This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 310 Monster Siege?

Chapter 310 Monster Siege?

Xie Xiaomeng looked at his attribute panel, the food special effect of Spirit +1 was gone, and it only lasted for about half an hour.

There are still about 30% of the experience bar, and there are corpses of demonized hamsters in the surrounding area. This kind of wild monster system does not recycle, and the corpses will be kept until they rot and turn into bones that can be seen everywhere in the wild area.

As a result, the economic value of wild monsters is higher than that of monsters in the refresh area. The fur, teeth and even internal organs of wild monsters can all be recycled. Some old players have already started to stock up in advance.

The monsters in the refresh area will only "drop", and the corpses will be recovered by the system soon. The difference between the two, the newbies can also taste the taste.

The demonized hamster has a head similar to that of a platypus, and a body like a pangolin, but without scales, stubby limbs, long tails, extremely sharp claws, rough skin and thick flesh, and only one arrow left on it. Blood points, -2 damage, strictly speaking, did not break the defense.

Xie Xiaomeng found the right opportunity, taking a cold shot was an arrow, Zhu Zhuangzhuang led three melees, and shuttled back and forth around it, adopting wolf pack tactics.

Although the wild monster the size of a domestic dog moved nimbly, it had nothing to do with the flies flying around it, so it could only roar helplessly and furiously.

Zhu Zhuangzhuang pointed to his teammates in [Introduction to Fighting], teaching them how to find the weakness of this monster, how to create opportunities, how to make key attacks, and how to fight in the most labor-saving and efficient way.

"That's right, hold on, don't waste the opportunity to use your phone..."

The melee teammates are already struggling, their physical strength has been exhausted by more than half, their frequent movements, and their high concentration, their current basic attributes can be regarded as extraordinary performance, and they are already at the end of their strength.

The ghost horse elf dodged behind the wild monster, and before it could retract its big tail, it stabbed the monster's anus with a sword.

The poor demonized hamster roared violently and struggled twice. His body, especially the back door, was bleeding profusely, and the mosaic created by the system couldn't cover it up.

Everyone in the team has gained 5 experience points, and the experience bar has only moved forward by a small amount that is invisible to the naked eye.

"Huh, I'm so tired!"

"Rest, rest!"

The teammates sat down, out of breath, only Zhu Zhuangzhuang and Xie Xiaomeng, who didn't do much work, were better. Xie Xiaomeng was a little embarrassed, after all, she didn't do much except attracting monsters.

"Sister Zhuangzhuang, what are you doing?"

Zhu Zhuangzhuang touched something next to the monster's corpse, Xie Xiaomeng came up behind her and asked curiously.

"No, nothing." The monster didn't explode, Zhu Zhuangzhuang had nothing in his hand, "Don't be lazy, get up and collect!"

The teammates complained and didn't want to move.

"It's all money, hurry up, it will go bad after a long time, hurry up!"

"I'm so tired, I don't want to move"

"It doesn't explode..."

"Yeah, I'm too lazy to brush..."

Zhu Zhuangzhuang was furious, and kicked his teammate who was lying on the ground and couldn't get up, "Lazy brushing? Are you serious?"

The teammate quickly said with a playful smile: "No, no, it's just too tired, Miss Zhuangzhuang."

"Tired fart, I think tens of thousands of us were crowded in a novice village back then, and the monsters were buried alive before the monsters came out... All the poor are like beggars, the old people bully us, walk us like walking dogs Son, have we ever cried out that we are tired? We can't even ask for it, don't be in the blessing and don't know the blessing, get out of here!"

"here we go again……"

"Excuse me!?"

"Get up!"

2 Xie Xiaomeng is very proficient in using a copper collection knife. There is a white line on the back of the demonized hamster that is hard to find, hidden in the dark brown hair. Cut along this white line. Destroy the integrity of the fur, and the integrity of the fur determines the quality of the leather. If the workmanship is good, even white quality materials can be cut.

In addition to fur, hamster meat is also useful. The purchase price of some NPCs is about 2 units per copper, which takes up too much space in the backpack and is usually not needed.

If the internal organs are dried and ground into powder, they can be used as auxiliary materials for some medicines. The price is not bad, higher than that of meat. However, this kind of material comes from various sources, and now I don’t have the time and tools to process it, so I can only regret to give it up. .

