This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 309 Wild Adventures

Chapter 309 Wild Adventures
"It's the hidden race, I'm lucky, haha!"

"I don't know how to trigger it. When creating a character, I was confused and triggered an option. An old man, very scary and eerie, asked me if I would like to fall into the embrace of the abyss. Of course I would, abyss, how cool! ?”

"That's the disguise of a demon. The innate ability of a demon can be disguised as any intelligent race, elves can also be disguised as an elf, and you can also get the bonus of the innate ability of the elf race. No, haha... But there are time-limiting and cooling restrictions , it will be better to upgrade in the future.”

"Devil itself is a profession, a profession that is so awesome that you can't think of where it is."

"No, no, guess again!"

"I can't guess, besides the demon race profession, you can also work in other professions... I don't understand, how stupid, for example, if I pretend to be an elf, I can work as a jungle wanderer, and I have the same racial talent bonus as you, quack ..."

"Just now? Just now, the time limit for demon camouflage has expired, I didn't notice... Inauguration, uh, is also level 5, level 5 opens exclusive tasks for demons, and now there is a talent skill for demon camouflage."

Hidden profession!
Xie Xiaomeng's envy is the same as everyone else's. After hearing the benefits of the devil's hidden profession, he felt that it affected the balance of the game a bit.

"Uh... not without restrictions."

"What restrictions?"

"The biggest one is that each upgrade only gives one free attribute point."


Just give a little attribute?
This is not as simple as a simple restriction. It is equivalent to upgrading someone to one level, which is equal to your upgrading to two levels.
Can such a huge gap be smoothed out with a hidden race?
"No matter how many there are, I don't know too much. I heard that there are other advantages in upgrading... No matter, choose them all."

Speaking of this, the magical girl Zhu Zhuangzhuang is not as happy as before. A human player in the team whose ID is Ghost Horse Elf said, "Maybe there are other bonuses in the abyss battlefield, otherwise this restriction is too big .”

"It should be", the teammates agreed one after another.

"I hope so!", the magical girl Zhu Zhuangzhuang asked Xie Xiaomeng, "How was the training in the training camp?"

"I have started archery." Xie Xiaomeng said, shaking the bow and arrow in his hand.

"That's good!" The magical girl Zhu Zhuangzhuang waved her small hand, "Then let's go, work in the wild!"

She found everyone in the team. Xie Xiaomeng didn't know her before. Before taking office, everyone was either holding a bow or a sword. Generally speaking, players who are going to take up the physics profession are before level 5. It is dominant, and the attribute points can be added to the strength and agility that can be used now. The spellcasting profession is not good.

According to visual inspection, the rest of the team are all preparing to take up the profession of physics, one of them is big and three rough, especially one whose ID is Ghost Horse Elf, standing like a wall, he also clearly stated that he is going to take up the post of paladin, I just don't know which temple I'll be working for.

The paladin profession is deeply bound to the major temples on the official website. Although it is not stated in more detail, starting from common sense logic, each temple has its own characteristics, and it depends on everyone's preferences and choices.

This is much richer than the previous gameplay. A paladin can extend more than a dozen different camp characteristics, and other professions.

Now you know the hidden race occupation of the demon, the jungle wanderer doesn't know...

Xie Xiaomeng was thinking about these thoughts while listening to the chats of his teammates in the channel. The magical girl Zhu Zhuangzhuang is obviously not very old, but she pretends to be very old-fashioned, speaks old-fashioned, and puts on the spectrum of old players everywhere.

The teammates are also very flattering, basically flattering... Hidden professions, I'm still an old player, I don't know about such thighs in the future, but they are definitely thick enough now.

Zhu Zhuangzhuang has already reached level 4. Due to restrictions, her attribute points are not much different from level 2 Xie Xiaomeng, but her awareness, skills and experience are incomparable to Xie Xiaomeng. There is no end to words.

On the second day after the server was launched, the mainstream level of the players has risen to about level 2, the refresh areas of the second and third levels have become crowded, and the refresh areas of the fourth and fifth levels have also appeared to grab monsters, and the efficiency has become low. There were not many wild monsters around the village, so everyone had to bring enough supplies and headed deeper into the wild.

Along the way, I met many teams with the same intentions as them. In addition to the old players, many newcomers also left the greenhouse of Novice Village and came into contact with the wider world of the outside world for the first time.

