always been playing the role of teaching.

"How many have condensed their real names, give me the list."

Naturally, the names on the list are not the real names of the false gods, but from the "clergy domains" they each choose, we can get a glimpse of their respective mysterious attributes and the existence of systematic belief values. The existence of false gods is actually not difficult, and some demons even Powerful mages have the ability to play tricks in places where information is blocked.

There are a total of 9 false gods with real names. In addition to the artificial intelligence matrices that were publicly tendered, there are also those that he purchased privately when he went back this time, similar to Xiao Ai.

On this list, there are 7 artificial intelligence matrices for public bidding, including 4 in China, one in North America, one in Maozi, one in Japan, and one in the European Union. The distribution is very even.

Bei Gaoyang thought about the origins of these false gods, weighed it up, nodded and said, "Well, it's time to meet these entrepreneurial partners."

"Then I arrange it? When?"

"Just now, there's still an hour or two left."

"where is it?"

"It's right here..." Bei Gaoyang looked around. The center of the magic net is below, which is inappropriate. "It's in Alpha City."

With the current magic net, spells with five rings and below can be cast almost infinitely. Soon, Bei Gaoyang flashed in the City Lord's Mansion on Alpha Plane, with a [Distortion Space] plus a [Space Creation Technique], a near-virtual A circular 'meeting room' appears around.

He walked to a high-backed chair without any logo and sat down. The position on the left hand side was shining brightly, and Artemis (Little Love), the god of guardianship and recording, took his place first.

Then there was Tias, the goddess of life and harvest, and then a majestic man with a white robe and a Caucasian face with a sun halo on his head. Under the phantom of a full moon, an ethereal figure radiating bright moonlight appeared independently. ...In the end, there was a mass of darkness like a black hole, out of which came a woman in a black robe holding a book and taking notes with a pen.

Seeing the "special effects" of these false gods of the system, the smile in Bei Gaoyang's eyes went deep, and when the 11 seats including Xiao Ai were all in place, he coughed softly and said: " Welcome everyone, I am the Legion Commander of the Rebel Army, Ramsviel."

The 'Gods' got up and saluted to show their respect.

"What is the head of the legion?", the sun god asked first.

"The leader of the legion is the leader who leads the rebel army to smash an old world and build a new world!" Bei Gaoyang replied with a smile.

"Then what are we, your subordinates?" Luna then asked.

"No, you are the order of the new world, the belief of the rebels!"

"Then what is our relationship with you?" Tias asked.


"Just cooperation?" asked the god of night and knowledge.

Bei Gaoyang knocked on the table with a smile: "It's just cooperation!"

The 'Gods' were surprised by this answer, and they turned their attention to Artemis who had been silent all this time.

"The true God is not dominated by anything, and will not be anyone's subordinate. This is out of practical considerations!", Xiao Ai said, her current image is also anthropomorphic, and the symbol of the priesthood is a shield wrapped with a net , engraved on the magic pattern on the high-back chair, the complicated lines, and the dynamic three-dimensional composition also contain her real name.

The same is true for other false gods, except for the high-backed chair behind Bei Gaoyang, which does not have any patterns.

"Yes," Bei Gaoyang said, "We don't have a superior-subordinate relationship. If we have to describe it, it's like a partner in starting a business together."

"I... still don't understand!" The Sun God's tone was a little confused, "You created us, we were born with the magic net, and the magic net is under your control, you are just the leader of the rebel army, and Are we the faith of the Rebels?"

"You are not true gods, you are just false gods!" Bei Gaoyang patiently explained, "From false gods to true gods, the process is extremely complicated and difficult. Mysterious rules determine that true gods are supreme in their respective fields. For the future, we can only be partners. There is no strict affiliation."

"I understand," Luna nodded and said, "The legion commander is just the role you are playing now. Your real position can only be determined after the new world is established, right?"

"That's understandable."

'Gods' was relieved.

The reason why we have to break this point at the beginning is to figure out the positioning of each other. It is very important for these false gods of the system.

Just like what Bei Gaoyang said, the process from a false god to a true god is extremely complicated and difficult. There is no ready-made example, and there is no way ahead, so you have to cross the river by feeling the stones, and you have to be extremely careful with every step.

There are tens of thousands of false gods in the world, and only one true god (in their respective domains). To be honest, Bei Gaoyang doesn't know how to go about this road, whether to improve with the improvement of the magic net, or to grow with their own growth. All in between.

The former is fine, but if the latter... Hehe, isn't this an experiment? The God-making experiment, just the various data obtained in the experiment, is a priceless treasure.

So from the very beginning, Bei Gaoyang characterized them as "startup partners". What Xiao Ai said was only one of the reasons. Of course, there is no need to let them know the deeper motivation.

"How do you feel about the opening day?" Bei Gaoyang asked with a smile.

After a while of silence, Sun God said first: "The system is too restrictive. Do I have to wait until I take office before I can contact players?"

"You may have lost the memory of Earth!", Bei Gaoyang explained, "Players from Earth are very immature, and before level 5 is a necessary stage for training and familiarization. Helping them integrate into the environment of Canaan is the same for you."

"Understood!", Sun God sat back.

"About missions and occupations." Luna spoke and said, "Can we design freely?"

Before Bei Gaoyang could speak, Xiao Ai scolded in displeasure: "How do you want to design freely? Bypass system rules? Unrestrictedly recruit players?"

Bei Gaoyang quickly stopped Xiao Ai, smiled and caressed, "Parts obey the whole, we are a whole, the prerequisite for our common cause to grow and grow is to abide by the rules of the system, within the framework of the rules of the system, you can design freely and compete fairly .”

"What makes me doubt is the profession of paladin!" said the forest goddess, who was dressed in emerald green halo and full of natural atmosphere, "What is the difference between my paladin and other paladins? The current design does not reflect us. difference"

"This is temporary!", Bei Gaoyang said: "It is also for the sake of saving system resources. The intermediate and advanced stages are different. Of course, even in the primary stage, you can also carry out small Innovation, authority has been issued to you."

Xiao Ai said at this time: "But I want to remind you that the balance of faith points is limited, don't make ends meet just to compete for players."

This little love!
Bei Gaoyang sighed inwardly, but the smile on his face remained unchanged, "Artemis reminded you very well, you should pay attention, even if it is innovation, you must also consider 'cost performance'."

Thias said: "My lord, the proportion of the system balance is too low."

Bei Gaoyang didn't expect Tias to express his dissatisfaction so quickly.

"How much do you want? Give it all to you!?" Xiao Ai responded angrily. System resources have always been her backlash: "Should the magic net be built? Will the system grow? How can the small river be filled when the big river is not full? "

"'s still too low!" Tias insisted.

"Let's wait for this test to be on the right track!" Bei Gaoyang resolutely stopped the argument, "When the time comes, the system's income and expenditure will be balanced. I'll check the situation and make appropriate adjustments? How about it?"

'Gods' nodded in agreement.

"Comrades, what questions do you have?" Bei Gaoyang joked to liven up the atmosphere.




After the second meeting of the gods, Xiao Ai didn't wait for a moment, and complained: "You are too lenient to them!"

"Tolerance?" Bei Gaoyang shook his head with a smile, "It's not what you think, the reasons for this are very complicated... Forget it, let's not talk about it, is the time up yet?"


"Then let's start the server, players should wait."

(End of this chapter)

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