This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 308 Introduction to Archery

Chapter 308 Introduction to Archery
At dusk during the game time, the first refreshed white light appeared on the pedestal of the resurrection point. The players who came out of it were stunned for a moment, then cheered, and rushed towards the empty task NPC at a speed of [-] meters.

"...Please help me bring back 10 copies of the pollen of the demonized grass essence, I will pay you a good reward, but you have to be careful, the demonized monster is very dangerous, it is best to prepare before departure, my suggestion Yes……"

Before the NPC could finish speaking, the orc eagerly accepted the task and rushed to the next location without stopping.

This is, the base of the resurrection point has been continuously illuminated with white light, and players are flocking to all parts of Novice Village like a tide.

There is no one around the second mission NPC.

"...The security situation in the camp is not optimistic, and the task of cleaning up the demonized grass spirits is entrusted to you, young rebels, but you must pay attention..."

With luck, two missions can be performed at the same time.

The orc player was overjoyed, and ran to the location of the third mission NPC.

At this time, the tide of players has filled the Xinshou Village everywhere, and all kinds of noisy sounds are like a vegetable market, people rushing for missions, people shouting in teams, people buying and selling things, conflicts... How can it be so lively? Well, orc players can no longer receive tasks immediately.

After squeezing for 5 minutes, I finally squeezed to the third mission NPC, "...the potion supply in the camp is extremely tight, young rebels, you need to help me..."

Another collection task was accepted, and it can also be completed together with the first two tasks. The orc player is very satisfied. Looking around, it is not worthwhile to continue wasting time.

He was equipped with a white quality one-handed sword that exploded on the opening day of the server, and he lit up with a high spirit, shouting loudly to form a team.

After a while, the team was full, and these players who had never met before were chatting and laughing, excitedly rushing out of the safe zone and rushing to the refreshment zone of the magic herb essence.

There are a total of 5 refresh areas for the Demonic Grass Essence. The first one is the closest, but it is already full of online players. The orc players went in to take a look, and then came out cursing, telling their teammates to hurry to the second refresh area.

Under the dim sunset, the mottled jungle is full of gloomy and distorted shadows, the roar of monsters in the wild, ghosts wandering in the wasteland, clusters of will-o'-the-wisps emerging from the ground, one by one hiding on the treetops, bushes The floodlight eyes in the middle...all of these were defeated by the enthusiasm of the players.

The road was still bustling and bustling. When we got there, there was almost no room for the second refresh area. The orc player led the team and rushed into the preparation area in a hurry, looking for a direction where there were few people, and plunged into the waist-deep area. of thatch.

I don’t know what kind of monster is screaming, and what kind of insect is flying, emitting a miserable green light. The sky is like a rich canvas in comics. Its shape is as if you can touch it.

The Demonic Grass Essence stands only one meter high. This kind of monster activated by the demonic energy is the most numerous in the wasteland. Some of them are earthy yellow, some are miserable green, just like dolls in anime, scattered all over the place. In the compressed space, at first glance, it is a little cute.

But don't be fooled by their 'cute' appearance. When not disturbed, they appear harmless to humans and animals. Once someone breaks into their territory, these little creatures will become extremely bloodthirsty and crazy. Twice the twist, the minions will be demonized like daggers, fearless of death, layer upon layer, alarming one may usher in a group, far more difficult to kill than skeleton soldiers and slimes.

Pulling monsters is the key to brushing this kind of monsters, and a shooter is essential.

After choosing the position to spawn monsters, an elf archer in the orc player team stepped out tremblingly, aimed at the demonized grass spirit that was alive and kicking in a pothole in the distance, and shot it out with an arrow.

It's a pity that it didn't hit.

His teammates cheered him up in the channel, and the second arrow finally hit the target. The demonized grass spirit took the arrow inserted obliquely on the back waist, and waited for the red eyes to scan around and screamed. Attackers standing upwind.

The monsters came, and the other members of the team nervously formed a fighting formation, and the orc players bit the bullet and stood at the front.

The magic grass spirit rushed to the nearby place, and slammed down the green stick in his hand. The orc player frantically blocked with his horizontal sword. Unexpectedly, the green stick changed its angle in mid-air, cleverly bypassed his block, and hit his on the right shoulder.


The orc player screamed in pain, and the teammate on the left made up for it in time, blocking the trajectory of the demonic grass essence's last knife, and then the two teammates rushed forward, gnashing their teeth and launching attacks from all directions.