It was early in the morning, the sky was just getting bright, and the golden sunlight penetrated through the dense canopy of the jungle, shooting down transparent beams of light. The waist-deep bushes were trampled by the players to form a winding and rugged path. The insects on both sides of the path The chirps of the beasts became sparse, and the wild monsters were even harder to find.

A trickling creek appears in the deepest part of the forest, where there is almost no sunlight, but a kind of fluorescent 'moss' grows everywhere, providing lighting like a fairy tale world.

While the team was walking cautiously, they were so shocked by the scene that they lost their words. A huge fungus plant that looked like a small house appeared in the middle of the creek. Under its huge fungus cap, the bones and remains of animals and monsters accumulated. A small path also injects a strange, gloomy and fierce color into this fairy-tale scene.

"This game is amazing!"

"Yeah yeah."

Beside the creek, the player's team has already set up camp, and a dwarf player is still sitting on a big rock to fish, and there is an obviously hand-woven fishing basket beside him.

"Fishing, it's so leisurely!" A teammate said enviously.

"Casual player?"

"Let's take a rest here as well to recover our stamina." The captain, the magical girl Zhu Zhuangzhuang, pointed to a slightly dry place as a temporary camp.

Although it was already daytime, the environment here still seemed to be in the middle of the night, the dim light could not be seen clearly at a distance, and the team of players who arrived first did not show much about their arrival.

"They're all old players!"

"All are Level 3."

"People's gameplay is higher than ours."

"Old players are envious."

The simplest field tent in the black shop of the system costs 10 silver, which newbies can’t afford anyway. The so-called camp is to spread a piece of leather on the ground, and a few people sit on it to enjoy the insignificant life and physical strength Value recovery +1%' bonus effect.

This piece of leather was bought by Zhu Zhuangzhuang, and the rest of the team had their pockets cleaner than their faces, and they wanted to break a copper coin in half to spend it.

"Physical strength is dropping too fast. My physical strength is only 3. Will it be better when I grow taller, Miss Zhuangzhuang?"

"Of course, there seems to be a formula."

"What formula?"

"I don't understand it, it's on the forum, you guys go offline and look for it yourself."


"smell good!"

"Where are you... cooking?"

"Wow, I really want to try it."

Xie Xiaomeng noticed it a long time ago, and paid special attention because of Aunt Xue's relationship. It happened that the old fishing player caught a fish, and several old players threw the stock in the fish basket into the big iron pot.

"Is this delicious? The fish scales and internal organs are not removed?"

"No tools?"

"Some fish in Canaan don't need to be treated like this. They need to be put into the pot alive, and they will stink when they die!" Xie Xiaomeng, who has some experience, explained to her teammates. She looked at the big gurgling iron pot, " Not sure what their recipe is, it smells good."

"Xiao Meng, do you still understand these?" Zhu Zhuangzhuang asked her a little surprised.

"My mom is a tourist and specializes in recipes."


The teammates were a little surprised, so they asked her about all kinds of 'food' in the game.

Food, clothing, housing and transportation are the first priority. This has attracted widespread attention during the fourth test. Some public recipes have been widely circulated on the Internet. Newbies know that Canaan cooking is different from real cooking. There is a big difference, first of all, there is a big difference in the processing of ingredients.

It's just that the time is short, and the recipes that are circulated are all popular ones. White recipes are rare, and those above green are secret, and no one will share them.

Anyway, when I have time, Xie Xiaomeng will tell them about the grade classification of popular science recipes and the special effects that can be achieved.

"From the green recipes, there are extra attributes added? Does this seem to be not much different from offline online games?"

"The food in Canaan is unpalatable, especially the bitter bread, it's a pain!"

"It will still be poisoned!"

"Sister, what is the most advanced recipe you have ever eaten?"

"Me?" Zhu Zhuangzhuang was a little greedy for the 'fish soup' that was being stewed over there, and he revealed the color of memory when he heard the words, "Blue, add 2 points of strength and 2 points of agility, last for 2 hours, and also bring continuous recovery The special effect of the health value, but the recovery is not much, it is better than nothing."

"Is it delicious?"

"It's not bad. It tastes similar to fish-flavored shredded pork. The main ingredient is also a kind of fish, which seems to be called devil fish."

"Devil fish?"


Chatting like this until the individual's physical strength returned to full value, and the team was about to start again. At this time, the team over there brought a bowl of fish soup.

