This isn't the Fourth Calamity

Chapter 311 Self-interpretation?

Chapter 311 Self-interpretation?

Where is Novice Village No. 119?
Xie Xiaomeng and the others looked at the map. The straight-line distance is not far, about a hundred kilometers or so. With the player's footsteps, it takes about three or four days to walk there, but along the way they have to cross several nightmare swamps, mountains and canyons. , most of them are the habitats of high-level wild monsters, and there are many places that the map shows are impassable, so the straight-line distance cannot be used to calculate.

If you take a detour, pass through several Xinshou villages, and take a big bend, the journey will not be more than [-] kilometers.

Expect to spend about two weeks.

two weeks?

The day lilies are all bright.

So this escort mission, even if Xie Xiaomeng and the others are determined, they will not be able to keep up. I heard that the situation in Novice Village No. 119 is extremely tense, and even the outer spawn area is occupied by the so-called monster tide. Players can only rely on fortifications , Hiding behind the city wall, dare not go out.

It stands to reason that the server has only just started, even if there are monsters attacking the city, it shouldn't be so fast. The current players are generally level [-] and level [-], what can they do?But who knows what Canaan Company is thinking.

After the rain stopped, Xie Xiaomeng and the others parted ways with the team of old players who escorted the NPCs, regretted for a while, and continued the next adventure.

The jungle after the rain seems to have been washed by water, the sky is transparent, the noon sun is dazzling golden yellow, on a rainbow across the jungle sky, Bei Gaoyang and Xiao Ai look down at the flooded land, and there are monsters surrounded by an island.

"...So, is it a new situation?" Bei Gaoyang said looking at the Novice Village No. 119 below.

I didn't expect such a mistake just after letting go of the control of the wild area. Not only Xinshou Village 119, but many Xinshou villages showed signs of being backlashed by wild monsters.

"I think it's a good thing, my lord." Xiao Ai said.

"On the second day after the server was launched, players are generally only level 1 or 2. If the system does not intervene, several novice villages will fall. How can it be a good thing?"

"This is the inevitable result of loosening control of the wild area. You know, demi-human monsters like kobolds, lizardmen, and murlocs, even though they have been demonized, still have certain social attributes. With the exit of the system, they will inevitably return to their original state. The original ecology can naturally influence and dominate other monsters with lower force and intelligence."

"The large-scale online and invasion of players threatens them, and monster siege is an inevitable phenomenon."

"It seems that you have expected this situation a long time ago?"


"Tell me."

"The wild area should be the main gameplay of adventure and management. The vast map and the upgrade of the magic net make this future possible. I think the system should not interfere too much, just let it perform freely."

"But I plan to let players build and produce cities in the wild."

"This does not conflict with adults. Just imagine, how many coincidences, treasures, challenges and miracles that the system cannot predict will be produced in an endless, unknown, barren, and self-derivative game map? Let players play in such a game environment. Adventure in the middle of the world, you have to devote a lot of effort and spirit to conquer and expand, and the fruit watered by sweat can reap the greatest sweetness, isn't it?"

Bei Gaoyang laughed when he heard the words: "You can also let the false gods of the system participate, and even let external forces join in. The game area and the magic net also have a layer of buffer and a good camouflage?"

"It can also act as an interface with the civilized world, a firewall!"

"Then what should we do now? Sit back and watch Xinshou Village fall?"

"Can a regional expansion pack be released?"

"The current players are useless."

"No player, use NPC."

"You guy, you are really cunning, NPC, is it a player template NPC, I have read your plan, you have long planned to use it in this place!"

"Yes, allowing players to see the stages of each profession in advance is also helpful for them to choose their own career path."

"So, this time the regional expansion pack and monster siege are still dominated by NPCs?"

"Just treat it as a large-scale plot animation."

"Since you've made up your mind, let's do this!"

Bei Gaoyang is very satisfied, Xiao Ai has really grown up, if this is the case, let him show it off.

Novice Village 119, on the low city wall, the aura of magic is as strong as the undulating water pattern. On the city wall, heavily armed guards are handling various harvesting equipment. The city wall is thick, and the excited players are noisy. What a grand festival is being celebrated.