The demonized herb essence was soon overwhelmed, the damage value of -3-4-7-5... was rising from the top of the head every few seconds, and the blood bar was gradually worn out.

The five people managed to kill a monster, but unfortunately they didn't explode the quest supplies. The orc player and his teammates gasped for breath and were still in shock.

"Really, it's so exciting!"

"Well, it's too exciting."

"It's just a little painful, just turn it down a little bit."

"Continue to work...the next one!"

"Oh, look over there!"

The orc player responded and looked in the direction pointed by his teammate, only to see a female elf player single-handedly fighting against the demonized grass spirit.

Holding a bow and arrow in her hand, she kept a distance from the monster. She stopped shooting every once in a while, and the hit rate was extremely high. The monster was chased after him in vain by flying a kite like this. no.

"How did she shoot so accurately?"

"Is he also an archery master in reality?"

"Wow, she actually succeeded!?"

Xie Xiaomeng didn't pay attention to this, and even if she found out, she didn't have the energy to pay attention to it. She tried her best to suppress the nervous excitement in her heart, and maintained the wonderful state of 'bow and man in one'.

The trajectory of the monster's actions is clear in the heart, and it doesn't aim at it. Turning around is just an arrow.

The amount of advance was just right, the monster seemed to hit her arrow by itself, and the last bit of life was emptied, and it fell to a place less than 10 meters away from her.


The system prompted 8 points of experience and 1 point of reputation in Novice Village, so she hurried over to see if the monster exploded.

Luckily, she dropped a set of bandages and two copper coins. She happily put the loot into her backpack and went to find the next target.

"Hey, are you forming a team?"

A tall orc player came over and said hello.

Xie Xiaomeng shook his head.

"Old player?"

Only old players have such awareness and operation, but this is a level 1 monster spawning area, and old players have already left this stage, or, come here to pretend?
The orc player thought he had found the answer, and his eyes changed.

Xie Xiaomeng didn't care about his inner activities, he found the target on his own, stepped forward and shot an arrow, hit the target, and attracted a furious demonized grass spirit.

"Tch, what's the air?"

The orc player muttered and left.

Xie Xiaomeng repeated the previous steps, grinding away half of the monster's blood. At this moment, a group of people rushed over, crying and howling. The one who ran in the front was the orc player, watching behind these people, Dozens of demonized grass spirits rushed over densely, bouncing forward, and the look of the formation changed.

Xie Xiaomeng secretly called out "unlucky", put away the bow and arrow and ran, barely running hundreds of meters before throwing off those monsters.

At this time, there are already a lot of players around, and almost every spawn point with a good location has people. The toss just now made the entire monster spawning area jump around, and a few innocent people were affected and moved slowly. Has been sent back to the city.

"Why are there so many people today, it wasn't like this yesterday!?", some players said.

Indeed, there are more people today than the day the server opened. Xie Xiaomeng has searched all over the spawning area for level 1 monsters, and there are only a few people here.

But now, there are not many people. Looking around to play, the sound of hard work is everywhere on the hillside and down the hillside, and there is no room for kite flying.

Xie Xiaomeng tried a few more times, every time in the middle of the brush, he was disturbed by other players, either being robbed by the monster or attracting the monster's hatred away, some thick-skinned people watched her shoot accurately, and waited for her to take the monster's She snatched it halfway through the blood grinding, and she was so angry that she wished to shoot these guys with an arrow.

I have no choice but to leave the level 1 monster spawn zone and try my luck at level 2 monsters.

Unexpectedly, there are more people on the level 2 blame side, and many newbies who are not even level 1 are also working hard here.

Walking out of the preparation area, I saw a few people hacking around a zombie. The zombie was surrounded by faint black air, and its half-rotten body was extremely burly, with a tattered armor on it. The side, in terms of size and momentum, is not enough at all.

The same is true.

One Mengxin couldn't dodge in time, and turned into a white light under the counterattack of the zombies. The other people were also wiped out by three blows, two kills and two kills, and fled to the preparation area crying and shouting.

Xie Xiaomeng shot an arrow, held back the monster's hatred, and used the old trick to fly the kite.

But level 2 zombies are far more flexible than level 1 monsters, and their running speed is even faster than Xie Xiaomeng. The damage of soft arrows is only -2-2-3-1, which cannot cause zombies a little bit The movement is slow, and it seems that it is about to rush forward.