"Wow, thank you, thank you handsome pot!"

There is such a good thing as a free gift, Zhu Zhuangzhuang hurriedly thanked him.

The visitor waved his hand boldly, "Anyway, if you can't finish eating, throwing it away is a waste."

The teammates all looked at the bowl of fish soup in Zhu Zhuangzhuang's hand eagerly, and saw that its surface was suspiciously light green, and it exuded a particularly strong fragrance, but after smelling it for a long time, there was an indescribable fishy-sweet smell. It has been out of the pot for so long, and the surface is still bubbling with bubbles.

"It's green, it's called [Assorted Stewed Fish], eat +2 perception, lasts for 1 hour, and is immune to mild toxins within half an hour."

This strange fragrance is so attractive that the teammates didn't care about its attributes, and they all stared at it, almost drooling.

"Let's have a sip each!" Zhu Zhuangzhuang endured the pain and took a sip first, with an intoxicated expression on his face, and then handed it to Xie Xiaomeng pretending to be bold.

"Thank you, Sister Zhuang!", Xie Xiaomeng is not polite, she has long wanted to try the recipes in the game, and she has mastered several recipes above green, all of which were experimented by Aunt Xue.

A slightly thick hot juice entered her mouth, and a sober and stimulating taste similar to mint stimulated her taste buds, and immediately after that, a strange smell that had never been seen before emerged.

This strange smell was a little uncomfortable at first, just like the first sip of soybean juice. Afterwards, the strong sweetness and fresh fragrance filled the mouth. And the esophagus, slipped into the stomach, leaving only a long-lasting aftertaste.

"Wow! It's delicious, it's so delicious!"

"This taste is amazing!"

"It's not delicious, I'm not used to it... vomit!"

Everyone, you take a bite, I take a bite, and I dried up this bowl of fish soup. Some people are full of praise, but some people are not used to it. Xie Xiaomeng is busy looking at his attribute panel. There are more behind the spirit attribute (+1), and others It's gone, it should be related to insufficient dosage.

"Not bad right!?"

The team went back on the road, and Zhu Zhuangzhuang showed off triumphantly, "This is only green, and there are many delicacies from mountains and seas that cannot be tasted in reality."

"It's not bad to be a foodie in the game!?"

"Yes, yes, reality and games, two happiness, so beautiful!"

"Wouldn't it be developed if an advanced recipe was invented?"

"Xiao Meng, what is the highest grade recipe your mother has made?"

The creek was not deep, but it was crystal clear. Everyone waded through it, and there was no way to go any further. There were dense jungles in all directions.

Xie Xiaomeng was chatting with his new teammates while carefully observing the surrounding environment. After about 5 minutes, the shade of the forest became thinner, and the mottled shade of the trees under the sunlight reappeared. They also discovered the wild monsters. trace.

"Sister Zhuangzhuang, use the demon form, it's so cool!"

"Yeah yeah!"

"Anyway, I haven't taken the job yet. There is no difference between a demon and a human form. Let's see the hidden job!"

"Yeah yeah!"

"That... good eight!"

The magical girl Zhu Zhuangzhuang turned back into the form of a little devil, and her teammates looked left and right around her in envy and amazement, one asked if she could fly, and the other asked if there was any bonus in the devil form... They all turned into curious babies, Even the warning is forgotten.

In the team, Xie Xiaomeng has the highest spirit (the last point of free attribute is also added to the spirit, which is currently 4), and he was the first to find the demonized hamster that came out of the burrow.

This kind of demonized monster, which is about the size of a domestic dog, moves calmly, is extremely agile, and lives in groups. Finding one is equivalent to discovering a litter.

"Careful, 6 o'clock direction!"

Fortunately, the distance was far enough. The magic hamster squatted vigilantly at the entrance of the cave and watched the players in the distance who did not enter the warning range. Behind him, red eyes appeared in the darkness one by one, and there were countless of them.

"Work, work!"

The magical girl Zhu Zhuangzhuang turned back into a lolita form, and excitedly commanded her teammates to enter the state of spawning monsters and upgrading.

"Xiao Meng, it's up to you!"

This kind of gregarious monster, old players don't dare to go up alone, they still have to attract the monster.

Xie Xiaomeng nodded nervously, bowed his bow, shot an arrow without looking at it, and hit the face of the first demonized hamster.

This is how the battle unfolded.

(End of this chapter)

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