The most valuable thing left is the heart of the enchanted hamster.

Hearts are valuable for almost all wild monsters, and the purchase price in the black shop of the system is 5 copper each, regardless of whether it is level 1 or level 5.

5 Copper is already a lot, there was no such a good thing before, once the monster hangs up, the corpse will be refreshed very quickly, even if there is, it will be dropped, not the current collection.

Xie Xiaomeng was able to take out his heart without changing his face, carefully wrapped it with the leaves of a plant, put it aside, and started to deal with the next one.

On the way, she stopped and wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand, and saw that her teammates had almost disposed of the corpse. The blood-stained fur and football-sized 'zongzi' were put aside, and the bloody scene was full of mosaics made by the system.

After counting the gains, Xie Xiaomeng smiled with satisfaction.

"Satisfy you guys. There was no such good thing in the last test. It was really a buckle of copper coins. Some people even became professional beggars. They can beat dogs' brains for bottles of red and blue potions. You are starving to still complain about this and that."

Xie Xiaomeng couldn't help laughing when his teammates couldn't lift their heads after being trained. This test was indeed much better than the last one. Although there were more people, the resources were not so tight.

The settings of the refresh area and the wild area are really good. There are two modes and two ways of playing, each with its own advantages and disadvantages...

Just thinking about this, a drop of rain fell and hit the back of her blood-stained hand, bringing a burst of coolness.

"Ah, is it going to rain?"

"Hurry up!"

The teammates sped up their actions, put away 7 intact mouse skins and hearts, left the mess all over the floor, hurriedly left the scene, and got into the dense forest behind them.

Within a minute of leaving, countless insects and birds flew down and landed on the bloody scene, enjoying this unearned lunch.

In less than a while, dark clouds covered the entire sky. After a burst of lightning and thunder, pouring rain poured down. Even if you hid in the airtight jungle, you were left with nowhere by the splashing water jets. It can be hidden, everyone has become a drowned rat.

"Haha, this is the first time I've seen rain in a game."

"It's so cold..."

"Ah, I have a negative state."

"What a nice view!"

Xie Xiaomeng, who was hiding under a big tree, stared at the sky covered by the canopy, feeling as if he was in a rich oil painting, with green trees, transparent rain, and colorful flowers trembling in the splashing water droplets, everywhere Flying insects hit the wall in the rain column, and chirping birds huddled together on the branches. They shook their gorgeous feathers and stood neatly in rows.

The temperature plummeted, the cold wind blew wildly, and the whole body was soaked, and the feeling was very uncomfortable. As the negative state became more and more serious, the team had to leave the hiding place and sneak into the den of the demonized hamster .

"This damn place... stinks!"

"The torch is soaked."

"Here is dry firewood..."

With their waists bent, they lit a bonfire in a small hole. The warm light dispelled the chill, and the negative state began to ease.

Sitting on the dirty ground, Xie Xiaomeng took off his shirt and roasted it. When he looked up, he saw his teammates sitting opposite him staring at him, and with a belated sound, he quickly covered it with his clothes. chest.

"Hey, elves are indeed airports."

"Disgusting, nasty, low-level!"

"It's a game, don't take it seriously"

In fact, I didn't see anything, there was a layer of underwear inside, which could not be removed by default before, and required a 'special' method, such as enchanting, to make this layer of underwear that was born with attributes.

But this test doesn't need to be so troublesome. In the words of Canaan Company, it is fully close to reality.

If you want to take it off, you can take it off, and only put mosaics on sensitive parts.

"You guys, turn around!"

The magical girl Zhu Zhuangzhuang pointed to the three male teammates and gave orders.

"Don't trust us, so sad...", a guy was shirtless and funny.

"It's nothing to look at, everyone thinks, right?", the ghost horse elf winked and bumped the shoulder of the third person.

"Yeah, yeah, how old are you, Sister Zhuangzhuang, I mean in reality..."

"Turn it or not!" Zhu Zhuangzhuang threatened with staring eyes.

"OK, OK, turn, turn!"

When the three guys turned around, Zhu Zhuangzhuang swiftly took off the soaked top and bottoms and put them on the side of the fire to roast. Xie Xiaomeng saw that she looked like an eleven or twelve-year-old child, and she was indeed nothing to look at. .