Xie Xiaomeng quickly added a little freedom attribute to his agility, his body became lighter, his thighs became stronger and more beneficial than before, and his speed immediately increased a lot.

With 5 points of agility, she was able to stabilize the situation, but the damage dealt was still too low, so she had to add another point of strength.

4 points for strength and 5 points for agility, but she found that the sudden increase in attributes made her "Human Bow Unity" stagnate, and the hit rate was greatly reduced.

Another arrow missed the monster, Xie Xiaomeng finally panicked, there was the last bit of free attribute left, and she didn't know where to add it.

The zombie rushed forward, with a strong stench, the half-rotten face could clearly see the pale skull inside, and the exposed gums were like zombies in movies, getting closer and closer in the field of vision.

Xie Xiaomeng tried her best to dodge, but the zombie was more flexible than her, and with just one blow, she was sent back to the city.

The experience of dying for the first time made her very uncomfortable, but fortunately, death before level 5 does not lose experience, and there are 3 chances of free resurrection every day.

She walked out of the resurrection point and entered the training camp again.

Moving the position, moving the target, this time she made up her mind that she would never go out until she reached the achievement of [Introduction to Archery].

The shooting stage led her to move irregularly, and the target was also unpredictable and elegant at a distance of 10-50 meters. The fingers stroked the longbow, and the moment the feeling of flesh and blood appeared, the bow was bent and the arrow was fast...

Unfortunately, still missed.

Xie Xiaomeng interrupted the training, frowning and opened his attribute panel.

[Game ID: Amon, Character Race: Elven Female, Character Level: Level 2, Military Rank: Commoner, Merit Value: 0]

[Basic attributes: strength 4, agility 5, intelligence 4, spirit 2, constitution 3 (elf agility +10%), free attribute: 1 point. 】

[Advanced attributes: not enabled]

[Combat power system: not enabled]

[Cloak title: None]

[Equipment props...]

Could it be that the spiritual attribute is too low.

He was clearly in the state just now, but when he finally locked on to the moving target, there was a moment of 'stagnation', as if his eyes were dazzled and he couldn't see things in the distance clearly.

According to the forum, the main attribute of a shooter is agility, followed by strength, and then spirit. Spirit seems to be related to the secondary hidden attribute perception.

Is it because the perception is not enough, so the breathing cannot lock the moving target?

There is only a little attribute of freedom, and she gritted her teeth to add this attribute to her spirit.

Entering the training state again, I really feel much better.

Not only is it faster to enter the state, but it also lasts longer and is less likely to be disturbed by the outside world.

A little bit of spirituality gave her a feeling of clearing her mind, like pouring a basin of ice water on her head, and it became clear from the inside out.

Arrow after arrow, she didn't care about the hit situation, the moving shooting position gradually accelerated, the moving target began to change directions in a dizzying manner, and arrows would burst out of the air every few seconds, no matter where they came from. Regardless of the position or angle of the shot, the arrow seems to have eyes, and it hits the high-speed moving bull's-eye with precision.

until exhaustion.

[Moving position, moving target, level 2 difficulty, 20/20 hit, passing result]

【Congratulations on achieving the achievement 'Introduction to Archery'】


Xie Xiaomeng jumped up happily, looking at the time, two hours had passed.

After recovering a little bit of physical strength, she quit the training camp and couldn't wait to go to the refreshing area to try her skills.

Novice Village is still crowded, there are players everywhere, every system NPC is full of people, when Xie Xiaomeng passed by a mission access point, the crowd suddenly dodges an open space, exposing a very special player In full view.

wing! ?
This player is short in stature, like a dwarf, with dark skin, horns on the top of his head, and a pair of small bat-like wings on his back.

"Is this... a hidden race?"

"Demon, little devil!"

"No way, there is also a demon race? It can't be an NPC!?"


I don't know if it's an NPC or a player's 'dwarf' and shouted, "You are the NPC, your whole family is an NPC!", still a very nice female voice.

Xie Xiaomeng felt that the voice was a bit familiar, and was thinking where he had heard it before, and this 'dwarf' turned into the image of a human loli female player.

"Go away, have you never seen a beautiful woman!?"

Xie Xiaomeng looked at her twin ponytails and exclaimed, "Sister Zhuang Zhuang!?"

(End of this chapter)

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