"Expansion pack, there is definitely an expansion pack!"

"Monster attacking the city, it's so spectacular."

"A shooter above level 3 enters the team, and a shooter above level 3 enters the team..."

"Freshly baked bread, 2 copper each, safe and non-toxic, you can kill monsters only when you are full!"


From online to now, many players have never stepped out of the city wall, and the general level is one or two levels lower than other novice villages. Many 0-level players who went online for the first time encountered such a big event when they first came up. It's a mess, and I haven't seen NPC stand up to maintain order.

Outside the city wall, all kinds of monsters have spread to the middle of the mountain, and all the refresh areas have fallen. Many old players went out to explore, but they did not bring back much valuable information.

Not long ago, the village head of Xinshou Village issued a regional announcement, saying that he had sent messengers to the nearby Xinshou Village to ask for help. He also said that reinforcements from major cities and churches were on their way. Get through this sudden crisis.

The story of the expansion pack comes from this. Many clever players tried to trigger the plot missions, but all of them were unsuccessful. The guards did not prohibit the players from going out, which made the players at a loss as to what kind of gourd the system was buying.

Seeing that it has been four or five hours now, the so-called expansion pack and the plot have not yet unfolded, and the players are getting restless in the city, and some bold ones are yelling to form a team and go out to try their luck.

"As long as the old players, as long as the old players, the elite team above level 4, get out of the way, don't make everyone look bad!"

"Agility 5 and above, new and old players are welcome, guerrillas, follow the command!"

"Just kidding me, why are newcomers at level 0 joining in the fun? Get out, get out!"

Qiao Shan was one of the teams leaving the city one after another. The team was full of old players, above level 3, and everyone was very confident.

The ID of the captain, the prodigal son Xiao Li, has never been heard before. The old man was tested three times. I heard him bragging about winning a gold medal and being in the top 50 of the professional competition rankings. He used to play elf shooter, but this time he played tank barbarian.

This guy is very talkative, and the profiteer NPCs at the city gate are all familiar with him. When passing by, he even whispered to Shen for a while, and he didn't know what he said.

Every old player has his own 'cheats', and it's hard for Qiao Shan to inquire about it. After leaving the city gate, there are dense bushes and jungles in front of him. Outside the jungle, groups of demonized goblins wandering with sticks, and demonized Giant mosquitoes, demonized hamsters, etc., things that were brushed badly in the previous few tests.

Veteran players naturally wouldn't take these low-level monsters seriously.

The prodigal son Xiao Li assigned their respective positions and tasks, and kept approaching in a loose formation.

"Stop, no!"

The teammate with the highest perception found the camp behind the hillside, which was made up of many dirty tents, a few rare trolls patrolling the periphery, and a rough pillar stood in the camp.

"what happened?"

"Why is the monster still organized?"

"Troll? Level 15 monster? Did you make a mistake?"

Trolls are rare, they only appeared on a large scale during the Alpha Battlefield expansion, but that was already the third test, and now there are so many of them, and they are still so close to Novice Village.

Monsters like trolls cannot be killed by pure physical attacks. They have an extremely perverted ability to regenerate their limbs. Even if they are cut into pieces, the corpses will spontaneously fuse into one piece. They must be burned with magical flames. in order to inhibit their regenerative ability.

They are powerful, fearless, quick to move, and have a violent and cruel temperament. Let alone the first-level occupations below level 10, if you encounter them, you can only run for your life.

Level 15 elite monsters can only be guards, what else is there in the camp?
Everyone stared wide-eyed, and the confidence of the old players was gone.

"go back?"

"Look again!"

It might not be possible to force it. They found a dense bush to hide, and they were going to see what else was in the camp.

This wait is more than half an hour.

On the way, teams came out one after another and found the camp and the guarding trolls. No one dared to scare the snakes. Just kidding, a single troll might sweep the entire Novice Village.

The hard work paid off, and more than half an hour later, a monster with the appearance of a kobold priest walked out of the tent, and then more strong kobold totem warriors gathered under the strange pillar.

"It's actually a kobold!"

Kobolds are old friends. The famous Kobold Mine dungeon is still the level of employment. We all know that this kind of monster is very intelligent, and it is not surprising that it can dominate monsters with low IQs like trolls.