The highest point of this burrow is only [-] meters, and it is about ten meters deep into the ground. When everyone came in, they were all crawling.

The hamster's excrement and leftovers are thrown away everywhere, including plants, animal and insect remains. As we all know, the monsters in the game don't need to eat. Even if there is, it is also a scene element.

But this is not the case now, Xie Xiaomeng touched something that looked like a human little finger bone, and looked at it in front of his eyes.

The teeth marks left by the hamster gnawed, the dried marrow in the bone crevices, the goblin's iconic hair on the remaining flesh and blood... If a game is 'realistic' to this extent, is it just realistic?
The theory of aliens and alien technology widely spread abroad is not without soil for survival in China, but mainstream public opinion deliberately ignores these. On the Internet, these things are prohibited words, and players are not without muttering, especially after seeing After how 'realistic' it is...

"... Shall we sing a song?"

"Okay, ok, you come first!"

It was raining heavily, and waiting was boring. The teammates sang songs and took out the dry food in the backpack to replenish the hunger value that was about to touch the dangerous line.

"...I love you for walking alone in a dark alley, I love the way you don't kneel, I love you for being in despair and refusing to cry!"

"Love your tattered clothes, but dare to block the gun of fate, love that you are so similar to me, the gaps are the same!"

"Go, match,'s so unpalatable!"

What a magical, incredible scene.

In a dark, cramped, low, and dirty cave, there is only a bonfire, and five souls from the earth are attached to the bodies of elves, humans, orcs, and dwarves. It is pouring rain outside, and the inside is also dark and terrifying. The singing is so abrupt, but there is an indescribable harmony in the abruptness...

Contradiction, right is contradiction, and contradiction is the most obvious and prominent characteristic of players.

"There's a hole in here!"

"Great, hide away!"

Just when Xie Xiaomeng was thinking, another group of uninvited guests came. They pushed open the thatch at the entrance of the cave and saw the fire coming from inside, "Someone is inside."


"No, it should be a player!"

"Hey, inside, is there any room?"

"Get dressed!"

Zhu Zhuangzhuang put on the dried novice outfit again, and shouted out of the cave, "Come in, there's room."

"Thank goodness!"

"Thank you, sisters~"

"Damn, this hole is so fucking short."

"It stinks..."

"The hole of the enchanted hamster."

The people who came in were all wearing a kind of coir raincoat that they had never seen before? , the person in charge is tall, even if he climbed in, it still gives people a very burly and powerful feeling, human, bronze skin is very textured, the effect of pinching the face is also very good, tough guy style, especially the one at the tip of the left eyebrow A scar, like the finishing touch, makes this face highly recognizable.

"Hello, excuse me!"

This person looks like an old player at first glance, and so does the person behind him. He looks familiar with the market and travels. Not all the novice clothes on his body, but also some "advanced" equipment, breastplate, knee pads , riding boots, wristbands and the like.

The magical girl Zhu Zhuangzhuang only raised her chin, and the elves became more enthusiastic, and quickly let them in, and flattered them with a few words.

"Wow, they are all level 5 bosses!!"

"Haha, I haven't taken office yet, so I can't talk about the boss."

" come there are NPCs?"

Among these people was an NPC who was wearing the Liaison Officer of Xinshou Village No. 119. His expression was dull, and he looked like a functional NPC.
"An escort mission", the leading level 5 boss sat on the dirty ground nonchalantly. His first move was to take off the riding boots that were filled with rainwater. Grilled over a small piece of campfire that was allotted.

"What escort mission?"

"Uh, this..."

"Let's talk about it, boss, we won't rob..."

This person was very comfortable with a big shot. He glanced at the team that was mainly new and said, "We met this NPC on the road. I heard from him that an explosion broke out around Xinshou Village No. 109." Beast tide? Anyway, there is a risk of being conquered by monsters, so..."

"Monsters attack the city!?" The magical girl Zhu Zhuangzhuang jumped up excitedly.

"Maybe there are story missions." The big guy said with a smile.

"Story mission?"

"What plot, world plot?"

"Impossible, at best..."

"That's not bad."

Everyone was chattering, and their eyes lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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