"Where did this kobold priest come from? It's in the dungeon?"

"No, I know the boss turned into ashes in the dungeon, but this is not it."

"It's too far away, I can't see the ID clearly."

"It must be a boss-level monster."

"Have all the kobolds outside the copy been killed?"

"Maybe it's new from this test?"

"Look again, look again!"

The kobold priest led the kobold totem warriors to dance around the pillar, and everyone looked at it for a long time but couldn't figure it out, but more and more low-level monsters came out of the jungle, and many kobold warriors appeared in the group of low-level monsters Among them, they can actually command and control them.

"Looks like it's coming for real, let's go back!"

"Let's go now? Don't try?"

"Don't be stupid, do you think you are still in your twenties?"

Everyone was about to turn around and go back, when a bunch of messy Mengxin rushed out of the city, as if something was chasing after them, and the one running in the front was still level 0.

"Are they... courting death?"

Not only that, but he was also shouting for some reason, and rushed straight towards the monsters occupying the outskirts of the jungle.

"No... what are they doing?"

Veteran players were dumbfounded, watching a group of ducks running past in a mess, listening to them calling for missions and investigations...

"No way, the system is telling us to die!"

A teammate yelled in surprise.

Qiao Shan was also stunned, most of them were first- and second-level players, what's the use of it, what kind of plane is the system doing.

"Shall we go?"

"There are only three free resurrections per day..."

There was some hesitation in the team.

"Less than 3 hours of game time left?"

" try?"

"Just try it, let's go!"

"You guys go, I won't go!" Qiao Shan didn't want to join in the fun. Going to die in vain is meaningless. Even if there is a task to go back to the city and ask the NPC, it will be clear, and he will waste a chance of resurrection. Not so stupid.

The last two teammates went to try their luck, and the rest returned the same way.

As soon as I got back to the gate of the city, I saw a continuous white light behind me. When I got back to the city, well, almost everyone hung up, including those two teammates who were lucky.

"I hung up without knowing what was going on, and even touched the monster!"

"It seems to have range magic damage, wait a minute, let me check the system log."

"Sure enough, there is a reconnaissance mission, and the prompt has been completed."

"5 points of experience, 2 points of reputation in Xinshou Village, I traded it for a chance of resurrection, what a loss."

"Haha, you should be so impulsive!"

The city is even more chaotic than when we left. After such a touch, the newcomers finally realized that the battles outside cannot be piled up by piles of numbers, and they all made a fuss, saying how such a difficult plot made everyone live. , Is there a bug in the system?

At this moment, the teleportation array in the center of the square began to flicker, and groups of people with the title of [Extraordinary], advanced equipment of various professions, and people wearing light green and silver-rimmed cloaks walked out of it. , and all conform to the preset racial template.

Human mages, elf jungle wanderers, orc barbarians, paladins and priests wearing the holy emblems of various temples, bards with various faces but all of them are beautiful and exquisite, with special shadow effects everywhere The faceless thieves, everyone is riding tall horses, and even the war horses are fully clothed, which is particularly textured.

"For our common cause!"

The head of Xinshou Village appeared to welcome the reinforcements from afar, and the plot started.


The players were all amazed, their eyes glued to the 'template NPCs' of these professions.

"We are the Rebels!"

The leading 'Paladin Template' rides on a unicorn-like warhorse with its right hand raised high.

"We stand against the tyranny of the gods!"

The village chief of Novice Village turned around and looked at the crowded players.

"We sow the seeds of revolution!"

"Looking forward to the raging prairie fire burning everything that is filthy!"

"Come and witness our strength, tenacity, indomitability and faith!"

"Rebels, attack!"

The gate of the city was wide open, and the sound of the system prompting ding dong kept ringing. More than a hundred template NPCs of various professions instigated their war horses and stepped on the path that the players gave way. The fluttering cloaks were like rolling up pieces of light green clouds !

At the same time, a large number of kobolds, lizardmen, gnolls, and goblins gathered in a valley, including some rare high-level monsters. A young green dragon protruded its emerald green head from the dragon lair, like Aware of something, a pair of amber, glazed longan eyes looked towards the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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